The dream scene is also becoming clearer and clearer, and two figures can gradually be seen in the empty dream space, but it is very blurry.

Because he had the same dream every day, his nerves were very weak, his energy was weak, his face was pale, and there was no blood, and outsiders thought that he was seriously ill.

Ye Fan closed his eyes and adjusted the frequency of breathing.

"Lifting heaven and earth, grasping yin and yang, breathing essence, independently guarding God, and having one muscle, so that you can live the heaven and earth, there is no end, this Tao is born..."

In ancient times, who have been mentioned many times in the Suwen chapter, there are people who have insight into the changes in heaven and earth, refine their essence qi, and can live forever.

He didn't believe in immortality, but with this year's immortal seeking, although he met a lot of liars, he also really met some people who got masters, such cultivation, immortal life is uncertain, but longevity must be possible.

"817" The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" in his hand was given to him by a 110-year-old old Taoist in Wudang, which is different from the outside world, and the old Taoist said that this is the real "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon".

In the past two months of practicing Su Qian, although the dream is still the same, but the spirit is gradually better, and the face has returned to blood red.

The phone rang, Ye Fan opened his eyes and picked up his mobile phone to answer.


"Ye boy, how is the cultivation question recently?"

Although Chang Daoist is 110 years old, he is not out of touch with modern times.

Ye Fan smiled: "Thank you for the long time, I really slept well in the past two months, and my spirit has improved a lot." "

Chang Daoist said that he and Ye Fan were still quite close, the difference was eighty or ninety years old, but it seemed that he had forgotten the New Year, otherwise he would not have given the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" to Ye Fan.

He was also very knowledgeable, but he didn't know what kind of problem Ye Fan encountered.

He has some skills, in the era of ignorance, he is also called an old immortal, and he is not an immortal after all, but some cultivation in his body, more than a hundred years old, he is still bright and quick.

His medical skills may not be comparable to the current hospital, and many large hospitals cannot solve the problems, and he can only do his best.

"In the past two months, I have consulted many texts and have not found a solution to your problem, so if you go to the Taishan Mansion Junmiao to find an old Taoist priest, you may be able to find a solution to your problem."

Ye Fan was very moved: "Thank you Dao Chief." "

People are not related to him, but they have spent a lot of energy on this problem for him, and relatives may not be able to achieve this level if they are not close relatives.

He also listened to such powerless words, and now he has listened calmly.

"By the way, there is an old Taoist priest in the Junmiao Temple of Taishan Mansion, there is only one female Taoist, what you are looking for." Chang Daoist reminded.

Ye Fan's face was strange: "Dao. There will be no old relationship between them, did you fail her, or did she abandon you, she won't anger me..."! "

Chang Daoist was silent for a few moments, and then there was a lion-like roar on the mobile phone, which was deafening, and Ye Fan only felt that his ears were almost deaf.

Di Di Di

The phone hung up, Ye Fan's face became more and more strange, listening to the voice of the common Daoist roar, there was a bit of annoyance into anger, these two people will not really have an old relationship, right?

No way...... No way......

Chang Daoist is one hundred and ten years old, and if the two have an old relationship, the one in the Taishan Mansion Junmiao is estimated to be about the same age.

The old love of two hundred-year-old gang dishes?

Ye Fan snorted coldly.

The pleasant ringing of his mobile phone interrupted his thoughts, it was from his classmate Lin Jia, a very shrewd and beautiful woman who went to a neighboring city after graduation and was promoted to department manager a year ago with extraordinary means.

The two once had an ambiguity, I can't tell if he is pursuing or Lin Jia is approaching, the two have been ambiguous for half a year, and the heat in his heart dissipated, because he gradually realized that Lin Jia was a more realistic woman.

Lin Jia is a very beautiful and moving woman, and her shrewdness and reason are better than her beauty, she clearly knows what she needs and how to do it, which can be said to be very realistic.

Such a woman is not suitable for him.

However, although the two cannot be lovers, they can still be friends, she showed excellent communication skills in college, it is easy to get closer to people, and the relationship between the two is not much estranged.

The two joked a few words, Lin Jia said the purpose, it turned out that she did not know the specific location of the party, and today she wanted to go with Ye Fan: 0

"To the yin and void, the weather to the absolute, to the yang, and the earth qi is insufficient. Yin and yang go hand in hand, to what people do. Yin and yang intersect, yang qi comes first, yin qi comes later..."

Ye Fan slowed down his breathing, and his mind gradually fell into emptiness.

Dream, here it is again.

"Outsiders! Die! "

The deafening and murderous Dao sound trembled, and Ye Fan's eyes widened, trying to see the appearance of the two figures in the dream.

"One tall and one short..."

"It seems to be still a man and a woman..."

Ye Fan tried hard to get closer, wanted to see clearly.

"Closer, closer... I'll be able to see it a little closer..."

"In that woman's hand, she seems to be holding a... Infant? "

"Outsiders! Die! "


In the dream space, Ye Fan finally heard clearly where the voice full of killing intent came from, it turned out to be from the thundercloud high in the sky, in the thundercloud, a vertical eye stared at the man and woman, cold, ruthless, cruel, and the terrifying aura emitted made Ye Fan's whole body chill.


The terrifying aura burst out, and the thunderclouds rumbled and split hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning, and purple thunder whips stretched for tens of millions of miles, slashing fiercely towards the man and woman.

Ye Fan was creepy, such a momentum is only afraid that the earth will easily turn into dust under this thunder and lightning, right?

Who is this man and woman? 4.0

How could you suffer such a calamity?


Ye Fan only saw that the man understated it, and billions of thunderbolts suddenly turned upside down and smashed into the heavenly dome.


The thunderclouds rumbled and exploded, shattered, and after a while, the thunderclouds regrouped, and Ye Fan felt the aura of rage in his eyes that re-condensed.

Ye Fan was dumbfounded, my dream is too outrageous, there are actually people who can fight against Tianwei.

"Find death!"

The man rushed to the sky with an extremely strong and cold killing intent.

In a moment of movement, the dream space did not shake violently, and Ye Fan's heart shook wildly, only feeling that his consciousness had almost dissipated.

"My mother... I won't die in my dreams..."

Ye Fan shivered, it is not that there are no examples of dying in dreams in the world. _

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