I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 356 Re-entering Xuanzang, the Nine-ring True Immortal

In the main hall.

When Gui Che's demon elixir was transformed into rich demon blood, it merged into Han Yi's meridians and merged with his original blood, making them indistinguishable.

His physical body also rapidly underwent startling changes under the influence of this demonic blood.

Expansion, the body is expanding, and it has expanded to a height of six meters. In the body, the organs, muscles, fascia, bones, and skin begin to reorganize the body in a special form.

No, not reorganization, but demonization.

The body, limbs, head, and neck are also being demonized.

On both sides of the back, bones broke through the flesh and grew out, turning into two bone spurs. Above the bone spurs, flesh and blood spread and quickly turned into two huge black wings.

On top of the enlarged head, there is a black horn, which is hideous and terrifying. On top of the horn, there are detailed and tiny strange runes carved on it. The runes are not fixed, but are constantly moving.

The palms became thicker, the nails were dark red, and the cold light seemed to be able to crush even spiritual treasures.

A pair of eyes also turned blood red, with a strange demon-like aura swirling around them.

After a while.

After the transformation was completed, Han Yi flicked his fingers, and there was water mist in front of him, condensing into water. Looking at his demonized self in the water mirror, he frowned slightly.

His current image was actually quite different from the ghost car he knew.

His image is more like a fusion of the demonic characteristics of the ghost clan and the demon roc demon clan. The black wings exuding demonic nature are the characteristics of the demon roc, and the black horn on the top of his head is the characteristic of the ghost clan.

According to rumors, the real ghost car has a pair of wings and nine heads, which is a nine-headed demon bird.


Han Yi thought of another possibility, that is, his demon body was still in its initial state and needed further evolution before it would gradually transform into a real ghost car.

Filled with demonic aura, Han Yi flapped his wings lightly, and a whistling sound sounded in the main hall. His figure appeared on the other side of the hall.

He shook his head slightly. The space here was not large, and it was actually not suitable for testing the speed of his demonic body.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Han Yi found out that he didn't get any inheritance information about the demon clan's magical powers, so he had to give up.

With a thought, the frenzied demon blood in his body quickly retreated and returned to the mysterious sea of ​​demons. His swollen body also gradually transformed into his original body.

Fortunately, the inner armor and the robe are both spiritual treasures and are not restricted to specific forms. Otherwise, one of the robes would have to be destroyed every time he transformed, which would also be a problem.

Just one breath.

There was no trace of evil spirit in the main hall, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

Han Yi's mind sank into the mysterious sea of ​​demons, and he saw a half-red and half-black demon pill floating quietly inside. There was nothing else.

After exiting the Xuanqiao, he walked out of the palace, returned to the ruins sword array, held the Sui Zhu token in hand, and teleported away. The destination of this trip was Xuanzang Palace.

He currently has more than 200 points, which is enough for him to spend some time in Xuanzang Palace.

Since arriving in the Immortal Realm, Han Yi believes that the most worthwhile thing to do is to spend points on 'study' in Xuanzang Palace.

The Xuanzang Palace on the first floor, a regular area, costs one point per hour, but on the second floor, the points are doubled. The higher you go, the more points you need.

This is one of the nine immortal palaces in Suizhu Immortal Mansion, with a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine floors. Immortal-level monks are only allowed to be below the ninety-ninth floor. Only those who have reached the immortal level can set foot above the one hundredth floor.

Before this, Han Yi had not even finished reading the Jade Butterfly Ancient Books in the regular area on the first floor, but only read one-third of them. This first floor is the largest floor, and it can be regarded as common sense and knowledge for cultivation. What Han Yi needs to know most.

In Xuanzang Palace, people come and go. Even ordinary immortals need to enter and exit from the first floor. Only immortals who are Golden Immortal and above can go straight to the top.

Han Yi stepped into the palace and walked towards the place where he left off last time. With his strength, although he was walking, his figure flickered, faster than the flight of the foundation-building monk.

Ten breaths later, he had arrived at the place where he had left. He inserted the exclusive jade stone from Xuanzang Palace into the groove in front of the bookshelf grid. After the spiritual light shield dispersed, he took out one of the jade butterflies and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness.

