I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 335 The Eight Realms of Gods and Demons, the Original Destruction

In the upper room of a certain inn in ancient Hongcheng.

Just now, Han Yi noticed that there was a powerful aura in the center of Guhong City, heading towards the Qingfeng Gang. He stopped staying, rolled away the book, took the skill book casually, and left for the time being. Find this inn to stay.

The powerful aura he sensed was only equivalent to that of a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, but he did not dare to be careless. Since there are gods and demons in this city that are comparable to the Golden Core, then, the overlord of Shenhuo County, The Divine Fire Sect should have Nascent Soul, and the Great Spirit Kingdom might have transformed gods, or even gods and demons above transformed gods.

If his identity as a foreign monk is exposed, there is no guarantee that powerful gods and demons will come out to hunt him down.

When he first arrived, Han Yi tried not to disturb the world, looking for a way to quickly integrate into it without being noticed.

inside the room.

Han Yi put all the books into the Qiankun Ring, and in a short period of time, he had read them all without missing a word.

Among them, there is an introduction to the practice system of this world, which is the system of warriors and gods and demons. This is also the mainstream of this world. The warrior system is divided into twelve levels, and the system of gods and demons is divided into eight realms.

After practicing the martial arts in the Twelve-Level Towers, the warriors begin to produce a special energy called true energy in their bodies. For each level of the tower, a mysterious orifice in the body must be opened first. The true energy is stored in the orifice to strengthen the true energy. Qi stimulates the physical body and makes it stronger.

On the twelfth floor, the twelve mysterious orifices in the warrior's body are all opened up. When the true energy is filled, the body reaches the limit of the afterlife. The next step is to draw the true energy, integrate all the true energy of the twelve mysterious orifices, and make a great movement. Zhou Tian returned to the first profound aperture, broke the limit, returned to the innate world, gave birth to Yuan Dan, and was promoted to the realm of gods and demons.

The system of gods and demons is divided into eight realms.

Yuan Dan Realm, Xuanyue Realm, Sinking Star Realm, Dark Sun Realm, Yin and Yang Realm, Life and Death Realm, Immortality Realm, and Original Realm.

Twelve-story towers, eight realms of gods and demons, this is the cultivation system of this world.

The previous leader of the Qingfeng Gang, Hong Li, was a warrior of the seventh level, and the existence that appeared from the center of the city with aura similar to the golden elixir should be the gods and demons of the Yuan elixir realm.

Summarizing this, Han Yi frowned slightly.

He initially thought that the cultivation system of this world would be the same as that of Daluo Immortal Realm and Ancient God Body Refining. However, what he saw in these books was specious. He was keenly aware that although both of them were refining bodies. body, but in essence, they are completely different.


Although he has a high level and is not weak in strength, what he has just obtained is only the books and techniques collected by a warrior on the seventh floor. It can be regarded as a preliminary understanding of the world. If he wants to explore more, he should go to Shenhuo County, enter the Shenhuo Sect, or even go directly to the capital of the Great Spirit Kingdom.

Correspondingly, the risk of exposing one's identity will also increase.

After thinking for a moment, Han Yi made up his mind to be more bold when exploring while being cautious.

Today's experience gave him inspiration.

for example……

That night.

The city lord's palace of ancient Hong City was stolen. Xue Yu, the lord of the city lord of ancient Hong City, the only monk in the realm of gods and demons, the first realm of gods and demons, and the god and demon of Yuandan realm, was furious. A strong wind shone above the city lord's mansion, tearing the night apart.

One month later.

In Shenhuo County, the governor's mansion was stolen.

The governor of the county, Sha Guanghe, was furious and mobilized the eighteen gods and demons inside and outside the county. He also invited the demon god of the Lingshen Mansion of the Great Spirit Kingdom, the fifth realm of gods and demons, the demon god of the yin and yang realm, and Cang Xuansi to search the entire city.

As a result, nothing was found.

Three more months later.

In Shenhuo County, the Shenhuo Sect was stolen, including the sect's secret vault and the Sutra Pavilion.

The sect's secret library includes the sect's sacred tome "Sacred Fire Fighting Body", including many heavenly materials and earthly treasures obtained since the sect's inception, including many gods, demons and magical arts. In the Sutra Pavilion, there are countless treasures since the sect's inception. The books searched by sect members in the past include low-level skills, breakthrough insights, training experiences, sect introductions, ancient secrets, legends of world destruction, etc.

