I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 336 The Ancient God’s Conjecture and the Spiritual God’s Shock

Han Yi's original physical strength has reached the peak of Nascent Soul.

The powerful physical body did not play a big role in the previous fighting skills. The reason is that there is no need to use it at all, because his other skills can play their own role and cover up this body refining spell. .

The sword control technique, the light body technique, the disguise technique, as well as two defensive spells, and the inheritance of the two soul arts are all at the extreme level.

In the Xianfang Palace of the Suizhu Immortal Mansion, facing Chu Zhi who had activated his fighting body and had the peak of Nascent Soul, although Han Yi was unable to kill him, relying on the Guixu Sword Formation, Chu Zhi was helpless against Han Yi.

Overall, his combat power was at the peak of Nascent Soul.

But Yuanying is as different from the transformed spirit as clouds and mud.

If he meets a monk who transforms into a god, the Guixu Sword Formation and Sword Controlling Technique will be broken, the Light Realm magical power will not be able to escape, and Han Yi's Ancient God Body Refining Secret Technique will be of no use in front of such monks.

Therefore, his ancient god's body-refining secret technique is useless to him at the moment and can only be said to be the icing on the cake.


In this world, if he achieves a breakthrough by cultivating the God-Devil Combat Body, it will be a new direction for him. Using the God-Devil Combat Body, he will be the first to break through to the god-transforming combat power.

After Han Yi entered this place, he had already tested it. When his magic power was invalid, many of his skills, especially magical powers, could not be used, such as the light realm magical power and the shape-changing magical power.

Moreover, even the idea of ​​contemplating the ancient god has failed. After practicing this body training method, I can no longer visualize the huge ancient god with his back to me.

The most intuitive thing is reflected on the panel.

Han Yi brought up the panel. On it, several skills turned into a gray color, indicating that they were in a state of being unable to practice. Among them were the Ancient God's Concept, the Lihuo Sword Technique, the Nine-layered Soul Tower, and the Nine-Destroying Soul Bell. , Fire Shield Technique, etc.

What makes Han Yi happy is that the most powerful skill of sword control can still be used, but it can only be controlled by spiritual consciousness. Without the magic power, the power is somewhat weakened.

When he was practicing the Divine Fire Technique, this warrior technique was also displayed on the panel, but Han Yi did not rely on the panel. For him, this basic body training technique relied on his own spiritual consciousness to control it, which was better than using the panel. , even faster and more direct.

In fact, the panel function is a passive skill. He does not need to actively trigger it. As long as he does it, the skill is already within the scope of the panel.

Although Han Yi felt that relying on his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could quickly reach the peak of this basic body training technique, but little did he know that the panel also played a role, but this technique was relatively low-level, and under Han Yi's initiative , the role of this passive skill has been obscured.

When the Divine Fire Technique was broken through and the Divine Fire Battle Body was continued to be repaired, it also appeared on the panel simultaneously.

[Sacred Fire Battle Body (First Level 1/100)].

Han Yi did not continue to practice, but calmed down and began to think.

In fact, he had a very doubtful point.

The original idea of ​​​​contemplating the ancient gods is to visualize the ancient gods, let the billions of particles in the body vibrate and transform, and make the physical body strong. This is a relatively microscopic level.

But the divine fire fighting body he is practicing now is very similar to the spiritual practice.

Opening up a spiritual aperture, isn’t it the same as opening up a spiritual sea?

Isn't it that the divine orifice gives birth to the Yuan Dan, and the spiritual sea gives birth to the Golden Dan?

Doesn't the transformation of Yuan Dan mean the solidification of Jin Dan?

After that, Yuan Dan went through the three levels of stars, moon, and sun, evolved into yin and yang, survived the catastrophe of life and death, stepped into the realm of immortality, transformed into a god-man, opened up a divine orifice, evolved into a divine world, and became a half-god with the Yuanying in the immortal world. The cultivation of immortals also has different approaches but similar effects.

It's just that spiritual cultivation only has one golden elixir and only one Yuan Ying, while spiritual cultivation, when practiced to the extreme, has one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred Yuan elixirs.

