"You two, get on your knees and apologize."

The silkworm princess's slender fingers like water onions flicked purple hair, and her white and lustrous face was very calm.

The faces of the two ancient kings who showed that they were very close to the ancient prince changed greatly, and the face of one ancient king jumped violently, obviously the anger in his heart was about to erupt like a volcano, but he forcibly endured the anger and did not dare to erupt: "Princess, you have killed an ancestor king, everything ends here." "

Siye, people were surprised, a queen was killed, they actually endured, and so low-key, it can be seen that the power of the silkworm princess is great.

Ye Fan was surprised, the power of the Divine Silkworm Princess was even stronger than he thought, and he killed an ancient king when he raised his hand, and even knelt when he died.

Immediately afterwards, he forced the two ancient kings to kneel, and the power was unmatched, and everyone who pressed them was breathless.

The purple hair of the Silkworm Princess drooped, covering half of the fairy face, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, a little cold and proud, staring at the Heavenly Prince: "Don't think of yourself as noble, relying on the remnants of your father's generation is nothing, annoy me, kill them all!" "

As if the Heavenly Prince was struck by lightning, the nine divine rings behind his head almost collapsed, and his figure shook.

"Chasing and killing the Holy Prince for many years, with a few slaves to apologize, the face of the Holy Emperor is so worthless? Or do you think that if the Holy Prince has no backer, he can be bullied wantonly, huh?! "

"On your knees! Make amends! "

The Silkworm Princess issued an ultimatum.

"Too much deception!"

The two ancient kings could no longer bear it and were furious.

Female ancestor kings would rather die than kneel, they are the same, in the ancient clan high status, the honor of saints, in the face of the emperor, even if they have to maintain due respect, but they have not seen any saint kneeling to see a great emperor.

The Divine Silkworm Princess slowly stepped forward, and the aura around her body burst out, like a real dragon soaring into the air.

Just two steps made many ancient kings' faces change wildly, and in a trance, they only felt that the vast firmament was hanging upside down at once, and it would fall down the next moment.

The aura of glory filled all directions, and Xuanhe was incomparable.

"I'm just lying to you! What are you going to do? "

This princess is really domineering and powerful.


The two ancient kings withdrew a few steps back, and it was difficult to hide the horror in their eyes, just like this, they knew that the two of them were not the opponents of this princess.


The Heavenly Prince was even more unbearable, and a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out and languished.

"Princess, it's better to take a step back."

The other two ancient kings' faces changed slightly, but they also stood up in unison.

They couldn't tolerate two more ancient kings being killed by the Silkworm Princess in front of the Terrans.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Silkworm Princess, it seemed that she wanted to kill the Heavenly Prince together, which made them even more unbearable.

"How about letting the two of them kneel down on one knee and apologize, and let the Emperor go."

After the two ancient princes' faces changed from white to red, from red to blue, from green to gray, and after the dazzling changes, seeing that the silkworm princess seemed to acquiesce to this 'each step back', the two ancient kings took a deep breath, knelt on one knee and respectfully apologized.

A storm passed, and the biggest loser of this storm was the Emperor Tianzi, whose face was shaved layer after layer.

But Ye Fan knew that the Terrans would face an even bigger storm.

So many ancient kings of the ancient clan did not come to shop.

Can the Terrans withstand it?

The Yaochi grand meeting went on as scheduled, and Ye Fan also met many ancients in the past, pushing cups and changing lamps.

Halfway through the Yaochi grand event, an antique descended, he did not restrain his breath, the sage coercion overwhelmed the world, many people puffed and knelt on the ground, their bodies were like sieve chaff and uncontrolled spasms, as if facing a god.

He has unparalleled power, and the qi machine naturally emitted is unbearable, this is the coercion of the ancient saint level, standing there, kneeling all over the audience.

"Where is the Terran Eucharist!"

As soon as this ancient king came, he pointed directly at Ye Fan, his eyes were as bright as the sun, and the power of glory was all pressed on Ye Fan.

"I am."

Ye Fan calmly stood up and silently released a wisp of extreme Dao power from the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding to protect his body.

Li Heishui's face changed wildly, scanning left and right, but saw that no one stood up and faced a saint, even if thousands of people went up together?

What is needed is a Terran saint.

The Terran Holy Body is very unusual, and most of the great clans of the Taikoo do not want him to grow up, and it is most appropriate to strangle him in the cradle.


This Dragon Head Ancient King was condescending, and the coercion hit Ye Fan wave after wave, but seeing that Ye Fan did not mean to tremble in the slightest, a trace of color could not help but flash in his eyes.

"Are you bullying people?" A wisp of extreme power protected his body, Ye Fan ignored all the power under the great emperor, his face was still calm, making many people look up at Ye Fan.

"Are you talking to me, I can kill you tens of thousands of times with one finger!" Dragon Head Ancient King Senhan.

Ye Fan smiled: "Not long ago, one ancient king was killed, two ancient kings knelt down to apologize, those who insulted people, people will always be humiliated!" "

The Dragon Head Ancient King flashed a look of jealousy, his eyes glimpsed that the Silkworm Princess had no intention of coming out, and laughed: "Joke! A back that has not finished chopping is also worthy of talking to me about this? "

Li Heishui said sharply: "More than ten years ago, there was the arrival of my Terran Emperor! If you oppress the Terrans, you are not afraid that my Terran Emperor will kill you with a finger?" "

"Hahaha..." the Dragon Head Ancient King laughed up to the sky, his eyes were empty, there was no one present in his eyes, some were just endless contempt.

"A group of ants, up to now, is still pinning their hopes on an unwarranted emperor, the last emperor of your Terran race has rotted into slag without beginning, and the last emperor after the desolate ancient has nothing to do with the Terran race."

His arrogant posture also made everyone indignant, but his words also made some people wonder.

Yes, the last Terran Beginningless Emperor is hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the Great Emperor simply can't live for so long, so whether the emperor who showed his imperial power not long ago was really a great emperor.

If it is really a great emperor, why is it just a flash in the pan, there has been no news of a great emperor in the past ten years.

"Why, are you not convinced, I'll just stand here and let your Terran Emperor come out to suppress me and try it?" Dragon Shou Gu Wang Senran sneered and said, "How can a person live for hundreds of thousands of years, that's a joke!" "


Almost all of the Gu Clan laughed with disdain.

"Insult my Terran Emperor, and I will be destroyed!"

The Holy Lord of the Ji Family said calmly.

He knew very well that it must be a great emperor, otherwise the Void Mirror could not be without a little resistance.

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