The Supreme Elder of Shenhuo Sect, the fifth realm, the Yin and Yang Realm gods and demons, Tengchenlong, manifested the body of gods and demons on the divine volcano, and traced the cause and effect, but found nothing. Tengchenlong suspected that he was his mortal enemy, the Supreme Lord Jinguangya Heng Chao, the demon god who is also the Yin-Yang Mirror of the fifth realm, went to Jinguang Cliff in anger.

Jinguangya is the overlord of Jinguang County, and his status is equal to that of Shenhuo Sect.

Outside Jinguang Cliff, Tengchenlong and Hengchao fought hard, changing a river's course, breaking several mountains into pieces and turning them into flat ground.

The two are mortal enemies and have a clear understanding of their respective strengths. For decades, they have been evenly matched, with no distinction between superior and inferior.

After the battle, Tengchenlong vomited blood and retreated, and he calmed down. The theft of the Shenhuo Sect's secret treasury and library should not have been done by Jin Guangya, but by someone else.

Heng Chao, on the other hand, was furious. He had indeed heard that the Shenhuo Sect had been stolen, but it had nothing to do with him, so they had another fight for no reason.

But when he returned to Jinguang Cliff, he was no longer angry, but angry. The anger was so intense that even under this anger, there was a breakthrough in his "Golden Seal Technique".

But at the moment, he was not thinking at all about the Jinguangya Sect-Suppressing Cultivation Technique, because during the battle between him and Tengchenlong, the sect's secret vault and library were also stolen.

When he got the news and rushed into the secret vault, what he saw was an empty secret vault. The secret vault that was said to be inaccessible even to gods and demons in the realm of life and death was now completely open and undefended.

Is there a traitor?

No, although there are three keys to the secret vault, there is also a box that is integrated with the secret vault. This box is made of a special material and has only one key. It cannot be broken open with brute force. At this moment, , this box is also open.

This shows that the visitor did not rely on the key to enter the secret vault, but had other means.


Who is it?


Divine Fire Sect?

No, he remembered what he had heard. The Shenhuo Sect had also been stolen. Looking at Teng Chenlong's anger before, it didn't look like he was faking it.

"Damn it."

"Damn it."

There had just been a fight. Although Heng Chao wanted to find Teng Chenlong and fight again, he knew that the sect had just been stolen and he still needed to be in charge. Besides, the person who stole the sect was most likely still in the sect. At this moment, he wanted to What we are doing is conducting searches and sending additional patrols...

One day later.

News came out that the Jinguangya Secret Treasury and Library Pavilion were stolen after the Shenhuo Sect.

As soon as this news came out, the Sheriff of Jinguang County invited Ouyang Leng, the Great Demon God of the Sixth Realm of Spirit God Mansion and the Realm of Life and Death, from the capital of Daling Kingdom overnight to take charge of the Sheriff's Mansion.

Several counties adjacent to Jinguang County and Shenhuo County have stepped up their defense to prevent theft.

At the same time, Dalingguo posted notices to apprehend the thieves in the two counties.

No name, no surname, no portrait, no description, leaving all the demons and gods in the Great Spirit Kingdom confused.

And no one knows that the initiator of all this is buying a relatively remote small courtyard in the capital of Daling Kingdom from a Yaman. The courtyard only has the main house and two smaller side rooms. There are also two small yards of more than 30 square meters.


Han Yi changed his hands, and a golden book appeared out of thin air. On the book, the four words "Jinguang Seal Jue" were imprinted on it. This was a technique that Han Yigang had just obtained, and it was Jinguangya's Zongzong technique.

After a while.

He put this skill away.

"It is similar to the Divine Fire Battle Body, but it can only reach the realm of life and death, and cannot break through to the realm of immortality."

"It seems that, according to the information found, the Immortal Realm Cultivation Technique is only possessed by the Great Spirit Kingdom, and it is a country-suppressing Cultivation Technique. With my current strength, I dare not break through."

Han Yi's inner thoughts were floating.

In the past few months, he walked in Shenhuo County and Jinguang County. With the wonder of his spiritual consciousness, he was able to avoid the gods and demons, open the secret vault, plunder the library, and then leave calmly.

And with what he gained from Shenhuo Sect, Jinguang Cliff, and Shenhuo County, his understanding of this world has reached an extremely high level.

In this process, he has also made a comparison.

The gods and demons in this world are naturally incomparable with the Daluo Immortal Realm, because even the strongest people in the Great Spirit Kingdom, the seventh realm, and the immortal realm demons are only the same as the half-immortals in the Daluo Immortal Realm. .

This kind of equality is just a rough classification by Han Yi. The cultivation of gods and demons only cultivates the physical body, without soul and consciousness. However, the physical skills in this world are much stronger than those in the fairy world.

