Turning to the first page of the book, what comes into view is: what is practice?

"Cultivation begins with the wheel of life of the human body..."

"Everything has a place of origin, and there is also such a place in our human body, which is the root of life vitality, containing the essence of the whole body, which is called the life source wheel, which can also be called the life wheel."

"Create life in the sea of suffering, brew vitality in the silence, cultivate divine veins, sacrifice into a bridge, reach the other side, and come to the end of the sea of suffering..."

In an instant, another month passed, Ye Fan could not sense the wheel of life, there was no waves, there was silence, but after daily practice, he was refreshed, full of comfort, and full of energy.

These days, his strength has become more and more powerful, his speed has also increased a lot, and his body seems to have an inexhaustible spirit.

Before he practiced, he had tested his strength, and after two transformations, his arms had the power of 10,000 catties, and now his energy was almost boiling, his qi and blood were exceptionally vigorous, and his surging arms were at least tens of thousands of catties of strength, comparable to an elephant.

This month, Ye Fan drank dozens of bottles of herb liquid.

This medicinal liquid is turquoise green and has a special grassy fragrance, which has an extraordinary effect on opening up the bitter sea, and can save a lot of time and energy for the monks.

It is said that this medicinal liquid is the essence extracted from a hundred kinds of herbs, and if it is the essence contained in the human life wheel, it is called a hundred herb liquid.

"Pombo, I have a feeling! I finally sensed the existence of the Wheel of Life, where the source of divine power was boiling! "

Ye Fan was pleasantly surprised, and after a month of perseverance, there was finally a change.

"Hurry up! All drunk! "

Pang Bo hurriedly handed his hundred herb liquid to Ye Fan, Ye Fan was not polite, took it directly, took it one by one, drank three bottles in a row, the whole body qi and blood boiled violently, quickly fell and sat down, running the Dao Sutra, the words flowed by, sensing the wheel of life.

Boom rumble!

Pang Bo was stunned, he heard the rumble coming from Ye Fan's body, that kind of sound, like the sound of the surging waves of the great river hitting the shore, and like the roaring sound of the 100-meter waterfall falling from the 100-meter waterfall.

The movement of Ye Fan's qi and blood even made Pang Bo have a deafening feeling.

"Sensing the Wheel of Life... Open up the sea of bitterness..."

"Sensed it!"

The next moment, Ye Fan felt that the source of divine power of the wheel of life was boiling, blooming with divine brilliance, dazzling, endless waves, golden light, thunder and lightning, and terrifying waves.


The wheel of life rose from the sea of suffering, and the black sea of bitterness was invaded by the wheel of life and gradually turned gold.?

The turbulent golden bitter sea above the sea of thunder and lightning burst out from time to time, intertwined with the monstrous tsunami, making the heaven and earth blazing, the sea and sky connected, everywhere is brilliant golden light, extremely dazzling.


Pang Bo was stunned: "Why didn't I open up the bitter sea at all, and the leaves opened up the bitter sea like they wanted to become immortals!" "

Doesn't it mean that the path of cultivation of the Desolate Ancient Body has been cut off?

How do I feel that the leaves are about to become immortals?

Pombo was almost petrified in situ.

Half an hour later, Ye Fan opened his eyes, his eyes were brilliant, and two rays of light burst out.

"I opened up the sea of bitterness..."

Ye Fan was ecstatic, and the corners of his mouth were grinning to the root.

He had already crossed the first step on the path of cultivation.

"Yezi, succeeded?"

Pang Bo asked nervously.

Ye Fan nodded, but his face was a little strange.

The sea of suffering of the monks, as the name suggests, is silent, lifeless, and devoid of life fluctuations.

However, Ye Fan's bitter sea was in the center, and the wheel of life was suspended above the bitter sea, like a big sun that bloomed with immeasurable light, shining brightly, like the rising sun of the morning, full of vigorous vitality.

Moreover, his bitter sea is too great, almost thousands of times more than others.


This is an ancient battlefield, black fog, ghosts, corpses and bones, ghost fire everywhere, there is no light of brilliance between heaven and earth, incomparably dim.

I don't know how many yang spirits haunt this place, all of them are the souls of soldiers who died in the past battle!

And there is a huge city here, which is Hangu Pass.

The three big characters on the giant city are powerful, and this ancient city does not know how many years it has existed, engraving the wind and frost of the years, and the mottled writing of time, making people feel like they have a glance of tens of thousands of years.

This is like a reincarnation, the ancient city is still there, but the creatures on the earth do not know how many generations have changed, old bones have become ashes, and races have changed and changed.

"The great demon suppressed by Shakyamuni was released by Your Excellency, I don't know how much more to kill."

The various emperor arrays inside the city gate were also revived and expanded outward, and two figures suddenly appeared on the city gate tower, standing there.

One is a middle-aged man, tall and strong, with a burly body, like a hero from ancient times, powerful to the extreme, and his eyes are incomparably deep.

The other is an ordinary looking man, like a mortal.

Plain, ordinary, unpretentious.

"You... You...... You..."

The moment an ordinary man saw Ying Zheng, his pupils suddenly dilated, and at the same time he took a few steps back, his face full of disbelief.

"First Emperor!"

The extremely ordinary man endured the horror in his heart.

These two are quasi-emperor-level existences, the middle-aged man looks like Shennong, and the ordinary looking man is the Yellow Emperor, but one of their predecessors is Hengyu Emperor and the other is Void Emperor, they are spiritual wisdom born from the emperor's corpse and cultivated into quasi-emperors.

They are Shennong and Emperor, but they are also Hengyu Emperor and Void Emperor.

Huan Zheng smiled slightly: "Ji Chengkong is my friend." "

The Yellow Emperor calmed down: "It has long been rumored that the Great Emperor has long disappeared, but I didn't expect to be alive. "

The Void Emperor is the descendant of Ji Chengkong, the Ji family has a portrait of Yingzheng, the Void Emperor must know the appearance of Yingzheng, as a spiritual wisdom born from the corpse of the Void Emperor, he also has the memory of the Void Emperor, and naturally recognizes Yingzheng.

"It turned out to be the First Emperor."

Shennong bowed slightly, and immediately opened the defensive formation of Hangu Pass.

With a great emperor here, these thirteen great demons will definitely not be able to turn over any storms.

"I have a question for you." Win Zhengdao.

The two of them have the memory of the Great Emperor, and perhaps they know a little about the traces of the Emperor.

"Emperor, please say." The Yellow Emperor invited.

"Do you know the traces of Emperor Zun?"

The Yellow Emperor frowned slightly: "Does the Great Emperor refer to the Emperor Venerable of the Mythical Era?" Let the Great Emperor down, in the memory of the Void Emperor, there is no trace of the Emperor. "

Huan Zheng looked at Shennong, and Shennong also shook his head slightly: "There is no trace of Emperor Hengyu in his memory. "

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