I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 377 Chaos and disorder, Yinglong returns to heaven

When the storm hit like a mountain, Han Yi used the Four Sources Taoist technique without hesitation in an instant, and a layer of gray-white light appeared on the surface of his body.

Around him, countless monks who had just ascended from the chamber looked horrified, activating their own protective spells, spiritual treasures, etc. to withstand the storm.

In an instant, the fairy castle was filled with bright lights and brilliant colors.

A voice filled with profound immortal power burst out, but even the low-level monks could hear the urgency in it.

Before the voice fell, the fairy light had already climbed up and emerged from all the nodes of the fairy castle, filling the air and closing together.

Han Yi tried his best to look around, his pupils filled with divine fire. He saw that at the core of the node where he was, Fan Qiusheng, the commander of the Shadow Moon Spirit Battalion, desperately used the spirit of the immortal spirit to sacrifice the immortal weapon at this node.

He saw other half-immortals, assisting Fan Qiu Sheng, activating more than a dozen semi-immortal weapons. Among them, there were even two half-immortal weapons with immortal weapons. The fairy light was so rich that it seemed like substance, blocking the storm coming layer upon layer.


In less than three breaths, he saw a strange light shooting out from the storm and falling brilliantly. The time was so short that he couldn't even sense what the light was.

Then there was a roaring sound coming from the depths of the fairy castle beneath the feet, a constant whisper, followed by endless explosions, a surge of spiritual energy compressed to the extreme, and a crazy turbulence that tore the void apart.

Rolling spiritual energy flooded him. He looked up at the half-immortals at the core of the node and saw Fan Qiusheng rising straight into the void.

"The fairy castle cannot be saved."


This idea jumped out quickly. In an instant, the magical power of the mind world was operating. He had already imitated the other half-immortals and escaped into the void. However, he had not escaped for a few miles when he saw a moving space turbulence sweeping towards him. , involving him.

The roaring in the ears suddenly turned low, as if separated by a tangible barrier, and the low roaring disappeared in an instant, as if it was a different space.

The gray-white light on the surface of the body flickered slightly, allowing Han Yi to react quickly.

This is...space turbulence.

Han Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Being destroyed by the terrifying spiritual energy just now, entering the space turbulence is actually a choice. Even if he is not swept in, Han Yi also has this plan to get directly into the nearby space turbulence.

This is a helpless way to risk death and survive.

The so-called space turbulence is a chaotic space born near the space storm. In this chaotic space, there is no up, down, left, right, and no fixed direction. It is not in the same dimension as the original stable space.

To simply understand, this is another space below the normal space.


There will be multiple layers of space turbulence. The further down you go, the greater the danger in the space turbulence.

Furthermore, because it is in a lower space, the rules are different from those in a stable space. Even spaces that are far apart can be connected because of the chaotic space.


Whether it is the fixed space teleportation points set up in major fairy courts or foreign fairy castles, or cross-domain, cross-border, and cross-city teleportation arrays, they themselves open up stable space channels in the same level of space as the space turbulence. This enables point-to-point transmission across space.

Even in the fairy world, the immortals can tear apart the space and travel thousands of miles in an instant. The "tearing space" is also a space of the same level as the turbulent flow of space.

However, in the outer void, the space is more resilient. Ordinary immortals cannot tear the void apart. Only the more powerful golden immortals can.

Of course, if the space barrier is relatively weak in a low-level world, such as the Beidou Realm, even the gods can tear apart the space and teleport.

As for the danger of space turbulence, it mainly comes from two aspects. On the one hand, it is the chaotic space itself. Chaos means disorder.

Space annihilation, collapse, explosion, and cutting may erupt at any time and at any time, causing heavy casualties to monks who strayed into the turbulent flow of space.

On the other hand, there are also weird monsters that like to take root in the turbulent flow of space. These monsters feed on chaos and thrive on destruction. Once a monk encounters them, they will never be spared.

Of course, in order to survive in space turbulence, in addition to strength, luck is also very important.

Han Yi still remembered that when he was in Beidou Realm and Zhan Tianquan Realm, he met seven golden elixirs who called themselves the Seven Black Gods. Those seven golden elixirs were themselves killers of the Black God Tower of the Yuheng Realm killer organization. However, the seven of them accidentally broke into the turbulent flow of space. When they reappeared, they had gone from the Yuheng Realm to the Tianquan Realm, and they were still unscathed along the way.

This is just good luck.

However, being involved in the turbulent flow of space at this moment, he did not dare to take it lightly.

The gray-white light inspired by Siyuan Taoism clung to his body, like a spiritual shield, which greatly increased his sense of security. However, he did not take out the Qingping Sword, but spread out his consciousness. He is constantly sensing every change in the chaotic space around him, and is on guard against space anomalies that may appear at any time, striving to escape with the magical power of the mind world before the anomaly detonates.

