I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 387 Gouchen Realm, Two Realm Mountains Appear

On the vast sea, microwaves rippled.

A figure stood on the sea with a confused expression.

"where is this place?"

This figure was naturally Han Yi. He did not leave immediately, and he did not dare to spread his spiritual consciousness to explore the surroundings. After all, he was in a strange environment. If there were semi-immortals or immortals here, it would be offensive to probe with his spiritual consciousness.

To be cautious, he paused for ten breaths and found that there was nothing unusual around him except the gently rippling waves under his feet, before he prepared to set off and fly towards the nearest land.


As soon as he started, he stopped again.


"The space barrier here...is not right."

Han Yi raised his eyebrows.

He can feel that with his current strength of becoming a god, he can easily tear open the space here and escape into the turbulent area on the lower level of the normal space. And this kind of 'power', in the immortal world, can only be achieved by those above the immortal level. In the outer void, only immortals above the Golden Immortal level can do it.

So, this is not normal.

According to her understanding, there are several possibilities for this situation. For example, the place he is in is a fairy world, but he just had a brief feeling that the laws of this world are complete. If it is really a fairy world, it should be a fairy world. The fairy world of the Taiyi realm and even the Golden Immortal of the Daluo realm.

Another example is that the place he is in is a lower realm, such as the Seven Realms of the Big Dipper when Han Yi traveled through.

Another example is some naturally born small worlds in the cave that have not been able to make the leap to the big world.

Although these three types of spaces have different difficulties for the gods, it is indeed possible to tear them apart.

Thoughts flashed, and to be cautious, Han Yi did not tear apart the space, but continued to fly forward. Moreover, after he noticed that there was an abnormality in the space, he directly used the shape-changing magical power to lower his breath. At the golden elixir level, even the speed is greatly slowed down.

Reducing the strength and speed of the breath is equivalent to reducing the individual threat. If you encounter other monks, you can lower their vigilance. It is beneficial to yourself.

After flying at the speed of Jindan for an hour, Han Yi saw a piece of land. After landing, it took another half a stick of incense to find a sect.

Han Yi waited for a moment outside the sect before he met a Foundation-Building monk passing by with his weapon. He followed behind him. After getting a little far away, he activated his spiritual power and went directly behind the Foundation-Building monk. , easily subdued him, cast the Soul Searching Technique in a non-destructive state, and easily condensed a soul shadow in his mind in just three breaths.


He flashed slightly and disappeared again.


The foundation-building monk whose memory had been copied was completely unaware and did not even have any doubts. He continued to fly forward. The three breaths he lost were mixed up in the time of traveling and had no impact on him at all.

In the forest below, Han Yi, who was hiding his aura, watched the foundation-building monk go away and murmured in a low voice: "Gou Chen Realm, Zihan Realm."

He took a deep breath, and a fact emerged in his mind.

"This is the Chaotic Demon Zone."

The so-called Chaos Demon Zone is an area where the aura of the Heavenly Demon Dao Ancestor was scattered when he died in ancient times.

When Han Yi returned from the Void Battlefield last month, he went to Huitianxian City in the Yinglong Immortal Domain. While searching for information there, he learned that the three realms of the Chaos Demon Zone located deep in the Void Battlefield in the southeast region had retreated, and these three The realms are Xingluo, Beidou and Gouchen.

And he detected from the soul memory of the foundation-building monk just now that this world is one of the only three realms left in the Chaotic Demon Zone, the Gouchen Realm, and the Zihan Realm, one of the five small worlds.

In addition, there is another important piece of information that Han Yi is very concerned about.

Before the tenth day.

Many holy places in the Zihan Realm and the Immortal Kingdom have crossed the border. After that, the teleportation arrays leading to the outside world have been cancelled. In other words, in the Zihan Realm now, although there are four other ones leading to the Gouchen Realm. The cross-border teleportation array in the small world, but the cross-border teleportation array to the outside world in Zihan Realm, including the other four small worlds, has been completely interrupted.

In other words, Gouchen Realm has become an isolated island.

Han Yi previously learned from Dong Chang that there is a ten-year time limit for the big forces in the Beidou realm to move away. According to him, there are still three years before the final time limit.

