I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 355: Mysterious Aperture Demon Sea, Ghost Car Demon Pill

When he was in Yuheng Realm, Han Yi encountered monster beasts during his Qi training stage. They were beasts that were not yet fully enlightened and could not be called monsters.

When he reached a higher level, he met all kinds of demon cultivators, including the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars, the Seven Realms of the Big Dipper, and the Qingxuan Dojo. He had contact with demon cultivators in these places.

Among them, due to a strange combination of circumstances, he was taken to the Yaoguang Realm and traveled around the Tianquan Realm. Among them, the Yaoguang Realm was the world of the demon clan, and half of the Tianquan Realm belonged to the demon clan.


In fact, Han Yi has already understood the cultivation of the demon clan.

If the Immortal Path cultivates 'law' and 'skills', and the ancient gods cultivate 'body' and 'strength', then the demon clan only cultivates one core, and that is 'bloodline'.

The demon's practice is to let his bloodline continue to transform. The first level he faces, like the human monks, is to build the foundation.

To build a foundation in the Yuheng Realm, the human race needs to pass three levels and survive five tribulations, but the monsters in the Yuheng Realm do not have these messy levels at all.

When the power in their bloodline has been accumulated by the sun and the moon, or they have taken the treasure of genius, or they have swallowed the essence of the sun and the moon, at a certain moment, it breaks through a certain limit and undergoes transformation, which is the foundation building.

And its foundation building is to condense the power of blood into a core.

That is: Demon Pill.

That's right.

The foundation building of human monks is just the expansion and change of the spiritual sea and the sea of ​​consciousness, and the mana is further condensed, laying the foundation of the immortal path. Only by breaking through to the golden elixir stage can the golden elixir be condensed and used as the source of mana.

But the practice of the demon clan is different. When they are building the foundation, they condense the power of their blood into demon pills.

With the demon pill, one can gradually lose the body of a demon beast and turn into the body of a demon cultivator.

With the demon pill, the demon cultivator can obtain the inheritance that is engraved in the blood and passed down for endless years. After awakening, its name is:

Supernatural powers.

Of course, there are also high-level monsters that can awaken magical powers without condensing the demon elixir. Such monsters are rare and are an exception.

The giant lion monster that Han Yi encountered in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains was a ninth-level monster. It did not condense the demon elixir and became a demon cultivator, but it awakened the magical power 'Eye of Confinement' in advance. This is a special case. .

Strictly speaking.

After the foundation is established, the monster beast can be regarded as a member of the monster clan.

Before the foundation was established, the demonic beast did not have the concept of upper, middle and lower dantian. During the foundation building, while condensing the demonic elixir, a new mysterious orifice would be opened up in the body, connecting the meridians throughout the body to accommodate the demonic elixir.

This new mysterious orifice is called Danhai.

When breaking through the golden elixir, the demon race further transforms and can eliminate all the demonic appearance characteristics. If they practice the method of hiding the demonic energy, they will be no different from normal human monks.

When breaking through the Nascent Soul, the demon soul and the demon elixir merge to become the Nascent Soul, and the soul sea and elixir sea merge to form the inner space. This is similar to human cultivation.

Next, the practice of becoming a god and a half-immortal is very similar.

Among them, the biggest difference is the Immortal Road.

The immortal path of the demon clan is determined by the inheritance in the bloodline, and the inheritance information of this immortal path will be understood as early as the Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, demon cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage are also called demon saints. They are holy and clear, and they know the direction of the next path to immortality.


Generally, only demon cultivators with strong bloodline can realize the path of immortality in the Nascent Soul stage. Normally, they only start to embark on the path of immortality when they reach the level of god transformation.

This point is completely different from the human monk's choice of immortal path.

After Han Yi had a flash of the demon clan's cultivation path in his mind, he first took out a jade butterfly exchanged from Zhide Immortal Palace. Among the jade butterflies was the ancient demon cultivation method, the true body of the ghost chariot.

He used his magic power to enter the jade butterfly, and messages came one after another.

After a while.

Han Yi put down Jade Butterfly, a sudden realization flashed through his heart, and he had some thoughts.

This technique is not only extremely difficult, but its magic is also uncompromising.

This is a human technique, but it is the path of the demon clan.

Human monks who practice this technique need to complete four steps in advance.

The first step.

According to the special method in the technique, an additional mysterious orifice is opened in the body. In this technique, this mysterious orifice is named Yaohai.

Han Yi guessed that this sea of ​​monsters should have similar properties to the sea of ​​consciousness and the sea of ​​spirit in the human race's journey of cultivation.

The second step.

Melt the ghost core and the demon roc essence and blood, and integrate them into one body in the form of elixir according to a special proportion and method.

The third step.

When cutting a soul, the strength of the cut soul needs to have a certain reciprocal relationship with the ghost core essence and blood that is fused into one. For example, the fused ghost core essence and blood is equivalent to the middle stage of Yuanying. The cut soul will be It shouldn’t be too strong, and it shouldn’t be too weak. It needs to correspond to this level.

