I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 386 Void Monster, Immortal Lord Shaoyi

Suizhu Xianting.

The sea of ​​clouds is misty and the fairy peaks are stacked on top of each other.

This is the place where many palaces are located. This realm is extremely vast. The Nascent Soul, Transformation Gods, and even half-immortal monks in the Immortal Court all live in this realm.

The Zhufeng Palaces are numbered starting from 009. Palace No. 826 belongs to Han Yi. At this moment, the Liangyi Xuanguang Array continues to operate.

In Immortal Mansion No. 10832, in the main hall, a middle-aged monk wearing black robes suddenly opened his eyes.


"Can't sense it anymore."


The middle-aged man's face was pale and his eyes were serious. He was the half-immortal Dai Zhe who had just escaped from Taiqiu Immortal Lake.

There is no absolute relationship between the number of the Immortal Mansion and the cultivation level of the master of the palace, because there are two sources of monks in the Immortal Mansion. One is the golden elixir monks of the Immortal Jiling Mansion who were promoted after breaking through the Nascent Soul. These monks inherit the number of the Immortal Mansion. , are all random, and the other type is from outside monks who accidentally obtained the Immortal Mansion Token and inherited it through assessment.

No matter which one it is, it shows that the current master's cultivation level and his number are not directly related.

The owner of the Immortal Mansion No. 10832 is Dai Zhe.

But just now, the connection between him and Han Yi was suddenly interrupted.

This kind of induction is much more detailed than Han Yi's guess. It can sense the direction, distance, life and death.

There are only two possibilities for this kind of interruption, one is that Han Yi is dead, and the other is that Han Yi is no longer in the Daluo Immortal World.

The second scenario was absolutely impossible, because he had sensed that Han Yi was at the boundary between Da Luo Xianting and Suizhu Xianting just a moment ago. His position changed very quickly, and he should be in the teleportation array.

The next moment, his feeling for Han Yi suddenly disappeared.

There is only one possibility. There is a problem with the transmission. It may be caused by changes in the turbulent space, causing the transmission to fail.

Combined with the fact that Han Yi's position cannot be sensed, the most likely reason is that Han Yi fell into the teleportation turbulence due to the mutation.

"Hmph, I'm giving you an advantage."

"It's a pity that I can't dig out your secret."

The half-immortal Dai Zhe wanted to kill Han Yi at first because Han Yi robbed him of his Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony, but now, it was mainly because of the secrets in Han Yi's body.

The body-protecting spiritual light that could block his Zhentian Shuttle, his magical power that was as fast as the peak of God Transformation, and the transformation technique that almost made him unable to see through it. Although it was broken up by Zhentian Shuttle, it was still as powerful as an explosive punch at the peak of God Transformation.

This immortal monk who was only in the early stage of becoming a god had so many secrets that made Dai Zhe become greedy.


At this moment, the induction is cut off. Even if he is unwilling, he has no choice but to give up. Dai Zhe, who has returned to his mind, will naturally not let his greed ferment into inner demons. With a thought, he can easily get rid of many distracting thoughts.

When the void shook, exploding like the creation of the world, and the spiritual light shield covering the cultivators continued to crack and shake violently, Han Yi's liver and gallbladder were split. He could only watch the spiritual light shattering, and the surging torrent pouring into it.

"Lie Wutao, let's fight."

The half-immortal who had just recognized the identity of the Taoist who was holding the golden cauldron to hunt down the abyss demons shouted to the other half-immortal beside him. A simple giant cauldron emerged from the Tianling Cover, spinning around, towards this world-destroying force. The torrent rushed forward.

This ancient giant cauldron exudes strong fairy power and is obviously an immortal weapon.

At this moment, before life and death, this half-immortal naturally tried his best and even sacrificed his immortal weapons.


After offering sacrifices to the immortal artifact, the half-immortal slapped his chest fiercely and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the immortal cauldron. In an instant, the immortal cauldron was emitting a blazing light. At this moment, the immortal cauldron was barely able to activate some of its immortal energy. Weapon power.

The half-immortal under the immortal cauldron was as pale as paper, and his figure was even more shaky.

Next to the half-immortal who sacrificed the immortal cauldron, a fellow half-immortal named Lie Wutao also sacrificed an immortal weapon at the same moment. This immortal weapon was a black umbrella-shaped immortal weapon. The umbrella pole rotated wildly, and there was a black light on the umbrella surface, which spread quickly, forming a blocking black light curtain.

Except for these two half-immortals who have immortal weapons, among the remaining eleven half-immortals, only three half-immortals have half-immortal weapons, and the remaining eight can only sacrifice the best spiritual treasures.

Instead, two cultivators at the peak of their spiritual transformation sacrificed two semi-immortal weapons.

All of a sudden.

Within the narrow aura shield, destructive power erupted upwards. Immortal weapons, semi-immortal weapons, spiritual treasures, and attacks coming down from the cracks in the aura shield collided together.