"Miscellaneous Theory of Dongtian (Part 1)".

This jade butterfly was left by a semi-immortal named Du Xuanzhi. After he stepped into the realm of gods, he specialized in studying the cave world for nearly a thousand years. During these nearly a thousand years, he even traveled to the immortal world and entered countless cave worlds. This is His research, recording and summary of the cave world.

After three breaths, Han Yi put the jade butterfly back, took off the jade stone, moved his steps, and walked to the side. When he got to the next grid, he discovered that it was "Miscellaneous Theory of Dongtian (Part 2)".

This miscellany is divided into two jade butterflies for storage, because this next chapter records some more special caves.

Han Yi frowned slightly because he saw a familiar name.

Town ghost cave.

Moreover, the record of the Ghost Suppressing Cave in the Jade Butterfly was different from what he had seen.

It is recorded in the Jade Butterfly that Du Xuanzhi also stepped into the Ghost Suppression Cave. Under the ground there is the Zhiyin Ghost Pool. In the ghost pool, low-level evil ghosts are constantly coming out. Countless evil ghosts are suppressing ghosts. The cave is devouring and biting, but because of the strange laws in this cave, any evil ghost that reaches the middle stage of divine transformation will self-destruct and turn into ghost energy, returning to the ghost pool again, and so on, and the cycle is endless.

In other words, Du Xuanzhi speculated that the strongest evil spirits in the Ghost Suppressing Cave are only the evil spirits in the early stages of becoming gods, and there is no record of the Ghost Mountain.

This is different from what Han Yi saw.

Han Yi thought about it again and guessed that the ghost cave in this town may have changed again over the long years. He was not aware of these changes yet.

The cave world is not static. If there is a powerful immortal to transform it, the rules can be changed.

He put down these thoughts, and after three breaths, he put down the jade butterfly again, pulled out the jade stone, and walked to the next location.


Han Yi was immersed in Xuanzang Palace. Half a month later, he left the first floor and stepped onto the second floor. The browsing rules for the second floor were one hour and two points, which was twice as much as the first floor.

Five days later, Han Yi left Xuanzang Palace, not because he didn't want to stay anymore, but because his points had been completely exhausted.

In this short period of less than a month, his knowledge has continued to grow, and his understanding of the immortal world, as well as his understanding and accumulation of spiritual practice, have reached a big level.

After leaving Xuanzang Palace, he teleported directly to Wanzhan Immortal Palace and took over the task of refining True Infant Pill and Luo Tiandan. Then, he teleported to Xianyi Palace.

In the Xianyi Palace, Han Yi did not see Gu Chuan, but Cang Shaoyuan was there.

Seeing Han Yi, Cang Shaoyuan's eyes flashed. Speaking of which, he had not seen Han Yi since the fifth-level alchemy master exchange meeting, but he knew Han Yi's deeds.

In Xianfang Palace, he killed two Nascent Souls and was recruited to Linghua Immortal Lord to complete the task.

In the Immortal Immortal Association, he is ranked at the nineteenth stage of the Yuanying stage. He is not on the list of half-step gods, but he has the combat power of half-step gods. Moreover, he is mistakenly thought to be the number one Yuanying 'Jiang Hong', and he is famous in the immortal world. .

The many deeds of this originally low-key fifth-level alchemist constantly refreshed Cang Shaoyuan's understanding and shocked him time and time again.

Therefore, when Han Yi appeared, although the aura on his body was still in the late Yuanying stage and had not yet reached the stage of becoming a god, Cang Shaoyuan treated him as an equal.


Cang Shaoyuan practiced the Tongmiao Danhuo Sutra, and the space in his body contained spiritual fire, which made him most sensitive to danger. The aura on Han Yi's body made his spiritual fire shake slightly, as if he was afraid.

This kind of situation has only appeared to those peak gods. Now that it appears to Han Yi, it makes him feel a little more in awe of Han Yi as an equal.

"I've met Senior Brother Cang." Han Yi said with cupped hands, his face as calm as before.

"I've met Junior Brother Han." Cang Shaoyuan nodded and said with a smile.

