I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 315 Nine Thunder Immortal Realm, first hearing about ghosts

Fu Hongxi.

It was also the first time that Han Yi knew the name of the middle-aged man he killed.

The core information revealed in this sentence is that Han Yi needs to complete Fu Hongxi's task, which is to 'find and kill the ten fourth-level Gu clan, the current progress is 0/10'.

In the previous information given by Fu Ling, there was also information about killing the master of the Immortal Mansion and completing the other party's task, but Han Yi thought that he could do multiple tasks in parallel and wait until he had the opportunity to complete the inherited task.

But he didn't expect that this task would be ranked first in priority, and he could not take on other tasks until it was completed.

This made it impossible for his other plans to be realized.

At the moment, there is only one way to go, and that is to complete this inherited mission.

As for the task inherited, it is not simple. Fu Ling has explained before that the Gu clan is parasitic on the monks. The strongest Gu clan found in the immortal world is even parasitic on the body of Daluo Immortal.

In addition, as soon as I entered the Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace, I heard some monks in the god transformation stage shouting to kill the Gu tribe, and they were required to travel with monks in the middle stage of god transformation or above.

This information all shows how dangerous it is to kill the Gu clan.

No wonder Fu Hongxi couldn't stay in the Immortal Mansion, because his mission was basically a dead end, and he could only escape back to the Beidou Realm in despair.

Han Yi was silent for a moment, and finally closed the five-color spiritual pillar and took back the token.

Then, he walked out of the Immortal Palace. Halfway there, he stopped again, and his eyes fell on the monk who was calling for people to go to the Nine Thunder Immortal Realm together.

His heart moved.

Since the Gu clan has appeared in the Nine Heavens Thunder Territory and the God Transformation monks are dispatched, it is possible that the Nascent Soul monks and even the Golden Core monks may also go together in a group.

Thinking of this, Han Yi strolled through the Immortal Palace. A quarter of an hour later, he finally encountered a Nascent Soul monk who had the same mission and was pulling a cage with his fellow monks.

Han Yi immediately stepped forward and expressed his intention.

There were seven monks in this team, and the leader was a middle-aged man in the late Nascent Soul stage. What surprised Han Yi was that the middle-aged man's eyes were pure blue.

Moreover, after hearing Han Yi's introduction, the middle-aged man actually showed a slight regret.

"Fu Hongxi was actually killed by you."

"However, you are out of luck. Xiao Changxiong died not long ago, and you can't get the reward."

Han Yi's pupils shrank slightly. These two sentences showed that this middle-aged monk actually knew Fu Hongxi, and it also involved another person named Xiao Changxiong and the so-called reward.

Seeing Han Yi's confusion, the middle-aged man explained a little bit.

In Suizhu Immortal Mansion, many monks who are on the same or similar path to immortality are likely to receive the same mission. This is the competition mechanism of the Immortal Mansion.

Just like the seven monks gathered here at this moment, they are all tasked with killing the Gu clan, and their path to immortality is naturally related to this. Killing the Gu clan will naturally promote their progress in becoming immortals.

The middle-aged man knew Fu Hongxi and Xiao Changxiong because they had the same mission, and he knew something about these two people.

Twelve years ago, Fu Hongxi and Xiao Changxiong teamed up to go to a certain place to explore traces of the Gu clan. During the period, a conflict occurred. Fu Hongxi secretly snatched a spiritual treasure from Xiao Changxiong. After escaping, he never appeared again, and Xiao Changxiong , after returning to the Immortal Mansion, he secretly issued a reward to track down and even kill Fu Hongxi.

However, since then, Fu Hongxi has never appeared again, and Xiao Changxiong also died three years ago. Naturally, this bounty will be ignored.

This matter caused quite a stir in the circle, but it was just a private quarrel among the monks, and it was far from reaching the stage of trial by the Immortal Mansion and Mansion Spirit.

Han Yi suddenly realized.

He now knew another reason why Fu Hongxi left the Immortal Mansion and returned to the Beidou Realm.

Points, tasks, including grabbing the spiritual treasure before leaving, these should be the reasons why he dare not return to the immortal mansion.


As Han Yi had expected, the spiritual treasure that Xiao Changxiong was robbed was most likely the Xuanhuang Tai Chi Plate, a high-grade spiritual treasure.

"My name is Lu Anping, I am a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator." Seeing that Han Yi was not panicked, the middle-aged man introduced himself with a satisfied look on his face, and then emphasized:

"We will set off in six hours."

