"Is this our fighter?"

The Great Elder sighed and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

It has been confirmed that nuclear bombs have no effect on him, and the chances of these most advanced fighter groups being able to inflict damage on him are infinitely close to zero.

But they carried the last hope of the Blue Star civilization, knowing that they would die, but they still charged.

Perhaps, they are the last straw that broke the camel's back?

"Interesting faith, interesting courage, but what good is that? The courage and conviction of ants is the most ridiculous. "

He smiled and whispered, like the whisper of the devil.

"I hate the courage and faith of ants."

He raised his head, changed and closed the book, and stood up, his handsome face turned a little fierce, and he laughed maniacally, like madness, and his fingers flicked.


It was like a golden bell the size of a planet being rung, and the rumbling sound resounded all over the world, turning into a substantial sound wave that stirred in all directions.


All the fighters flew back at a faster speed than they rushed, and on the way back, all the fighters directly disintegrated in the impact of the sound wave, and all the fighters who piloted the fighters exploded and died.


The heads of state of all countries are dead-faced.

They finally learned how powerless ants are in the face of humans.

The last hope of mankind has been dashed.

At this moment, many people on the blue star howled.

At the moment of making the decision, the five countries believed that even if they died, they would let everyone die to understand, announced the truth, and when the nuclear bomb button was pressed, the world broadcast the current situation live.

But the current situation shows that human civilization is finally about to be destroyed.

On the screen, a line of font is displayed:

"The moment we learned the truth, I did my best."

"But alas, we failed, we couldn't destroy him."

"In two days, our world, our civilization, will be reduced in dimensionality, everything we perceive, everything we explore, is set by him, just like the NPCs in the game, the characters in the book, everything is set by him." ,

"And the most terrible thing, we will forget what is now, we will still think that we are ourselves, but in fact we are not ourselves anymore."

"In fact, we can not tell you all this, if we don't tell you, you won't know about dimensionality reduction, and you won't find changes in the world, but we still choose to speed you up, die, and die to understand!"

"In two days, you can do everything you want."

"There is always a time for everything, and in the last two days, let's go home. Hug your parents, kiss your lover and children, reunite with your family, and say goodbye. Good luck to everyone! "

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! This joke! "

"Fake! Fake! I'm dreaming! Hahahahaha! Dreaming it! "

"Oh God! O Jesus! We believe for so long, why can't we be saved! "

"Sanqing Laozu, such as Buddha, Jade Emperor, Laozi begs you, it's time to show the saint!"

"I'm going to your dimensionality reduction!"

Fear, horror, fear, despair... Emotions spread across the globe.

Someone does not believe, someone is crazy, someone is hysterical, someone is roaring, someone is dazed, someone is resigned ...

He was intoxicated to feel the despair and madness of the world, slowly raised His Majesty's eyes, and muttered: "That civilization is also so desperate in the end, but that group of ants still hurt me, otherwise..."

His tone instantly became serious: "Why would you fall into such a lower world..."


He suddenly turned around and stared dead at the figure stepping into the sky in the distance.

That figure stepped in the void, ignoring the spatial distance, and in an instant, he came not far from him.

His gaze froze: "In this world, there should be no such existence." "

What appeared in front of him was Huan Zheng, who had left Xie Yu's house, and just after leaving Xie Yu's house, he heard a loud noise that shook the world, and when he heard it, he saw him.

Boguan Taoist robe, a string of Buddha beads on the chest, like a Taoist monk, non-Taoist and non-monk.

Ying Zheng stood still, bowed his head slightly, fiddled with the indelible causal line on his finger, raised his head to look at him, and smiled: "Little mouse, you were still caught by me by the rat's tail, you are the so-called game mastermind?" Little mouse, can you tell me your name? "

"My name is Seopiewon."

Xie Yuan was silent for a moment and sighed: "I didn't expect that I underestimated your world, and I could actually detect me, and you were qualified to let me know your name." "

His kind of existence, the thought turned countless times, figuring out where the government came from.

The sudden appearance of Ying Zheng made countless desperate people stunned, although the words of the two were like a dumb puzzle, they could see the atmosphere of the two of them.

A ray of hope slowly descended on their hearts.

It seems that Xieyuan is very jealous of this person who suddenly appeared.

Perhaps, Bluestar was saved?

"Win Zheng."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

Many people were very dazed when they heard this name, but many people set off waves of horror in their hearts, and the faces of the heads of state were surprised and strange.

The publicity of the game is too strong, at least eighty percent of people around the world know this game, saying that they will play it when the open beta is available.

And eighty percent of these eighty percent of people have followed the game forum, and almost everyone has seen the top post of the royal shadow on the forum.

In fact, the heads of state know much more in detail than the imperial shadow.


Who too!

Game World Great Qin Shi Emperor!

Huanghuang Daqin!

Invincible in the world!

It can be said that the First Emperor is the highest existence in that world.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is it real?

Many smart people combined with the words that Yue Zheng said before.

Little mouse.

Game mastermind.

Could it be that Xie Yuan also wanted to reduce the dimensionality of the Daqin world, but was discovered by the emperor of Daqin, and hit the real world from the game world along the network cable?

At this moment, the post sent by Xie Yu was turned over, and more than 50,000 messages were restored within half a minute, and Xie Yu's computer frantically ejected messages.

"Groove! Brother, what you said before that someone came to kill you along the network cable, wouldn't it be worth it to be the first emperor? "

"I lean on me! I'm stupid, I don't believe it! "

"Nima, it has actually become a reality to hit you along the network cable?"

The hope in the hearts of the heads of state who had become desperate became a little bigger, and as far as they knew, the Great Qin Emperor was also a fairy-like existence. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - bookmark, recommend, share! ��·3)

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