I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 337 The final truth? Baimei Taoist

Han Yi was horrified.

Although he has known about the destruction of the world by gods and demons, he is not worried about this one. After all, his time in this world is limited, only twenty years, and in today's Great Spirit Kingdom, the only peak immortal state, the Spirit God The master of the palace, Wei Zheng, according to his investigation, was at least seriously injured, or even dead.

Things like breaking and then establishing can only appear in novels and TV series. In reality, without full preparation and perfect condition, it is simply impossible to break through from the realm of immortality to the original realm.

But at this moment, this aura appeared for a short time, but in the sudden appearance, it was indeed far more than a half-immortal.

Han Yi has never seen the gods and demons in the Immortal Realm in this world, but he has explored the gods and demons in the Life and Death Realm many times, and he has a very clear understanding of the auras of the Gods and Demons in the Life and Death Realm.

And in the Daluo Immortal Realm, he met too many transformed gods, semi-immortals, and even true immortals several times. Naturally, he had a deep understanding of the auras of the monks in these realms.

According to his comparison, in this world, the aura of gods and demons at the peak of life and death realm is equivalent to the aura of a monk at the peak of god transformation.

Combined with the Great Spirit Kingdom's dispatch of two Immortal Realms and several Life and Death Realms, twelve years ago, they killed the evil demons from outside the world, that is, the monks who entered this world like him.

It is not difficult to deduce that the person killed by the Great Spirit Kingdom must be a half-immortal, and the aura of the immortal realm should also be the same as that of a half-immortal.

And the aura just now, in a short moment, surpassed that of a peak half-immortal, giving Han Yi the trembling feeling when facing a real immortal.

That's why he was so sure that this was the eighth realm of gods and demons, the original realm.


It’s not really the original state yet.

But at this moment, someone is trying to break through the original realm.

But this breath is strange and strange.

Needless to say, it was strange. Deep in the Spirit God Mansion, there were always gods and demons in the realm of life and death. Han Yi had peeked at it several times from afar. He was afraid to step in because of the danger, and this sudden aura made him feel strange.

What's strange is that the aura of the original realm that flashed just now is mixed with a strong and obvious aura of ancient demons.

Since time traveling, Han Yi has seen all kinds of demons, including heavenly demons, low-level demons in the True Taixu Heaven, and Eternal Rest Immortal City in the Broken Immortal Realm. With the help of the remaining spirituality of the Demon-Slaying Army's God-Transforming Monk, he could glimpse the ancient times. The ancient demon clan during the battle between immortals and demons on the battlefield.

The auras of these many demons are not the same. The auras of the heavenly demons and demons are a little thinner, but the aura of the ancient demons glimpsed in the Everlasting Immortal City is extremely pure.

At this moment, the ancient demon's aura that flashed was countless times more solid than the aura he had glimpsed in the Eternal Breath Immortal Realm. It was a qualitative leap.

In the flash of lightning, a guess flashed in Han Yi's mind.

Gods and demons, ancient gods, ancient demons, the original world of destruction...

Could it be that the gods and demons who broke through to the eighth realm began to turn from gods to demons, and the demons came to the world to destroy the world?

Weird, weird.

Han Yi was just guessing without much evidence.

in addition

The situation deep in the Spirit God Mansion is a bit special. In addition to the aura that jumps from the immortal realm to the original realm and then falls back, there is another aura.

This breath surged from the peak of the life and death realm to the immortal realm, but then fell back again, and dropped rapidly, and finally disappeared.

Han Yi happened to know the owner of this aura, which was the deputy master of the Spirit God Palace, Ouyang Leng. He had spied on him from a distance several times and was no stranger to this demon god at the peak of life and death.

At this moment, in his senses, Ouyang Leng's aura had completely disappeared. If nothing unexpected happened, he should be dead.

Big changes are bound to happen in the Spirit God Mansion.

Just when his thoughts jumped.