"The Nine Thunder Immortal Realm is not close. You need to take a cross-domain teleportation array. The cost is not small. This time, you must gain something."

The other six monks were briefly introduced one by one. Some showed gentle smiles, some had cold faces, and some were expressionless. Han Yi wrote down their names and basic information.

Then, like the other six monks, he stood behind Lu Anping. All his equipment was on him, and there was nothing to prepare.

Next, two more monks joined this temporary team. At about the same time, this team of ten people formally swore an oath of heaven and set restrictions on the subsequent cooperation. For example, no matter what the situation, they could not interact with each other. With a knife, whoever discovers the Gu clan will belong to whom. If they can't be defeated, then everyone will rise up to attack and kill the Gu clan. Whoever can kill the Gu clan in the end will depend on their strength.

Han Yi followed everyone and walked out of the Wanzhan Immortal Palace. Then he saw everyone, took out the tokens, and activated them individually. In the Immortal Palace before, Han Yi also knew the operating rules of this Immortal Palace through Fu Ling. Naturally, Know what's going on.

In the Immortal Mansion, the movement of people between the Immortal Palace and the Immortal Palaces mainly depends on the token. This token is not only an identity plate, but also a powerful spiritual treasure. However, There is no spirit treasure space, and it is not a combat spirit treasure, but a purely auxiliary spirit treasure. However, most functions can only work within the fairy palace.

Like everyone else, Han Yi took out the silver token and held it in his hand. A silver light flashed around him. He saw his figure rising. In an instant, he had reached another place, which was a huge square. , on the square, people were coming and going, it was very lively. In front of him, nine monks who were traveling together stood here.

Here is the transportation hub of Xianfu, called Jiuchuan Square. From Jiuchuan Square, you can fly directly outward, leaving the scope of Xianfu, that is, the scope of Suizhu Xianting, and you can also fly to the Xianfu around the square. In the palace, rent a cross-domain teleportation array to teleport to the designated fairyland.

The Immortal Realm is vast. The Daluo Immortal Realm before it was broken was geographically divided into ninety-nine Immortal Realms. Among them, thirty-six Immortal Realms gave birth to a realm.

However, a hundred thousand years ago, one-third of Daluo was broken. Among them, most of the broken places included the lower realm. There were a full 20 square lower realms. They were either broken, fell into the chaotic demon zone, or were possessed by intelligence. The tribe's subordinate racial rule.

This time, everyone's target is not the lower realm, but the Nine Thunder Immortal Realm, one of the Ninety-nine Immortal Realms.

The Nine Thunder Immortal Realm is located in the northeast of the Daluo Immortal Realm, not close to the Suizhu Immortal Court. The two sides are separated by six immortal realms. Even for immortals, it is not easy to cross the six immortal realms. It is like flying on an immortal boat. It takes at least three to five years to cultivate the Nascent Soul.

By this time, the Gu clan had already disappeared.

Therefore, everyone naturally chose the cross-domain teleportation array. As for the cost, for Yuanying monks, it requires a hundred top-quality spiritual stones.

This is a top-quality spiritual stone. Even the cultivators who transform gods value it extremely. It is regarded as a strategic material and can be called a spiritual object. And this transmission will cost a hundred stones, which is a huge sum of money.

This made Han Yi smack his tongue, but after thinking about it, he still took out the spirit stones. Most of the spirit stones on his body were obtained by killing people and touching their corpses. They were not saved one by one by himself. They were given naturally. Not much psychological burden.

But the other nine people, including Lu Anping, are different. These one hundred spirit stones are almost one-fifth or even one-third of their entire worth.

If they fail to complete the task of killing the Gu clan this time, they will have to spend time to earn spiritual stones first. The task they take on will not be the Immortal Road task in the Immortal Mansion, but the outside world through other channels. task.

Only the Immortal Road mission can advance the progress of becoming an immortal, while other missions can only earn spiritual stones.

Think of this.

Lu Anping looked at Han Yi with a hint of pity.

I don't know whether I should say that this guy is unlucky. Although he has inherited the title of Lord of the Immortal Mansion, killing Fu Hongxi requires completing this difficult task. For Han Yi, the gain may not be worth the loss.

In the Teleportation Immortal Palace, Han Yi paid the money with everyone, and then began to wait. After two hours, someone led them to the depths of the Immortal Palace, followed the instructions, and stepped onto a huge magic circle. The magic circle is dozens of times more majestic than the two realms that Han Yi set foot on in the demon clan territory of the Yaoguang Realm.

