Later, several expeditions, expeditions of thousands of miles, and the sealing of wolves were the highest glory of every general and the most magnificent poem of the literati.

At a young age, he became a champion and was named the champion marquis, but Huo Qubing's personality remains unchanged, he is a champion marquis, and he is also a lonely young man, you have the ability, he can see you, you are not capable, he is too lazy to look at you directly.

People are not arrogant teenagers, both of them are teenagers who became famous and have the qualifications to be arrogant, even if they are arrogant, others are convinced.

"Your Excellency, just ask."

Zhiqiu Yiye inadvertently took a few steps back, only then did he feel that his breathing was much smoother, looking at Yue Buqun, who was dressed in a confucian shirt, his face was white and his temperament was elegant.

"Where is this?" Yue Buqun asked.

"Dayu, Jingzhou, fifty miles outside the capital, inside the Cihang Hall."

"Who are you?"

"I am Zhiqiu Yiye of the Kunlun Sect, the beard is Yan Chixia, Sanren, that person is the imperial court Qianhu, Zuo Baodao."

Yue Buqun nodded slightly: "Where is Dayu." "

"Dayu is a small country in the human road, located in the southeast of the human road, just a drop in the ocean of the human road."

"The way of the world..."

Yue Buqun's heart moved slightly, and his face continued to ask, "How many countries are there in the Dao of the World?" "

"Eight hundred large countries, three thousand small countries."

"How big is a small country, how big is a big country."

"Small countries stretch for tens of thousands of li, such as Dayu, more than 40,000 kilometers long from east to west, more than 30,000 kilometers from north to south, and hundreds of thousands of li in large countries, such as Daji in the middle of the human road, it is rumored that it stretches a million kilometers from east to west and 800,000 kilometers from north to south, even cultivators are difficult to cross vast areas."

Zhiqiu Yiye was full of emotion: "If you are a small mortal, you are really like an ant in this heaven and earth, and you can't understand heaven and earth." "

"Have you ever heard of the Five Finger Mountain?" Yue Buqun continued to ask.

"Five Finger Mountain? I heard that for five hundred years, countless cultivators have wanted to kill the peerless demon Sun Wukong, obtain great merit, and become an immortal and a god, but it is a pity that no one can find the location of Sun Wukong for five hundred years. "

"Compared to peerless demons like Sun Wukong, demons such as Cihang Pudu are far from worth mentioning."

"In which country is the Five Finger Mountain?"

Zhiqiu Yiye pointed to the east: "In the easternmost country of the human road, it is a small country, less than 20,000 kilometers long from east to west, and more than 20,000 kilometers from north to south. "

"The human road is so vast, there can't be only one Five Finger Mountain, right?"

"Yes." Zhiqiu Yiye said in a deep voice: "The human path is vast, and there are not a hundred or eighty called the Five Finger Mountain, but usually the Five Finger Mountain that cultivators call the Five Finger Mountain refers to the Five Finger Mountain of the Yu Kingdom, all because it is rumored that the peerless demon Sun Wukong is suppressed there, but unfortunately, it is only a rumor." "

The two asked and answered, and Zhiqiu Yiye answered very cheerfully, as long as he knew, there was nothing to hide.

"The last question, outside the human path?"

"Beyond the earthly path there is heavenly humanity, the way of Meru, the way of hell. Heavenly humanity is also called the immortal realm, the place where the immortal gods live, the Meru path is called the western heaven, the place where the Buddha and the bodhisattva live, and the hell path is called the place of reincarnation by us. "

"Thank you."

Yue Buqun smiled at the corner of his mouth, bowed slightly, and Zhiqiu Yiye hurriedly returned the salute: "No thanks." "

The next moment, Xiang Yu, Yue Buqun and the group stepped out and disappeared into the field of vision of the three.

After a long time, Yan Chixia slowly exhaled: "Zhiqiu Yiye, what do you think they are holy?" "

"Where is it sacred?" Zhiqiu Yiye smiled bitterly: "No matter where he is holy, people saved our lives, Yan Chixia, don't pass by, this time down the mountain experience, let me understand how weak I am." "

"See you soon."

Yan Chixia hugged her fists and said solemnly.

Seeing that Qiu Yiye was far away, Yan Chixia took a deep breath and looked at Zuo Ba Dao: "What are you going to do?" "

"There must still be the remnants of Cihang Pudu in the dynasty, and I will definitely help the emperor to rectify the chaos and wipe out the remnants!" Yan Manzi, come back too. Zuo Baodao looked at Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia shook her head firmly: "No, the imperial court is a swamp, it is difficult to get out when you fall into it, since you withdraw, you will retreat completely, you and I will leave it alone." "

Zuo Ba Dao sighed slightly, but he also knew that people had their own aspirations and could not be forced.


"This realm is very big, the water is very deep."

Yue Buqun sighed with emotion.

Xiang Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and his face was calm: "If not, how could this seat enter this realm." "

The people who entered this realm were Xiang Yu, Yue Buqun, Zhang Sanfeng, and seven people, including GOD, Ghost Guzi, Xun Cheng, Yue Mulong, and Cao Changsheng.

Compared to the people who developed the world on his own, the people within the Harvesting Division had a great advantage.

As the strength of the government becomes higher and higher, many functions of the door of time and space can be brought into play, at the beginning, there is only the basic search world, lock the world, frame the door of time and space, after constructing the door of time and space, you can show the general information of the locked world, but also cover the breath, not be discovered by the will of the world, and thus expeled.

And self-applying for the development world is like a lottery, before entering the world, you don't know what world you are entering.

The world information read by the Gate of Time and Space contains the background of a world, strong or weak, and destiny.

Destiny is not eternal, but constantly changing, different worlds have different durations, ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, all possible.

And judging from the information manifested in this realm, the current destiny of this realm is to 'travel west to learn the scriptures'.

In other words, no existence in this realm can destroy the 'westward journey to learn the scriptures', which is destined to be completed.

Since this realm is like the Mandate of Heaven, what Xiang Yu wants to do is to destroy the 'Westward Scripture', destroy the Mandate of Heaven, and confuse the will of the world.

"Journey to the West." GOD thought thoughtfully.

"What is Journey to the West?" Oniyako asked.

GOD's long eyebrows trembled: "Journey to the West is a novel in our world, the whole book mainly describes the story of Sun Wukong's birth and the trouble in the Heavenly Palace, meeting Tang Monk, Zhu Bajie, Sand Monk and White Dragon Horse, traveling west to learn scriptures, going through hardships and dangers along the way, descending demons and demons, experiencing nine nine eighty-one difficulties, and finally arriving in the West to meet Buddha Rulai, and finally the story of the five saints coming true." "

"The 'Westward Journey' of this world also has the peerless demon Sun Wukong, as well as the Celestial Immortal Realm, Meru Dao Western Heaven, and Hell Dao Difu reminds me of the novel Journey to the West, and the background of the two is very similar to what is about to happen."

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