The fourth step.

The ghost core essence and blood is wrapped in the cut soul and sent into the opened mysterious sea of ​​demons. Then, the cut soul is used to seal the demon sea from the inside in a special way.

That's right.

These are the four steps that need to be completed in advance to practice this ancient demon technique.

Next, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one days, nearly three months of waiting time.

Eighty-one days later.

There will be two results. One is that this closed sea of ​​demons shrinks at an extremely fast speed, and finally collapses into nothingness, and the practice fails.

the second.

Then this demon sea will automatically open from the inside out, and a demon pill will appear in the demon sea.

That's right.

All the prerequisite steps of this technique are to cultivate a demon pill in the mysterious orifice opened in the body.

Once the demon elixir is completed, the monk can strengthen the demon elixir through various means such as the demon blood elixir.


The difference between this demon pill and the demon cultivator's body is that if it continues to strengthen, the demon cultivator's demon pill will transform into a Nascent Soul. However, in the body of a human cultivator, no matter how strong it is, it will always be just a demon pill.

Because, he himself is already integrated with the soul cut off by the monks. Although it is a demon elixir, he already has the essence of Nascent Soul.

As for the use of the demon pill, it is also very simple.

When used, the demon pill will dissolve and merge into the blood of the whole body, giving the monk the ability to transform into demons and transform into demons.

After the demon blood in his body is collected and returned to the demon sea, and transformed into demon pills again, he can transform into a normal monk.

That is to say.

When Han Yi possesses a ghost car demon pill in his body, he can transform into a real ghost car. At that time, in essence, he is a demon clan and a ghost car.

And when he has a thought, gathers the demon blood and reunites the demon elixir, he will become a normal monk again and has nothing to do with the demon clan.

This skill is so magical.

More simply.

This skill is actually equivalent to setting up a device in the body. When the device is turned on, one transforms into a demon. When the device is turned off, one becomes a human again.

However, the setting up of this 'device' is not simple, but rather complicated. Among the four prerequisite steps, the first three are all difficult.

Being the first to open up the Mysterious Aperture Demon Sea requires a strong body. Ordinary monks have not practiced the secret techniques of body refining. Opening up the Demon Sea may cause the physical body to collapse and die before success.

The second one is to melt the ghost core and demon roc essence and blood. It is not difficult. Even if the monk who practices this technique is not an alchemist, he can find other alchemists to refine it on his behalf. However, if it is refined by other alchemists, It is difficult to measure the next third step, how much of the soul is cut.

The most difficult one is the third one, cutting the soul.

The soul is the foundation of a monk. Not to mention the danger of cutting, just talking about the impact on the monk's realm and cultivation level after cutting is huge.

If one fails, it is possible that one's realm will regress, or even one's mind may become confused.

Therefore, these four prerequisite steps have dissuaded 99% of the monks.

Whether in the Yuheng Realm or the Immortal Realm, Han Yi has never seen any monks who practice this kind of perfect demonization technique so far.

At this moment, he had some doubts. Did Yuan Qinghong really choose those two tasks in order to cultivate the ghost car's true form, or was it just an accident.

He doesn't believe in chance, but he always thinks it's a coincidence.

What a coincidence.

After killing Yuan Qinghong himself, two of the next inherited tasks happened to be the ghost core and demon roc essence and blood needed for the second step of this technique.

I have also practiced the ancient god system, and my physical body is strong. Needless to say, the first step of opening up the demon sea is also easy.

He is also an alchemist, and he can melt ghost cores and demon roc essence and blood, and he is equally at ease.

Finally, the level of his soul is one level higher than the realm. It is not dangerous for him to cut the soul of the Nascent Soul level.

Moreover, with the strength of the peak Yin-Yang Realm supporting him, the fall of his soul would have a slight impact on his strength, but it was still within an acceptable range.

For him, practicing this technique only requires time, and after that, he has to re-cultivate his soul and return to his current level.

The above points are too coincidental, as if this technique is tailor-made.

Somehow, he felt that he had fallen into the eyes of some big shots and had become a pawn.

Han Yi raised his head slightly and looked at the core of Immortal Court, his eyes flickering.

Then, he shook his head slightly.

I am only in the Nascent Soul realm, so even if I want to become a chess piece of some big shot, I am not qualified.

After thinking for a moment, he did not give up, but decided to practice this technique.

This is a way to enhance strength, and strength is the foundation of everything. With this alone, he decided to practice.

Abandoning distracting thoughts, he deduced the steps of practice again until he knew them well.


He first took out the Hunyuan Xingdou Jiugong Furnace, followed the second step of refining method in Jade Butterfly, sent three thousand ghost cores and ten bottles of demon roc essence and blood into the alchemy furnace, and started to melt it.

It took Han Yi just three hours to complete the melting process.