The Four Source Taoist Technique, a heavenly art that he had just acquired not long ago, and the supernatural power of the mind world are his greatest reliance in the turbulent flow of space.



Dozens of miles away, there was a sudden explosion. The space kept accumulating and converging at that location, and finally triggered a terrifying space nuclear explosion. Destruction swept across, and Han Yi felt that a very strong force was rushing towards him. , this huge force hit him, the gray light appeared, it only lasted for a moment, and then broke silently.


The space force was weakened by 99%, and it hit him, making him look like a rag, and he flew upside down crazily while flipping.

Fortunately, there was no abnormal space explosion on the way back.

After stabilizing his body, he forced his magic power and continued to activate the Four Sources of Taoism. However, this time the gray-white light was much dimmer than before.

His breath was obviously weakened.

Three more hours later, Han Yi encountered a turbulent cut. This time, he noticed it in advance with his phaseless fire pupils, and then used his mental power to escape.

It was turbulent and disorderly, and he couldn't break through this disordered space, so he had to go with the flow and adapt to changes.

I do not know how long it has been.

Han Yi suddenly noticed several breaths coming from a chaotic space in the distance.

These breaths were intermittent and unstable, but with Han Yi's cultivation level, he could instantly tell that they were the breaths of monks in the immortal world, and they should all be in the golden elixir stage.

There are immortal monks, and they are also low-level monks. This most likely means that this chaotic space leads to a normal space.

Give it a try.

He turned around suddenly and used his spiritual power to cross this distance. At the same time, he also used his magic power. The dim gray light on the surface of his body suddenly became brighter.


His whole body crashed into this abnormal space, and then he felt a suffocating stagnation, as if the density of the space had increased to a terrifying level, making it extremely difficult for him to move through it.

"Not even close."

"No, not enough!"

Han Yi's heart was fierce, and his body expanded in a circle. Divine fire was blazing, and crimson light came out of his body. Then, all his divine power was concentrated in his fist, and he punched out.

boom! !

This ancient god's punch is also one of the nine forms of divine fire. Its name, divine annihilation, comes from the ancient god's punch, which means annihilation for thousands of miles.

This is the complete power of the ancient gods.

Moreover, this punch was obtained at the cost of squeezing all the divine power from the divine orifice, in exchange for a powerful burst of limit-breaking power.

At this critical moment, Han Yi had no time to draw his sword, so he could only use 'God's Destruction' to open the way.

The blazing flames enveloped the fist, and the space on the surface of the fist was faintly broken for the second time. The terrifying explosive force produced directly exploded the stagnant space.

boom! !

In the dark void, a narrow gap flashed through, and a figure fell down.

To the south of the Daluo Immortal Realm, on the edge of the Southern Void Battlefield, is the Yinglong Immortal Realm and the Jiuyang Mountains.

At this moment, deep in this mountain range.

The four Jindan monks were carefully using special instruments to calibrate the direction and dig down.

These four golden elixirs have special professions. Although they are casual cultivators, they specialize in digging deep mountain caves in order to seek immortal fate.

To put it simply, these four golden elixirs are tomb robbers.

Not long ago, by chance, they obtained a secret in a cave on the outskirts of the Jiuyang Mountains. They knew that somewhere deep in the Jiuyang Mountains, there was the Immortal Cave of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect, so they came together. Explore this place.

"This Nine Palaces Sun-Seeking Ritual is in the same vein as the Nine-Yang Immortal Sect's technique back then. Using it to explore the Nine-Yang True Immortal's cave is a surefire success."

"With our strength, although we cannot enter the interior of the cave, even if we are on the outside, the spiritual treasures and spiritual objects we have obtained are enough for us to practice for countless years."

"This great destiny will definitely not let us down."

A cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core said excitedly, but the spirit-seeking instrument in his hand did not shake at all and was as stable as ever.

"Okay, with Mr. Chen leading the team, we will definitely gain a lot."

"After finishing this job, you can have a thousand years of stable practice and make a lot of money."

"We have signed the Heavenly Dao Oath, and we also have the Four Gu Linking Heart Curse. There will definitely be no treasure grabbing. This trip is safe."

The peak golden elixir known as Mr. Chen glanced at the other three, and they all saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

In his excitement, Mr. Chen seemed to see a smooth road to immortality in the future. He was only one step away from condensing the Nascent Soul. He believed that with this immortal fate, not to mention the Nascent Soul, even gods and even immortals would have great potential.

"Okay, continue. It only takes a quarter of an hour to break through the last corner and make this immortal cave see the light of day again."

"In this case, then..."


"No, this is a fake tomb, run away..."

Before his voice fell, the ground beneath the four people's feet began to shake violently. Below, the earth's veins changed, as if a real dragon turned over.

