I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 378 Beidou withdraws from the border, goodbye Xuandan

Yinglong Immortal Territory, return to Tianxian City.

After Han Yi entered the fairy city, he did not choose to inquire about the residence of Suizhu Immortal Court in this giant fairy city. Instead, he first inquired about the name and location of the largest fairy palace in the fairy city.

In the vast land of Daluo Immortal World, as long as there is a large-scale fairy city, there will be a resident of Suizhu Immortal Court, big or small, such as the original Demon-Suppressing Immortal City, such as the Huitian Immortal City where it is now. In the Immortal City, all the real immortals are stationed there.

Han Yi planned not to join Suizhu Station for the time being, because he was worried that if the war situation became critical, he would be reclassified to the void battlefield. After finally escaping from death twice, he was not willing to experience it again.

After some inquiring, he found out that the largest fairy workshop in the fairy city was called Cang Lei fairy workshop.

This city is under the jurisdiction of the Cang Lei Immortal Sect, and the Cang Lei Immortal Sect is the second largest Immortal Sect in the Huitian City besides the Huitian Immortal Sect.

After Han Yi arrived at Cang Lei Xianfang, he searched everywhere for the information he needed.

With his magical powers, it was not easy to collect information. With the magical power of shape-changing, mental world, and many soul techniques, it only took him three days to display all the information he was interested in before his eyes.

Moreover, the accuracy, authenticity and effectiveness of this information have also been verified and guaranteed.

Three days later.

Cang Lei Xianfang, a fifth-level cave mansion temporarily rented.

Han Yi put down many jade slips, his thoughts were spinning in his mind, and his thoughts kept rising and disappearing.

These jade slips contained a lot of information he had collected in the past three days.

Among them, he divided them into two categories.

One category is information about the suspected Tianyi Sect returning to Tianxian City more than ten years ago. This information involves a god-transforming family in the city, the Nie family.

However, according to the records in this information, more than ten years ago, all the monks above the Nascent Soul realm of the Nie family were wiped out overnight, and the head of the Nie family, the peak god Nie Wushuang, also disappeared.

As for the "interesting stories" of the Nie family that caused a lot of commotion back then, there is not much written in it. They only briefly record the events in which the young master of the Nie family was killed, the Nie family was provoked, and then the family treasure house was stolen.

After that, Nie Wushuang offered a reward of 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones because he could not find the culprit, but there was no follow-up because six years later, the Nie family fell apart due to the murder of high-level monks.

"According to this information, if it is indeed Senior Brother Lu Bai of Tianyi Sect, he should be out of danger."

"If it is really Senior Brother Lu Bai, six years after that incident, the Nie family was destroyed, and it is very likely that the Beidou Immortal Palace took action."

Han Yi speculated in his heart and put this type of jade slips aside.

Regarding the monks of the Tianyi Sect, he was just casually investigating. If the Nie family was not destroyed, he would choose the opportunity to take action and explore the reality of the Nie family. If senior brother Lu Bai really died because of the Nie family, Han Yi would not mind taking action and destroying it. Lose the Nie family and avenge Senior Brother Lu Bai.

However, with the Nie family's demise, that was the end of the matter for him.

The second category is the information that he really cares about most.

The second category is about the void battlefield.

Dozens of jade slips were placed in front of him. After Han Yi digested them, he suddenly took a breath of air. Especially the piece of information about the battlefield in the Eastern Region more than three months ago made his spine shiver.

"The three wise sects of Mahakala killed Demon Lord Lingxu, one of the 108 Demon Lords of the Eastern Emperor, on the battlefield in the Eastern Region."

"Fighting all the way, four immortal castles were destroyed along the way, including three Donghuang Immortal Castles and one Suizhu Immortal Castle."

In this news, the number of the Suizhu Immortal Castle that was affected was exactly fifty-seven.

"Hiss, four Taiyi realms."

"No wonder the fairy bells in the fairy castle rang continuously at the last moment, and the entire fairy castle was exploded by a strange light."

"The Void Meat Grinder is worthy of its name."

Among these jade slips, this news can be considered high-level. In addition, it is a peak immortal king from Daluo Immortal Court who killed a powerful vampire equivalent to the Taiyi realm.

