Ying Zheng was not disappointed, the vast starry sky, how many secrets have been buried throughout the ages?

The years are endless, the time is long, and the circulation of hundreds of millions of years in the starry sky is nothing.

There are too many secrets that can be hidden in hundreds of millions of years, and the plan of the emperor is hidden in these tens of millions of years.

The mythological era changes, the heavenly dignity turns into ashes, the divine court is annihilated, the emperors are decaying, and the ancient emperors are also turned into a piece of loess.

How many masters, all buried in the years, no one can resist, let you be gorgeous and peerless will also come to the end of life one day.

The supreme roared, the Shenyue collapsed, the four seas evaporated, the sun and the moon fell, and the galaxy was broken, but he couldn't grasp anything, and he could only end lonely one by one.

In the long river of time, in the great hero there is only a short period of brilliance, only a moment of brilliance, never breaking the shackles, so as to coexist with the world.

Tianzun, Ancient Emperor, Great Emperor... One by one, they swallowed mountains and rivers, coerced the universe, they picked the stars and caught the moon, ruled the domains, and were invincible, but what was left behind? ?

Everyone is in full bloom, making the entire universe tremble, but even if they can break the heaven and earth and destroy the universe, they can't keep their lives.

These people are all famous and eternal, but they can only stay for a brief moment in the vast galaxy. The splendor of the emperors, the majesty of the ancient emperors, and the demeanor of the emperors were all buried, just a moment of looking back at the universe.

No one thought that Emperor Zun would be an exception.

Only a Heavenly Emperor-level existence like the Immortal Emperor who was extremely wary of the Emperor Venerable and knew the Emperor Venerable could realize that the Emperor Venerable was still alive and trace the traces of the Emperor Venerable.

If you don't reach the Heavenly Emperor, you may not be able to detect the traces of the Emperor Venerable at all.

And the ancient and modern emperors, ancient emperors, and Tianzun can be regarded as heavenly emperors?

As far as Ying Zheng knows, from the mythical era to the present, there are a hundred and ten emperors, emperors, and honors, and there are very few who can be called heavenly emperors.

What is the Celestial Emperor?

The combat power is almost invincible among the Great Emperors, and further is the Red Dust Immortal, although it is the perfect integration of the five secret realms of the Wheel Sea, Dao Palace, Four Extremes, Hualong and Sendai with the Great Emperor, but it has the strength above the ordinary Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor lived for more than 10,000 years, and he could live the second life with the medicine of immortality, and at this step, in addition to falling into the emperor realm or sitting down with a knife, he became an immortal.

But there are always some Tianjiao who can live backwards for many lifetimes, and eventually red dust becomes immortals.

For example, the Immortal Emperor is only one step away from the Red Dust Immortal, and the former Emperor Venerable is the same, and the later Beginningless Emperor.

And Ying Zheng and Ying Xian Immortal, in just one lifetime, they became immortals in red dust.

There may be a gap in combat power between the great emperors, but it is not absolute, and those who exceed this boundary are called the Heavenly Emperor, and these strong people are still emperors even if they break away from the Heavenly Heart Mark, unlike the self-beheading supreme, the realm will decline after cutting off the Imperial Dao Fruit Position and cutting off the Heavenly Heart Mark.

The Heavenly Emperor is actually a title, not a realm, and it is above ordinary emperors.

If you want to be honored as a Heavenly Emperor, one is to have supreme combat power above ordinary emperors, and the other is to have supreme achievements against the first race in the universe.

Both the Emperor Venerable and the Immortal Emperor have the Heavenly Emperor-level combat power, but they have never had supreme achievements against the first race in the universe.

The Beginningless Emperor had the Heavenly Emperor-level combat power and had meritorious achievements in the universe, but he did not reach the level of supreme merit.

The Void Emperor has supreme merit for the universe, but has never reached the level of the Heavenly Emperor.

"The Great Emperor means that the Emperor Venerable is still alive?" Huangdi asked.

Ying Zheng nodded: "His plot has not stopped. "

Seeing that the political point had arrived, the two did not continue to ask.

Without stopping in the Hangu Pass, crossing the Hangu Pass and entering the starry sky, Ying Zheng's eyes pierced through the starry sky, scanning the ten thousand worlds, thoughtfully: "Sure enough, there are runes all over the place." "

After the death of Emperor Venerable, he secretly carved too many runes in the human world, and also secretly made an immeasurable backhand in this world, looking forward to one day refining the two realms into a ding, turning into an immortal ding.

These runes were too secretive for even the Great Emperor to feel.



There was an extremely dull sound in the distance, and Ye Fan suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, as if something heavy had suddenly pressed his heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Something is beating... It's like the heart of an incomparably powerful being beating..."

Ye Fan let out a long breath, and his face looked solemnly in the direction where the voice came from.


At this moment, a violent roar sounded, and a giant ape that was ten meters tall instantly crossed a hundred meters, wielding a giant tree more than ten meters long, and smashed towards Ye Fan's head.

The giant tree hugged by the two of them set off a violent wind howl, and the air surged violently like a tide, surging to both sides, and the dead branches of the underground trees flew away directly with a hula la.

"Big man, since you don't rely on me, I'm not welcome..."

Ye Fan's face was full of helplessness, facing this King Kong-like giant ape, he raised his foot and stepped on it sharply, and with a bang, the ground with a radius of ten meters shook violently, sank, and a large area of dirt rose up like a curtain, and then was swept away by the fierce wind.

And Ye Fan faced the hard smashing of the giant ape wielding the giant tree, and directly went up to the face violently.


The fist collided with the giant wood, like a bomb exploding, and the giant wood more than ten meters long crackled and exploded hundreds of fast wooden blocks.

Ye Fan's furious fist was unabated, and his fist was like a cannonball slamming into the chest of the giant ape.


As if hit by a train traveling at full speed, the giant ape's already bulging eyes bulged out of its sockets almost instantly, and then its huge body rumbled and flew upside down, flying more than ten feet away in a painful roar, and its body tumbled, swinging a huge amount of dirt, and overwhelming seven or eight large trees.

"Big man, do you still want to fight?"

Ye Fan closed his fists and raised his eyebrows.

After the beginning of cultivation, he said goodbye to Pang Bo, and in the past two months, he has been practicing in this dense forest with a radius of thousands of miles, and a few days ago, he met this giant ape and found that it was a good object for training, and after a few days, he fought no less than ten games.

Later, this giant ape followed Ye Fan unrelentingly, and as soon as he saw him, he roared and rushed up.

"Roar... Roar..."

The giant ape stood up with a grin, covering his chest for pain, with a humane look on his face, as if he couldn't believe that he would lose in the hands of this little man.

"Big man, it's not so easy to come again."

Ye Fan waved his hand, signaling the giant ape to leave quickly, not fighting or acquaintance, and fighting with the giant ape for a few days, Ye Fan's fighting experience rose rapidly, so he didn't want to hurt the life of the giant ape.

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