I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 333 The body of the ancient god, the art of transforming thoughts

The Black Flame Mysterious Immortal fled to the north. Half a month later, he stopped at the edge of the endless void and sat cross-legged on the edge of the void, no longer speaking.

One of the two true immortals behind him hesitated for a moment and asked:

"Uncle Master, has Immortal Lord Linghua really come to pick it up in person?"

"Why is it so troublesome? Give us the coordinates and we can send them directly there. Wouldn't it be more convenient for the Immortal Lord?"

Another true immortal, although he did not speak a word, looked at the endless void with his pale silver eyes, but he was also thinking. Obviously, he also had a lot of doubts.

The Black Flame Mysterious Immortal did not look back, and still looked calmly at the endless void ahead.

"It is rumored that in the ancient times before ancient times, there were only three races between heaven and earth."

"Gods, immortals, demons."

"These three tribes are also called ancient gods, ancient immortals, and ancient demons because they are older than ancient times."

"However, later on, the ancient gods collapsed, the ancient gods were destroyed, and the nine realms were established, ushering in the first era of ancient times, which continues to this day."

"And the reason for the demise of the ancient gods is hidden in the endless void."

"I guess that Immortal Lord Linghua must have found the ruins of the ancient gods and kept it secret like this, because for him, this is a great fairy fate. He may rely on this fairy fate to explore the Great Luo. Mystery, you can enjoy the position of Immortal Lord."

"The level of all this is too high. I can only guess and don't dare to investigate."

"Just wait."

After saying these words, Black Flame Mysterious Immortal did not speak again. Instead, he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the void. His breath dropped suddenly until he seemed to be there, as if he were a rock.

Behind him, the two true immortals had different expressions and had their own thoughts. However, seeing the change in the Black Flame's aura, they knew it would be inconvenient to ask more questions, so they both stopped saying anything and followed the Black Flame Mysterious Immortal to sit cross-legged on the edge of the void.

Three days later, Black Flame Mystic Immortal suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. The two true immortals behind him also sensed the situation and stood up.

Just as the three of them stood up, in the depths of the endless void, a figure crossed the void. In just three breaths, they reached the edge of the void and stood in front of the Black Flame Mysterious Immortal.

This is an old monk with an erratic aura. He has white hair in a bun, long eyebrows and a long beard. He holds an ordinary-looking wooden dragon crutch in his hand.

But the three immortals naturally did not dare to neglect and bowed their heads in salute, because the person who came was none other than the Immortal Lord Linghua.

"See Immortal Lord."

Linghua Immortal Lord nodded and looked directly at Black Flame Mystic Immortal. Black Flame Mystic Immortal reacted immediately. He pointed his index finger at the center of his eyebrows and pulled it out slightly. There was an illusory light group that he pulled from the center of his eyebrows. out.

If you look closely at the light group, you can still see that inside the light group is a large mountain range, with more than 3,000 monks scattered in various locations in the mountain range, sitting cross-legged or talking.

This is a corner of the Black Flame Mysterious Immortal Spirit Realm.

Linghua Immortal Lord touched the light group lightly, and the three thousand monks who had just escaped within the light group disappeared completely in an instant.

Then, without saying a word, he turned around and walked into the endless void. After just three breaths, he disappeared in front of all the immortals. Even the Black Flame Mysterious Immortal could no longer see his figure.

Between coming and going, I only took a few breaths without saying a word.

"It seems that the Immortal Lord is in a hurry."

Behind Black Flame Mysterious Immortal, the True Immortal who had spoken before was murmuring in a low voice. This murmur was not deliberately concealed, and Black Flame Mysterious Immortal and the other True Immortal could naturally hear it.

"This shows that we may be approaching a critical moment."

"Perhaps, our Suizhu Immortal Court will add another Great Luo Jinxian in the near future."

"It's really a great thing."

Black Flame Mysterious Immortal said 'good thing', but doubts and solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He did not say that when Linghua Immortal Lord reached out and wiped the light ball just now, he noticed something was wrong with the Immortal Lord.

The breath of ancient demon?

No, it's not the same as the ancient demon's breath.

Although the time of that touch was too short, he was definitely not wrong. As he had fought with the ancient demon in the outer void battlefield south of Daluo Immortal Court, he was very familiar with the aura of the ancient demon.

Immortal Lord Linghua just stretched out his hand and transferred all the monks away. During this period, a ray of breath briefly entered the fairy world of Black Flame. For Xuan Xian, the fairy world is his core. The core, the control power is naturally very strong, and he also sensed something strange in the aura of Linghua Immortal Lord.