Who is strong and who is weak is clear at a glance.

Moreover, before entering this place, he got a glimpse of the ancient god's body that was so huge that it was unimaginable.

Han Yi has two concluding conjectures about the above.

One, the concept of ancient gods he practices is not the real ancient gods. The techniques he practices and the system of gods and demons in this world are the path of ancient gods' cultivation.

He leans toward that.

And the conjecture extended from this made him shudder. Are all the ancient gods' techniques in the immortal world fake? The conspiracy was so huge, so what was that ancient god he imagined getting closer and closer to him as his realm became stronger and stronger?

Does it mean that after reaching a certain level of cultivation, the ancient god will take other actions, such as replacing it? Or become a puppet yourself?

another point.

The system of gods and demons in this world is fake. There is nothing to say about this. This world itself is the world in the body of an ancient god. If it is fake, then...


Thinking of this, Han Yi was slightly stunned.

The inner world?

The divine orifice opens to heaven?

Although the rumored eighth realm of annihilation in this world cannot be confirmed, the strange thing is that the principles of eighth realm cultivation are mastered by many sects, including Shenhuo Sect and Jinguangya.

When the Yuan Dan in the divine orifice breaks out of the pill and turns into a weak and insignificant god-man, it breaks through to the seventh realm, the immortal realm. The god-man sits in the divine orifice and waits for the one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred in the body. Each mysterious orifice has transformed into a divine orifice. One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred gods and men will reach the peak of immortality after they practice to perfection.

And then, in the divine orifice, the god and man performed the act of creating heaven and earth. The turbid air sank and the pure air rose, turning into heaven and earth.

Then take the initiative to integrate yourself into this world.


The sinking stars, the dark moon, and the dark sun turned into stars, moon, and sun.

Yin and Yang, life and death, evolve the original life.

This world is called the divine world.

This state is the original state.

Combined with the fact that he is currently in the body of a huge ancient god, doesn't it mean that he is in one of the 129,600 divine realms created in this ancient god's body?

That's right.

Thinking of this, Han Yi felt more and more that the first guess was correct. The system of gods and demons was the cultivation technique of the ancient gods.

There should be a big problem with the idea of ​​ancient gods in the immortal world.

He decided that before solving this doubt, he would not dare to practice any more ancient divine concepts.

In order to prevent this idea from being affected and forgotten after leaving this world, Han Yi recorded this idea in several ways and placed it in the Qiankun Ring and the Lingbao space.


He began to practice the divine fire fighting body. He had plenty of spiritual stones and his practice speed was also extremely fast.

Just three days.

Then he condensed all the Yuan Dan from the remaining eleven orifices.

As the Twelve Yuan Dan condensed, the divine power formed the Great Zhoutian, which was endless, and the enhancement of Han Yi's physical body became even more obvious.

This feeling of ever-increasing strength made him addicted.

Time passes, the sun rises and the moon sets, and in the blink of an eye it is twelve years later.


The fallen leaves were bleak, and a figure sat cross-legged in the courtyard. At a certain moment, his closed eyes slowly opened. As he opened them, a terrifying aura circulated in the courtyard, causing the breeze in the entire courtyard to flow. They all paused, and the dead leaves and dust blown up by the wind also solidified.

After a full breath, this feeling of solidified space suddenly dissipated.


Han Yi took a deep breath. There was a constant roar in his body, as if the sky was falling apart. However, this sound only echoed within three meters of his body and did not spread far.


Next, dark golden light overflowed from his body uncontrollably. This light obviously couldn't be restrained by Han Yi. It spread out in an instant and went straight to the sky, as if in this courtyard, There is a dark golden sun.

[Sacred Fire Battle Body (4th Realm 90/100)].

Han Yi's face did not show panic, but he was very surprised.

"The dark sun shines forever."

"This is a strange phenomenon of the sun."

"Finally, promoted to the peak of Dark Sun Realm."

"Even I can't control this breakthrough. It seems like it's my current limit."