The spiritual energy shield that had reached the end of the crossbow exploded instantly, gathering the attacks of more than thirty powerful monks, and was annihilated inch by inch in the insignificant void impact.

However, the crushed power was also weakened by more than 90%, and the last 10% was pressed on all the cultivators. Only three cultivators in the early stage of divine transformation exploded on the spot and escaped from the soul.

The other thirty-six were either seriously injured, slightly injured, or unharmed.

But no matter who it was, they all looked horrified.


In the turbulent flow of space, the figures of Ziwei Immortal Lord and the Abyss Demon Clan have disappeared. In this space, outside the darkness, there is only a strange turbulent scene.

The two half-immortals who owned the immortal weapons seemed to be worried about the reappearance of the abyss demons. They coughed blood and waved their hands, taking back the whimpering immortal weapons that had been knocked down. Without saying a word, they turned around and fled into the distance, disappearing in an instant.

The other monks, including Han Yi, did the same and scattered in all directions, fleeing for their lives.

In the turbulent space, unfamiliar monks are also worried that the other party will suddenly attack, so it is better to leave far away.

With the magical power of the mind world unfolding, Han Yi's every thought movement spanned several miles. Previously, with the help of the Four Sources Taoist technique, Han Yi was not injured, but the energy and blood in his body were floating. Therefore, his speed was faster than some seriously injured half-immortals. All have to be faster.

He smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't expect that less than a month had passed before he would be swept into the space turbulence again.

The last time, he was drawn in from the void outside the territory, but this time, he entered the teleportation array after being interrupted.

Compared to last time, this time it was truly a disaster.

But the two people who caused all this are beings that he dare not offend. Han Yi has also heard the name of Ziwei Immortal Lord. He is one of the six emperors of Daluo Immortal Court, which is also one of the six Immortal Lords of Daluo Immortal Court. Bit.

And the abyss demon that he chased but couldn't kill definitely had the strength of an immortal.

Although he smiled bitterly in his heart, Han Yi did not regret leaving Immortal Court and sending his spirit veins and spirit puppets back to Xuandan Sect.

If he is really unlucky, even if he stays in the palace, disaster will come from the sky, and it is not his own choice to blame.

And this is also related to the monk's state of mind. When he really encounters a problem, he should find a way to solve the problem instead of regretting his choice.

If I have so many regrets, I have long been haunted by inner demons, my state of mind is unstable, and my realm has stagnated.

Han Yi, whose figure was flashing, suddenly stopped and retreated instead of advancing, staring straight ahead.

In front of him, there was a place ten miles away.

The space was like a broken mirror, dislocated and intersecting, turning into irregular space lenses, and then falling downwards. In the original space, there was darkness, and a strange wind blew out.

This gust of wind fell on him, immediately making his hair stand on end and making him feel horrified.

Before he could make any move, this strange 'wind' had already tied him up, making him unable to move. Even the soul in the cave within his body was frozen in an instant, allowing this 'wind' to He rolled it up and slowly sent it into the dark space.

"Oh no, it's a void monster entrenched in the turbulent flow of space."

"This monster was probably attracted by the fighting between Immortal Ziwei and the Abyss Demon Clan just now."

"For the current plan, we can only fight hard and throw out the mysterious gray knife 'Taiyuan' from the cave in the body."

Before the life-and-death crisis, although Han Yi looked horrified, he did not panic. Instead, he had an idea to throw out the long gray knife hanging upside down in the cave inside his body.

This long sword, 'Tai Yuan', had penetrated directly into the space inside his body when he died in the Emperor's Heavenly Lake. It was reasonable and reasonable to use it at this critical moment.

"Senior Taiyuan."

"help me."

Suspected to be Emperor Yuantian's sword, the magic sword that had 'survived' from the previous Yuanhui to this day, Han Yi shouted 'help' without appearing embarrassed.


In the cave inside his body, the long knife was still silent at the edge, motionless.

This scene made Han Yi unable to hold back.

He turned to look at another place in the cave inside his body, which was the sealed Han Zhi of the wise clan. As soon as he thought about it, he was about to throw Han Zhi out.

Right now.

In the turbulent flow of space, something happened again within the sight of the fixed body. Han Yi's expression changed again, and he was extremely horrified.

In his sight, more than ten miles away, dozens of monks, with stiff bodies and frightened eyes, seemed to be bound by invisible ropes, being quickly pulled towards his location.

These monks were surprisingly the same monks who had just been riding in the same teleportation array, and among them were the two powerful demi-immortals who were sitting on immortal weapons.

However, at this moment, these two half-immortals, like other gods, were like puppets on strings, approaching quickly.

It was far from over, Han Yi's eyes widened, and from the corner of his eye he saw a light coming from the side, hanging down from above.

In fact, there is no distinction between up, down, left and right in the turbulent flow of space. The 'up' that Han Yi sees at this moment is only in comparison.

The falling light is the light of normal space, which is completely different from the turbulent darkness of this space. And in those lights, there are monks with equally frightened faces, tied by invisible ropes, like puppets on strings. This broken space is coming.