Deep in the Spirit God Mansion, the aura that fell back to the Immortal Realm moved upwards again, flashing into the original realm that Han Yi had guessed. What followed was still the aura of the ancient demon.

But this time, the original state exuding the aura of the ancient demon lasted longer, almost half a breath.

Han Yi was shocked. He had no intention of joining in the fun. Let him face the Yin and Yang realm. He still had a lot of confidence that he could save his life. However, in the life and death realm or the immortal realm, he could definitely be killed easily, let alone extremely powerful. There may still be an original state of annihilation.

Thinking of this, he retreated instead of advancing. He escaped and flew towards the outside of the capital. He used the divine art of this world, air control.

But just when he turned around and was about to escape out of the city, he suddenly noticed something. He turned around suddenly and looked back again, with a horrified expression on his face...

the other side.

Deep in the Spirit God Mansion, in the secret room.

A set of robes are scattered on the ground. Those who are familiar with the gods and demons of Lingshen Mansion should be able to recognize that this robe belongs to Ouyang Leng, the deputy master of Lingshen Mansion. The wrinkled robes can still be vaguely recognized. I can identify the word 'cold' on the robe.

The robe was still there. As for its owner Ouyang Leng, he was naturally too dead to die. Even the body was sucked dry, leaving only the robe.

In front of this robe, on a dark gold stone chair, sat a figure struggling fiercely. It was clearly the master of the Spirit God Palace, Wei Zheng, who had not been seen in twelve years.

At this moment, Wei Zheng's face was twitching like madness, with pain, anger, gloom, fear, regret, madness, destruction, and flickering alternately, as if there were multiple personalities competing for his body.

Moreover, its body is no longer as withered and emaciated as before. It also has the same ups and downs, sometimes swelling, the energy of gods and demons surges, rushing to the peak of immortality, and sometimes it is skinny and rugged like firewood.

And in a moment that was so brief that it was almost a hallucination.

His expression turned into a demonic aura, and his body simultaneously broke through the peak aura of the Immortal Realm, reaching a higher level.

At this moment, it seemed as if some invisible barrier was broken.

This moment was the moment when Han Yi noticed the ancient demon's aura flashing before.

In the secret room.

In just an instant, Wei Zheng, who was in the ancient demon state, changed again and returned to his original state of madness.

But on his crazy face, the demonic energy gathers and disperses uncertainly.

After just three breaths, the aura of gods and demons in the original realm reappeared, and this time, the lasting aura was close to half a breath.

outside this secret room.

Many demon gods from the Spirit God Palace have gathered, including a middle-stage demon god in the realm of life and death who has been sitting here, as well as an early-stage demon god in the realm of life and death who is on duty, and six demon gods in the yin and yang realm.

As time went by, more demon gods came from the Daling Palace and various places in the capital.

But this secret room was special and made of mysterious meteorites. It was rumored that it could withstand the bombardment of the Immortal Realm. They stood outside the secret room and noticed the changing atmosphere inside the secret room. For a while, there was no targeted measure.


After the aura in the secret room that transcended the Immortal Realm lasted for about half a breath, Chu Yuntian, the demon god in the middle stage of the Life and Death Realm who was guarding this place, suddenly changed his expression.

"not good."

"The original world was destroyed."

"Follow me and leave here quickly."

A Dark Sun Realm Demon God's face changed dramatically when he thought of the rumors of world destruction, but he hesitated a little.

"Master Chu, the person inside has the same aura as the palace master. It should be the palace master who is breaking through the original realm at this moment."

"If the palace master breaks through the original realm, there should be no danger of annihilation."

Chu Yuntian quickly replied: "Don't believe the rumors completely, and don't believe them completely. In short, let's organize others to evacuate the Spirit God Mansion first."

"After waiting, we..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the impregnable secret room, his face was miserable.

"That's too late……"

When Chu Yuntian looked miserable, Han Yi turned around suddenly with a horrified expression.

In the stable secret room, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted. This aura never came back, and it exuded one of endless destruction.


