"Don't go on..."

At this moment, a staccato weak voice sounded in Ye Fan's ears, and suddenly there was a sound in his ears in this quiet place, which frightened Ye Fan's heart to beat wildly, his qi and blood rushed, and his cold hair exploded, and he was about to pull out his legs and run wildly.

"Don't be afraid..."

The weak voice sounded again.

Ye Fan put down his raised leg and said vigilantly: "Who are you!" "

"Ginger... Too...... False. "The weak voice, inaudible, incoherent, and listening to the voice you can imagine that he is very weak, as if he is dying.

Although his voice was weak, it was like a thunder exploding in Ye Fan's mind.

Too empty refers to the Tao, the Tao is big and vain, and also refers to the Dao. Dare to use these two words as a name, it is indeed magnificent, and if there is such strength, it will be even more awe-inspiring.

God King Jiang was too empty, and these five words were like thunder that streaked through the air, shaking people's souls and making Ye Fan stunned.

He really couldn't believe that there were living cultivators here, and it was a Dacheng God King!

"Four thousand years..." he thought of the inscription outside, probably four thousand years ago.

According to ancient records, after the god king is completed, he can live for thousands of years, and his vitality is extremely long, and it is difficult to sit and die.

"Yes, that's so..." Ye Fan instantly connected, this is a Dacheng God King, indeed capable of surviving four thousand years.

After the divine body grows up, it can live for a long time, enough to protect a family for thousands of years, reaching the point of extreme prosperity.

"I met an Eastern Wilderness God King..." Ye Fan was extremely surprised in his heart, this was a veritable peerless figure.

If the Jiang family learned that there was a clan member here, who was the god king of Dacheng, I am afraid that they would go crazy and use all their strength to rescue.

"It's dangerous ahead, don't go on, go back the same way, maybe you still have a glimmer of life."

In a word, Jiang Tai was too vain and intermittent for half a minute before he finished speaking.

Ye Fan said firmly: "Senior, junior has a reason to go. "

I don't allow me to be weak.

Seeing the vast sky, how can you observe the sky from the well?

My ancestor was the First Emperor.

Even if it is inferior to the ancestors, it cannot be much worse and fall into the name of the ancestors.

Jiang Taihuan was silent for a moment: "You... Come here. "

Ye Fan searched for his bearings and walked forward more than a dozen steps along the winding cave.

"Your repair... For the sake of..." the staccato voice sounded again.

"The junior has been practicing for less than four years, and he has just crossed the other side..." Ye Fan said truthfully.

A heavy sigh came, seemingly desperate, as if he had taken away all the power of the God King, and for a long time he stopped speaking and did not say anything.

"You cultivate for... It's too weak..."

After less than four years of cultivation, he crossed the other side, this speed was like riding a rocket, but a person in the Dao Palace Realm could not save him at all.

"You're still... Let's go..."

Ye Fan shook his head: "Thank you seniors for your kindness, but, I have to go..."

With that, Ye Fan continued to move towards the Purple Mountain.


A few days later, Ye Fan came to a large hall, which was empty, somewhat dim, and a lonely white bone, quietly there, with shocking finger holes on its body.

On the purple rock ground not far away, there were some fragmentary stone clothes, tattered and tattered, and they had long been out of shape.

Ye Fan strode over, yes, the stone clothes fragments on the ground were the same as the materials of the stone clothes on his body, belonging to the old leather of the divine source.

This white bone has suffered multiple fractures, and he has been seriously injured, and his vitality can be described as very long to be able to hold on here.

The silver book beside him is indeed carved in metal, which can have a hundred pages, and it is extremely heavy after starting, and there are three ancient characters engraved on it: Yuan Tianshu.

Silver hook iron painting, the pen is powerful, the font is condensed, like three dragons lying down.

"Finally found it!"

Ye Fan was very excited, in the northern region, for thousands of years, the source was overcollected, the source vein was almost exhausted, and the source became more and more precious.

Ye Fan's physique is special and requires a huge amount of sources, if it is before, it is quite difficult. However, now it is different, mastering this book, if you cultivate a source heavenly master, not to mention a large number of sources, it is not impossible to find the divine source.


He couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"It's time to go back, it's too weird in the Purple Mountain, and staying one more point is more dangerous."

Ye Fan was about to leave, when he suddenly felt the scroll shake slightly, and a looming connection extended from the scroll to the distance.

"Do you want to go and see..."

Ye Fan hesitated slightly, and then gritted his teeth: "Anyway, it's already here, just go and take a look!" "

After leaving the hall and walking less than a mile, Ye Fan saw a stone book standing on the ground, more than ten meters high, four or five meters wide, and one or two meters thick.

"What is this thing... Why does it have a sense of Kazuma? What does it have to do with the First Emperor? "

Ye Fan took out the scroll and determined that it was this stone book that had the scroll and sensing.

"Could it be the inheritance of the First Emperor?"

Ye Fan's heart thumped.

It has been half a month since he broke through to the other side, but he has not found a suitable Dao Palace Realm exercise, so his cultivation has been stagnant for this half month.

The inheritance of the First Emperor must not be worse than that of the Dao Jing, right?

Ye Fan walked to the side of the stone book, blew off the dust and saw three big words on it: No Beginning!

"Yes... The Beginningless Emperor is the son of the First Emperor, and it is not strange to have induction..."

"No beginning is not bad..."

Ye Fan was about to flip the Beginningless Sutra.


From behind the stone book, a black shadow jumped out, opening its blood basin and mouth, and Sen's white jagged teeth flashed with cold light.

"Groove! There are actually dogs in this kind of place? "

A thought flashed, Ye Fan's reaction was very fast, his body was full of qi and blood, his five fingers were pinched into a fist, and the air instantly exploded like thunder, and a punch boomed out.


The black dog flew out like a cannonball, bounced down the mountain wall fiercely, flicked its hair as if it was fine, and was about to jump up again, but at that moment, the black dog's big eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Excited, shocked, admiring, respectful...

All kinds of looks are different.

"I'll go, this dog skin is so hard?"

Ye Fan grinned and blasted the black dog away with a punch, but found that the black dog had nothing to do, but his hand hurt.

The black dog was very large, the size of a bull, extremely strong, with a square head and big ears, snow-white canine teeth, like a dagger, quite sharp.

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