I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 316 Qing Lei’s sudden change, the soul-swallowing Gu clan

Now that we have reached this point, Lu Anping’s ‘How is it? ’ In fact, it didn’t give everyone much room to think about it.

Everyone just thought about it briefly and agreed.

After all, without Lu Anping's channel, relying on them, not to mention the entire Nine Thunder Immortal Territory, or even the Canglong Immortal City, would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, trying to find out the deeply hidden Gu clan, although it cannot be said to be a fool's errand. , but it also takes an uncertain amount of time.

For Yuanying monks, time is also extremely precious.

The Gu clan parasitizes the monk, absorbs the monk's soul, controls the monk's physical body, and possesses the monk's memory and strength in disguise. From the appearance, there is no difference at all, and it is even worse than the most perfect body-snatching in the world of immortality. future trouble.

Only by killing the monk will the Gu clan's true body be separated from the monk's body.

As for the Gu Clan's body, it is very fragile. The strength of the fourth-level Gu Clan's body is not very strong. Ordinary Nascent Soul monks can basically kill it. However, the most powerful thing about the Gu Clan is not the body, but their body. The parasitic ability and the help of this powerful and strange ability can bring out 10% of the monk's strength.


The most difficult task for them this time was to find the Gu Clan, followed by killing the parasitic monks of the Gu Clan, and finally, the true body of the Gu Clan.

This is the entire task, roughly divided into three steps. The first step takes 99% of their time.

After gathering five hundred top-quality spiritual stones, Lu Anping breathed a sigh of relief in addition to his solemnity. With this large amount of spiritual stones, he could at least get more accurate information from the Ghost Tower this time, and get twice the result with half the effort. .

Lu Anping glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Han Yi.

"Fellow Daoist Han will go with me. The remaining eight people will wait here first."

Han Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, while the other eight people were a little more suspicious. However, Lu Anping's words made them temporarily put aside their suspicions, so they had no choice but to do so.

"You don't have to worry if I go alone."

"Fellow Daoist Han is not at a high level, but his strength is not weak. If you go with me, it will not cause a big reaction in the Nether Soul Tower."

"This arrangement couldn't be better."

Lu Anping waved, and then stepped into this remote street. He walked not fast, just like a mortal, walking forward step by step, not in a hurry. Behind him, Han Yi bowed his hands to the other eight monks. Silently, he followed, about two meters behind, behind Lu Anping.

"Wait, don't say anything, don't do anything, just follow me, got it." Lu Anping passed the message, and Han Yi responded.

After walking for about ten minutes, at the end of the street, at the penultimate corner, Lu Anping turned in, followed by Han Yi.

Outside the street, the eight monks who were traveling with him looked at Han Yi turning into the alleyway, and then they all looked away. They found a restaurant nearby to wait.

the other side.

Following Lu Anping in the alleyway, after twists and turns, we came to a small shop with no name. There was only an elderly man who looked like a mortal and had no aura of a monk at the front desk. What are you wearing?

Lu Anping paused for a moment, then stepped forward and pushed a folded piece of paper in front of the old man. Han Yi did not rush to use his spiritual sense to detect what was written on the paper. He followed Lu Anping's previous steps. Just watch, don't say, don't do what I'm told.

The old man picked up the paper, scanned it, and then said: "Six hundred top-quality spiritual stones."

Lu Anping frowned. The price was much higher than what he had heard. But he also knew that the information on the Ghost Tower had certain standards and would never reduce or increase the price without reason. Among them, , there must be a reason.

So, after thinking about it, he still asked: "The price is high. Is there a reason for it?"

The old man raised his head slightly, glanced at Lu Anping and Han Yi, and responded expressionlessly: "That's the price. As for the reason, it requires four hundred top-quality spiritual stones."

In Wraith Tower, everything has a price.

Lu Anping's face looked slightly ugly, but after a moment, he automatically ignored the price of the four hundred top-grade spiritual stones and pushed a Qiankun Ring in front of the old man.

"I bought six hundred top-quality spiritual stones."

Behind him, Han Yi was slightly surprised. The ten of them had collected 500 top-quality spiritual stones, but now they were given 600. It seemed that Lu Anping planned to fill in the extra 100 by himself.

Han Yi got a glimpse of Lu Anping's urgent mood from his actions. He had no intention of prying into the reason.

The old man took the Qiankun Ring in his hand, sensed it, nodded, turned and walked towards the back of the store. After a while, he walked out again and threw a jade butterfly to Lu Anping.