The secret room, which was said to be able to withstand the bombardment of the Immortal Realm Demon God, was instantly blown to pieces, and the fragments of the secret room were shot out in all directions.

The first to bear the brunt are the many gods and demons surrounding the secret room at this moment.

This was one of the reasons why Chu Yuntian looked miserable and said, "It's too late."


Chu Yuntian only had time to activate the fighting body of gods and demons, and saw that beside him, the Dark Sun Realm Demon God who had just spoken was passed by a fragment, and his body was broken into two parts. Under the huge force of the fragment, the two parts of the body were blasted outward. Go, blink out of sight, only death but no life.

The next moment.

A fragment also hit his waist and pierced into his body. However, with his reaction speed in the realm of life and death, he happened to activate the body of the complete demon god. However, even so, a sharp pain suddenly emerged. At the same time, he only felt as if The monk in the Immortal Realm was hit in the waist with a punch, and a terrifying bombardment force was transmitted from the waist to all parts of the body. His whole body arched up in an instant, and he was bombarded. The surrounding space changed, and the night wind roared, reflecting him. The expression on his face was distorted and changed drastically.

Boom! !

At this moment, the huge vibration of the sky and the earth was heard.

After knocking down countless houses along the way and hitting the walls of the Spirit God Mansion, causing cracks like spider webs in the walls, Chu Yuncai finally stopped.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, but he didn't even care about the injuries on his body, but looked in horror at the terrifying figure standing up a thousand meters away, deep in the Spirit God Mansion.


Near the secret room in the depths, it has been reduced to ruins. On top of the ruins, a figure is constantly expanding.

Ten meters, thirty meters, one hundred meters, three hundred meters, one thousand meters, three thousand meters...

Finally, the figure disappeared into the sky, and only half of the waist was visible.

As for the swollen body, the feet were dented due to the weight, and the surrounding space was squeezed due to the enlargement. All the houses, injured gods and demons, were shattered and died under this dent and squeeze.

Chu Yuntian, who was smashed against the wall, ignored his shock and saw the huge foot that had swelled to the point of his eyes. He desperately ran away, and the blood of gods and demons was spilled all the way.

And it was dozens of miles away from the Spirit God Mansion.

Han Yi, who was just about to turn around and run away, suddenly turned around with a horrified expression on his face.

The moment he turned around, dozens of miles away, in the Spirit God Mansion, the aura of the original demon god that had only flashed twice appeared once again.

But this time, it never fell back, as if the two times just now were just the resistance and struggle of a certain will, and now, that struggling will has been suppressed.

At the moment when this aura was stable, a roar exploded in the Spirit God Mansion. In his induction, the aura of the original realm gods and demons suddenly increased to a higher level.

The next moment.

As the aura of the original realm gods and demons increased, a terrifying figure began to expand violently. In less than a breath, it had reached nearly a thousand meters. From his position, he could already see the figure clearly.

When he saw it clearly, Han Yi's pupils shrank.

Ancient Demon.

A true ancient demon.

Han Yi read a conjecture in an ancient book in Xuanzang Palace.

Only when one reaches the Immortal level can one be called a true Ancient Demon.

Ancient demons below the immortal level are actually just descendants of ancient demons created by ancient demons with demonic energy.

And the body in front of me, which has expanded to a thousand meters and is still expanding, has the aura of an immortal.

His whole body was full of demonic energy, rolling endlessly, as terrifying as the world-destroying demon god.

An extremely powerful majesty enveloped the entire capital and continued to spread in all directions.

Under this majesty, Han Yi's air control skills were greatly affected. He didn't care about hiding. He took out the Qingping Sword from the Guixu Sword Formation and walked with the sword, as fast as lightning, toward the capital. Escape outside.

At the same time, he had already connected the things he had investigated over the past twelve years into a thread, and had a preliminary guess about the truth.

"I see, this is the destruction of the world."