"My physical body is several times stronger than it was twelve years ago, and I can also master three divine arts. At this moment, with my body of gods and demons, I don't know how much worse I am compared to the monks who have just entered the god transformation stage?"

"The next step is to prepare to break through to the Yin and Yang realm."

"Fortunately, I robbed the secret warehouses of Shenhuo Sect and Jinguangya twelve years ago. I was able to gather two copies of the materials for Yin-Yang Realm breakthrough, which is enough."

"However, we can't stay in this yard anymore."

He couldn't control the breath of breakthrough just now, and the light of the dark sun appeared in strange phenomena, which must have alarmed the gods and demons in the capital of the Great Spirit Kingdom.

Especially the Great Spirit Kingdom's highest institution for managing demons, the Spirit God Mansion. The demon gods from the Spirit God Mansion should be arriving at this time.

Han Yi flashed lightly and disappeared into the courtyard. There was nothing to tidy up in the side rooms and the main room in this courtyard.

After he left a stick of incense, a dozen demons appeared in the sky above the courtyard. After a moment of vigilance, they came down. After a search, they found that there were no gods and demons, so they guessed that the gods and demons that had just caused the strange phenomenon in the sun were probably left.

"Sunday vision."

"This god and demon is hiding here to break through to the peak of the Dark Sun Realm. He definitely has a big plot. Next, there will most likely be other moves. The Spirit God Mansion is nearby and the search must be stepped up."

The leader of the gods and demons looked like a middle-aged man. He was Ouyang Leng, the sixth realm of the Spirit God Mansion, the demon god of the life and death realm. His face was as his name suggests, extremely cold and stern, and he said to all the gods and demons present.

"Yes, sir." The gods and demons obeyed.

Ouyang Leng looked at the empty courtyard, flew up, and returned to the Spirit God Mansion. After a moment, he noticed the fluctuations of energy and blood in the depths of the Spirit God Mansion, his expression changed, and he rushed to a secret room deep in the Spirit God Mansion.

In this secret room, an old man with a gray complexion, sluggish breath, blocked spiritual orifices, and withered flesh was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, leaning on a dark gold stone chair in the practice room.

"Palace Master, you..." Ouyang Leng's face changed again, with a faint look of fear flashing across his face.

If Ouyang Leng's words were heard by the outside world, it would definitely shock the world.

Because there is only one person in the world who can be called the Palace Master by Ouyang Leng, and that is the Palace Master of the Spirit God Palace, the Great Demon God of the Seventh Realm and the Peak of the Immortal Realm, Wei Zheng.

And at this moment.

The Great Demon God Wei Zheng, who stood at the pinnacle of the Great Spirit Kingdom and even the pinnacle of the entire world of gods and demons, was like an old man dying between life and death.

In fact, it was not just Wei Zheng who was in trouble at the Spirit God Mansion at this moment.

Twelve years ago, the Spirit God Mansion originally had seven realms of life and death and two realms of immortality. It can be said that these nine are the pillars of the entire Great Spirit Kingdom.

However, what the world doesn't know is that there is only one Immortal Realm left in the Great Spirit Kingdom today, and that is Wei Zheng, who is dying in front of him, and four of the original seven realms of life and death have also fallen.

One person in the Immortal Realm and four others in the Life and Death Realm fell, all because of that shocking battle twelve years ago.

In that battle, six gods and demons were killed in the Great Spirit Kingdom. Only Wei Zheng, who was in the peak immortal state, survived, but he was also seriously injured. The injuries were too serious. Even though there were countless treasures and elixirs, the body of the demon god was still a day away. Not as good as one day.

But now, Wei Zheng, the great demon of the Great Spirit Kingdom and the Great Demon of the Immortal Realm, is about to fall.

This made Ouyang Leng's inner fear quietly emerge.

The withered old man slowly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of gray in his eyes. In the gray, he showed unwillingness, but in the end he returned to calm. Although he looked like a dying body, his tone , but not as stable as an old man, but as young and strong.

"I'm dying."

