The four supremes pressed, and dozens of rainbow rays of light rose up from the First Emperor Mountain, with sadness and determination.

"Interesting, it's just an alternative enlightened Dao, and dares to attack me and the others?"

There were supreme whispers, but their faces were full of solemnity, and they felt threatened and pressured on Gu Chuan.

"One alternative enlightenment, eight quasi-emperors, twenty-one great saints..."

Gu Chuan stepped out step by step, and without taking a step, his breath was stronger, the Avenue of Heaven and Earth was singing, and the light on his body became more and more brilliant.

The blood and qi around the body were surging, as if the galaxy was exploding.

"Who dares to fight me."

Gu Chuan spoke calmly, without sorrow or joy, without shock or anger, as if he was not facing four supremes, but four local chickens and dogs.

The four supremes were stunned, what kind of determination and courage was this in the face of the four supreme invitations to battle? Ask the Ancient Supreme if you dare to fight!

"Dare or no!"

Gu Chuan spoke again.


The Lord of the Ruins laughed, without sarcasm, without anger, without disdain.

In Gu Chuan's words, there was an atmosphere of his own, and the heavens and the earth were trembling, so that the four supremes did not ignore it, and there was a faint feeling that this person was indeed a generation of powerful people, and regarded him as a real opponent.

When the war broke out, Gu Chuan included the two supremes and fought into the depths of the universe.

The other twenty-nine people were extremely sublimated and fought with the other two supremes.

There are imperial soldiers who cut through the universe.

Dao Yan Divine Clothing... Tianxuan Holy Sword... Devil pestle...

One by one, the emperor weapons were all awakened by the most tragic killing in all eternity, awakened together, and mobilized in unison, independently coming here to suppress the ancient supreme!


"All dead... All dead..."

Chi Tianci roared with grief and indignation, crying blood and roaring lowly.

Shihuangshan did not fall the prestige of the ancestor, fought to the death, crushed his bones, and protected Beidou, but the price was death up and down Shihuangshan.

Except for him and the baby in his arms, there was no one else left in Shihuangshan.

The dark turmoil was over, but Chi Tianci still did not dare to appear, and there were many supremes or, he knew very well, those supremes hated the ancestor to the bone.


The dream disappeared quietly, Ye Fan sat dumbly, and for a long time, he reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"The First Emperor... Shihuang Mountain..."

Ye Fan stood up, his heart rising and falling.

"Am I really just a descendant of the First Emperor?"

One thought after another came to mind.

"Parents ... Is it my biological parents? "

Ye Fan had a trace of doubt in his heart, and a shocking thought arose.

"What if... If...... My parents are not my biological parents... So...... So..."


Ye Fan slapped himself fiercely.

"How can I have such thoughts!"

But in my mind, it was like two demons were fiercely fighting.

Ye Fan forcibly calmed himself down and felt the Western Emperor's Sutra.

It can be seen that the idea is deeply imprinted in his heart like a brand, although it is strongly pressed, there is always a point that cannot be suppressed, and it erupts like a volcano.

"It is worthy of the Western Emperor's Sutra, and the creation of heaven and earth is amazing."

The imprint left by the Queen Mother of the West. In an instant, the qi rushed into the sky, the golden essence was sonorous, he was sucked into a piece of metal divine light, sitting cross-legged under the sky dome, and the sea of qi came out like a ***.

The god of the lungs, the five elements belong to gold, is the length of the five organs, known as the canopy, after completing the scriptures at this moment, the sharp breath rushes into the sky, ringing, like ten thousand swords in unison.

Ye Fan's body surface shone with a metallic luster, like a sharp blade cutting through the sky, and the edge was compelling, and it could not be beaten. There are no scriptures here, only the evolution of the Hidden Chapter, the god of the lungs, which is explained to the extreme, and does not preach in words.

The god of the lungs hides, hooks ten thousand qi, induces the spirit of spirit, spreads to the whole body, reaches the fur, exhales the origin of heaven and earth, and contains vigorous vitality!

At this moment, Ye Fan's Dao Palace turbid qi disappeared, and the divine essence was turbulent, a piece of crystal, reaching six intestines, connecting to the limbs and hundreds of remains, muscles and fur, incomparably clear.

All those who have qi belong to the god of the lungs, connected to heaven and earth, and the essence qi needed by the flesh is reborn with it as the main thing. When the light was restrained, Ye Fan opened his eyes, perfected the Dao Palace Lung God Collection, and his pores were relaxed, and he felt that the flesh and heaven and earth were integrated, and he could trigger ten thousand qi at any time.

"The Western Emperor Jing Dao Palace Scroll can be called the first in the Eastern Wilderness, and it is the most perfect mental method." The words of the big black dog made Ye Fan rise to the practice of re-cultivating the Dao Palace Realm.

He vaguely felt that the path of cultivation could not follow the path of others, even if he had a complete Beginningless Sutra and the Western Emperor Sutra, and cultivated step by step, he was destined to be bound by the barriers of the Beginningless Emperor and the Western Imperial Mother.

"Hurry up and show me the Beginningless Sutra!" The big black dog urged him.

Ye Fan shook his head: "There is no beginning in my sea of suffering, I can't take it out, I can only read it to you." "

The big black dog's eyes widened: "How do I know if you will lie to me?" "

Ye Fan shrugged: "Then you can only believe me." "

"You brat!"

The big black dog hated his teeth itching: "Forget it, read it to me quickly!" "

Ye Fan 1510 read the Beginningless Sutra to the big black dog, and after listening to it, the big black dog sat for a long time, crying and saying with a sad face: "It turns out that I really don't fit for the Beginningless Sutra." "

"Wang! This emperor has lost! Out of sorts! "

The big black dog suddenly pounced, opened its blood basin and bit Ye Fan's butt.

"Dead dog! It has long been expected! "

How could the big black dog's heart suffer a loss, and it was bound to take revenge, Ye Fan had already prepared.

"Damn, the dead dog is really difficult to move, just know the black mouth!"

"This time, you sneaked up on me first!"

"I'm a sneak attack? This is a quick shot! If I don't strike first, I'll be bitten by a dog again. "

"Damn, boy, you're insulting me!"

Bang bang bang!

Both of them changed the sky, and ping pong played for half a day.

"MD, you kid is getting more and more perverted, if the cultivators of the Four Extremes Secret Realm are slapped by you, they will be shattered, that is, this emperor can withstand it, damn it, it hurts me!"

The Black Emperor grinned.

Although Ye Fan was slightly embarrassed, he was refreshed, because just now he stabilized the Black Emperor, and although he was bitten several times, he beat the Black Emperor fat.

"Hey, why is Duan De's dead fat man gone?"

The Black Emperor lay on the ground with eight limbs on all fours, and heard the words: "This dead fat man can't see the benefits, and he will wait for you here, but you have realized for several days." "

"Black Emperor, shall we go around the Holy City?"

The black emperor immediately got up, and the dog's eyes lit up: "Go!" "

Ye Fan suddenly regretted a little, let this dog go to the holy city, I don't know how much trouble to cause again, but after thinking about it, anyway, more lice are not itchy, more debts are not worried, this dead dog has a hand to run stunt, when the time comes, it will be a big deal to run.

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