Lu Anping held Yudie tightly, turned around and left without hesitation.

After walking out of the store, Lu Anping said through his spiritual consciousness: "Remember this store, this is a stronghold of Wraith Tower. As long as you give money, intelligence, killers, and resources, I can provide you with it."

Han Yi knew that this was Lu Anping's kindness, so he agreed.

After a while, they walked out of this remote street and found eight other monks in a restaurant. These eight monks were relieved to see the two return.


Lu Anping was nearby again and rented a guest room. After Lu Anping and Mu Yuanzhou set up a strict formation at the same time, they took out the jade butterfly. The monks looked at Han Yi, wanting to get confirmation. Han Yi clicked He nodded and confirmed that it was this jade butterfly.

Then, seeing that everyone was ready, Lu Anping transferred his magic power into the jade butterfly.

Messages began to appear in front of everyone in the form of light curtains.

This is reliable news about a stronghold of the Gu clan in Canglong Immortal City.

A quarter of an hour later.

The cultivators removed the formation, left the guest room, and then fled towards a certain place in Canglong Immortal City.

Canglong Immortal City, even if it is placed in the Nine Thunder Immortal Domain, is one of the largest fairy cities, comparable to a cave world.

Qinglei Mountain is located in the northeast of Immortal City. On Qinglei Mountain, there is a sect of Huashen, Qinglei Sect, located here.

In the Beidou Realm, those with the power of the God Transformation Monk can be called a holy land, but in the Immortal Realm, there are too many of the God Transformation Sects, and in the Immortal City, they are not even ranked, even above the Transformation God. Semi-immortal sects, and even immortal sects, are also not uncommon.

At the foot of Qinglei Mountain, ten figures appeared quietly.

"In Qinglei Sect, there are five transformed gods, twenty-seven Nascent Souls, and hundreds of golden elixirs."

"Judging from the information provided by Nether Soul Tower, everyone in this sect, from the gods to the golden elixirs, should be parasitized by the Gu clan. However, our mission should be to kill the fourth-level Gu clan. In the end, The suitable ones are naturally looking for those Nascent Soul cultivators."

Lu Anping was among the monks, and his spiritual consciousness transmitted the message.

Han Yi also knows something about the fourth-level Gu clan. Under normal circumstances, the fourth-level Gu clan will parasitize the bodies of Yuanying monks, but this is not absolute. For example, if you are unlucky, the golden elixir monk may also be parasitized by the fourth-level Gu clan. The Gu clan is parasitic, and some seriously injured god-transformation monks may also be taken care of by the fourth-level Gu clan.

But there is no doubt that for them, the probability of encountering the fourth-level Gu clan after killing the Nascent Soul cultivator is the highest.

"However, there are five gods here, and this battle is not easy to fight." Among the three mid-stage Nascent Souls who were traveling with him, a monk named Yuan Qinghong said with a solemn face.

Lu Anping nodded slightly: "Yes, if the five transformed gods are discovered by the transformed soul Gu clan, we will have no choice but to escape."

"By the way, there are six other god-forming monks who also participated in the cross-domain teleportation like us and have the same mission. If we reveal the news to them, will we be able to deal with these god-forming monks?" Yuan Qinghong's eyes lit up. .

But Mu Yuanzhou immediately stopped him and said: "No, if those god-transformation monks get involved, this Qinglei Mountain will be overturned in an instant. Those fourth-level Gu tribes may immediately escape and disperse into the fairy city, and then change their hosts. At that time, We couldn’t be more difficult to find.”

"That's right, we must not attract the cultivators of the God Transformation." Lu Anping said solemnly.

Yuan Qinghong's eyes flickered and he finally nodded. If all the Gu clans were allowed to escape in the end, they would only be able to stop one or two people, but they would never be able to complete their mission.

Han Yi was on one side, listening to everyone's discussion, and suddenly thought of an issue that was most important to him.

"I have a question. Are the twenty-seven fourth-level Gu tribes all on Qinglei Mountain? Are they enough for all ten of us to complete the mission?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

"If it's not enough, why don't we each find a way to hunt down the Nascent Soul monks on Qinglei Mountain?"

Han Yi added another sentence.

He naturally has his own reasons for saying this. For him, it is not difficult to sneak into the mountain and use the magical power of shape-changing, supplemented by the magical power of the light world, to kill the Nascent Soul and complete the task. But for others, it should not be difficult. Simple.

For him, the best way is to go alone.