"There is still one year left before the body's last divine orifice and the divine man collapse. At that time, the divine power will be completely exhausted and the physical body will die."

"Rather than die so hastily, it is better to do your best for the Great Spirit."

"At the moment, you are the only one in the mansion who has the hope to break through to the realm of immortality. You will hold my key later, open the secret vault of the Spirit God Mansion, and take a portion of the immortal liquid. Three months later, I will protect you and use my final divine power to protect you. , to help you step into the realm of immortality.”

After saying this, the old man flicked a simple key on his waist. The key came to Ouyang Leng and was taken by him.

Ouyang Leng was frightened and surprised.

The scary thing is that the gods and demons of the Great Spirit Kingdom only have a lifespan of one year, which is terrible news for the Great Spirit Kingdom.

Surprisingly, he actually has the opportunity to enter the realm of immortality with a lifespan of ten thousand years. This is definitely a huge surprise for him.

Seeing Wei Zheng closing his eyes again, Ouyang Leng opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything. He bowed and withdrew.

In the Spirit God Mansion, although there are currently five sixth realm, life and death realm demon gods, he is the only one who is at the pinnacle of the life and death realm. The other four, two of whom have been promoted to the life and death realm in the past twelve years, are still in their early stages, and the other two are Twelve years ago, like him, the gods and demons in the middle stage of the life and death realm did not participate in that shocking battle.

Looking at it this way, it is only natural that the Palace Master wants to create another immortal for the Great Spirit Kingdom before he dies, so he chooses him.

After Ouyang Leng left.

Wei Zheng, who had his eyes closed, did not notice that behind him, a black shadow twisted and walked out from behind him.

It was a pure black shadow with no facial features, but he seemed to be able to see everything clearly. He turned his head and took a look. Wei Zheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and leaning on the dark gold stone chair, turned around and left towards Ouyang Leng just now. He glanced in the direction, merged back into Wei Zheng's back, and blended into it.

Wei Zheng seemed to notice this strange scene. He opened his eyes suddenly. In his withered eyes, divine power surged, and he inspected every corner of the secret room, but it was like these twelve Every time for years, nothing.

"What exactly is it?"

"Curse? Illusion? Or is it because magic has blinded my perception of gods and demons?"

"The methods of those extraterrestrial evil spirits can last for twelve years. Is it really too terrifying?"

"Fortunately, they all died in that battle."

The light in his eyes disappeared again, and the light dried up. He closed his eyes again, and his breath was still there.

But what he didn't know was.

The black shadow behind him was not caused by those evil spirits from outside the sky.

Twelve years ago, after he returned from a serious injury, and after the treatment failed, and seeing his physical body decaying day by day, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​trying to open up the world at the cost of a divine orifice.

If he can succeed, he can not only repair his injuries, but also directly step into the original realm and become a truly immortal demon god.

Regarding the legend of the eighth god and demon destroying the world, although he was also familiar with the rumors, he naturally did not believe it. The more powerful a person was, the firmer his belief would be. He would not be affected and only believed in himself.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of powerful demons from outside the world, he even more believed that the so-called demon gods in the eighth realm destroyed the world. It was the appearance of the demons outside the world in the eighth realm that destroyed the world of gods and demons.

So, he tried his best.

However, with the decline of divine power and the weakness of the flesh god, his attempts naturally ended in vain.

As for this dark shadow, it only appeared after his failure.

Therefore, he mistakenly thought it was the curse and methods of powerful evil spirits from outside.

the other side.

After Han Yi left the courtyard, he did not go far. Instead, he found an inn and stayed there. His aura fluctuations were also suppressed by him, so that he would not disturb other gods and demons.

As for why he was struggling to stay in the capital of Daling Kingdom, it was because he felt that there were definitely more secrets hidden in the capital.

Exploration and excavation are one of his tasks when entering this world.

Therefore, he was unwilling to leave just now.


During these twelve years in the capital, Han Yi did not always stay in the courtyard. Every once in a while, he would go out to explore a certain mansion of gods and demons in the capital.

