I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 332 Qingming Kunwu, Black Flame Mysterious Immortal

Zhengfa Immortal Palace, Asking Heart Palace.

Han Yi sat upright, without the aura of Nascent Soul on his body, as if he were a mortal, because all his magic power was blocked at this moment.

In front of him, two first-level immortal envoys put away the Jade Butterfly image they had just interrogated. One of them said to Han Yi:

"You have the right intentions."

"Han Yi, there is nothing wrong with what you said."

"However, even though the other party set up to kill first, it is also true that you killed someone in Xianfang Palace."

"We need to report this situation to the higher authorities for decision-making."

"But you don't have to worry too much. Even if there is punishment, it will be the lightest one."

This immortal envoy's face was not the same as the serious one during the interrogation just now, but was much gentler.

Han Yi cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you so much, immortal envoy."

The immortal envoy nodded, took the jade butterfly, and left with another immortal envoy.

In the room, although the immortal envoy told Han Yi not to worry, Han Yi was still very nervous. After all, he had indeed broken the rules of the immortal mansion.

However, it was just an honest mistake. Besides, the other party set a trap and wanted to kill him first. All his actions were based on this and were completely legitimate resistance.

Therefore, even if he broke the rules, Han Yi believed that he would not be severely punished.

What's more, he had just become a fifth-level alchemist not long ago, and he also participated in the exchange of fifth-level alchemy masters in Zhengyang Pavilion. Although he didn't know the Zhengyang Immortal Envoy, he had some connections.

At this moment, Han Yi was indeed somewhat grateful that he had mastered alchemy to the extreme and was able to break through to the fifth level of alchemy master.

This is pretty much a pretty good identity label, and I hope it can be of some help.

As for what the punishment is, Han Yicong once read the rules in this regard from the Xuanzang Palace.

Or assign additional designated tasks? Or deduct certain points?

All in all, sin does not lead to death, and the punishment from the Immortal Mansion can most likely be easily completed.


He abandoned his messy thoughts, closed his eyes, and re-deduced everything in the formation space. He found that his response was not a big problem. Even if he failed to stop in the end, it was not his fault. The rules of the Immortal Mansion are strict. If it were in another place, he would have run away long ago after touching the corpse.


If he had known that he would be caught, when he finally escaped, he should have taken away the spirit bead in Yuan Qinghong's hand. It was the core of the fifth-level formation and was worth a lot of money.

on the other hand.

Han Yi was fortunate that the Xuanxian on duty in the Xianfang Palace did not notice the special situation in the space inside his body. Otherwise, it would have been easy to kill him on the spot as a spy from the intellectual world.

After burning the incense, the door opened again. Han Yi looked over and saw the two immortal envoys coming in.

The immortal messenger who had told him not to worry before and who was obviously in a dominant position did not have much emotion on his face, but Han Yi could see a helpless feeling in his eyes.

"The punishment meted out to him from above is not serious, but it is different from what I thought."

The immortal's tone was normal, but Han Yi's heart was already pounding, and he suddenly felt something bad.

"Three years ago, Immortal Lord Linghua recruited a group of Immortal Mansion disciples to explore an unknown world."

"Although you just made an honest mistake this time, Linghua Immortal Lord happened to be in urgent need of manpower. Not long ago, he approached the master of the Immortal Mansion and asked to send more monks there again. You happened to hit the muzzle of the gun, so he also directly classified you. One of the disciples sent there."

"The term is twenty years."

"Of course, these twenty years are not unique to you, but are the period for the same batch of disciples sent there. In addition, you will have the same treatment as them, and you will also have the same points and rewards."

"All in all, this is an assigned task. Strictly speaking, it cannot be called punishment."

Han Yi was stunned.

Of course he knew about the mission three years ago, and he also knew about the Immortal Lord named Linghua. However, recently, he was obsessed with breaking through to the fifth-level alchemy master and cultivating the dead wood to cast nerves, and did not pay too much attention to other things. Unexpectedly, three For the mission from years ago, manpower has actually begun to be recruited again.

Three years ago, it was because of that mission that Han Yi was reminded by Gu Chuan to be certified as a third-level and fourth-level alchemist, and not long ago he went on to be certified as a fifth-level alchemist.

