
The three of them shouted coldly in unison, pulled the trigger, and with a violent roar of gunfire, the collision of cavalry in the era of cold weapons and six-barreled Gatling machine guns in the era of hot weapons began.

A dark blue tongue of fire shot out from the muzzle, and in an instant, the bullet turned into a gun fire and shot into the galloping cavalry.

From the day of its birth, the working principle of the Gatling rotary machine gun determined that it had the advantages of being able to fire in bursts and firepower, but it also had disadvantages such as large weight and poor mobility.

And in the Blue Star, the Gatling rotary machine gun remained, mainly equipped on fighters.

Of course, the disadvantages of high weight and poor mobility disappear in the hands of three people, and for three people, do not say fifty kilograms, even if it is five hundred kilograms, it does not make much difference.

Four thousand bullets can be fired in one minute, which means sixty-six bullets are fired in one second.

Bullets shot into the cavalry, the domineering charging light cavalry instantly stopped, the cavalry in front was instantly torn apart by bullets, their armor, their fighting strength, could not block Gatling's bullets at all, and the cavalry and unicorns were torn apart.

The bursting rain of bullets tore through the Bright Soldiers, and the rich smell of blood immediately permeated, and the stump and severed arm splattered along with the blood mist.

These former awe-inspiring light cavalrymen were now torn apart in front of Gatling's bullets without even making a scream.


The hundreds of light cavalry charging in front were torn apart, bullets shredded their penetration was greatly reduced, and the cavalry in the rear finally screamed themselves, and then screams sounded one after another.

Aaron's eyelids trembled wildly, his complexion changed wildly, his pupils constricted, and in his field of vision, all his subordinates were torn apart by gunfire.

Bang bang bang!

The powerful Fighting Qi of Light erupted out, forming an incomparably strong barrier in front of him, blocking all the bullets that were shot at him.

But at the same time, his heart shook, these bullets could not shoot through his fighting qi barrier, and he also felt the lethality of these strange alchemical weapons.

Only the Saint Domain powerhouse can block it.

And the Saint Domain powerhouse, no matter what church, what country, or what force in the mainland, can be regarded as an absolute strong, like him, the God Domain powerhouse, the Blue Yarn Empire can count it on a pair of hands.

He could almost imagine the power of this alchemical weapon when it appeared on the battlefield.

What he didn't know was that neither the power nor the rate of fire was as good as Gatlin's Maxim machine gun, which had killed or injured 60,000 people in a single day on the battlefield.

This makes the battlefield a human flesh slaughterhouse, and this weapon, appearing on the battlefield, is faster than cutting straw.

Be sure to kill these three alien invaders!

"All Holy Domain Knights, assemble!"

Aaron let out a growl.

At this time, the knights of light are still being slaughtered, and for the sake of the goddess, they can die without hesitation.

The goddess issued an oracle that to strangle the alien invaders, the oracle is more important than life, so they will definitely not consider fleeing, but will charge with gunfire.

With a mournful roar, their charge was shattered by gunfire again and again, and the corpses of cavalry and unicorns were piled up on top of each other.

The so-called blood flows like rivers, and the corpses pile up like mountains.


Xie Yu's stomach was tumbling, and finally he couldn't help but throw away the barrel of the gun that was red, and the bullet ran out of Gatling, and he spat out a mouthful of filth.

Peng Fei's eyes are also straight, as a former special soldier, he is used to death, but he has never seen this kind of blood drifting pestle, and there are stump and broken arms everywhere.

Peng Fei gently patted Xie Yu's shoulder, and at this moment, Long Jue, who was pretending to be calm next to him, couldn't help but spit out.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of knights of light, eight or nine thousand people died, not a single complete corpse, only a mutilated corpse.

"Kill the alien invaders!"

Aaron roared angrily, and the white fighting qi on his body burst out with dazzling light, like a white flame, rising tens of meters high, and the momentum exploded, rushing towards the three.

"Okay, don't vomit, kill it."

Peng Fei drank low, pressed a device on his chest, only heard a click, the device opened, and turned into countless sophisticated structures, armor, with the light flashing, in less than a second it turned into a set of exquisite blue armor, like a gorgeous set of knightly armor.

"Slash Blade!"

Peng Fei's five fingers were one, and the arm device was derived, expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it became a ten-meter-long chopping blade!

The knight of light who followed Aaron's rush was stunned.

A knife more than a dozen meters long?

This is the God of War Armament, which is a combination of technology and super Xuan technology that belongs to the super god world.

The cheapest God of War armament also cost 10 million, and the three of them scattered their family wealth and each spent 30 million to buy the God of War arm.

It is rumored that the top God of War armed with a single sword can split the stars.

That's the 'Star Chopper Blade'.

And their God of War weapon is the 'Slashing Blade'.

As the name suggests, it is possible to barely split the peaks.

Peng Fei twisted his neck, and Zhenyuan burst out, seeping into the God of War Army, causing the God of War Armor to emit a slight light.

"This feeling, you get what you pay for... My strength has at least doubled..."


With a bang, Peng Fei wielded a slashing blade more than ten meters long, and slashed out with a sword, the sword light was practiced in one piece, and the knife qi surged wildly.

With a slash like an electric flint, the earth was cut by an extremely sharp knife qi that was more than ten meters long.

Followed by Xie Yu and Long Jue, who inspired the God of War to arm, each carrying a ten-meter-long slashing blade to kill them.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents.

In the eyes of the three, these people are blocking their way to wealth.


The air flow exploded in all directions, and ripples of violent shocks rippled in the space, turning into shock waves that shook hundreds of meters.

In the disbelieving gaze of the remaining knights of light, Aaron had soared into the air, shattered layers of space, and flew a hundred meters away, while the unicorn under his crotch was split in half by Peng Fei's sword, spilling blood all over the sky.

Although the combat power of the Qin Fist cultivated by Long Jue and Xie Yu is not strong, it is also equivalent to the same realm, and among all the knights of light, only Aaron, a knight of the Divine Domain, can barely match them.

The remaining Holy Domain Knights, Sky Knights, Earth Knights, and even the Ninth Rank Knights were all vulnerable in front of Long Jue and Xie Yu, who were equipped with supergod weapons, and the speed of death was no less than that of Gatling's extremely strong strafing.

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