In fact, in the previous inn, after learning that the intelligence provided by Nether Soul Tower pointed to Qinglei Mountain and the situation of Qinglei Sect, Han Yi had plans to go alone.

Lu Anping took a deep look at Han Yi and was about to send a message with his spiritual consciousness when he suddenly raised his head and looked at Qinglei Mountain with a horrified look in his eyes.

"No, it's Pu Yi. Damn it, they also found this stronghold."

Almost as soon as Lu Anping's voice rose.

Boom! !

Thunder fell from the sky and struck Qinglei Mountain. A god-transforming monk suddenly appeared and stood out of thin air. He was wearing a purple robe. In his hand was a thunder talisman, which flashed with thunder light.

This transformed god was the Pu Yi mentioned by Lu Anping, the master of the transformed god palace of Suizhuxian Palace that he knew.


On Qinglei Mountain, the Qinglei Sect's sect-protecting formation shimmered with green light, blocking the thunder.

A monk wearing a green robe escaped from the sect's main hall and flew into the sky above the Qinglei Sect, with anger surging on his face.

"How could the rats attack and kill the Qinglei Sect?"

As soon as the voice of the Qinglei Sect's incarnation fell, and before he had time to activate the formation, he saw a second thunder, which hit the Qinglei Sect's sect-protecting formation, causing the formation to shake, and the entire formation along with it. Qinglei Mountain began to shake.

In the other direction, another deity from the Sui Zhuxian Mansion appeared, also holding a thunder talisman in his hand.

Before the thunder subsided, the third thunder followed closely.

The roaring sound is endless.

The fourth, the fifth..., a total of six thunders crashed down on Qinglei Mountain.

At the same time, the six god-transforming monks separated into six directions and surrounded Qinglei Mountain.


The Qinglei Sect's sect-protecting formation was shattered by six consecutive thunder bombardments, and most of the palace on the mountain was destroyed.


The incarnation monk named Pu Yi, who was closer to Han Yi and others, shouted loudly, put away the thunder talisman, turned his hands, and a black seal flew out of his hand, towards the Qing Lei Zonghua who had just flown into the air. God, blasted down, and on the seal, an aura of the fairyland surged.

Moreover, the aura of this jade seal has actually surpassed the spirit treasure and reached the level of a semi-immortal weapon.

Pu Yi's cultivation level is impressively at the peak of divine transformation.

The god-transformation monks in the other five directions also offered sacrifices to spiritual treasures. However, although the spiritual treasures were of higher grade, no second semi-immortal weapon appeared.

The Qinglei Sect's transformed god who appeared first had his eyes completely cracked.


too fast.

From the time when the first thunder struck to when the six thunders crashed down and the sect-protecting formation shattered, only a thought passed.

When he was horrified and turned around to run away, a jade seal was already pressing down on him.


The terrifying power of the semi-immortal weapon directly smashed the first Green Thunder Sect incarnation into pieces.

In the flesh and blood in the sky, a black figure that was only about half a meter tall flashed slightly and was about to escape, but saw a black light sweeping through the black jade seal, blasting the strange black figure that was half a meter tall on the spot.

"It's indeed the Gu clan."

"Kill them."

Pu Yi was overjoyed. The black jade seal that fell suddenly expanded and blasted towards the largest hall of Qinglei Sect.

Before the seal fell, I saw three figures in the hall, with their coats scattered.

The other five companions, Sui Zhuxianfu's Avatars, intercepted him one after another.

At the foot of Qinglei Mountain.

Lu Anping exclaimed, everyone looked at the sound and their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

Lu Anping, who exclaimed in surprise, turned ugly after one sentence. Without saying a word, he rushed towards Qinglei Mountain. He was afraid that if he was too late, the other Nascent Souls of Qinglei Mountain would escape.

In fact, he has killed seven fourth-level Gu clans in the past hundreds of years. This time, he only needs to kill three more fourth-level Gu clans. However, his character is quite cautious, so he spent a lot of time. With great effort, he summoned nine monks and exposed the stronghold of the Nether Soul Tower, just to be able to kill the three-headed and fourth-level Gu clan at the last moment.

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and those cultivators who had the same path to immortality actually took the lead. Among them, there was Pu Yi, a cultivator at the peak of spiritual transformation who had a semi-immortal weapon.

For this plan, it was natural to take action first, hoping to kill the three fourth-level Gu clansmen as expected.

As soon as Lu Anping set off, the other monks who were traveling with him also scattered and rushed towards Qinglei Mountain. They had an oath of heaven to prevent each other from attacking each other. Moreover, it was also stipulated that whoever captured the fourth-level Gu clan would belong to him. .