Next, he signed up to join the Immortal Association, and from this task, he indirectly understood the plan to expand his name and increase his popularity.


In the end, he actually bumped into this mission again, which really made him somewhat vulnerable.

"Immortal envoy, but I have already signed up for the Immortal Association ten years from now. If I go twenty years, what about this Immortal Association?"

The Immortal Envoy shook his head: "There is no way, this is the Immortal Palace's decision. Unless you can find a way to come back within ten years, otherwise, the Immortal Immortal Society will have to give up."

While saying this.

The Immortal Messenger flicked his fingers, and a flash of spiritual light shot out from his fingertips and fell on Han Yi. Han Yi suddenly felt that the stagnant magic power in his body began to flow, and the blockade on his body was broken.

"Thank you, Immortal Envoy. May I ask the Immortal Envoy's title?"

Han Yi felt complicated in his heart, but he still thanked him and asked for the immortal envoy's title. He felt that the immortal envoy, outside of official duties, took good care of him. He should at least know the other person's name and thank him.

The Immortal Envoy smiled: "I am the Immortal Envoy of the Zhengfa Immortal Palace, a first-class Immortal Envoy, and my Taoist name is Zhengyang."

Han Yi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder this immortal envoy had a good attitude towards him. It turned out that this was the owner of the place where he went to attend the fifth-level alchemy master exchange meeting. He was a half-immortal who could refine elixirs and had a not low status in Zhengfa Immortal Palace. , Zhengyang Immortal Envoy.

Speaking of which, the two are somewhat related.

Han Yi thanked him sincerely: "Thank you Immortal Envoy Zhengyang."

Immortal Zhengyang waved his hand: "Originally I wanted to help, but Immortal Lord Linghua's order, not to mention me, even the palace master must obey."

Han Yi already understood the relationship when the Zhengyang Immortal Envoy said his Taoist name. Naturally, he also knew that the assigned task he had received was already a certainty. No matter what, he could not avoid it, so he could not avoid it. No need to worry.

And what Zhengyang Immortal Envoy said is right. The palace master he mentioned is naturally the palace master of Zhengfa Immortal Palace. Not to mention that the palace master is just a golden immortal, even the current palace master who controls the Nine Palaces is just an immortal. Jun, although his realm is the same as that of Linghua Immortal Jun, his status is said to be slightly weaker than that of Linghua Immortal Jun from Immortal Court.

Han Yi recognized it.

His mentality has always been good, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.

Zhengyang Immortal Envoy saw that there was no extra emotion on Han Yi's face, but that he was quite calm. He couldn't help but nodded slightly in his heart, and then said:

"The matter has been settled."

"You can go back and get ready. In seven days, we will gather outside Zhengfa Immortal Palace and set off together with the other monks who have been recruited."

Han Yi thanked him again, then turned around and left, walked out of the Wenxin Palace, and out of the Zhengfa Immortal Palace. He sighed softly, then returned to normal, holding the token in hand, and teleported away.

He did not go to other immortal palaces, but returned to Immortal Palace No. 826. He first checked the Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit Array and found that no outsiders had intruded in the past few days, so he replaced it with the Guixu Sword Array, and then left. Entering the Immortal Palace, after arriving at the main hall, place the token on the spiritual pillar and start to read it.

He first clicked on the tasks and found that in addition to the three tasks he originally received, there were a few more tasks in the task list.

Sure enough.

The original tasks were to practice the 'Forging Nerves from Rotten Wood', to refine the True Infant Pill and Luo Tiandan, and to participate in the Immortal Association of Immortals.

Han Yi suddenly felt lucky that he had received these three tasks in advance, because according to what he learned, if you kill other immortal monks, you will inherit that monk's points and tasks.

If you need to receive another mission, you need to complete the mission of the monk you killed first.

This was also the first time he came to the Immortal Mansion before and was unable to receive a mission. He could only take on his own mission after completing Fu Hongxi's mission of 'killing the Gu clan'.

At this moment, there are five extra tasks, and these five are all outbound tasks.

Although Han Yi had expected this, he was still a little helpless after having five more items.

He thought of something, exited the mission, clicked on the 'Points' module, and immediately a message popped up.

"Current points: 2874."

Han Yi's eyes lit up when he saw the number of points clearly, and his helplessness about the five extra tasks disappeared in an instant.

