In an instant, the sky swirled, and the vast chaotic void flashed away.

The flow of time is in an indescribable state, seemingly only for a moment, and as if hundreds of years have passed, spanning an incalculable time and space.

When Xie Yu's vision was restored, what caught Xie Yu's eyes was the blue sky and white clouds, which was an endless plain, and until the edge of the horizon, you could not see the rolling ice field.

"Have we really crossed the world?"

An incredulous deep voice sounded.

Speaking was a strong man with a scar on his face.

He used to be a special soldier of the Republic, served in the army for six years, retired in the year of the Great Change of Blue Star, and engaged in business after retirement, but the business was tepid.

Later, with the support of Xie Yu, the business gradually improved, and also accumulated tens of millions of properties, this time the authority to develop the world was decentralized, he and Xie Yu hit it off, Xie Yu grabbed the permission, immediately sold the company, purchased equipment.

"Xie Yu, Peng Fei, let's find out what kind of world this is, the ordinary world is still the extraordinary world."

A peaceful and lazy voice sounded, but it was a medium-sized, handsome young man named Long Jue, in Xie Yu's eyes, he had always been a big dog.

Inheriting a commercial building left to him by his parents, although it is only a third-tier city, it collects millions of rents every year, and before the big change, daily games occupied most of his time, living an enviable life of salted fish.

After the big change, he became a martial arts maniac, and his cultivation was actually the highest among the three.

"Let's go."

Xie Yu sorted out the equipment and was about to step away, when suddenly, the faces of the three changed greatly, looking into the distance, and saw that the white line spreading in the distance did not know tens of thousands of meters appeared on the horizon.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook, and a thunderous sound sounded.

10,000 horses galloping!




The thunder on the endless plain was deafening, and the stones under my feet jumped violently.

The three looked at each other, and Peng Fei said solemnly: "Are these people coming at us?" "

Xie Yu took a deep breath: "It is very likely that the existence of the World Will and the like sensed the intruder, and we are like viruses entering a computer program." "

"The will of the world will use various means to expel and kill us invaders, this is only the first level, let alone develop the world."

The distance of tens of miles is rapidly shortening, and the banner hunting, the soldiers are like forests, and the spirit of slaughter rises into the sky.

"White heavy armor, all spears, their crotches are not white horses, but unicorns, running at a speed of nearly 100 meters per second... It seems that this is an extraordinary world..."

Xie Yuqiang endured the numbness in his scalp and observed carefully.

Even tens of thousands of ordinary people rushing here are like mountains and seas, not to mention fully armed cavalry.

Ten miles away, Xie Yu could feel the majestic, almost united army of this cavalry, with this kind of military strength, this is definitely an elite cavalry.

Simply put, this is an army with a military soul.

Although the three of them all possessed the cultivation of the Heaven and Human Realm, except for Peng Fei, the other two had not experienced life and death fights, and at most they were just point-to-point discussions.


The unicorn led by this unicorn cavalry is more than a foot tall at the shoulders, its mane is like snow, pure and flawless, its four hooves are galloping, and its kick is violently exploded, as if it is stepping into the air.

On its back, there was a white armor, holding a spear upside down, Aaron's eyebrows were all cold, staring at the three people in the distance, and the corners of his mouth hooked a sneer: "Intruder!" Die! "

Not long ago, the Goddess of Light suddenly sent down an oracle, and in the eastern Sharad Plain of the empire, there would be exotic invaders.

Therefore, the Pope of Light immediately issued an order to send the Light Cavalry to strangle the invaders.

The Blue Yarn Empire is the diocese of the Goddess of Light, and the vast majority of people in the entire empire believe in the Goddess of Light, and the beliefs of other gods are suppressed and dare not emerge.

Aaron is the leader of the Light Cavalry and a God Domain Knight, he is very confident in the Light Knight, and he is also confident in himself.

It will definitely be possible to strangle the invaders of foreign lands.

There are hundreds of gods in this world, which means that there are hundreds of churches that spread faith on the mainland, and the struggle between religions, war is the most cruel and terrifying.

The Goddess of Light is one of the most powerful gods, and the Church of Light is also one of the most powerful churches, and the Knight of Light is the existence of the Church of Light that other churches are most feared.

There is even the title of the strongest in the Land War of the Knights of Light.

Fifty thousand knights of light, no increase or decrease.

When one enters, one exits.

The strong go up, the weak go down.

The naked strong are honored.

Only a billion followers of the Church of Light elected these 50,000 Knights of Light.

Only true believers are qualified to enter the Knights of Light, which means that even if they are allowed to go to the soup for the Goddess, they will do anything, and once they enter it, they will be blessed by the Goddess of Light and their strength will increase greatly.

Among the knights of light, the weakest are all ninth-level knights, and there are even earth knights, sky knights, paladins, and Aaron, who is a god knight.

Above all knights of light, he was a pivotal figure in the Church of Light, and only the Pope could give him orders.

"For the goddess! Kill! "

"Strangle the alien invaders!"


"What do you say?"

Long Jue's face flushed, and he seemed to be very happy.

"Fuck him!"

Peng Fei burst into laughter.

"Try their jin two first!"

Xie Yu's hand was raised, and a six-barreled Gatling machine gun in the space equipment appeared in his hand, a long bullet chain wrapped around the whole body, and the hideous muzzle of the black hole hole was aimed at the rapidly rushing cavalry.

Peng Fei and Long Jue also appeared a six-barreled Gatling machine gun in their hands, plus the machine gun with a chain weight of more than fifty kilograms was as light as nothing in their hands, Long Jue said excitedly: "I have a feeling that I am playing a game, you say, is this a dimensionality reduction blow?" "

Xie Yu said silently: "When Daqin came, it was also a cooling blow for us..."

Long Jue: "........."


The sound of thunderous horses' hooves became more and more urgent, and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed forward, and Sen Leng killing intent was shrouded.

Xie Yu gradually saw their appearance clearly, all white armor, very good craftsmanship, with the emblem of the Church of Light engraved on his chest, even if he did not understand military affairs, he could see that this was an elite cavalry that had been in war for a long time.

The leading cavalry commander did not wear a face armor, revealing a resolute face, sharp eyes stared at the three people, and roared violently: "Kill the foreign invaders!" "

"Sure enough, it came for us, it seems that the trip to develop the world is difficult, and there are obstacles just after entering."

One thought after another flashed through Xie Yu's mind.

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