Both of these pieces of news involve the fall of the Taiyi Realm.

This is the Taiyi Golden Fairyland, which can be called the next-highest level in both realms.

In the immortal world, the Taiyi realm can already establish a dojo and inherit it for eternity. The death of such an immortal will shake even the four poles of the Daluo immortal world.

Moreover, this has only been more than ten years since the war started. It is conceivable that the intensity of the following war will only get higher and higher, and it will become more and more terrifying. It is foreseeable that there will definitely be many Taiyi realms and even Daluo realms participating in the war. , and will definitely take action.

As for lower-level immortals, such as the Golden Immortal, there have been dozens of deaths in the past ten years. As for the Xuan Immortal and the True Immortal, countless people have fallen since the situation in the void became severe more than ten years ago.

From these dozens of jade slips, Han Yicai intuitively felt for the first time how terrifying the war between the two worlds was.

After thinking for a moment, Han Yi picked up a jade slip and hesitated in his heart.

In this jade slip, there is a piece of news about the Luanmo District.

In the past ten years, the war situation has intensified. In the Chaos Demon Zone, which was originally located in the southeastern void of the Immortal Realm and has fallen into the Immortal Realm, the forces of the Intellectual Realm have also appeared.

Although due to the special nature of the Chaotic Demon District, the Intellectual Realm did not enter it, Daluo Xianting has also ordered that the forces in the subordinate realms of the Chaotic Demon District evacuate as soon as possible.

Among them, three subordinate realms are involved.

Beidou, Xingluo, Gouchen.

Han Yi pinched the jade slip, hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind and decided to return to the Beidou Realm, because Xuan Dan Sect was still in the Yuheng Realm.

This is his sect, so he won't ignore it.

He had a preliminary plan, which was to move the Xuandan Sect to the Daluo Immortal Realm and find an area to rebuild the sect in a certain fairy city near the Daluo Immortal Court.

Of course, the specific details will depend on the situation after he returns to Yuheng Realm.

After making the decision, Han Yi did not stay. After leaving the cave, he fled to a certain area of ​​Cang Lei Xianfang, where there was a teleportation array set up by Canglei Immortal Sect, and the teleportation array was rented to outsiders.

Han Yi paid the fee, waited for several hours, gathered a dozen monks, and opened the cross-domain teleportation array. This teleportation array did not go directly to Daluo Immortal Court, but to a large fairy city in the middle called Taiding.

In Taiding Immortal City, Han Yi took another cross-domain teleportation array and arrived at Beixing Immortal City. He then passed through Beixing Immortal City and arrived at Ziwei Immortal City, the closest fairy city to Daluo Immortal Court.

In Ziwei Immortal City, Han Yijing contacted many people and finally contacted Beidou Immortal Palace.

When Han Yi met Dong Chang, it had been three months since he set out from Huitianxian City.

When Dong Chang saw Han Yi, he was about to speak, but suddenly stopped, his pupils shrank, and then he lowered his tone and asked in disbelief:

"Fellow Daoist Han, you, have you been promoted to a god?"

Han Yi nodded. He was currently wearing a mysterious robe and a green patch on his back. He did not deliberately conceal his cultivation. As long as he had the intention to sense it, he could naturally detect his cultivation in the early stages of becoming a god.

When Dong Chang saw Han Yi nodding, his breathing suddenly stagnated, and then he slowly took a deep breath, and his shocked eyes turned complicated.

"It's so, so, so incredible."

"But this, it's only been so many years."

Dong Chang seemed to realize that his words could easily cause misunderstandings, and quickly confessed. Han Yi waved his hand and said:

"It doesn't matter, it's just that I got the chance to become an immortal not long ago, so I was able to step into the realm of becoming a god."

Then, he got straight to the point and asked:

"I came here mainly for the Xuandan Sect in Yuheng Realm."

"Not long ago, I heard that Daluo Xianting was preparing to evacuate the subordinate realm forces in the Luanmo District, and Beidou was among them."

"Fellow Daoist Dong, what stage has this matter reached now?"

Han Yi looked at Dong Chang, who quickly recovered from his previous gaffe. Although he was shocked, his expression returned to normal.