This is a big profit.

Han Yi originally only had a few dozen points left. He planned to practice rotten wood to cast nerves and refine the True Infant Pill and Luo Tiandan to accumulate points. But now that he suddenly became rich, he no longer needed to refine these two pills for the time being. .

Besides, he has been assigned to participate in the mission of Immortal Lord Linghua and has no time to refine elixirs.

And more than two thousand points are a huge sum of money. Han Yi has accumulated ten years of points before he can break through one thousand. These two thousand eight hundred points should be what Yuan Qinghong and Wang Xijin have accumulated for a long time. Points, and now these points belong to him.

Exit the points interface.

Han Yi left the Immortal Palace, teleported to the Immortal Art Palace, entered the Alchemy Palace, found Gu Chuan who was on duty, and canceled the task of refining Luo Tian Dan and Zhen Ying Dan that he had previously received.

In fact, although he had accepted this task, he had not yet come to collect the source materials. This task allowed for three more trials, so he was too lazy to practice and just quit.

Gu Chuan was a little confused when he heard that Han Yi was about to cancel the task, because he didn't know that Han Yi had been arrested.

After Han Yi killed Yuan Qinghong in Xianwu Palace, Xuanxian who was in charge of Xianwu Palace came directly to the scene, controlled the two people, and handed them over to the immortal envoys of Zhengfa Immortal Palace. After all, Han Yi and Chu Zhi were both monks in the Immortal Palace. , this Xuanxian on duty, according to the regulations, does not have the right to directly deal with it.

In the Immortal Mansion, only the Zhengfa Immortal Palace has such rights.

In the Xianfang Palace area, Xuanxian's words also made many fifth-level alchemists who had just left Zhengyang Pavilion know about Han Yi. However, it was Xuanxian who came and introduced Han Yi to Cang Shaoyuan of Zhengyang Pavilion. Naturally, He didn't dare to say a word, he didn't even dare to get close, he just noticed Han Yi's aura from a distance.

Han Yi was taken away by the immortal envoys of the Zhengfa Immortal Palace. After arriving at the Wenxin Hall of the Immortal Palace, he was actually released again in less than an hour.

Cang Shaoyuan was not on duty today and was not in the Xianyi Palace, so Gu Chuan did not know what happened to Han Yi.

Seeing Tanichuan's confusion, Han Yi briefly explained what happened in Xianfang Palace.

Tanichuan looked extremely shocked.

"You said you killed two Immortal Mansion monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

Han Yi nodded. He did not say that there were three people who besieged and killed him. The third one was still in the late stage of Yuanying. After the outbreak, he had the peak combat power of Yuanying. He did not mention that the formation that surrounded and killed him was five. The formation method, but just killing two monks of the same level in Xianfang Palace was enough to shock Tanichuan.

Generally speaking, the combat power of an alchemist is weaker than that of other immortal monks. Han Yi was able to kill two people in a row, which shows that his combat power is definitely not weak among monks of the same level, and can even be considered strong.

Fifth-level alchemy master, strong fighting ability, young, these labels put together, this is the reason why Tanichuan was shocked.

After recovering from the shock, he calmed down, took Han Yi's token, placed it on the five-color spiritual pillar, and canceled the task accepted by Han Yi as the deacon of the Alchemy Palace of Immortal Art Palace.

For Immortal Mansion monks, there are two types of tasks that cannot be canceled. One is the Immortal Road task, which is the task you click to receive in the Immortal Road branch. This type of task is an exclusive task and cannot be canceled. For example, Han Easy-to-get items such as 'Practice rotten wood to cast nerves'.

One is the mission inherited from killing other Immortal Mansion monks. Whether it is an Immortal Road mission or other regular mission, as long as it is inherited, it cannot be canceled.

The tasks of refining Luo Tian Dan and Zhen Ying Dan that Han Yi received are not included in this list. As long as there are sufficient reasons, they can be canceled with the permission of the Immortal Palace that issued the tasks.

"Junior brother, I will be going out with the team in seven days. I don't know when I will return. I would like to thank Senior Brother Gu for taking care of him over the years." Han Yi thanked him.

Tanichuan waved his hand, as if thinking of something, and said:

"I have inquired about this recruitment mission of Immortal Lord Linghua."