Among these monks, there are even true immortals who exude profound immortal power, and not just one, but several.

Han Yi suddenly realized that this void monster had extended its tentacles into normal space and directly abducted immortals and monks from the immortal world.

So scary.

He suddenly suspected that even throwing Han Zhi out might not work.

Right now.

A soft drink resounded throughout the entire space.

"Evil beast."

As the roar rang out, an extremely majestic man stepped out from the area leading to the normal space. The man was carrying a huge bow. When he walked out, he had already taken off the huge bow. Pull the bowstring sharply.

Endless brilliance gathered on the bow string, condensed in an instant, and formed a black arrow, which shot out from the string.

Wherever the black arrow passes, the void seems to have weight and volume, arching and folding, twisting and breaking.

The arrow passed by, and Han Yi, whose body was fixed, could not see the situation behind him.

But he only felt a strange cry coming from behind, and then, a terrifying suction force acted on him, sucking him madly into the broken dark place behind him.

However, after the first black arrow, there was a second one, a third one..., countless arrows, passing through as densely as falling stars.

"Immortal Lord Shao Yi."

This scene happened too quickly. As soon as a name appeared in Han Yi's mind, a huge force came from behind him. This huge force directly knocked him unconscious.

This is a physical blow. If it is frightening to a certain extent, even an immortal will faint and die.

What he didn't know was.

He fainted. Although he was pushed back a certain distance by the huge force, he was pulled back again in an instant and fell into the dark space.

Like him, there were hundreds of monks, Nascent Souls, transformed gods, semi-immortals, and even true immortals.

And just when he fell into the dark space, a golden light suddenly swept from the distance and fell into the dark space. The space paused, then rolled outwards and exploded, and a huge black tentacle appeared.

In the exploded space, some monks were thrown out and scattered around, escaping, while some monks still fell into it and disappeared.

The trembling void gradually calmed down.

A Taoist holding a golden tripod came from a distance. In just three steps, he arrived in front of the black tentacles.

And the strong man who was holding a bow and shooting arrows in the distance also came over.

"Meet the Great Heavenly Lord Ziwei."

This person is surprisingly one of the Six Imperial Guards of Da Luo who just chased the Abyss Demon Clan, Da Luo Xianting Ziwei Immortal.

The six emperors of Daluo Immortal Court, that is, the six Immortal Lords, are also called Great Heavenly Lords in the Immortal Court system.

At this moment, Ziwei Datianzun's face is normal and he has not made any other disguise. He is an old man with a strange appearance. His eyes are deep, and looking at him, it is like seeing eternity.

As for this strong man, he is the Taiyi Realm Golden Immortal of Daluo Immortal Courtyard, Shaoyi Immortal Lord.

"Tai Tianzun chased that demon, but killed him?"

Immortal Ziwei shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.


"It's just that the demon body was cut off, leaving only the Buddha body."

Immortal Lord Shao Yi raised his brows and looked shocked. He did not expect that even the Great Heavenly Lord would not be able to keep him alive.

"However, without the demon body, this guy can't go back to the abyss. It's only a matter of time before he falls."

Ziwei Great Heavenly Lord nodded, his eyes falling on the turbulent black tentacles in front of him.


"This void monster has never been seen before, and it does not exist in the records of the Immortal Court."

"It should be the first time to enter the ancient world."

"Did something abnormal happen in the Chaos Void?"

"This is very bad."

"Moreover, I only cut off one of its tentacles this time, and I haven't even seen its true form. This monster is very difficult to deal with. We need to inform the immortals in the Immortal Court."

He waved gently, put away the huge black tentacles, and then quickly walked away, leaving behind a sentence:

"Shao Yi, the monks here, try to rescue him and send him to the outside world."

Immortal Lord Shao Yi responded: "I will obey the will of the Great Heavenly Lord."

When he looked up again, the figure of the Immortal Lord was no longer visible. Immortal Lord Shao Yi used his magic to first gather the monks scattered in all directions, and then picked up the monks who fell into the cracks in the space from the shallow space and collected them all into the Immortal Palace. Spirit world.

As for the monks who were deeper in the depths or who had been thrown far away in the turbulent flow of space, he could not detect them either.

After a while.

He tore open the space and left from the turbulent area.

Except for the broken space and the space storm that suddenly appeared and then disappeared, there was nothing unusual here like before.

However, when the void monster appeared before, the god-transformation monk who was closest to it had long since disappeared.

come down.

He is falling.

In a daze, Han Yi could feel the extremely fast speed of the fall, and the wind swept upwards from all sides of his body.

He opened his eyes suddenly, turned his body over, mana surged through his body, and he breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he sensed it.

The injury was not serious.

When thoughts surged, the speed slowed down until it stopped.

Three meters below his feet.


The water surface was pressed down by the invisible wind and squeezed in all directions, forming a sinking hole ten meters deep. Then it stagnated. The next moment, the surrounding water surged back again, setting off waves.

Han Yi raised his eyes and looked around with doubts in his eyes.

"where is this place?"

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