At this moment, there was an open jade box placed in front of him. In the jade box, a semi-solid black and red elixir was placed quietly.

This semi-solid state looks as strange as jelly.

And this elixir is only a little bigger than a fingernail. Three thousand ghost cores and ten bottles of blood essence were finally melted into this small elixir. This elixir is the essence of of essence.

He slightly sensed it with his spiritual consciousness, and in an instant, a powerful demonic energy burst out, and the surface of the elixir began to shake. The shaking was not large, and Han Yi was so frightened that he immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness. Don't dare to probe any further.

The shaking semi-solid black and red elixir gradually subsided, and its burst of spiritual energy shrank back as if it were spiritual, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

This magical characteristic also surprised Han Yi.

Han Yi closed the jade box and put it away first, and then began to open up the demon sea and cut the soul.

Three days later.

He opened up a new mysterious aperture, the Sea of ​​Demons, near the Zhongfu Divine Aperture. For him, the process of opening it was extremely smooth.

And the reason why he chose to be near the Zhongfu Divine Aperture is because it is the first Divine Aperture in the ancient god system and has the strongest divine power. If there is a problem with the demon sea, he can instantly suppress it with divine power. Even at critical moments, he can directly Open up two mysterious apertures and induce the peak dark sun to suppress the anomaly in the sea of ​​monsters.

This is a method he learned from the world of gods and demons.

Seven days later.

He used the soul sword to endure the severe pain and cut off one third of the soul. This was the soul he cut off using the semi-solid elixir he melted.

The remaining souls, as expected, directly caused Han Yi's soul level to fall from the God Transformation level and return to the peak Nascent Soul level.

Fortunately, this had little impact on his later Nascent Soul cultivation.


Han Yi did not complete the fourth step immediately. Instead, he practiced breath regulation. After a month, he adjusted his condition to the optimal level before taking this step.

He wrapped the semi-solid elixir with the cut soul and sent it into the mysterious aperture that was opened, which was the sea of ​​demons.

Then, the soul in the demon sea sealed the demon sea from the inside according to the special method in Jade Butterfly.

At the moment of closure, this small mysterious hole was completely isolated from the outside world, and even Han Yi's consciousness could not enter it.

Han Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, regardless of success or failure, I have achieved the ultimate in this skill.

Next, he began to rebuild his soul, and his main skill in soul training was still the Nine Layer Soul Tower.

He has already condensed the sixth level of the Nine-level Soul Tower and understood the secret technique of swallowing souls.

Previously, as his soul entered the level of god transformation, most of the seventh heaven was condensed.

And after he cut the soul, the condensed part of the seventh heaven also began to dissipate.

Han Yi calmed down and rebuilt the Nine Layer Soul Tower, practicing over and over again as he had done before.

Days and nights pass.

at some point.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and with a thought, he already knew that today was the 81st day that he sealed the demon sea.

The moment he opened his eyes, the mysterious orifices opened next to the Zhongfu Divine Aperture also began to change. They were no longer closed, but had demonic energy leaking out from them.

This demonic energy, in terms of quantity, is not much, it can even be said to be very small, only a few strands, but in terms of quality, it is extremely refined.

The moment the demonic energy leaked out, the entire Demonic Sea Mysterious Aperture opened directly, and the demonic aura surged out instantly. The entire main hall was filled with demonic aura. If it were not blocked by the Guixu Sword Formation and the Liangyi Xuanguang Array, this demonic aura would not have been blocked. , it is estimated that the immortal envoys will come to investigate.


The demonic energy that permeated the main hall only lasted for a breath. After a breath, all the released demonic energy retracted back to the original path.

Han Yi's spiritual consciousness followed the demonic energy into the mysterious orifice of the demonic sea, and saw a half-red and half-black demonic elixir suspended in the center of the demonic sea.

The aura and cold demonic nature exuded by this strange demon pill made him feel slightly awe-inspiring.

Once the demon elixir is completed, it means that he has become an introduction to this ancient demon method.

Han Yi did not immediately try to transform into a demon. Instead, he calmed down and wrapped the ten bottles of demon blood pills purchased from Zhide Immortal Palace with divine power, sent them to the mysterious sea of ​​demons, and merged into the demon pills.

One month later.

Incorporated into ten bottles of perfect demon blood pills, the aura of this half-red and half-black demon pill has been completely stabilized.

In the main hall, Han Yi had an idea.

"Try it."

When thoughts move.

The demon pills in the demon sea suddenly dispersed, and the small demon pill instantly turned into a surge of demon blood in varying proportions. The demon blood contained terrifying power, gushes out from the mysterious orifice of the demon sea, and flows through the body.

In an instant.

When the demon blood comes into contact with the original blood, the result is not rejection or occupying the magpie's nest, but integration.

This demon blood seemed to have been transformed from Han Yi's blood. It was of a different type from his original blood, but had the same origin.

boom! !

Han Yi trembled all over.

His body began to undergo amazing changes.

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