"Although I don't know where this mission is specifically, one thing is clear, that is, so far, basically no immortal monks have died."

"I checked more than thirty familiar Yuanying monks who were sent there. In the past three years, the soul beads left by these thirty monks in the mansion have not been broken."

"Therefore, Junior Brother Han does not need to worry too much. Since the mortality rate is not high, Junior Brother Han will surely be able to return smoothly with his strength."

After Gu Chuan finished speaking, Han Yi raised his eyebrows.

If it is really a new world, then during the process of opening up, not even a single Nascent Soul has died. Then Linghua Immortal Lord will not need these low-level monks. Why bother?

This is indeed weird.

As for the soul bead, Han Yi knew that it was a kind of soul lamp similar to the Yuheng world. However, the soul lamp had many restrictions, but the soul bead had almost no restrictions. Even if it fell into other worlds, it could be fed back to the soul in time. above the beads.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Gu, for informing me." Han Yi thanked him.

After Han Yi thanked him, he walked out of Xianyi Palace and teleported away.

Behind him, Tanichuan's face turned complicated. This junior brother, who had always been humble, became more and more mysterious as he learned more about him. Of course, he had no intention of exploring Han Yi's secrets, but he was filled with emotion. .

On the other side, Han Yi, who had teleported away, did not return to the Immortal Palace, but teleported to the Supreme Immortal Palace, one of the nine palaces in the Immortal Mansion.

Talk about it.

This was his first time coming to Dexian Palace.

The Palace of Virtue is about the use of points. Here, you can use your points to buy almost anything you want. In the early stage, you have enough points.

When Han Yi bought the fifth-level talisman, he originally wanted to come to Dexian Palace, but he wanted to save up his points to buy the rotten wood cast nerve, and he happened to refine the Danwen-level Qingli Dan, so he made it in Qingyang Pavilion. After completing the transaction, I got the Spirit Soul Calming Talisman.

But now, he got a windfall and was directly assigned by the Immortal Mansion to go out. He just used the more than two thousand points to strengthen his foundation.

The area of ​​the Zhide Immortal Palace is not as large as that of a complex such as the Immortal Square Palace and the Immortal Art Palace, but is similar to that of the Wanzhan Immortal Palace.

When Han Yi stepped into the Immortal Palace, he saw colorful spiritual pillars about a hundred meters apart. There were many spiritual pillars. This was similar to Wan Zhan Immortal Art, but unlike Wan Zhan Immortal Palace, which was a little noisy, Zhide Immortal Palace is relatively quiet.

The method of purchasing spiritual objects with points is also very simple, that is, after selecting the thing you want to buy, the points will be deducted, and then the spiritual object will appear from the top of the spiritual pillar.

This method cannot be called magical. After all, this is the immortal world. He guessed that the Supreme Virtue Immortal Palace itself is a huge immortal-level formation, and teleporting spiritual objects is only a basic ability of the formation.

Although Han Yi knew this method in advance, he still patiently observed it on one side and made sure that there was no problem before he stepped forward, selected an unoccupied five-color spiritual pillar, and placed the token on it. .

With a flash of inspiration, a huge aura shield was formed to ensure that the transaction was safe and uninterrupted.

Then, Han Yi clicked on the light screen that popped up in front of him to enter the 'Points' interface. In his Immortal Palace, the points interface only displayed points and no other information. However, in Zide Immortal Palace, under this interface, But there are many more columns.

Immortal magic, spiritual treasures, talismans, formations, elixirs, strange objects, immortal plants, spiritual puppets, beasts to control, Gu insects...

Han Yi thought for a while, then clicked on the spiritual treasure. Although the shape diagram of the heavens on his body was among the top among the lower-grade spiritual treasures, this spiritual treasure was the Zongzong spiritual treasure of the Xingyue Sect in the Yuheng Realm. , it is necessary to use the Xingyue Sect's supreme secret method, the Xingyue True Form Sutra, to guide the stars in the sky and condense the true form of the stars, in order to have powerful power.

However, when Han Yi obtained this spiritual treasure in the Tanggu Mountains, it was already in a damaged state. Later, in the scarlet dimension, he blocked some of the aftermath of the semi-immortal-level fight. In the spiritual treasure space, the original condensed The true form of the stars has been completely shattered.