He thought for a while and told Han Yi the current situation directly. After all, in the Beidou Immortal Palace, Han Yi was on the roster, and he was also a member of the Beidou Immortal Palace. Telling these things was also Not a leak.

"The retreat from the Beidou Realm began seven years ago. According to the original ten-year deadline, all will be withdrawn in three years."

"However, if Fellow Daoist Han is here for the Xuandan Sect, there is no need to go to such trouble, because the Xuandan Sect has already moved to the Immortal Realm two years ago."

Hearing Dong Chang's last words, Han Yi stood up suddenly with an excited expression on his face.

"Is this true?"

Dong Chang nodded. He understood Han Yi's excitement: "This is natural. The fairy city Xuandan Sect chose to rebuild is Suigu Fairy City. This fairy city is just a medium-sized fairy city. It is not far from Ziwei Fairy City. There is a teleportation array. Directly, Han... Fellow Daoist Han can go there later, and naturally he can meet his old acquaintances from the Xuan Dan Sect."

Dong Chang was originally unsure about Han Yi's title. After all, Han Yi was no longer Yuanying, but a transformed god. In the Yuheng world, he could be called the Taoist Lord, but in the immortal world, he had different names. But In the end, he still called him fellow Taoist as he originally called him.

This title is quite satisfactory and will not cause Han Yi to have any other misunderstandings.

Han Yi did not set off immediately, but took a deep breath and calmed down. After all, if Xuan Dan Sect was really in the immortal world, it would not make any difference if it was a moment earlier or a moment later. He had other things to ask Dong Chang.

"Fellow Daoist Dong, I have one more question to ask."

"The forces in the Beidou Realm have retreated. Are there immortals exploring the lower realms? Are there any traces of Yuan Shun, the leader of the Xuandan Sect?"

Apart from the Xuandan Sect, the one Han Yi cares most about in the Yuheng world is naturally the sect leader Yuan Shun.

With his current vision and knowledge, he naturally knows how high-level the scene that happened in the endless fog of corpses was in the far north of Tianquan Realm.

The mutilated corpse that Yuan Shun obtained was the Immortal Lord of the Void Prison from ancient times, and the black beads originally hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness were the eyes of the Immortal Lord of the Void Prison.

Combining the remains of the corpse and the eyes, what Yuan Shun obtained was most likely the true inheritance of the Immortal Lord's mantle.

If this were placed in the immortal world, even other immortals would be interested in taking it.

At this moment, taking advantage of the retreat of the forces in the Beidou Realm, the Beidou Immortal Palace will definitely search the entire Beidou Realm again. Then among them, if Yuan Shun is still in the virtual prison, there will definitely be traces.

But under Han Yi's expectant eyes, Dong Chang shook his head.

"I'm going to disappoint Fellow Daoist Han."

"When I was at the Beidou Immortal Association, Fellow Daoist Han mentioned that Yuan Shun might be hiding in the virtual prison in the lower levels of Beidou. I had also paid attention to this information before."

"However, before the Battle of the Void broke out and the Chaotic Demon Zone was safe and sound, the Master of Fuqiong Palace and the four Masters of the Palace of Fortune explored every inch of the Beidou Realm, including the Nine Levels of Void Prison."

"But what shocked them was that the nine-level virtual prison has been sealed, and they are not even allowed to step into it."

Han Yi raised his eyebrows: "Closed?"

"That's right." Dong Chang affirmed: "Only the mezzanine level of the Void Hell can be entered, but if you want to continue down, not to mention the deep layers, even the first level, even the powerful immortals cannot enter it."

"A few years ago, when preparing to retreat, Deputy Palace Master Pang Wan visited the lower realm again and found that the Void Prison is still the same, with no other changes."

"So, even Beidou Immortal Palace doesn't know where Yuan Shun is."

Han Yi frowned deeply, but after two breaths, he relaxed and kept this matter in his heart. Even the immortals could not penetrate into the virtual prison. Even if Han Yi wanted to go and explore, there was nothing he could do.

In this case, I have to let it go for the time being.