Han Yi could detect that Cang Shaoyuan's attitude had changed significantly from that of more than ten years ago. As soon as his thoughts changed, he knew the reason, but he did not say much else.

In fact, he still owed Cang Shaoyuan a small favor. It was Cang Shaoyuan who reminded him when he was taking the fifth-level alchemy test, and later introduced him to the fifth-level alchemy exchange meeting. He always remembered it.

Although Yuan Qinghong was killed later and he was recruited by Linghua Immortal Lord, which was not a good follow-up, it also allowed Han Yi to enter the ancient god world by chance and obtain the true ancient god inheritance.

It's better to have misfortune than blessing.

"You're welcome, fellow Daoist Cang. When I came this time, I received the task of refining the True Yuan Pill and the Luotian Pill in the Wanzhan Palace. I am here to receive the corresponding pill recipes and medicinal materials."

Han Yi handed over the token and asked casually: "By the way, Senior Brother Tanichuan, are you in the palace?"

Cang Shaoyuan took Han Yi's token and replied calmly: "Junior brother Gu passed away ten years ago."

Han Yi was shocked: "Did he die?"

"That's right, ten years ago, he took on a mission and went out. Not long after, the soul orb left in the mansion was shattered, which confirmed his death."

Cang Shaoyuan looked calm and walked to the back of the hall. After a while, he came back and handed the token and a Qiankun Ring to Han Yi.

Han Yi came back to his senses and took the token and the Qiankun Ring handed over by Cang Shaoyuan. His expression was no longer calm, but he could not help but feel a little more sad and sad.

Since arriving in the Immortal Realm, although he has met many monks, there are not many he is familiar with and has friendship with.

Among them, Tanichuan counts as one.

During his alchemy journey, Tanichuan took great care of him, and even reminded him to pass the alchemist level. After he was recruited, Tanichuan would also inform him of the news he had learned.

This favor cannot be ignored, and Han Yi will keep it in mind.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for more than ten years, when I inquired again, I found that the other party was dead.

Immortality is ruthless, things are different and people are different.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Cang." Han Yi bowed his hands and resigned, but saw Cang Shaoyuan hesitated to speak.

"Senior Brother Cang, do you have any instructions?"

Cang Shaoyuan shook his head: "Junior Brother Han is joking."

"However, there is indeed something. That is, in half a month, the fifth-level alchemy master will have a large-scale exchange meeting. Zhengyang Immortal Envoy will also appear at that time. If Junior Brother Han is free, you might as well come together and learn more. .”

When Han Yi heard this, of course it was not Cang Shaoyuan asking for help, but Cang Shaoyuan's release of goodwill. As for the reason why he hesitated to speak, it should be that the last exchange meeting he introduced put Han Yi in danger, so he hesitated.

Han Yi's face straightened, he held his hands in thanks and said, "Such a good thing, junior brother, I will definitely go."

"Speaking of which, Senior Brother Cang helped me a lot when I was taking the fifth-level alchemy test. This time, I owe Senior Brother Cang another favor."

Hearing this, Cang Shaoyuan's face showed a smile. Han Yi said this, which proved that the friendship between the two people is still there, which is what he hoped.

After a while.

Han Yi left the Alchemy Palace of the Immortal Art Palace, teleported back to Immortal Mansion No. 826, took out the alchemy furnace, and started refining elixirs. However, his soul fell from the level of god transformation, and the success rate of refining elixir-level elixirs was not counted. High, only 30%, and the rate of elixir formation is not high.

For the time being, it can only be considered that the completion conditions of the task have been met, and no more additional points can be obtained.

Han Yi was not impatient. The process of refining alchemy also required the control of the soul, which was more or less beneficial to the repair of the soul.

Half a month later.

He increased the success rate of refining the True Infant Pill to 40%, and then left the palace and teleported to Xianfang Palace.

This time, the large-scale exchange meeting was still held in Xianfang Palace.

However, it is not set up in Zhengyang Pavilion, but in a larger attic, Jiuhuan Pavilion.

It is rumored that the owner of Jiuhuan Pavilion is a true immortal who has an irreversible relationship with Zhengyang Immortal Envoy.

This time, a large-scale exchange meeting for fifth-level alchemists was held here.