He didn't have time to repair it later, so he just superimposed this spiritual treasure on his robe to enhance his defense.

However, the defensive power of the heavenly diagram with all the stars' true shapes shattered has been greatly weakened.

So this time, the first thing he wanted to buy was an inner armor that could replace the celestial diagram and enhance his defense.

Han Yi clicked on 'Lingbao', then selected the inner armor according to the categories. After a while, he selected an inner armor that suited him.

This inner armor is the top low-grade spiritual treasure, called Qingming Armor.

Han Yi did not hesitate, spent his points, and purchased it. After a breath, he saw an inner armor suddenly appearing out of nothing in front of Han Yi, inside the spiritual light shield and on top of the spiritual pillar.

Han Yi was not surprised and checked it first.

This inner armor is entirely light cyan in color and has no exquisite patterns or patterns, but is extremely pure and simple.

However, this inner armor is full of spirituality, similar to Han Yi's Qingping Sword. The spiritual activity also represents the level of Lingbao to a certain extent.

Han Yi confirmed that there was no problem with the inner armor and put it into the Qiankun Ring.


He clicked into the 'Sword Weapon' column again and chose a long sword. This long sword was also a low-grade spiritual treasure, because with Han Yi's current points, he couldn't even afford a mid-grade spiritual treasure, let alone one. , the Guixu Sword Formation is close to the limit of his control. Han Yi bought another sword just as a replacement, or maybe in the past twenty years, his realm has broken through again, and the upper limit of his control power has been increased. The Guixu Sword Formation, It can accommodate more swords, and when the time comes, it can be considered as prepared.

This long sword is a purple long sword named Kunwu Sword.

Talk about it.

When Han Yi was establishing his foundation, he had a seven-star Kunwu Sword, which was a reward from Emperor Daqian. However, the Kunwu Sword was just a low-grade magic weapon, and had been detonated by him when he was fighting with Zhang Tu.

And now this Kunwu Sword is also purple, but it is the top low-grade magic weapon. It is much more powerful than the original Seven-Star Kunwu Sword.

After purchasing, the Kunwu Sword instantly appeared above the spiritual pillar.

This is a purple sword with two ancient fairy runes imprinted on the sword body.


A unique edge of swordsmanship emanated from his body. Han Yi was so happy to see the hunting heart that he held the sword. The sword vibrated. Han Yi increased his strength and held the sword tightly without any looseness.

After a while, the sword became quiet.

Lingbao is like a human being, and he also succumbs to the strong.

Seeing this, Han Yi put it away temporarily.


Han Yi went on a shopping spree, buying elixirs, one-time special magic weapons, auxiliary worms, etc. He didn't stop until all his points were used up.

As for the ten points that the immortal monks need to deduct every year, when he comes back twenty years later, he will naturally be rewarded with points, and it will not be too late to deduct them again.


Han Yi teleported back to the Immortal Palace, took stock of his many current skills, spirit treasures, etc., and then began to refine the inner armor.

Seven days later.

Han Yi teleported to Zhengfa Immortal Palace on time. In front of this huge Immortal Palace, nearly three thousand monks had gathered.

These monks have no golden elixir, 80% are Nascent Souls, nearly 20% are transformed gods, and there are even a dozen or so semi-immortals.

Although Han Yi was not at a high level, when he arrived, many people looked at him with unknown meanings, including many god-transformation monks. Obviously, these people knew him.

After all, he was promoted to the fifth-level alchemy master with his Nascent Soul cultivation, and he also killed two monks of the same level in the Immortal Square Palace. He was somewhat famous in both the Nascent Soul and the God Transformation circles.

Han Yi was calm and composed.

Two hours later.

Three immortals walked out of Zhengfa Immortal Palace. Han Yi saw the one walking in front and narrowed his eyes slightly. It was the Xuan Immortal who was in Xianfang Palace seven days ago. His Taoist friend was Hei Yanxuan. Fairy.

Black Flame Xuanxian gently waved his hand, and more than three thousand monks in front of the Immortal Palace disappeared in an instant, and they were all absorbed into the fairy world within his body.

Then, he took the two true immortals behind him, flew up, and headed north.

To the north of the fairy world is Suizhu Fairy Garden.

To the north of Suizhu, there is endless emptiness.

Rumor has it that the ancient god clan is about to perish here.

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