His trip to the Holy City had two purposes, one was to take revenge, and when he had not yet stepped into the Dao Palace Realm, he was suppressed and beaten by the young generation of those Four Extremes Realm, and his heart was really angry.

With the same realm crushing, he can compete with a big realm higher, but he is far from an opponent in two big realms, and he is beaten with a head.

Later, after entering the Purple Mountain, he got the beginningless scripture, stepped into the Dao Palace Realm, and beat those young masters of the Four Extremes Realm a few times, and let out a good breath.

But the good times did not last long, and the younger generation, such as the Shaking Light Saint Son, the Ji family Ji Haoyue, and the Jiang family young god king, were only one step away from breaking through the four poles.

He thinks he is a genius, and people are also geniuses, and when he encounters these geniuses, he is not an opponent, and he can only run.

Now he is ready to break through the four poles and go to take revenge.

Now that he has completed the Dao Palace Realm, he needs a large number of sources to break through the four poles, and to go to the Holy City, he wants to plunder a large number of sources.

That's right.

People going to the Holy City is a source of gambling.

And he is plundering.

He was so confident that he had received the complete inheritance of the Origin Heavenly Master.

Half a month later, a person and a dog came to the outside of the Northern Region Holy City.

The big black dog looked up at the holy city and was about to say something bold.


Suddenly, a bell rang, resounding through the heavens and earth, shaking Beidou.

"What is this sound!"

Ye Fan was taken aback.

"The Beginningless Bell... It's ringing..."

The big black dog suddenly turned around and looked at the purple mountain, I don't know how far away, I saw the sky above the purple mountain, ripples visible to the naked eye stirred the heavens and the earth, and there was a divine light cutting through the sky dome, rushing straight to the starry river, I don't know how deep it rushed beyond the starry river.

The entire holy city was alarmed, and the sound of the yellow bell resounded throughout the divine city, and I don't know how many figures flew out of the holy city.

Beyond that divine light, there were more than a dozen faint rays of light against each other, but they were defeated.

The center of the holy city is in the sky, suspended in the air, this is a magnificent Sendai, engraved with Dao patterns, dense, just now in the center of the Tianque, a dazzling, the Desolate Ancient Dao Platform shakes out the power of endless space, and seven or eight figures appear at the same time.

With a wave of their sleeves, a dense figure fell from the cuff, countless of them.

Everyone knew that something big had happened, and seven or eight holy lords crossed the void together and retreated to the holy city of Tianque, which was something that had never happened before!

Especially Fang Cai, Huang Zhong Da Lu shook the heavens and the earth, and the yoyo bell made people's souls move, and even the Divine City resonated because of this, as if it was about to collapse.

"This is Diwei!"

"God, this is the divine power of the Great Emperor!"

"God, is there an ancient emperor who is not dead? This is shocking! "

"No, those great emperors can't be in the world, no one can live so long, can you say... Someone became an emperor? "

"Oh my God, shouldn't there be a new emperor?!"

The big black dog looked at it for a while, and suddenly sneered: "It's really special to find death, and against the beginningless bell, no two or three imperial soldiers are sent to death!" "

After entering the holy city, at the city gate, Ye Fan saw his wanted portrait, which came to life.

The wanted of the Ji family, as long as Ye Fan's trace is provided, there will be a reward of 10,000 sources, and if you can catch Ye Fan, there will be a reward of 100,000 sources.

The rewards of the Shaking Light Holy Land are not much less than the Ji family, and as for the Jiang family, they are even more than the Ji family.

“md! Counting it, I have the least hatred with your Jiang family, and I actually have the most rewards. "

Ye Fan couldn't help but grind his teeth.

Although he had enemies everywhere in the Eastern Wilderness, only a small half of them were offended because of the enemies who followed Duan De to rob the tomb, and a small half because the big black dog was receiving favors everywhere.

The most powerful enemies of the three families, the Ji family and the Shaking Light Holy Land, coveted his Xuanhuang Erqi, and some old guys of the Jiang family forced him into the Desolate Ancient Holy Land and were killed by him to form a feud.

However, these three families are behemoths in the Eastern Wilderness, and their influence is all over the Eastern Wilderness, turning him into a wanted criminal.

Fortunately, both the Ji family and the Shaking Light Holy Land were paying attention to swallowing Xuanhuang Erqi alone, and compressed the news that Ye Fan had a large amount of Xuanhuang Erqi in a very small range, otherwise at this moment, I was afraid that Ye Fan would have no place in the entire Beidou.

Ye Fan was grinding his teeth, and suddenly glimpsed that the big black dog's eyes were a little flickering, and he suddenly became vigilant: "Dead dog!" Don't mess around! "

The big black dog sneered: "How could I." "

This dead dog came to Ye Fan's side and whispered: "Otherwise, I will carve a few formation plates for you, you can stimulate the kind of running at any time, I will report you, and when you take the source, you will immediately stimulate the formation plate to run, to ensure that they can't catch you..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Ye Fan directly refused.

"Five and five."

"I refuse!"

"Four six, you six me four!"


"Three or seven points!"

"Dead this heart!"

The big black dog gritted his teeth: "Twenty-eight!" "

"Stop talking nonsense! How can I be impressed by this benefit! "

Ye Fan turned and left, in fact, he was also a little moved, he was afraid that the big black dog would say 'Nine One' again, he couldn't help but agree, and simply left directly.

The big black dog let out a long sigh and muttered, "With so many sources, my heart hurts..."

Ye Fan dispelled the idea of the big black dog, his eyes scanned viciously, and suddenly a group of Jiang family disciples entered the holy city and sneered: "Let's take you guys out first!" "


"Ziwei Star Domain..."

Ying Zheng did not use the star gate to cross the galaxy, but measured the universe on foot, but with his speed, it was not much slower.

The distance from the earth to the Ziwei Star Domain was too far, barely crossing half of the universe, and he saw too few living planets along the way.

The universe is huge, but there are few living planets.

Sometimes, not all a galaxy is a living planet.

For example, the solar system was originally larger than the Big Dipper, but there are only two living planets, one is the earth and the other is the shadow, but the confusion is now exhausted.

This is not bad, he has seen a star field, containing at least 300,000 star systems, but there are less than 10,000 life planets, on average, thirty star systems have one life planet.

In a sense, in the universe, living planets are very precious.

"No man's planet..."

There is no one on this planet, but there are living beings, a giant peak on this planet is a unique peak, the top of the giant mountain is very vast, and there is an old man on it, who is putting together one five-color spar after another to build a small altar.

A one-armed old man, dressed in blue clothes, built an ancient altar here alone, which made people feel extremely strange.

The old man in Qing Yi has a long stature, a clear appearance, looks like a Dao bone fairy wind, without a trace of pyrotechnics, and has a very ancient Dao natural feeling.

The formation pattern of the five-color altar can only be engraved by the Great Emperor, and others have no possibility at all, and they cannot understand it.

This man built the altar alone, which shows his strength.

"Sun Holy Emperor."

Ying Zheng let out a long breath, suddenly a little sad.

Once a generation of holy emperors, protecting the Terrans, now a trace of obsession just to go home.

"Who can bury me in my homeland..."

There were sounds that echoed and traveled far away.

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