"It's much more refined than the ancient demon's breath. Is it really the ancient god?"

Black Flame Xuanxian thought of an ancient rumor and his heart trembled.

It is said that after the death of the ancient god, one of the three ancient clans, at the beginning of ancient times, the ancient demon was born from the immortal body of the ancient god.

Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a saying that gods and demons are one.

Thinking of this, Black Flame Xuanxian shook his head. No matter what, he was not worthy of the opportunity at the Immortal Lord level, and he didn't dare to get involved. It might just be a look or a snap of his fingers from the other party, and his tens of thousands of years of cultivation would disappear. .


If he finds that strange aura, he will still report it truthfully. This is his duty as an Immortal of Immortal Court.

After all, if something goes wrong with Immortal Lord Linghua, it will be a big crisis for the entire Immortal Court.

As for what to do next, that's not something I can interfere with.

"Let's go."

He did not respond to the whisper of the true immortal behind him, but just said these two words in a low voice, turned around, and flew towards the south, returning to Suizhu Immortal Courtyard.

The true immortal who had been silent along the way followed closely. The true immortal who murmured just took a deep look at the endless void, thinking in his eyes, but did not step into the void without authorization, but turned around and faced Hei Yanxuan. The immortal fled away from where he left.

the other side.

Immortal Lord Linghua walked in nothingness, with a trace of eagerness in his eyes.

"Soon, soon."

He marched in nothingness for half a month. During this period, he stopped from time to time and used special magic to sense the direction before continuing forward.

Half a month later, he finally arrived at his destination.

In front of him, hundreds of miles away, an extremely huge corpse was lying in the void.

The lying corpse is a hundred thousand meters long. If you get too close, you will think it is a piece of land floating in the void. But if you pull your eyes back and look at the whole picture, you can see clearly that this is It's a corpse.

It is not appropriate to say corpse. The body should be used instead, because there is no death aura on this body, let alone corpse aura and decay. Instead, it has its eyes closed, as if it is asleep. It is wearing a simple garment. The robe is exuding a dazzling golden light.

Ancient God.

The ancient gods in the true sense were already extinct at the end of the ancient times.

No matter how many times I watch it, Immortal Lord Linghua is always extremely excited.

There are some secrets that can only be known after reaching the Taiyi realm. The ancient gods of the ancient era were even more powerful than the ancient immortals and ancient demons of the same period.

The ancient god's corpse in front of him made him want to worship even though it had been extinct for millions of years.

In Suizhu Immortal Court, only the top Immortal Lord and the Lord of the Immortal Court, Suizhu Daozu, could give him this feeling.

Therefore, he speculated that even if the ancient god in front of him had not reached the realm of Dao Ancestor, he was definitely not far from Dao Ancestor.


This is the greatest fate that I have ever faced since I started practicing Taoism.

While Linghua Immortal Lord was looking eagerly at the ancient god's corpse, behind him, a black shadow was slightly pulled out from his body, as if his shadow was about to separate from his body.

But after just a slight flash, it returned to his body again. He was so caught up in the enthusiasm that he didn't notice this strangeness.

If there is Daluo Immortal Lord or a more powerful Tao Ancestor here, he will be able to detect that at this moment, Linghua Immortal Lord, an aura that combines neither gods nor demons is flowing.

This is indeed a good destiny, but it is also extremely dangerous.

Immortal Lord Linghua lightly touched his forehead, and a spiritual light appeared on his hand.

This spiritual light is much more condensed and mysterious than the illusory light group manifested by Black Flame Xuanxian before. This is the difference between Xuanxian and Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In the aura, if you magnify it countless times, you can see more than three thousand monks with solemn faces, including half-immortals, transformed gods, and Yuanying. These monks are flying away from a huge island.

Then, with a slight flick of his hand, this spiritual light spanned a distance of hundreds of miles and approached the corpse of the ancient god lying in nothingness.

When the spiritual light approached the ancient god's ten-mile area, it began to stretch, twist, and become thinner, as if there were different force fields in the ancient god's ten-mile area.

When it was close to a mile away, it exploded directly. The three thousand monks wrapped in the spiritual light were pulled and fell towards the ancient god's body. After contact, they also disappeared.

In a land of endless nothingness, the ancient god lies still.

Hundreds of miles away, Linghua Immortal Lord was sitting here cross-legged, closing his eyes. What he didn't know was that on his back, a strange shadow was constantly pulling and twisting, as if trying to break free.

The void is dead and silent.

the other side.

When Han Yi saw the Black Flame Mysterious Immortal, he waved his hand gently, and the surrounding space changed rapidly. In just a flash, he found himself in a fairy land.

