There is a Confucian saying: It is easy for a thief to break a mountain, but it is difficult for a thief to break a heart.

Among the practitioners, they know in their hearts that there are gods and demons in this world, and they know in their hearts that the Rulai that Cihang Pudu has changed is fake, but no matter how they look at it, it is no different from the arrival of the real Buddha.

Practitioners also say: If you have an immortal Buddha in your heart, you know that it is false, and it is difficult to break the immortal Buddha in your heart.

Which practitioner's goal is not to cultivate an immortal Buddha, since they yearn for an immortal Buddha, the immortal Buddha is extremely powerful in their hearts, how can they break it?

Those who regard the immortal Buddha as nothing are either as strong as iron and stone, or they are even stronger than the immortal Buddha.

This demon monk has a demon in his heart, but there is no immortal Buddha, and there is no pressure to pretend to be a Buddha.

Yan Chixia trembled all over, but she could no longer split that sword, even though she very much wanted to chop this 'Buddha Rulai' in her heart, but she had a weak heart.

"Huh? What the hell is this? A centipede dressed up? "

At this moment, an interested voice suddenly sounded, but in the ears of Yan Chixia, Zuo Baodao, and Zhiqiu Yiye, it was like a heavenly sound.

They followed the sound and looked over, but they saw a group of people suddenly appear not far away, and the one who spoke was a man with an extremely majestic posture and a supreme domineering look in his eyebrows.

The three swore that they had never seen such a majestic and domineering man in their lives, but just standing there, they supported the heavens and the earth like the Optimus Pillar.

No one has found out when this pedestrian appeared.

"What a holy place!!"

They didn't know that Cihang Pudu's heart was even more shocked, and a pair of big Buddha eyes burst out like a great sun, falling on the body of this pedestrian.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Xiang Yu's face was expressionless, and he gently raised his hand, as if he was driving away a fly, and flicked his fingers.



Xiang Yu's bullet was like a star destroyer cannon firing, the void exploded layer by layer, destroying and dispersing the Buddha light in the sky, and the Suo Fanyin stopped abruptly, and the solemn Buddha sitting on the lotus platform immediately disappeared.

"Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhh

A wave of resentment, bitterness, horror, and incredulous screams sounded, as if something terrible had never been encountered before.

In the gaze of Yan Chixia and the three, the Buddha was like a moon in the water and dissipated, revealing the old monk sitting on the Skeleton Mountain, the old monk's eyes were full of horror, and then his body exploded, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the other monks on the Skeleton Mountain also ended up with the same fate as him.

In the process of the explosion of flesh and blood, his body expanded sharply, turning into a hideous centipede that was hundreds of feet long and had ten thousand feet.

This centipede exploded in flesh and blood, turned into dozens of segments, and fell with a bang, and blood spilled like a waterfall.

"Death... Die...... He's dead? "

Zhiqiu Yiye's face was sluggish.

"Great... Big...... Probably...... Die..."

Yan Chixia swallowed her saliva hard, and her heart jumped.

How fierce and mighty this Cihang Pudu was, such a fierce and powerful great demon, but it was killed by the majestic man's fingers, effortlessly.

How strong should this majestic man be?

Could it be that the immortal god came to the world?

"Thank you for saving our lives, under the Kunlun Sect Zhiqiu Yiye, I don't know where Your Excellency is holy, we will also thank you in the future."

Zhiqiu Yiye stepped forward and bowed, close to the man who killed Cihang Pudu with a snap of his fingers, Zhiqiu Yiye clearly felt how majestic this person was, he was already tall among ordinary people, very few people were taller than themselves, but this person was a head taller than himself, standing there, like a hill.

In every pore of him, Zhiqiu Yiye could feel the furious and unparalleled power, and the breath that emanated from his body was like an abyss, and the oppressive Zhiqiu Yiye breathed uncomfortably, almost suffocating

Zhiqiu Yiye knew in his heart that this was still the feeling that this person had converged his strength and breath to himself, if this person did not converge his breath, I am afraid that he would have been crushed and kneeled and crawled on the ground without making a move, and there was no need for any tricks such as bells and whistles.

"We, the Kunlun faction, are only afraid that if we raise the faction together, I am afraid that we will all be killed by his finger."

I don't know why, such a thought suddenly popped up in Zhiqiu Yiye's mind.


Xiang Yu glanced at Zhiqiu Yiye condescendingly, with no intention of speaking.

"You don't have to thank you, just answer a few questions from us."

Yue Buqun behind Xiang Yu quickly stood up and said, Yue Buqun has always been very good at observing words, this is a talent of his, these days, he probably knows who his boss Xiang Yu is.

He is an extremely defiant, extremely confident, arrogant, and high-eyed person, and people he can't look at are too lazy to say a word.

That's not contempt, that's utter disregard.

Just like humans to ants, not despising ants, but completely ignoring ants, ants are alive or dead, humans will not care, and even get interested, will step on the ants to death.

Destroy you, what do you have to do with it.

Even if it is the subordinates of these conquest divisions, they will definitely not say one more word if they can say one less word on weekdays.

Among the Great Qin, only His Majesty the First Emperor could make him submit willingly.

The entire Great Qin can make him say a few more words, only Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Donghuang Taiyi, Huo Qubing... Wait for a few people, no him, just because they are strong enough, that's all.

In Daqin, Huo Qubing was actually a very similar person to Xiang Yu.

are all super god generals, who showed the talent of demons when they were teenagers.

When Huo Qu was a sick teenager, he looked like a gentleman who indulged in the sound of dogs and horses, and it was a common thing to walk the long streets and disturb the people, and he had done all the things that the second generation of top officials could do.

Fortunately, he has an uncle Wei Qing, who is a general, and Wei Qing saw that no, in this way, my nephew Huo Qubing will really become a junior, so he put Huo Qubing into the army to experience and teach personally.

Good fellow, no one knows, this seemingly gentle Huo Qubing entered the army, followed Wei Qing on the march, twice rushed eight hundred li, won the whole army, and was named the champion marquis.

Some people, who have studied the art of war all their lives and fought wars all their lives, cannot fight a beautiful war, and a young man Huo Qubing showed extremely evil talent as soon as he entered the army, and won the title of the whole army.

This is something that no one can envy, this is a natural talent, for all kinds of war, born to know.

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