The original generation of Shenwu armor could only defend against nine-rank attacks at most, but the current Shenwu armor could almost ignore the attacks of innate strength, and the weight was more than half lighter than the armor of the first generation.

Since the popularization of 'Qin Fist' in Daqin, the source of troops is vast, and it has become easy to expand the army, and Qin Fist specializes in other martial arts without any obstacles, flawless transformation, and fusion.

In this world, the most famous and elite army in the world is Hong Xuanji's Mo Dao Army, but those eight thousand Mo Dao Army are only martial artists and innate martial artists, which are equivalent to the nine grades and innate of Daqin.

When Daqin had not yet unified the summers, Hong Xuanji's eight thousand sword army could easily sweep the world.

500,000 matchless iron horses, each of them is a human immortal, the momentum of the charge, there is nothing to ignore, even if it is still ten miles away, the Western Regions Alliance Army feels the majestic as a mountain, blazing as the momentum of fire, and their hearts are shaken.


Five hundred thousand versus five million!

The difference in number is ten times!

The two armies quickly approached.

Ten miles... Eight miles... Five miles... Sanli...

"Erlangs! Kill me! Destroy them! Laying down a lot of dry land, 4 billion people, tens of millions of miles of rivers and mountains, land wealth is enough, enough for you to enjoy inexhaustible! "

In the middle of the army, a big man with a smooth head without a little hair roared, this big man was extremely majestic, his eyes were like the most precious "cat's eye yellow essence gem" in the Western Regions, shining mysterious, deep, but in the deepest part of the pupil, was an uncivilized murderous aura.

He was three meters tall, his arms were large, and he sat down a golden lion more than five meters long.

This person is the vanguard prince of the Western Regions Fire Nation, the "barbarian demon" Cassie, who is a nightmare-like existence among many soldiers of the Great Qian Border Pass.


At this moment, hundreds of thousands of cavalry of the Western Region Alliance Army threw the spears in their hands! Whoops! A spear emitted a sound of wind breaking through the air, like a rain of arrows.


Almost instantly, half a million nightmare cavalry roared low, and the breath was instantly connected, and a nightmare unicorn that was ten thousand zhang tall and more than ten miles long appeared above them, like a living nightmare unicorn beast descending into the world.

It is the soldier-like divine beast condensed by the soldier family's killing array.


This nightmare soldier slowly opened its eyes, as if it were two hells in the world.

Bang bang bang!

Hundreds of thousands of spears seemed to have touched an invisible barrier, and all of them landed on the ground.


The spear did not make meritorious achievements, and the Western Regions coalition army pulled out its bow and arrows, and a million-strong army fired arrows in a volley.

The bow is a strong attack, and the arrow is a gas breaking arrow.

Boo boo boo!

A million arrows fired in unison, and the heavens and the earth instantly darkened.

A million arrows tore through the sky, and a heart-wrenching sound of breaking the air enveloped the Nightmare Cavalry Legion.


The Nightmare Cavalry Legion still simply let out a low roar.


The soldier-like divine beast raised its head and hissed, and then inhaled sharply, like a Kunpeng drinking and swallowing the sea, and the air in a radius of hundreds of miles condensed.

In an instant, the wind howled in the sky dome, stirring the four wilds.


The soldier-like divine beast vomited violently, and the air mass that was inhaled into his mouth like substance erupted, and the air mass exploded violently, like a nuclear bomb exploding, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

It was like an eighteenth-level fierce wind, colliding with the overwhelming rain of arrows.

The piercing power and its terrifying arrows, under this eighteen-level wind, all flew horizontally, and before they could reach the nightmare cavalry, they fell powerlessly to the ground.


Yi Xiaochuan sat across the nightmare unicorn, the spear pierced the void, rubbed the space to bring up a large number of Mars, and blatantly stabbed out, the spear was like a dragon.

After the initial trepidation, Yi Xiaochuan integrated into Daqin, became an ordinary person, learned boxing, joined the army, and entered the Nightmare Group Army.

Now, if he didn't think about it, he didn't realize that he had crossed over.

From being afraid to die when I saw dead people before, to now bathing in blood and becoming a real warrior.

From the bottom of his heart, he was very glad that this crossing let him know that this world was so wonderful, and there were so many worlds in the heavens and realms.


A shot stabbed out, the shadow of the gun flew out, and dozens of gun heads swung out, like a peacock opening the screen.


The spearhead swept by, leaving behind Yi Xiaochuan more than a dozen corpses of the Western Regions Alliance Army, each of which had his throat pierced.

The screams of the Western Region Alliance Army began to sound, one after another, resounding unconsciously, even overshadowing the shouts of killing on the battlefield.


The barbarian Kassie's eyes flashed, and the golden lion's back was seven feet long, and the scimitar with black gold thread wrapped around the handle was caught in his hand.

His body moved, people were like ghosts, trampled under their feet, but they seemed to be like giant bulls, and they killed Yi Xiaochuan with a knife.

He is very smart, although he is a master of the Martial Saint Peak, he understands that he is not the opponent of anyone in the enemy army, there are too many people in the Western Region Alliance, almost drowning the Nightmare Legion, and no one notices that Cassie, the person at the peak of the Martial Saint, is hidden in the crowd and sneak attack.

For Cassie, being able to kill one is one.

As an absolute high-level of the Fire Luo Nation, he knew that the key to the victory or defeat of this battlefield was not the Western Region Alliance Army, but the Jingyuan Temple.

But he must lead the army to charge, and if even he is afraid, the Western Region Alliance will naturally be timid without a fight.

This sudden sword, between the sword light shining, in the eyes of people, a skull purely made of sword light could faintly appear, like a demon descending on the world.

The spirit and momentum of this knife gathered to the peak, and between the trembling of the scimitar, it emitted a tragic cry, full of fierce, violent, fierce, cruel aura.

"Huh? Someone sneak attack? "

Yi Xiaochuan's heart was wary, but at this moment, he did not hurry to pierce the throats of the three soldiers, and the tail of the gun jerked back.


The tail of the gun hit Cassie's blade, his figure was shocked, his eyes were bulging, and the huge force from the end of the gun almost made him unable to grasp the hilt.

"The gap between me and the immortals is actually so big!"

A thought came to mind, and Cassie's feet moved, as if some strange secret method had urged the body's potential, and in an instant he had fled three hundred meters away.

Ring the bell!

One shot repelled Kasha, Yi Xiaochuan did not care too much, everywhere the spear went, countless blood and corpses were behind him.

At this moment, Cassie appeared behind Yi Xiaochuan again, grabbed Yi Xiaochuan's neck with a big hand.

Heavenly Demon Grappler! The huge palm swells, the root nails pop out, the green tendons are like snakes, and they grab it, but they don't know where they come and go like a heavenly demon, which is the most powerful kung fu of "Barbarian Devil" Cassie.

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