There is a mountain range at the foot. Looking into the distance, dozens of miles away from the mountain range, there is a fairy mountain towering into the sky. On top of the fairy mountain, there are many palaces.

This is a fairy world.

When Han Yi was in the Qingxuan Dojo in the Broken Immortal Realm, he was temporarily taken into his fairy world by Xinghen Xuanxian. After this experience, he naturally knew that this was also a fairy world, and it should be the Black Flame Xuanxian. The fairy world.

Around him, other monks gathered together who were familiar with each other. There were circles of half-immortals, there were circles of transformed gods, and the same was true for Nascent Soul.

Han Yi did not move, nor was he curious about the fairy mountain, so he flew over to check it out. The other monks did the same, and they all gathered on the mountain range.

As time passed, many monks fell to the bottom of the mountain range and each found a place to sit cross-legged and practice.

The same was true for Han Yi. After he fell below, a dozen Nascent Soul monks came up to talk to him. These monks happened to know that Han Yi had just been promoted to the fifth-level alchemy master and had appeared in Xianfang Palace. He came to make friends, and among them, there was even a peak Yuanying monk, and most of the others were in the late Yuanying stage.

Han Yi had no intention of rejecting them and had a very pleasant conversation with these monks.

Half a month later.

The monks suddenly woke up and looked around. They found that outside the mountains, the fairy mountain could no longer be seen, only a chaotic aura.

These changes are only completed in an instant.

Then, in less than half a breath, the surrounding space changed again and returned to the fairy world. However, under everyone's feet, it was no longer the original mountain range, but a huge island. Surrounding the island, separated by the vast ocean, there were still You can see in the distance, there are many islands and stars.

in addition.

The aura of this fairy world does not have the aura of a fairy. Instead, it is like an ordinary world, but more real. It seems that it is not a fairy world, but a small world with complete laws and complete origins.

Han Yi was awe-inspiring.

He has already made some guesses about this fairy world, that is, this is the fairy world of Linghua Immortal Lord.

In the Xuanzang Palace, Han Yi also learned about the realms above immortals. The three realms of immortals, Zhen, Xuan, and Jin, all involve laws. However, in the Taiyi realm, they no longer stick to laws and pay attention to higher-level things. .

This moment is too real, it must be a place where the laws are complete, or close to complete, and only the Taiyi realm, that is, the Immortal Lord, can have it.

Therefore, he guessed that they were transferred to the fairy world of Linghua Immortal Lord.

Over the island.


A little spiritual light fell from the sky and manifested on the island.

With a sudden flash of inspiration, he transformed into an old Taoist with immortal demeanor.

The Taoist looked at the more than 3,000 monks in front of him, his eyes were calm and unruffled, and then dispersed directly, turning into more than 3,000 fainter spiritual lights, scattered out in all directions, and accurately penetrated into the body of each monk.

What's weird is that this Taoist's movements don't look very fast, but Han Yi can't react at all. No, it's not just him, but also the dozen or so half-immortals.

But those half-immortals, after the spiritual light dispersed, they had time to bow their heads and say respectfully: "See you, Immortal Lord."

But when I looked up again, there was no one there.

Han Yi was stunned. The Taoist with the immortal style just now turned out to be the Immortal Lord Linghua. Just as he had the idea, there was suddenly more information in his mind, which was transmitted by the spiritual light just now.

"Random world, explore, practice, and exchange for points?"

Han Yi was slightly startled.

The information in this spiritual light is quite simple, that is, they will randomly fall into a certain world. According to previous exploration, these worlds may be a little weird, but the degree of danger is not high.

And what Immortal Linghua asked them to do was very simple, that is, explore a random world, dig out the deep secrets of that world, practice the techniques of that world, or practice the 'skills' unique to that world.

As long as you gain something, you can convert it into points. However, the points will take twenty years. They can only be settled after the mission is over and Linghua Immortal Lord brings everyone back.

The reason why Han Yi was stunned was because of the unusual meaning revealed in this task.

Random world, not a world, so what kind of place is that?

explore? Practice?

They are at best half-immortals. What does this mean to the Immortal Lord?

After waiting for a while, Immortal Lord Linghua did not appear again, and the monks gradually fell back to the island below.

A dozen monks who had been in contact with Han Yi before also gathered together to exchange their views.

"It seems that this exploration should be a world composed of many small worlds, and our responses will be randomly assigned to a certain small world."

"However, it is understandable to explore and dig out secrets. After all, it is a new world, but what is the meaning of practicing the techniques and techniques of that world?"

A burly middle-aged man in the late Nascent Soul stage said in a deep voice. His eyes were full of confusion. This was also the look that other monks had.