When Han Yi arrived at Jiuhuan Pavilion, the Jiuhuan Pavilion was full of people and bustling.

After looking around, he was slightly shocked, because there was a true immortal sitting at the top of this huge attic. Next to the true immortal was the Zhengyang Immortal in Taoist robes and jade crowns.

Han Yi's eyes flickered, and he glanced hastily before looking away.

"It's the Nine Rings True Immortal."

"It seems that the rumors are true. The Zhengyang Immortal Envoy and the Nine Rings True Immortal have a very good relationship. This time, even the Nine Rings True Immortal is here. It seems that this exchange meeting is not simple."

"However, the Nine Rings True Immortal is also an immortal-level alchemy master. This trip should yield something."

Han Yi's thoughts flashed and he began to wander around the attic.

Just like the small exchange meeting, the first session is also about free communication.

At this moment, Han Yi saw Cang Shaoyuan and walked over, approaching the circle where Cang Shaoyuan was.

Han Yi thought that Cang Shaoyuan was exchanging alchemy experiences with other alchemists, but when he got closer, he found that it was not him, but a middle-aged alchemist who was telling interesting stories vividly.

in this circle.

The middle-aged alchemist who was attracting everyone's attention stopped talking when he saw Han Yi walking in, and looked over with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Let me introduce you. This is Junior Brother Han Yi. Junior Brother Han is incredible. He not only passed the fifth-level alchemy master examination at the Yuanying realm, but also participated in the Immortal Immortal Association a few years ago and won the 19th place in Yuanying." , famous all over the world."

Cang Shaoyuan introduced with a smile.

The eyes of others changed, looking at Han Yi with some inexplicable meaning.

"Welcome, Fellow Daoist Han."

"Fellow Daoist Han, please sit down."

Han Yi cupped his hands and thanked him, not rejecting the kindness. He sat down next to Cang Shaoyuan. A spiritual thought fell into his mind, which was the message sent by Cang Shaoyuan.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Shaomin has traveled to the Immortal Realm for three hundred years and returned to the Immortal Mansion just three days ago."

"He is sharing with us the interesting things he has experienced during this trip."

"You might as well give it a listen."

Han Yi nodded slightly.

Apart from him, there are eight people in this circle. These eight people are all fifth-level alchemists, and their realms are all at the god transformation stage.

Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of a transformed god can reach three thousand.

A fifth-level alchemist at the stage of becoming a god spent three hundred years traveling around the immortal world. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the immortal world.

Many classics and miscellany in Xuanzang Palace were written by monks who traveled to the immortal world.

In particular, monks with a minor in Baiyi will not work behind closed doors, but need to continuously increase their knowledge in order to achieve breakthroughs.

The Lu Shaomin mentioned by Cang Shaoyuan is a middle-aged monk. His aura in the middle stage of divine transformation is still unstable. It is expected that he just broke through not long ago, and he should have broken through during his travels. After breaking through, he returned to the Immortal Mansion.

When Han Yi's thoughts were turning, Lu Shaomin nodded to Han Yi and continued.

"It's almost time for free communication."

"I have one last interesting anecdote for everyone to listen to."

"Before I return, my last stop is Huitianxian City in the Yinglong Immortal Domain. There, I heard an interesting thing."

"Back in the Immortal Realm, there is a family of immortal cultivators, the Nie family. The head of the Nie family is a peak god-transforming cultivator."

"I heard not long ago that the young master of the Nie family was killed by a Nascent Soul monk, which made the master of the Nie family furious."

"But what no one could guess is that the Nascent Soul monk who killed the Nie family's young master actually appeared in public in Huitianxian City."

"And he boasted to Haikou, saying that God's will is brilliant, and if he is given ten years, he can kill the head of the Nie family with one sword."

"This made the head of the Nie family crazy."

"When the Nie family monk arrived, the Nascent Soul monk had already disappeared."

"That's not the most interesting thing."

"The most interesting thing is that after the head of the Nie family returned, he found that the Nie family had been stolen."

"Yes, this Yuanying monk has an accomplice."

"Moreover, the monk who stole the Nie family still made the words 'God's will' in the Nie family."

"It's interesting!" (End of chapter)

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