Moreover, he believed that since Yuan Shun had received a powerful inheritance, his strength would definitely increase greatly and he would be able to cope with danger.

Han Yi came back from his thoughts and saw Dong Chang sitting opposite him, smiling and saying:

"Speaking of which, I haven't congratulated fellow Taoist Han for his promotion to the God Transformation and his three thousand life span."

"If it is in the Yuheng Realm, it is the position of the Taoist Lord. It can build a holy land and a fairyland and inherit it for a long time."

"Even if it is placed in the immortal world, it is still on the path of immortality. It is not far away from becoming an immortal."


Dong Chang cupped his hands, and Han Yi said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Dong has also reached the late stage of Yuanying, not far from the peak of Yuanying. He has strong magical power. I believe that he will become a god soon."

Dong Chang smiled humbly. In front of Han Yi, he really noticed the gap.

He still remembered that during the Beidou Immortal Meeting, he went to Xuan Dan Sect to invite Han Yi with his cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying. Han Yi was still in the early stage of Yuanying.

But the years have changed, and the stars have changed. It was only about sixty years ago, and the opponent has already caught up with him and set foot on the path of becoming a god.

Moreover, for some reason, Han Yi had an aura about him that made him feel frightened. This was a signal sent by his magical power that was extremely sensitive to danger.

He had felt this way when he was in the Immortal Association, and now, this feeling made him feel like he was facing those peak gods and even semi-immortal experts in the Immortal Palace.

He suddenly thought of something and said:

"Fellow Daoist Han, you probably don't know yet, but Daoist Baiyu has entered the stage of becoming a god not long ago."


Speaking of this, Han Yi saw undisguised envy in Dong Chang's eyes for the first time.

"Moreover, fellow Taoist Baiyu also gained the favor of Yujing Taiyi and became his sect, becoming a disciple and grandson of Huangting Taoist Ancestor."

Han Yi was slightly startled.

Huangting Daozu, Yujing Taiyi, disciple and grandson.

This identity is really too scary.

That legendary monk with white clothes that beat the snow, a jade face facing the wind, and a lot of luck, was beyond the reach of anyone even in the fairy world.

Han Yi also fell silent when he thought that he had worked hard for so many years and experienced life and death countless times before he could cultivate himself into a god. Bai Yuya was lucky enough to be treated as a protagonist along the way.

In the silence, the two of them had a tacit understanding, ignoring the matter of Bai Yuya and not wanting to mention it again, so as not to affect the Taoist mind.

Then, Dong Chang talked about various problems encountered in the development of Beidou Immortal Palace over the years, while Han Yi picked up the matter of the void outside the territory and talked about it.

Han Yi said it calmly, but Dong Chang was frightened when he heard it. He finally knew how much Han Yi had to pay to have such cultivation and strength. If it were him, he might have been buried in the void outside the domain. .

An hour later, Han Yi said goodbye, found a large fairy workshop in Ziwei Immortal City, rented a teleportation array, and teleported to Suigu Immortal City.

Talk about it.

Beidou Immortal Palace is extremely friendly to many of its sects.

Nascent Soul sects like Xuandan Sect, as long as they agree to join the Beidou Immortal Palace, they will be protected by the Immortal Palace. If they choose to relocate and enter the Immortal Realm, they will also be resettled in a certain fairy city within the realm of Daluo Immortal Palace.

The sect will still maintain the sect, and the Immortal Palace will not interfere, but at the same time, the sect will have a second identity, and that is the Beidou Immortal Palace, a subordinate force in this fairy city.

The relationship between the two is not only a superior-subordinate relationship, but also a cooperative relationship, which can be regarded as a win-win situation.

For example, Xuan Dan Sect, in addition to its original sect identity, now has a second identity, Beidou Immortal Palace. The subordinate forces in Suigu Immortal City have stipulated obligations and the right to apply for asylum.

Suigu Fairy City, Panjin Road, Dazhuang Mountains.

Han Yi walked slowly high in the sky, looking at a newly-built sect that was full of vitality in the Dazhuang Mountains not far away. His consciousness swept away, and dozens of familiar breaths fell into his heart. His face was unbearably excited.

More than sixty years have passed.

Xuandan Sect!

sacrifice a book

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