Those who walked onto the teleportation array with him were not only the other nine fellow monks, but also other monks from the Immortal Mansion. Han Yi also saw that in the Wanzhan Immortal Palace, the people who called for the need for god-transforming monks were also looking for the Destroyer. The monk who killed the Gu tribe was also among them. Beside the monk, five god-transforming monks had gathered.

The six gods were on the same trip and on the same mission, which made Han Yi feel worried.

With his current strength, the nine-level soul tower, the sword control skill, the light body skill, the disguise skill breakthrough, the two magical powers of shape-changing and light world, plus the six extreme soul skills, even in the late Nascent Soul stage, Han Yidu dared to fight, and even if he was defeated, he could retreat calmly.

In the Scarlet Dimension, he relied on the magical power of the Light Realm to get rid of many human monks and scarlet ghost witches in the late Nascent Soul stage. The short but terrifying fight made his experience soar.

Therefore, Han Yi is not afraid of the late Nascent Soul stage.

But if he were to face a monk in the Transformation Stage, he believed that he might not even be able to escape.

After all, no matter how powerful his skills are, he is still only a small early Yuanying monk.

The only hope is to use the magical power of shape-shifting to scare the god-transformation monks into throwing rat-proof weapons, allowing him to escape.

But the dangers involved are really unpredictable.

Unless absolutely necessary, Han Yi was never willing to confront the cultivator of the God of Transformation.

The cross-domain teleportation array was opened, and the spirit of the fairy spirit surged. Han Yi only felt a terrifying squeezing force acting on his body. Although the ancient god visualization technique had not broken through the extreme realm, it was still better than other Nascent Soul monks. It was too strong, and he could naturally bear it.

The spirit of the fairy spirit dispersed, and Han Yi stood firmly on the cross-domain teleportation array. There were five other monks who were traveling with him, and their faces showed pain. Four of these five people were early-stage Nascent Soul monks, and one person, They are in the middle stage of Yuanying. In addition, there are two monks in the middle stage of Yuanying. Their faces are also a little ugly, and they are obviously not feeling well.

Among these ten people, only Han Yi and the two late Yuanying monks could fully withstand such a teleportation across six immortal realms.

Lu Anping looked at Han Yi deeply. He knew that Han Yi was not simple. After all, Fu Hongxi was a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying. He even dared to snatch away the spiritual treasure of Xiao Changxiong in the late stage of Yuanying, although he did not snatch it directly. , but it is by no means simple.

And such an extraordinary monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul actually died in the hands of Han Yi. The causal relationship between this is naturally intriguing.


The stronger Han Yi is, the more effective he can be for the team, and Lu Anping is naturally willing to do so.

But Han Yi's thoughts did not fall on the monks they formed, but on the team of six god-transforming monks.

After the teleportation was completed, these six people flew towards the north after walking out of the Immortal Teleportation Hall.

Seeing that he could no longer feel the aura of transformation, Han Yi immediately asked Lu Anping:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, I was in the Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace before and heard that the six monks in the transformation stage were on the same mission as us. Do we need to avoid them on this trip?"

Lu Anping followed Han Yi's gaze to the north, then looked back, shook his head, and said in a deep voice:

"The Nine Thunder Immortal Territory is vast and boundless. There are not a few clues about the Gu clan found here. We will investigate ours, and those masters of transformation will investigate theirs without interfering with each other."

"After killing the Gu monks and completing the mission, we will withdraw and try not to conflict with them."

"Besides, I have a way to trace the identity of the Gu clan, and you will know it later."

Han Yi nodded and agreed.

Whether it is in the lower world or in the fairy world, it is the law that the strong are respected.

Lu Anping's words were relatively cryptic, but he said it clearly: Don't provoke the gods, avoid them, complete your mission, and then retreat quickly.

Because if the transformed gods are really provoked, even though they are the masters of the Immortal Mansion, these transformed gods will not kill them, but they will inevitably suffer. Normally, they will hide as far as they can.

The other monks already knew these rules and remained silent. After the other monks recovered from the cross-domain teleportation, Lu Anping led everyone towards the east.

After leaving the Teleportation Immortal Palace, he released his flying fairy boat. This was a mid-grade spiritual treasure-level fairy boat. The fairy boat was completely sky blue, and its workmanship was superior to all the fairy boats in the Beidou Realm. , all beautiful.

Seeing Han Yi's curiosity, Lu Anping introduced: "This is the Blue Spirit Immortal Boat. I spent 20 points to redeem it from Zhide Immortal Palace."