The four people were rich in experience. In just a moment, they knew that the immortal cemetery under their feet was a fake tomb. They ignored the Nine Yang ritual inserted in the mountain and quickly fled outside.

These fake tombs are meant to cover up the real tombs, and there are terrifying traps in them. Once you enter, not to mention the golden elixir, even the transformed gods and even the real immortals will be in trouble.

The four of them were glad they had never stepped into it.

What they don't know is.

After they left, a vertical space crack suddenly appeared above the fake tomb. One end of the crack was connected to the fake tomb.

A figure fell from the crack and crashed into the nearby forest.

The cracks closed and the vibrations stopped.

The mountains and forests returned to silence and peace.

However, the birds, beasts and insects near the forest fled in fear because they sensed a thick aura, like ancient gods, covering this area.

Three months later.

In the forest, a figure rose into the sky. This figure was clearly Han Yi.

Three months ago, he used the ancient god's power of destruction to blast away the turbulence in space. After returning to the normal space, although his divine power was exhausted and his mana was at the bottom, he was not in a coma.

In the past three months, he has been temporarily recovering his cultivation in this mountain forest. Today, 30% of his divine power has been restored, and 40% of his magic power has been restored.

This level of recovery was enough for him, so he decided to leave the forest and explore where he was so he could decide what to do next.

Flying high in the sky, Han Yi took a deep breath, and in his heart, the two major crises he experienced during his service in the Fairy Castle reappeared.

Dark Moon Tower, Abyss Demons, Void Storm, Immortal Castle explosion, space turbulence.

Here, the second fairy castle exploded, and he was completely confused.

From his perspective, what he saw was an endless void storm approaching, and then, there was a strange and weird light, hidden in the storm, suddenly falling.

Then, the fairy castle exploded, with scenes of destruction everywhere, and the storm raged. When he escaped into the void, he was blown into the turbulence of space.

That's all.

As for the enemy, there should be some, that strange light should be emitted by the enemy, but what kind of enemy it is, Han Yi does not know yet.

After burning the incense, Han Yi finally left this medium-sized mountain range. Beyond the mountain range, hundreds of miles away, he saw a majestic and huge fairy city.

The size of this fairy city is similar to the demon-suppressing fairy city he saw in Qingxuan Fairyland. In the fairy world, it is a large fairy city.

His face lit up.

This joy was not only because he found the fairy city, but also because he finally escaped from the oppressive environment of the outer void and turbulent space, and was able to return to a normal practice environment.

He set up the escape light and flew towards the fairy city. A moment later, he was hanging in front of the fairy city. Looking at the two huge fairy inscriptions carved above the gate of the fairy city, Han Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Back to the days?"

"Go back to Tianxian City."

Memories appeared in his mind, and he suddenly understood why the name of this fairy city felt familiar.

Back then, at the fifth-level alchemy exchange meeting in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, Han Yi heard a god-transforming monk talk about the interesting things he encountered while traveling in the immortal world. According to him, the place where the last interesting thing happened was... It happened in Tianxian City this time.

Although Han Yi didn't know the name of the monk involved in that interesting incident, Han Yi vaguely sensed that it might have something to do with the monks from the Tianyi Sect.

After he later returned from Emperor Yun Tianchi, after being promoted to God Transformation in the Eternal Tribulation Territory, he went to the Ten Thousand Battles Palace and made a task list, asking other monks to take this news and his guess and pass it to Daluo Immortal Court Beidou. Immortal Palace.

Tianyi Sect is already a subordinate sect of Beidou Immortal Palace in Yuheng Realm, so it is naturally most suitable for Beidou Immortal Palace to take the lead.

As for the follow-up, before he had time to know, he had already been drafted and selected, entered the Immortal Castle Palace, and followed the cultivators to the Eastern Void Battlefield.

Until today.

Unexpectedly, he experienced two lives and deaths in the outer void, and allowed the space to flow turbulently, crossing the endless void, from the Eastern Territory to the Southern Territory, and happened to be near Huitianxian City.

"So, where I am now is the Yinglong Immortal Realm, one of the three most powerful immortal realms in the south of the Great Luo Immortal Realm."

Han Yi suddenly thought of something and frowned.

"More than ten years ago, I heard that the southern region was empty and the war was critical. Not long ago, the emergency mission in the eastern region was launched. This may be one of the reasons for the expansion of the battlefield."

"In other words, the southern void is not safe. Even in terms of danger, it is not more dangerous than the eastern territory."

"That's all. If possible, we need to use the teleportation array to teleport deeper into the Immortal Realm, or even return to the Immortal Court, to avoid being involved in the battlefield again."

"As for the Tianyi Sect monks, after so many years, they should have come to an end long ago."

"There's no rush, let's enter the fairy city first, inquire about it, and then make the next plan."

Han Yi swayed and flew towards the fairy city. (End of chapter)

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