If you really want to compare, you have to make a conclusion between life and death, and it also needs to vary from person to person and from environment to environment.

But generally speaking, his inference, based on his reading and experience during this period, should be quite accurate.

Except for the seventh realm, the immortal realm, which is equivalent to a semi-immortal.

The fifth and sixth realms of this world, the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Life and Death Realm, are equivalent to those of monks in the Transformation Stage. The third and fourth realms, the Xuanyue Realm and the Dark Sun Realm are equivalent to those of the Nascent Soul Stage monks. As for the third realm, The first level of the Yuan Dan realm and the second level of the Sinking Star realm are analogous to the golden elixir stage monks.

For warriors under gods and demons, the first eight levels of the twelve-level building are equivalent to the Qi refining stage, and the ninth to the 12th level are equivalent to foundation building.

Han Yi took a certain risk in the Shenhuo Sect and Jinguangya, because the strongest men in these two sects were both Yin and Yang Mirrors of the fifth realm. In other words, they both had the strength of the early and middle stages of becoming gods. , but he got a lot of secrets and felt it was worth it.

Among these secrets, one attracted Han Yi's most attention.

That is, in this world, there is no demon in the eighth realm, the original realm.

According to Han Yi's calculation of strength, the seventh level is equivalent to a half-immortal, and the eighth level should be a true immortal who has achieved the immortal path, survived the immortal tribulation, and enjoyed the status of a true immortal.

But in this world, the eighth realm is just a legend.

Piecing together from many books, Han Yi roughly sorted out the legends about the eighth realm.

According to rumors, once the eighth realm is born in this world, it will trigger the destruction of the world and return to the original time.

The name of the eighth realm demon god, the original realm, is related to this.

As for the reason for the destruction of the world, no one has ever known.

This legend about the eighth realm made Han Yi guess a lot.

In the Xuanzang Palace of Suizhuxian Mansion, he also got to know the fourth race affiliated with the Wisdom Clan, the Ancient Demon Clan.

According to rumors, the ancient demons were born from the corpses of the ancient gods. Since ancient times, the gods and demons have been one, and their path of cultivation belongs to the lineage of the physical body. If they are refined to the extreme, the ancient demons can also be immortal.

The extremely terrifying ancient god's body outside, the small world within the ancient god's world, the ancient demons, the world of gods and demons, the legend of world destruction...

There is a hidden thread connecting all of this, but Han Yi's level is too low. Although there are conjectures, they cannot be verified.

He gathered his thoughts and took out two books of exercises from the Qiankun Ring. One was a training method for warriors of the Shenhuo Sect, the Divine Fire Jue, and the other was a sect-suppressing exercise of the Shenhuo Sect, the Divine Fire Battle Body.

He has not forgotten the two tasks that came in. The first one is exploration and excavation. He thinks that he has reached the end for the time being. He has plundered two of the thirteen counties of Daling. There is no need for the others. .

The second task is to practice skills and techniques.

In this world, there are many techniques. He chose the divine fire fighting body. On the one hand, this technique is a fire-attribute technique, which suits him. On the other hand, it is this technique, which he can access. At present, The highest level of skills obtained can, if nothing unexpected happens, reach the sixth realm, which is equivalent to the peak of divine transformation.

As for magic, this world also has magic, that is, magic, the magic of gods and demons. Han Yi has compared it. This kind of magic is similar to the Daluo Immortal World. Only after Nascent Soul can magic be born from magic.

This is also one of the reasons why although this world has no divine consciousness, the life and death fight is no weaker than that of Da Luo Immortal Realm monks, because those who are equivalent to the first or second realm of gods and demons in the Golden Core stage can use divine magic.

The difficulty of practicing divine arts is much simpler than the birth of supernatural powers by Nascent Soul monks in the immortal world.

The divine fire battle body technique has its own powerful magic.

What Han Yi is going to do next is to start practicing this divine and demonic skill, and then wait for an opportunity to spy on the Great Spirit Palace to see if there is a chance to obtain more secrets.

However, before that, he still needs to practice the prerequisite warrior skills of the Divine Fire Battle Body, the Divine Fire Art.

After understanding these two techniques in detail, he put them away and began to practice.

Warriors in this world open up mystical orifices, store their true power, and temper their bodies. They need to use food and medicine to strengthen their true energy, and then open more mystical orifices to store more true energy, and so on.


Han Yi discovered that all Taoists share the same sect, and true power is actually a type of spiritual energy. However, the spiritual energy in this world is thin, and gods and demons can only absorb energy through other methods.

But he doesn't need to take this step, because he has spiritual stones that can directly replace various medicinal foods and food.

