Zhang Wuye still refused: "That purple mountain is too unknown, you are our benefactor, I don't want to harm you!" "

His expression became more and more solemn: "Do you know that that purple mountain is related to a great emperor. "

"Which Emperor?"

Zhang Wuye said word by word: "None!" Begin! Big! Emperor! "

Ye Fan was taken aback, was it this great emperor?

He had naturally heard of the reputation of this great emperor, and he was the last Terran emperor in the Desolate Ancient Era, the first great emperor who preached with the Innate Eucharist.

This great emperor's contribution to the Terran race is recognized as second only to the First Emperor.

Its strength is not even inferior to that of the first emperor, suppressing an era, invincible against the enemy in his life, and shocking the forbidden area of life.

"Throughout the ages, the Beginningless Emperor can be called one of the strongest emperors, and only his father can stabilize this emperor." Zhang Wuye looked at Huan Zheng and said in a deep voice:

"It's related to the Beginningless Emperor, how cautious it is, that's why I persuaded you like this."

Ye Fan was even more shocked, and his eyes widened: "The father of the Beginningless Emperor is also a great emperor?" "

Zhang Wuye nodded: "The Beginningless Emperor's mother is the Western Emperor's mother, and his father is the First Emperor, few people know about this matter, and the Beginningless Emperor has never relied on his parents to become enlightened, and outsiders have never heard him mention his parents, so few people know." "


Ye Fan's scalp exploded, and cold hairs stood up all over his body: "One door and three emperors!" What a brilliant it is! "

From the mythological era, all the great emperors, ancient emperors, and Tianzun together are about a hundred, but the mythological era has been more than ten million years now, and the average is one emperor in 100,000 years.

Although a great emperor can affect the Dao for a maximum of 50,000 years, it is not the death of the Great Emperor, and there is no one who can preach if the Dao is suppressed.

With an average of 100,000 years of one emperor, this family is three great emperors, and they simply don't give others a way to live!

Zhang Wuye glanced at him and shook his head, "Not three, but four." "

Ye Fan immediately reacted, the ruthless emperor is also the wife of the first emperor, so it is a fourth emperor?


My ancestor, the first emperor, is simply incomparable, two wives and one son are all emperors.

Where am I the son of destiny, my ancestor the first emperor is the son of destiny.

Ye Fan was about to explode with envy at this moment, and tears of envy flowed down his face.

"No, since few people know, how do you know?"

Zhang Wuye was ashamed and said, "The first generation of Origin Heavenly Master is the apprentice grandson of the First Emperor..."

The first generation of Origin Heavenly Master is the apprentice grandson of the First Emperor, and as a descendant of the fifth generation Origin Heavenly Master, he is ashamed to mix this bird.

"Now, do you still want to go?"

Ye Fan's mind was firm: "I must go, Fifth Master, you help me." Moreover, don't you want to retrieve the Gentenshu? "

Zhang Wuye sighed: "What the ancestors left behind, I naturally don't want it to be cut off from inheritance, but what is the way, the ancestor who didn't listen to the ancestral instructions a thousand years ago, used it to break through the purple mountain, and it was difficult to take it back." "

Seeing that Ye Fan still did not change his mind, Zhang Wuye no longer persuaded, he turned around and walked into the stone house of the village, and after a while, he laboriously moved out a large wooden box, the color was yellow, and it was an antiquity at a glance, and it was old.

Zhang Wuye opened the iron lock and opened the large wooden box, and suddenly there was a smell of rotten wood, and I don't know how many years have passed, and the inside of the wooden box is a little rotten.

Inside the box is a set of stone clothing, which is composed of stone pieces strung together, unpretentious, neatly folded.

"This set can cover all the breath in the body, maybe it is not strong enough, but it can isolate you from the outside world, and maybe it can avoid the ominous creatures in the purple mountain." Zhang Wuye explained.

Ye Fan put on the stone robe, remembered Zhang Wuye's instructions, and made all the preparations before entering the Purple Mountain.

Before leaving, he left a hundred jin source, and arranged a killing formation in the village, and handed over the key to triggering the killing formation to Zhang Wuye.

Duan De was proficient in the formation, otherwise it would be impossible to rob the tomb. And after being hunted and killed for many years, he is still alive and well.

Ye Fan had learned a little, and although the killing formation arranged could not threaten the senior cultivators, it was easy to deal with the rogues of Chen Dabeard's gang.


Ye Fan carried the astrolabe, held the stone knife, hung the stone pendant, and silently floated down into the ancient mine.

Unexpectedly, going deeper than ten miles, except for encountering a monster and hundreds of demon bats that he killed, he did not encounter any great danger.

But he became more and more vigilant in his heart, the breath in the ancient mine was too strange, it felt like a dark secret place, there were countless pairs of eyes staring directly at him, it was greedy, bloodthirsty eyes.

It seems that when he shows his flaws, they rush up and tear him apart.

After advancing another thirty miles, there were no monsters, and everything around was silent and deep.

"There is a big danger!"

Ye Fan's muscles were tense, and his qi and blood were secretly boiling.

He had practiced for a long time in the dense forest of barbarian beasts in the Yan Kingdom, and he knew that if there were almost no barbarian beasts in a large area, it meant that that large area was the territory of a powerful barbarian beast.

This principle also works in this ancient mine.

Ye Fan was not in a hurry, and after traveling for nearly twenty miles, gray decaying dry bones became everywhere, and the ancient mine was already like an ice cellar, and the cold air was scraping on people's skin like a knife.

Suddenly, his vision was clear, and the green jade in front of him was the stairs, the white jade was the portal, and a magnificent building appeared.

"This is the inside of the Purple Mountain!"

Ye Fan was overjoyed, he arrived at his destination almost without encountering any danger.

This is a cave mansion carved out of the purple mountain, stepping up the blue jade stone steps and entering the white jade moon gate, very quiet, as cold as the Guanghan Palace.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly saw a line of writing on the colored stone wall.

"God King Jiang Tai strayed into the Demon Mountain and decided to take a peek!"

Jiang Family God King?

Both the Jiang family and the Ji family had hunted him down, and he knew that these two were rich in god kings.

These dozen words, the pen is powerful, containing a Dao realm, making people feel that there is a god's breath circulating, as if a god king stands in front of them.

He couldn't leave a trace on the stone wall with all his strength, and Jiang Taihuan deeply imprinted a line of words.

A Dacheng God King may fall deep into the Purple Mountain...

Ye Fan suddenly felt that the future was a little bleak.

He took a few steps forward, and saw another line of handwriting, which was engraved: "Scattered cultivator Li Mu Tandemon Mountain Liu." "

Five steps away, a line of delicate handwriting, like a lotus flower in the water, is fresh and fresh, as if there is life. "Yaochi Holy Daughter Yang Yi seeks Zhang Lin and stays before entering the Demon Mountain."

Along the way, I found dozens of handwritings, all containing Dao rhyme, all of which were extremely powerful.

"Over the endless years, a total of fifty-eight people have left handwriting, the oldest should be the one who is 70,000 years old, followed by Jiang Taifu, and the weakest is Zhang Lin, the ancestor of Zhang Wuye."

At the thought of these powerful beings all trapped in the Purple Mountain, Ye Fan's scalp felt numb.

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