"Fellow Daoist Han, according to my previous experience, if you kill one fourth-level Gu clan, you will receive five points. That means as long as you kill four fourth-level Gu clans, you can redeem this mid-grade spiritual treasure."

Han Yi nodded to express his understanding.


He currently has eight points inherited from Fu Hongxi. If he kills three more Gu clan members, he can afford a blue spirit fairy boat with a medium-grade spiritual treasure.

But Xianzhou is not necessary. What he needs to prioritize now is the deduction of ten points every year.

Although ten points are not much, it is equivalent to killing two Gu clans of the same level. If converted into a spiritual treasure, it is equivalent to a low-grade spiritual treasure of good quality.

The requirement of ten points was a major reason why Fu Hongxi avoided returning to the Beidou realm.

After gathering his thoughts, Han Yi boarded the Blue Spirit Fairy Boat and followed the others.

after one day.

The fairy boat landed at the gate of a fairy city. Everyone stepped off the fairy boat and walked into the huge fairy city.

Han Yi's face was still shocked.

This Immortal City is even bigger than the Immortal City of Eternal Breath that we encountered when we broke through the Immortal Realm. The height of the Immortal City walls is about 60,000 meters high.

When Han Yi participated in Taixu's search for immortals before, he was no more than a golden elixir, and he was still in the middle stage of the golden elixir. Now, he is already a Nascent Soul, and he is not far away from the middle Nascent Soul stage, although his realm and strength have undergone earth-shaking changes. , but his shock at such a magnificent fairy city remained unchanged.

Above the gate of the huge fairy city, a black plaque of unknown material is hung, with two words:


This is Canglong Immortal City.

"There is no Immortal Court in the Nine Thunder Immortal Domain, but there are also two Daluo Dojos, namely Taihao Dojo and Hongyun Dojo."

"Although this Canglong Immortal City is not within the scope of the two dojos, the Lord of Canglong City comes from Taihao Dojo, so the actual ruler of this area is also Taihao Immortal Lord."

"If we encounter monks from Taihao Taoist Temple, we must also pay attention. On the territory of Taihao Taoist Temple, even if we are monks from Suizhu Xianting, there is nothing wrong with being careful."

Lu Anping is a cautious monk and does not rely on the Immortal Court monks to do whatever he wants, because he knows that too many of the monks in Suizhu Immortal Court died in the outside world. The Immortal Court is too big, even though they can do Investigation, but their level is too low. Even if it is an investigation, if it is not brought to the public square, it will most likely be nothing in the end.

Everyone naturally responded.


After entering Canglong Immortal City, Lu Anping took the monks and flew towards a certain place with a clear goal.

A full quarter of an hour later.

Lu Anping landed on a certain street. This was not a prosperous street. It was even a relatively remote place among the places they had flown.


When he arrived here, Lu Anping stopped, his face turned serious, and he said to the monks:

"I hope you will listen to what I am going to say next, keep it in your heart, and never say a word to anyone else."

These serious words made everyone feel at ease. Before anyone could express their opinions, Lu Anping continued directly:

"To tell you the truth, I have been here a century ago, and there is a stronghold of the Nether Soul Tower here."

As soon as the voice fell, the only other late Yuanying monk in the team, a monk named Mu Yuanzhou, exclaimed: "What, Wraith Tower?"

At the same time, there were five other monks whose expressions changed slightly, including three mid-stage Nascent Souls and two early-stage Nascent Souls. Only Han Yi and the other two early-stage Nascent Souls had doubtful expressions on their faces.

Mu Yuanzhou took a deep breath and explained quickly:

"The Nether Soul Tower is not a sect, but a dark force. It is also a dark force in the Great Luo Immortal Realm. It can be ranked among the top three dark forces. I heard that the owner of the Nether Soul Tower is at least the realm of the Great Luo Immortal Lord. I can imagine You know how terrifying this force is."

"What's more important is that the Nether Soul Tower is good at the secret arts of souls. It has countless soul guides scattered all over the fairy world. Even many fairy courts can't compare with this power in summarizing and tracking information."

Lu Anping nodded: "That's right, it's because the Nether Soul Tower has penetrated all parts of the Immortal Realm that I brought you here to prepare to purchase information. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to search for the Gu clan in the Nine Thunder Immortal Territory. It’s a needle in a haystack.”

"According to what I understand, purchasing information about the Gu clan is expensive, but I'll wait for ten people and each of them will pay fifty top-quality spiritual stones."

"How?" (End of Chapter)

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