"Want to kill me? The dream machine chased and killed me for hundreds of years without killing me, by you? "

The black clouds next to the throne of the Great Zhou Taizu rolled and condensed into a divine guard wearing strange armor, holding a spear, or carrying a sword, and fighting a sword.

If the Yuan Qi God wants to kill him, he will not be tied up, and if he can't kill him, he still has to see the real chapter under his hand.

The next moment, Great Zhou Taizu punched out a punch against the Yuan Qi God, and in an instant, his figure became extremely tall, seemingly reaching Jiuxiao and stepping on the Yellow Spring.

"Emperor Ji Hegemony! Great Annihilation Fist. "

The fist smashed out like a hammer of the gods, the void shook, tearing the space, the huge giant fist seemed to suck away the air in a radius of more than ten miles around at once, turning it into a vacuum, and then relaxed, the air bees on all sides crowded in, mercilessly collapsed, as if it was the destruction of the small thousand world!


At this moment, behind the Great Zhou Taizu, there was a sound that seemed to be the explosion of stars, and a spear appeared, stabbing towards the Great Zhou Taizu.

Great Zhou Taizu also did not expect that the Yuan Qi God, a master of the eight thunder tribulations, had the initiative to take the advantage, and there were actually people who sneaked up behind him.

This spear was ready to blow, cutting through the void, and the space within a radius of one mile was all distorted, and as it changed, time seemed to be folded.

Great Zhou Taizu felt that his divine soul had stagnated for a moment.

Two feet, one foot, three inches, one inch.

The white bone spear approached the eyebrows of Great Zhou Taizu at a speed that was fast as lightning, but seemed to be full of snails.

This spear was held in the hands of a figure wearing a black robe, a large black cloak, and his head wrapped in a black robe, and his body was filled with a sulfur, lava smell.

One of the four great gods of the Jingyuan Temple, the god of the underworld!

The white bone on his hand was not condensed by spells, but a real magic weapon! It is a big spine left behind after the ancient evil god was killed! It was enshrined in the Hades Temple, and with huge mana, he practiced this bone spear that symbolized the authority of the Hades!

The ancient evil god, that is, the war god at the peak of the human immortals! A powerhouse of almost the highest realm of martial arts.

The spear of the true god of the underworld is the god of war at the peak of the human immortal, a large vertebrae.

After thousands of years of mana condensation, it has become an unrivaled magic weapon, pierced out by the power of the god of the underworld, enough to penetrate all the tangible and invisible barriers of the great world.


In the moment of life and death, Great Zhou Taizu avoided this spear, but one arm was separated from his body.

"Red Refining Yuan Copper! Great Annihilation God King! "

When he screamed, he didn't forget to fight back, and the more than 10,000 thoughts that were ready to explode turned into a demon god king who stepped on the sky and the earth, like a sphere against it.

The bird-headed man, with broad shoulders and thick gates, and a tall copper-colored flesh crown on his head, is the Great Annihilation God King.

The thought turned into a venerable "Great Annihilation God King", and immediately struggled, and at the same time shook, shattering the blockade of the white bone spear.

"War soul killing, thousands of ghosts group fighting, pounce!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The black cloud of the A-nose throne under his seat rolled, and the killing aura was violent.


An incomparably strong figure appeared above the head of Great Zhou Taizu and slashed towards him with a palm.

It is the Jingyuan God, he is in the Western Regions, and there is also a title, that is, "Hercules", all those who worship force, power, and war will believe in this god and use it to obtain power.


The waves of qi were flying, and the mighty fist intent mixed with masculine qi and blood rushed into the sky, like the sun shining, scattering most of the black clouds that erupted from the Great Zhou Taizu.


Great Zhou Taizu roared unwillingly, and the next moment, the Pope's attack also came.

"The shackles of order, lock the divine power!"

Wave after wave of enemy attacks overwhelmed Great Zhou Taizu almost breathlessly.


Zhou Taizu's entire body was directly exploded, and tens of thousands of thoughts were floating and about to escape, but when the thoughts were still rolling, they were worn out by the four gods and the Pope, turning into pure essence.

The Great Zhou Taizu, who had been in the world for three hundred years, was killed, and he did not escape without a thought.

Before he came, he never expected that he had escaped from the world's number one master, Mengshen Machine, for three hundred years, and he had lived well and died here.

After all, no matter how much the dream god machine chased and killed him, he was only one person.

And each of the four gods here is equivalent to a master of the Six Tribulations, the Pope is a master of the Seven Tribulations, and the Jing Yuan God is a master of the Eight Tribulations, he is normal when he dies, and it is not normal if he can escape.

The Pope sighed secretly: "I actually sincerely invited you to come to help, but my god promised the dream god..."

"My God, what's next?"

Genki smiled slightly: "The easiest way." "


"Actually took the initiative?"

Li Cunxiao's majestic body stood on the void, and his gaze fell on the Western Regions Alliance Army across a distance of twenty miles, slightly surprised.

Daqin had already shown its combat power far superior to theirs, and according to inference, their defense was the most beneficial to them.

"There is a problem." Li Cunxiao's eyes flickered.

He could have prevented the countries of the Western Regions from converging into a coalition army, but he let it go.

In his opinion, pigs gathered together are much easier to kill than pigs scattered and fleeing.

"Meritorious deeds, today! Charge! "

Li Cunxiao fell, looked at everyone in the group army, and the order spread with a bang.


Looking at the Western Regions Alliance Army, a black line that spread for an unknown number of miles slowly appeared in the distance, and gradually, the speed of the black line approaching became faster and faster.

In an instant, the mountains roared a tsunami, and the sound that shook the heavens and the earth resounded in the heavens and the earth.

Five hundred thousand nightmare unicorns run wild.

They are all capable of levitating flight, but on the battlefield, the sound of the four hooves roaring on the ground can also be terrifying.




Above the Gobi, thunder rushed into the sky, and all the clouds were swept away.

Five hundred thousand Nightmare Unicorn cavalry charged in unison, and the heavens and the earth looked much bleaker.

The black tide on the Gobi rolled and shook the ground stones a hundred miles away.

The Great Qin Dragon Banner danced fiercely, the Nightmare Cavalry Group Army was fierce, and the killing spirit of the soldiers was incomparable.

Among the Nightmare Cavalry Group Army, the lowest strength is the Great Grandmaster, which is equivalent to the human immortals in this realm, each of them wearing the fifth-generation Shenwu armor improved by the Divine Mechanic.

Shenwu armor has been improved from generation to generation, and each generation is superior to the armor of the previous generation in all aspects, and the defense power is at least five times stronger than the first generation of Shenwu armor.

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