They stood in front of a stone gate, which was so tall, standing in front of the door and looking up, with no end in sight, because the yellow clouds were enveloping, one by one, and the mist was misty.

There are many marks carved on the gate, which are primitive ancestors, worshipping the sun, moon, thunder and lightning, fearing the ghosts and gods, and all kinds of ancient beasts, strange insects, etc.

There are powerful fluctuations in the gate, and if the emperor and below forcibly push it open, they will be calamitous.

Push open the gate and walk through the Huangquan River in the world, there is a huge stele next to the riverbank, and there are several large characters engraved in the ancient divine script: Emperor Soldier Mountain.

In the upper reaches of the Huangquan River, there was a huge creature, it was a crimson horse with a dragon head and thick limbs.

With a dragon groan, this dragon horse turned into a red xia fairy qi, disappeared in place, reformed into a red dragon in the sky, shook its head and tail, and disappeared.

"This is the path to becoming an immortal that the demon emperor walked, and it is also the tomb he prepared for himself."

The killing methods in the tomb are extremely prosperous, but they can't hinder the two in the slightest.

On an altar, they saw a piece whose imperial soldier was a ruler, cast with the most mysterious feathered lapis gold, which was the same name as phoenix blood red gold, fairy tears ~ green gold.

I don't know why it broke, became five-cut, scattered - on the ground.

"Demon Emperor Ruler."

This is the first ancient emperor of the demon race, once looked down on the ancient and modern, proud of the heavens and domains, his invincible demeanor illuminated the starry sky, the name of Hehewei makes people tremble when they are mentioned, supreme, the era he ruled, nine days and ten lands dare not obey.

Now even the imperial soldiers have been broken into five.

The specific age of the Demon Emperor Xueyueqing is no longer available, and it can only be determined that it was the Dao Yan Emperor who preached after the Daoyan, and the specific time is no longer known.

When the Demon Emperor was young, he followed the ancient road of the Terran race and was chased and killed by everyone, but the result was that the war became stronger and stronger, and the world and the earth were invincible.

Its body is not strong, it is just a snow hare, but it has become the supreme of Gaidai, known as the supreme of the world, the heavens and all the worlds, only I am the only one.

Before he became enlightened, he had a bloody battle that shocked the eternal world, killing the Supreme, and there was more than one Supreme.

In that battle, the sky was shattered, the ghosts cried and howled, and it was hard for people to imagine that he roared in the universe alone, defeated ten sides in one night, and killed all competitors to reach the top strongly!

With the voice of the snow hare, he can slash the supreme before preaching, which shows the strength of this demon emperor's combat power.

The strongest combat power in ancient and modern times, this demon emperor has a place.

Xueyueqing, according to legend, is a man dressed in white and victorious over snow, surpassing the gods, in that era, he attacked the gods of the nine heavens, and the corpses under the nine shadows of the lower town, rich and peerless, unparalleled in the world.

Although his origin is very small, just a snow hare, but he is so ordinary step by step, and finally becomes the Extreme Dao Demon Emperor.

Ying Zheng broke the ruler into five pieces, and the Demon Emperor Ruler buzzed in his hand to resist, and the scene was projected, showing the scene of the Demon Emperor dying in battle.

One after another, the world-destroying immortal mangs exploded and shattered the ancient blue sky, and all the domains were instantly shattered to kill all the sages in the world.

Only a white-clothed figure stood under the firmament, let the stars be disillusioned, see the sea into smoke, see the sky turn into ashes, he has always been immortal, and has endured this great coercion.

That is the Demon Emperor of Gaidai, white-clothed Shengxue, his eyes are deep, his eyes are open to the world, and the scene of the destruction of the stars and rivers inside, he is motionless and lives forever in the world.

He wielded the Demon Emperor Ruler, and the cyan fairy light bloomed, bursting through the nine heavens.

In the end, the Demon Emperor spewed out a mouthful of reverse blood, dyed his white clothes, and the light on his body dimmed a lot.

"It's night, it's too late."

The Demon Emperor's black hair instantly turned snow-white, although he was heroic, but after all, he was in his twilight years, and his combat power was no longer at its peak.

"Perhaps, if my combat power is a little stronger, I may be able to walk out of a heavenly road."

The shaky demon emperor moved forward again, walking very hard, and finally a road that he forcibly broke out collapsed, and he also flew out horizontally, watching the Chengxian Road that was forced out of ashes.

"Wangu, it's only for a moment, the only correct location, the peak combat power of the competition with Tianyi, many factors combined, maybe it can break through... Extreme sublimation. It's a pity that I'm old and don't regain my peak combat power. "

The Demon Emperor let out a long sigh.

That fleeting "point in time" came too late, when he was no longer young, even if the emperor also declined, he was only a little, and finally failed to enter the end of the immortal road.

The scene slowly dissipated, the two looked at each other, and said almost in unison: "It's all right!" "

Ask for flowers

The Chengxian Road they had explored before was all right, as the Demon Emperor said, the Chengxian Road only appeared for a moment for tens of millions of years, and the places where it appeared were changing.

If you want to break into the Chengxian Road, the right time, the right place, and the combat power against the sky are indispensable.

Huan Zheng said: "If you want to wait for Chengxian Road, the difficulty of breaking into Chengxian Road is no more difficult than that of Red Dust for Immortals." "

"Then, red dust is fairy."


The first emperor was 50,000 years old, and the first son of the ruthless emperor was born, and he was born as a quasi-emperor cultivator, and the entire universe was speculating about how brilliant his future would be as the son of two great emperors.

For a time, the universe moved, and the major forces saw the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor who had not appeared for a long time, without a little old age, and were still at their peak.

............ 0

"The First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor may live forever."

Some people were shocked.

Since ancient times, except for those supremes who cut themselves off, no one has ever lived fifty thousand years.

Even the emperor and the immortal emperor will not do.

In these tens of thousands of years, there have been fluctuations in the Dao of Transformation in various parts of the universe, and that is the Supreme Dao.

They did not survive the death of Ying Zheng and Ying Xian Xian, they themselves were burned to death.


"The ancients are a hundred years old in spring and autumn, and their movements are not weak." Ye Fan closed the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" and was fascinated by the ancient era contained in the Suwen text.

"Outsiders! Die! "

This year, he often dreamed, and there were cold sounds in his dreams that shook the sky, and the killing intent made him creepy in his dreams, and every time he woke up, he was soaked all over.

I went to the hospital for examination, and even went to see a psychologist, but I still don't know what the reason is.

A few years after graduating from university, he developed well, accumulated millions of properties, and in the confusion of relatives and friends, he quit his job and embarked on the road of seeking immortals.

He realized that he was different from others.

He told his friend the clear sound of a dream, and no one believed it, but he knew that it was not just a dream.

At first, I had a dream once every three or five days, and then I had this dream more and more frequently, and I had this dream every day for these two months.

The dream is vain, and only the voice full of killing intent constantly echoes. _

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