Unlike the Shenhuo Sect and Jinguangya twelve years ago, during this period, his exploration was more low-key. If he was interested in books, he read them on the spot without moving them.

Four years ago, by chance, he discovered a secret diary in the mansion of a Demon God in the Xuanyue Realm of the Spirit God Palace.

In that note, there was a record of a shocking battle that took place in the year he came. That battle took place in the endless sea south of the Great Spirit Kingdom and further south of the Shenhuo County.

In that battle, it was rumored that evil spirits from outside the world were coming. Several demon gods from the Spirit God Mansion went to strangle the demons. In the end, two demon gods from the realm of life and death fell and returned with a tragic victory.


This Demon God of the Xuanyue Realm of the Spirit God Palace, in the next few years, based on his experience in serving in the Spirit God Palace, he boldly guessed that the battle where the evil spirits from outside the world came was not just the fall of two demon gods of the sixth realm. .

Because after that, he paid careful attention to the fact that there were four demon gods in the realm of life and death in the Spirit God Mansion, and there was no news about them. Although they were said to be sent out to explore the Northern Wilderness, with his sense of smell, it was easy to tell that this was done deliberately. .

What even made him even more horrified was that since then, the two Great Demon Gods from the Great Spirit Kingdom, the Seventh Realm and the Immortal Realm, had never shown their faces again.

One of them is the supreme venerable and honest official of the Great Ling Kingdom, and the other is the most powerful person in the entire Great Ling Kingdom and the master of the Lingshen Mansion, Wei Zheng.

This discovery frightened him.

And out of some unknown state of mind, he left these conjectures in this notebook.

From then on, Han Yi became more concerned about the secrets of the Great Spirit Kingdom.

Twelve years ago, an evil spirit from outside the world?

If his guess was correct, those evil spirits should be the immortal monks who came to this world just like him.

I don’t know why it was exposed as soon as it arrived.

As for the two peak powerhouses of the Great Spirit Kingdom, the Great Demon God of the Immortal Realm who is equivalent to the semi-immortal realm, have not shown up for several years. These two were at least seriously injured. It can be inferred that in that shocking battle, and The monks who came to the same realm as him should be semi-immortals.

I just don’t know whether it’s one person or multiple people, whether there is an incarnation of gods or Yuanying, are they all except him, or are they just a few?

If it is an individual, then other monks, like him, are hiding to practice the magic of gods and demons. Will they find that the skills of this world are different from those of the immortal world?

If we can find a monk from the Immortal Mansion, maybe we can communicate with him.

But this is not an Immortal Mansion, and the constraints are unclear. Maybe if you kill the Immortal Mansion monks, you don't need to be judged by the Mansion Spirit. He doesn't dare to gamble. Even if he encounters the Immortal Mansion monks, he will avoid them.

After gathering his thoughts, Han Yi made a new plan.

There are only eight years left before the twenty-year period. Han Yi plans to stay in the capital of the Great Spirit Kingdom for another two years to turn all the Yuan Dan in the divine aperture into the dark sun state and completely reach the peak of no progress. Dark sun realm.

Then, if there is no chance again, he will choose to leave and find a place to break through to the fifth realm, the Yin-Yang Realm Demon God.

After the breakthrough, if there is still time, consider returning to the capital to explore again.

This is his plan.


Three months later.

Late at night.

He opened his eyes suddenly, flew up from the inn, stood in mid-air, and looked at the most magnificent mansion outside the palace.

Spiritual God Mansion.

Deep in the mansion where he had never dared to step foot, a terrifying aura was boiling and changing violently.

It suddenly exudes the realm of life and death, and suddenly changes into the realm of immortality. It seems that in a very short gap, it transcends the realm of immortality and reaches a new realm. It falls again and again. The time is too short, and the short time makes people think it is an illusion. .

And when that aura briefly transcended the realm of immortality, there was a shuddering aura that enveloped the entire capital.

Han Yi's expression changed drastically because he sensed the 'devil' breath from that breath.

"Ancient Demon?"

"The eighth realm, the original world of destruction?"

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