The spiritual stone Han Yi took out was just a low-grade spiritual stone. He used his spiritual thoughts to guide the spiritual energy flowing from the spiritual stone to the first mysterious aperture, which was the Zhongfu point on the chest.

With just a slight thrust, this mysterious orifice was flushed away.

He was not surprised. In fact, although the systems were different, the Ancient God's Visualization Technique was already extremely powerful in transforming the physical particles of his body. In fact, the mysterious orifices in his body could be easily opened with deliberate guidance. .


The spiritual energy did not stop and continued towards the second mysterious orifice.

After just one stick of incense, all twelve core orifices in his body were opened.

Following the key points of the Divine Fire Art, Han Yi began to guide the remaining spiritual energy to a mysterious orifice, where it began to be transformed into true energy.

"not enough."

Han Yi took out more spiritual stones until the twelve profound orifices in his body were filled with true energy.

And this process only took a stick of incense.

According to the division of the world of gods and demons, he is now at the level of a warrior on the twelfth floor. He is only one step away from completing the Great Zhoutian Cycle, giving birth to the Yuan Dan, and being promoted to the Yuan Dan realm of gods and demons.

The so-called Yuan Dan is similar to the golden elixir in the immortal world. For the golden elixir monks in the immortal world, the golden elixir is born in the spiritual sea, while the devil in this world, the Yuan Dan, is born in the mysterious orifice.

The mysterious orifice after the Yuan Dan is born can be called a divine orifice, and the true power in the mysterious orifice will correspondingly transform into divine power.

The divine orifices that give birth to Yuan Dan are the gods and demons in the Yuan Dan realm, and the divine orifices transformed from the mysterious orifices are naturally twelve. However, when they first broke through the Danyuan realm gods and demons, only the first divine orifice condensed After the Yuan Dan, other divine orifices have not been condensed yet.

Next, there are two steps in practice, and these two points are carried out simultaneously.

On the one hand, it nurtures the Yuan Dan in the other eleven divine orifices, and then transforms these Yuan Dan into the three realms of Chenxing, Xuanyue, and Dark Sun.

On the other hand, it opens up more divine orifices. Each time a divine orifice is opened, it can directly skip the twelfth level of the warrior building and directly breed Yuan Dan.

At the twelfth level of the Mysterious Aperture, the Yuan Dan begins to be opened, the Divine Aperture is born, and the true energy transforms into divine power. Only then can one be called the Demon God.

This is the secret of the cultivation of gods and demons in this world.

If you are a warrior in this world, when you reach the twelfth floor, you will never dare to break through easily. Instead, you will start to temper the true energy in your body, strengthen your mysterious orifices, and use various heavenly materials and earthly treasures to strengthen your body, striving to survive when the true energy reaches the sky. , the physical body will not collapse.

But Han Yi did not need such preparations.

At this moment, with just a pull of his spiritual consciousness, he pulled the true energy from the Zhongfu point out of the mysterious orifice, and then followed the meridians to the second mysterious orifice. This true energy, in his spiritual consciousness, Down, it couldn't be more docile.

When the true energy flows into the second mysterious orifice, the true energy in the mysterious orifice is merged together, and then comes out again and goes to the third mysterious orifice...

When the true energy of the eleventh orifice is absorbed, this true energy is already extremely strong. The physical body of an ordinary warrior will definitely collapse at this moment, because this combined true energy is based on the limits of his physical body. Set up in advance.

This true energy is so strong and violent that if it weren't for the blockage of particles on the surface of his physical body, it would definitely cause strange phenomena of gods and demons, alarming countless gods and demons in the capital.

This was not what he wanted, so he used his powerful body to block this vision. The situation at this moment was naturally what he expected.

When this merged true energy returned to the Zhongfu acupoint and completed a great cycle, mysterious changes began to occur in the Zhongfu acupoint.

This mysterious orifice, as if the world was created, began to expand in the violent earthquake. It expanded a hundred times before stopping. The powerful zhenqi just now was the mysterious orifice that was expanding directly. No, it was already expanding at this moment. The divine orifice, within this divine orifice, begins to condense and turn into Yuan Dan.

When Yuan Dan was born, Han Yi suddenly opened his eyes, flashing with joy.

Because at this moment, he realized that his physical body had begun to strengthen on the original basis. Although it was only a trivial amount, with the improvement of the realm of gods and demons through practicing the techniques of this world, his physical body could definitely become stronger. Going one step further, it is even very possible that in this world, he will be one step ahead of the Nascent Soul stage and be the first to have the power to transform into a god.

This was an unexpected surprise.

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