And that Great Emperor and Ye Fan have an extremely close relationship, if you can invite that Great Emperor, all problems will be solved.

"Hahaha... It's really naïve, wait until you Terran dead ghosts crawl out of the grave! "

After the Dragon Head Ancient King finished laughing, his expression became cold: "Immortal Er has not cut the way, and he dares to talk to me about annihilation, joke!" "

Saying that, the Dragon Head Ancient King stretched out a finger and nodded towards everyone in the Ji family.


The void collapsed, and a large black claw poked out, as if it had cut through time and space from the ancient earth.


Sharp and terrifying, the big black claw grabbed the finger that came over, making a bone shattering sound, and the blood was drenched, breaking the finger of the ancestor king.

The Dragon Head Ancient King screamed and retreated backwards, almost unable to believe his eyes, and the finger containing the Great Dao God Rule was broken.

Everyone was stunned, it felt incredible, it was extremely shocking. On the head of the barbarian king, quietly lying on the stomach lies a small black turtle, Xuanwu to be exact, because it has a real dragon head.

After seeing what hurt him, the lungs of the Dragon Head Ancient King were about to explode, and a slow black turtle was shaking a small paw at him.

He really couldn't stand it, it was a shame, it could even be said to be humiliating, and he said in a low voice: "A turtle... I was actually injured by a turtle! "

"Fuck your old mother, Laozi is Xuanwu."

The black turtle swallowed slowly.

The Dragon Head Ancient King was furious, and before he could erupt, the black turtle slapped him over again.

The two saints fought, and the ancient king of the dragon head found that this black turtle attacked terrifyingly, but it was far more than mentioned compared to his defensive power, no matter what attack was blocked by the tortoise shell, and finally it was worn out by the black turtle.

The primeval tribes were silent, and a strong ancestor king was killed just like that, and was blown up by a black turtle that looked harmless to humans and animals, even funny.

Aren't there almost no saints in the Terrans, how to raise a turtle is so powerful, it makes people hairy! In the sky, the turtle said very seriously: "Remember, I am a great Xuanwu. "

It's still a little funny, but I can laugh out loud, and my heart slowly falls into the abyss.

On the horizon, several figures walked slowly, one by one, tall, extremely majestic, like several magic mountains, about to crush the eternal green sky.

There are seven Ancient Sage-level existences! They came together, walked together, and the earth almost sank, and all kinds of brilliance descended from the sky, and the sound of the sky was endless, as if it was chirping for them.

This is the vision produced by the seven ancient sage-level powerhouses, recognized by heaven and earth, and all kinds of auspicious rui are descended for them, and each of them has a unique divine rule. Seven ancient saints, such a strong person appeared at the same time, just thinking about it made people shudder.

On the horizon, it was flooded by a blazing light, and seven tall figures walked, each of them dyed with a layer of golden brilliance.

All living beings trembled and were in awe, this is a saint-level existence, which needs to be looked up to with a lifetime. The eyes of all the Terran cultivators were fiery, how good it would be if it were a Terran saint, a whole seven, how shocking it would be to appear like this!

However, as the footsteps approached, all the human cultivators splashed their heads like cold water, and each saint had a different appearance, with obvious ancient characteristics.

"Fuck your old mother, no matter how hard Laozi's turtle shell is, it can't block the attack of the seven saints."

The black turtle fell on the barbarian king and muttered, and he pulled the barbarian king's ears: "Hey, little barbarian, let's go back, otherwise my turtle shell will definitely be broken." "

The barbarian king looked solemn and did not speak.

The black turtle let out a long sigh: "It seems that Lao Tzu is going to fight hard, and I don't know how much of my beautiful turtle shell is left." "

"Hey, the grand meeting of ten thousand races, what are you doing with such a big score, show it to the ghosts."

The seven saints united, the coercion was too terrible, most of them were already unable to say a word, only this turtle greeted it.

"A grand event of ten thousand races? Sitting with the Terrans to talk about the future pattern of the world and the development prospects of all races? "

A saint looked disdainful: "Can you Terrans find someone who is our equal?" The only great saint who stood out of the Terran race actually belonged to the turtle, hahahaha, a big joke. "

The situation on the field, the Terrans were indeed vulnerable, the previous four ancient kings, plus the later seven ancient kings, a total of eleven saints, and an even more terrifying silkworm princess.

On the Terran side, there is only one Xuanwu supporting the scene, and it is not a Terran.

"Fuck your mother!"

The black turtle was furious.

"What did you say?"

That ancient king looked incredulous.

The black turtle spat and cursed: "Lao Tzu said to fuck your mother, Lao Tzu is Xuanwu, not a turtle!" "

That ancient king sneered: "I don't fight with a turtle."

"your whole family!!"


"your ancestors!"


"your ancestors for eighteen generations!"

The black turtle is scolding angrily, but the Terrans can't even be angry, some are just sad, the gap in strength is too big, these eleven ancient kings are not showing their might, but everything comes from the heart, instinctively ignores.

What do the Terrans compare to?

That ancient king was furious, and the black turtle battle, up is the strongest god collided, he is obviously not the opponent of the black turtle, the saint battle is too terrible, if it is not for the immortal tear green golden tower hanging down the divine power, Yaochi will be destroyed.

But soon several ancient kings joined, and in an instant the black turtle vomited blood and flew upside down, and it was also his unparalleled defense, otherwise he would have been killed at the moment, but the tortoise shell had already appeared dense cracks, and he could no longer fight.

An ancient king said indifferently: "The Terrans of Nuoda actually need to rely on a turtle to maintain their pitiful dignity, what qualifications do they have to be on an equal footing with me, and what qualifications are they to sit with me and discuss the pattern of the world?" "

"Fuck your mother, Laozi is Xuanwu." Although the black turtle was seriously injured, it still did not lose in the mouth.

The major forces of the Terran race did not even have anger at this time, only sorrow remained.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps at the end of heaven and earth, combined with the pulse of this world, and clearly entered people's hearts.

The setting sun was like blood, spilling the red brilliance of the sky, dyeing the earth with a layer of red.

At the end of that heaven and earth, a tall figure was coming step by step, he was dressed in white, heroic and majestic, and moving forward firmly.

This is a saint, belonging to the Terran race, heroic and magnificent! A true Terran Sage!

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