"In the ancient god's body, the divine world was opened up by the divine orifice. When the monks broke through to the original state, they turned from gods into demons and turned into ancient demons. The ancient demons destroyed the world."

"Although there are still many doubts about this, for example, how did Wei Zheng manage to be seriously injured and endured twelve years of hard work before he broke through to the original state? Is it possible that he was not seriously injured, but in retreat?"

"But generally speaking, that should be the case."

"This is the truth about the world of gods and demons. In the world of gods, the ancient demons are extinct."

Han Yi flew away with his sword. As the ancient demon continued to expand, the ancient demon that had submerged in the sky became farther and farther away. The influence on him became weaker and weaker, and his speed became faster and faster.

He suddenly turned sideways and looked dozens of miles away to the left, where there was also a figure walking with a weapon. When Han Yi looked over, the figure also turned his head and looked at each other.

Han Yi's heart trembled.

This is an immortal monk, and he also sensed the aura of gods and demons from this monk. This one must have practiced the gods and demons in this world like him, and he also thought about it with him. Hidden in the capital of Daling Kingdom.


Different from Han Yi, although this monk's magic power failed, Han Yi felt a strong danger from him. After his god-demon battle body broke through to the peak of the Dark Sun Realm, it could give him such a strong sense of danger. The most dangerous person can only be the cultivator of the Transformation of God.

However, the aura of gods and demons on this god-transformation monk is only at the early stage of the Dark Sun Realm, which is much weaker than him.

Just after a second thought, Han Yi also understood that he practiced the divine fire combat body and had a proficiency panel, so he naturally made rapid progress. In twelve years, he reached the peak of the Dark Sun Realm, which is equivalent to the peak of Nascent Soul.

As for other monks, even if they are transformed into gods and have stronger spiritual consciousness than him, it is not easy for them to practice the magic of gods and demons to the realm of the dark sun in twelve years without the assistance of a panel.

But more than ten miles away, the transformed god noticed Han Yi, and his eyes flashed slightly. Because his magic power was invalid, he could not judge Han Yi's true realm, but Han Yi's aura of gods and demons was only one step away from the Yin and Yang realm. , but it made him awe-inspiring.

The threat Han Yi gave him was not very high, but it also proved that Han Yi's control over his aura had reached the extreme.

In this way, he guessed that Han Yi was a monk in the late stage of divine transformation or even at the peak of the god transformation, and he could reach the peak of the realm of gods and demons in just twelve years, because for him, without a special adventure twelve years ago, At most, he can only practice to the Xuanyue Realm, but cannot reach the Dark Sun Realm.

The two people's eyes met, and out of a cautious attitude, they did not get closer, but kept away from each other tacitly.

The loud noise behind him became more and more terrifying. When he crossed the already chaotic city gate, Han Yi was startled, because at this moment, a light slanted from behind, illuminating the dark night. This light was complex, making him Subconsciously, he turned his head to look behind him. When he saw the situation behind him clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Behind him, on top of the Ancient Demon's head, which had swelled to the point that the entire Spirit God Mansion could no longer accommodate one of his feet, at this moment, three kinds of light flashed simultaneously.

The light that spreads to the city gate is the remaining light emitted by those three kinds of light.

Sun, moon, stars.

This is one of the foundations on which this world operates.

At this moment, the three kinds of light that appeared on the top of the Ancient Demon's head were aimed at the Ancient Demon. The endless light, as if it was spiritual, concentrated and tilted down towards the Ancient Demon. The light in that light was so hot that it could The aura of destruction frightened the gods and demons.

Han Yi looked up and saw three types of stars manifesting at the same time.

Dark sun, dark moon, sinking stars.

Moreover, these three types of stars are getting bigger and bigger visible to the naked eye, which also means that the stars are getting closer and closer to the Gods and Demons Continent.


Han Yi was shocked.

"No, the world is destroyed, the world is destroyed. It is not the ancient demon that destroys the world, but the ancient demon that causes the destruction of the world. It is the reincarnation of this world."