"The most important thing about the information in the spiritual light just now is to practice the techniques and techniques that fall into the world. In other words, what Immortal Lord Linghua needs is the techniques and techniques from that world."

"However, this is also very strange. With the power of the Immortal Lord, he can understand all the techniques and techniques that we can practice at a glance. Why bother?"

The monk who is at the peak of Yuanying analyzed in a low voice that this Yuanying monk is a rare female cultivator in the field. This is a female cultivator who is not outstanding in appearance, but very heroic. This female cultivator The monastic name is Biqiong.

True Lord Bi Qiong analyzed a few sentences and immediately reacted.

"No, there is another possibility, that is, those small worlds, Linghua Immortal Lord cannot enter, or is unwilling to enter, or that world has restrictions on outside monks, those with high realms, restrictions What’s more, only we, the un-immortal monks, can avoid these restrictions and step into the world.”

"This possibility should be close to the truth."

"In addition, I just checked the Qiankun Ring, the Spiritual Treasure, the physical body, the internal space, and the Nascent Soul, and I couldn't find the spiritual light that entered the body."

"However, since Immortal Lord Linghua wants to use our hands to explore the techniques and techniques of many worlds, then that spiritual light should play a big role. Perhaps, every move we make will be in the hands of Immortal Lord Under his nose."

After True Lord Biqiong said this, everyone fell silent.

Han Yi is also in the circle, and everyone's guesses are his guesses. After all, there is not much that can be known at the moment.

Combined with what Tanichuan said, none of the Yuanying monks he was familiar with had died. It was clear that the small world they entered was indeed not very dangerous.

The biggest remaining doubts are two points.

The first point is, what kind of world is it that even the power of the Immortal King cannot enter or is unwilling to enter?

The second point is, what’s the point of letting them practice the techniques or techniques of that world?

Han Yi has a different view on this second point. He knows that most of the monks recruited for the first time are unknown and weak monks. Since he wants to practice skills or techniques, he should look for those with the best talents. It's only right that the monks come here, why are they putting the cart before the horse?

Could it be that to practice the techniques or techniques of that world, talent is not important, but only a monk of Nascent Soul or above is enough? Or, as long as you know the technique and enter the sect, it doesn't matter whether you practice it or not?

The silent people chatted for a while, but with no actual progress, they each landed on the island and found a place to meditate.

Han Yi also found a place on the island to meditate and practice.

Another half month later.

Suddenly, a mysterious power fell on Han Yi. When he stood up, he found that he was surrounded by invisible auras. Around him, up, down, left and right, were other equally dignified monks.

The cultivators already knew what was going on.

"We've arrived."

As his thoughts moved, Han Yi found that the thick spiritual light around him began to flicker and flow. This flow became more and more intense, consuming the energy of the spiritual light and making it thinner.

He raised his head suddenly, and through the gradually thinning spiritual light, he saw a brilliant golden light. Behind this light, there was a huge wall.

It is this wall that emits spiritual light.

Moreover, this extremely bright golden light gave Han Yi an all-too-familiar feeling.

What exactly is it?

Between the lightning and flint.

A bolt of thunder seemed to flash through his heart, and he was suddenly startled.

"This is the golden light emitted when practicing the Ancient God's Contemplation Method."

"Ancient God?"

"This, this, this..."

Han Yi was horrified. He had realized at this moment that the wall emitting golden light was not a wall. It was a huge ancient god. The wall he saw might just be a piece of skin of the ancient god.

Just when this idea emerged, the extremely thin spiritual light finally exploded, and the extremely strong golden light was overwhelming. Under this golden light, Han Yi's consciousness dimmed, and he had no thoughts in an instant.


When the spiritual light exploded, among the more than 3,000 monks, there were about a dozen monks emitting a faint golden light. This light was naturally incomparable with the golden light emitted by the ancient gods, but because of this golden light, These dozen monks were led towards the position between the ancient god's brows.

Among them, there is Han Yi.

As for the other monks, after the spiritual light exploded, they randomly fell to a certain place on the ancient god's body.

The spiritual light dissipated, the golden light was eternal, and there was no trace of the more than three thousand monks.

Hundreds of miles away from this ancient god's body, which has neither vitality nor death, an old Taoist statue sits cross-legged in the endless void, using the art of mind transformation to connect with countless monks who have entered the ancient god's body.

The aura on his body became more and more terrifying as time passed.

Behind him, the twisted black shadow also became more and more tangible.

The world of gods and demons.

Han Yi returned to consciousness, and what he saw when he opened his eyes was a pair of bright and curious eyes.

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