At this moment, in this chaotic moment, everyone is naturally left to his own devices.

Mu Yuanzhou's speed was extremely fast, but just as soon as his eyes flashed, a figure passed by at extremely high speed, quickly surpassing him, and teleporting away in just one thought.

"It's him."

Mu Yuanzhou was horrified. At such a speed, even he was far from in a hurry. He suddenly thought of what Lu Anping said about Han Yi killing Fu Hongxi in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He and Lu Anping named Han Yi and headed to the Ghost Tower together. Regarding the stronghold, he understood clearly in his heart. No wonder Lu Anping treated Han Yi so differently. It turned out that his strength was so terrifying.

the other side.

Han Yi ignored Mu Yuanzhou's horror. He just quickly activated the light realm magical power and teleported to a mile away. Then, he activated the magical power continuously.

In less than three breaths, he saw a Nascent Soul monk fleeing from Qinglei Mountain.

This Yuanying monk has an aura similar to that of Yuan Qinghong, and belongs to the middle stage of Yuanying.

Han Yi didn't talk nonsense, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he took out the Qingping Sword. This spiritual treasure bloomed for the first time in the fairy world. The green and black energy flashed across several miles, killing the Yuan who was escaping in mid-air. The infant monk beheaded him.

A statue half a man tall, looking extremely ugly, like some kind of enlarged version of a poisonous insect, emerged from the monk's broken neck, bared his teeth, and rushed towards Han Yi.

This is the Gu clan.

Han Yi raised his brows, and with a thought in his mind, the Qingping Sword had already turned back and killed the Gu clan under the sword. Worrying that he was still alive, Han Yi even attached a soul-killing weapon and decapitated the Gu clan. Later, he used his Lingxu finger to blow it up and turn it into pieces. The dead person could no longer die.

Han Yi did not have time to see the changes in the points in the silver token. Instead, his body flashed and he rushed to another direction to kill other Nascent Souls of the Qing Lei Sect.


After just five breaths, Han Yi's expression changed.

Although he was fast enough, he killed three Yuanying monks as soon as he came up, two of them were in the middle stage of Yuanying, one was in the early stage of Yuanying, and he destroyed the three-headed Gu tribe.

Although there are twenty-seven Yuanying monks from Qinglei Mountain Sect, only about half of them are gathered on the mountain, while the others are outside.

On the other hand, the God Transformation monks surrounded and killed the Qinglei Sect. Even the God Transformation monks who were parasitized by the fifth-level Gu clan could not escape death. Seeing this, the other fourth-level Gu clans had only one thought, which was to escape.

Therefore, although Han Yi was fast enough, he only killed three Yuanying monks. There were no more gods within his sight. Under the induction of his divine consciousness, he could only talk about how many Yuanyings were running away crazily. There were monks chasing them behind them, so it was difficult to grab them.

That is to say.

On this trip, he could only complete three-tenths of the mission at most. It was basically impossible to complete it all in one battle.

This is the reason why Han Yi's expression changed.

Right now.

Han Yi looked sideways.

I saw a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying running away in panic. When he saw Han Yi standing in mid-air, his breath was only in the early stage of Yuanying, he was grinning and killing him.

Behind the monk, Yuan Qinghong chased him with murderous intent on his face.

Han Yi's face was filled with joy. This was the Gu clan who came to his door. According to the heavenly oath they swore, in this case, Han Yi's action was not considered a robbery, but whoever killed the Gu clan would be counted as his.


Han Yi looked at the Gu tribe that was rushing towards them, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

It should be feasible to track the Gu clan with the Gu clan.

As soon as the thought came to an end, the Qingping Sword floating in front of him jumped suddenly, teleporting in front of the Qinglei Sect monk who was coming to kill him, and pierced his forehead with the sword.


Han Yi activated the light realm magic power at the same time. When he arrived in front of the monk, he saw a Gu tribe just coming out of the monk's neck. Han Yi killed it with one sword, and then the Nascent Soul escaped from the top of his head. He came out, directly activated the soul-devouring secret technique, and with a sudden breath, a gray and twisted shadow was pulled from the Gu clan corpse and swallowed by the Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul fell back into the inner space, and Han Yi suddenly looked forward, with a horrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

In front of him, Yuan Qinghong actually took out the spirit treasure of the soul attack while he was launching the soul-swallowing secret technique, and Korea and Han Yi attacked.

"court death!"

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