"The executors of the destruction of the world are Chen Xing, Xuan Yue, and Dark Sun, that is, the world itself."

"When these three types of stars come to the world and kill the ancient demons, this world will also turn into nothingness in the heat of flames."

"Reincarnation, restart."

He had more guesses about the truth of this world.

Just when this thought emerged, the ancient demon, which was simultaneously destroyed by the light of the sun, moon and stars, roared crazily and destroyed endlessly.

But no matter where he ran wildly, the three types of light gathered on him, and the demonic energy in his body began to burn.

But how could an ancient demon who had transcended the immortal level be burned to death so easily?

The ancient demon roared, turned around and ran towards the north. After just one breath, he disappeared. On the way he ran, there were several huge footprints. He didn't know how many gods, demons and mortals were trampled to death. Under the feet of the ancient demon, Gods, demons and mortals are not surprised, they are all like ants.

Han Yi, who was paused in mid-air, only realized it at this moment. A trace of panic and joy flashed across his face. The ancient demon was heading north, and he was taking the south gate.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to escape when the ancient demon hits him.

Right now.

The whole world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Han Yi froze. This time, what was different from the past was that even his thinking froze.

Looking outside, everything in the Great Spirit Kingdom, including the ancient demons who escaped from the Great Spirit Kingdom and fled to the Northern Wilderness, were also frozen in their huge bodies.


Even the three quasars that are constantly approaching are stagnant.


What Han Yi didn't know in his stagnant thoughts was that outside, in the endless void, outside the huge ancient god's body, a white-browed Taoist was standing outside the ancient god's body.

Behind Taoist Baimei is Linghua Immortal Lord sitting cross-legged in the void with his eyes closed.

At this moment, the black shadow behind Linghua Immortal Lord is almost completely formed. Just like him, one on the left and one on the right, sitting with their backs facing each other, with only a small area of ​​the back overlapping in the middle.

The white-browed Taoist had a dull look. He did not look at Linghua Immortal Lord, but glanced at the ancient god's body. Just this glance caused tens of thousands of worlds in the ancient god's body to come to a standstill.

Taoist Baimei doesn't have the slightest breath on his body, but his appearance here can make the Immortal Lord unaware. With just one glance, tens of thousands of worlds in the ancient god's body can be brought to a standstill. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

"Gods, demons, and immortals are experimenting. This old immortal still refuses to give up and wants to open the ancient world."

"Hey, there are still demons, witches, and ghosts. This old immortal still wants to turn into the past."

"That's all."

"This old immortal is not easy to mess with, and he is still alone."

"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend."

Taoist Baimei waved his hand gently, and the mysterious and majestic power fell on the ancient god's body and began to divide into thousands of strands, one of which entered the world of gods and demons where Han Yi lived.

In the world of gods and demons, this power is scattered on six figures. One of them is Han Yi, the other is the god-transformation monk who just looked at him, and the other four are not there. The capital of Daling Kingdom is scattered among thirteen counties and cities.


As soon as this power was withdrawn, these six solidified monks disappeared from this world.

The outside world is endless void.

Taoist Baimei withdrew the mysterious power that fell into the body of the ancient god, then turned to look at the Linghua Immortal Lord behind him and sighed.

Next, he gently grabbed it, and the black shadow on Linghua Immortal Lord's back shrank violently, turning into a black shadow. When it reached his palm, he just rubbed it gently, and the black shadow disappeared. not see.

With another gentle wave of his hand, Linghua Immortal Lord was also put away by him.


The white-browed Taoist took a step forward and disappeared.

After three steps.

We have reached the edge of the fairyland, and in two more steps, we will reach the Suizhu Fairy Garden.

With a gentle wave of his hand, tens of thousands of immortal monks were thrown to the corresponding position.

When Han Yi came back to his senses, he looked at the familiar Immortal Palace in front of him in disbelief.

"This is...my fairy mansion?"

"What happened?" (End of chapter)

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