But in the memory of this foundation-building soul, this time limit was suddenly compressed not long ago, and it ended completely ten days ago.

"The main reason for the sudden end should be the drastic changes in the void battlefield."

Han Yi jumped up and flew up.

Since this world is within the Chaos Demon Zone, Han Yi relaxed his hands a little and became bolder.

He identified the direction and fled towards a certain direction.

This time, although his breath was still golden elixir, his speed was at its maximum. However, he did not tear apart the space, but flew away normally. It only took him a stick of incense to reach a mountain range and walked towards it. A sect within.

Zihan Sect.

The strongest sect in this world, a powerful sect with half-immortals, takes its name from the world, which shows the sect's great reputation in the Zihan world.

However, at this moment, a large piece of the mountain range where the Zihan Sect's mountain gate is located is missing from the middle. From a distance, it looks like a piece has been eaten by a giant starry beast. Even the semi-immortal grade spiritual veins below the sect are missing. It was moved away by the great supernatural power, leaving a huge deep pit.

Around the huge pit, scattered monks come and go erratically, some staying for a long time with complicated expressions, and some peeking around to see if there is any legacy left behind.

When Han Yi arrived, what he saw was this scene. He looked at the huge pit with some regret.

If the Zihan Sect is still there, and he shows his identity as a monk of the Beidou Immortal Palace, he should be able to teleport from the Zihan Realm to the Yuheng Realm through the cross-realm teleportation array, and then return to the Immortal Realm from the Yuheng Realm.

That's right.

In the Luanmo District, there are only three ultra-long-distance cross-domain teleportation arrays that can lead to the Immortal Realm. These three teleportation arrays are all in the Beidou Realm, respectively located in the Tianshu Realm, Tianquan Realm and Yuheng Realm.

The main reason why there are only these three teleportation arrays is because of the Immortal World Doumuyuan Palace's subordinate Immortal Palaces, only Beidou Immortal Palace is newly built, and Xingluo and Gouchen Immortal Palaces are not established. These two small worlds in the subordinate realms are not built. All the power belongs to Beidou Immortal Palace.

In other words, the Beidou Immortal Palace is a joint construction of three subordinate realms in the Luanmo District. However, those who apply for the establishment of the Immortal Palace are monks from the Beidou Realm, so they are named after it.

Before the war in the extraterritorial void expanded, the eleven small worlds in the Xingluo Realm and Gouchen Realm all had cross-domain teleportation arrays leading to the Beidou Realm. However, after the extraterritorial void war and the massive invasion of the Wisdom Realm, these teleportation arrays It existed briefly, but not long ago, the war situation deteriorated, and Doumu Yuan Palace asked Beidou Immortal Palace to retreat. A month ago, the retreat speed was requested to be accelerated. Finally, ten days ago, the retreat was completed, and the three buildings leading to the immortal world were completed. The ultra-long-distance cross-domain teleportation array was abandoned for use.

So far.

The entire Chaotic Demon Zone has once again returned to the state of being disconnected from the fairy world a hundred years ago.

Han Yi obtained this information from the soul memory of the previous foundation-building monk. He came to Zihan Sect to further verify this matter.

Looking at it now, it is indeed the case.

"I can't go back to Yuheng Realm."

"However, even if I can return to the Yuheng Realm, the normal teleportation array for returning to the Immortal Realm cannot be used. What should I do now?"

Han Yi stood in the void, his eyes slightly blank.

This kind of confusion disappeared in just a moment, replaced by the same determination as before.

"That's all, now that we have returned, we will first find a way to return to Yuheng Realm."

Han Yi's body swayed and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already a mile away, and then quickly moved away.

Talk about it.

When he returned to Tianxian City, he considered passing through the Beidou Immortal Palace, reviewing the Yuheng Realm, and moving the Xuan Dan Sect back to the Immortal Realm. However, he later learned from Dong Chang that the Xuan Dan Sect had already moved into the Immortal Realm first and was located in Suigu Immortal City. In the meantime, he gave up his plan to return to Yuheng Realm.

It was precisely because he heard the news about Xuan Dan Sect that he arrived at Suigu Immortal City and killed Tuoba Hu. Then, outside Taiqiu Immortal Lake, he was chased and killed by the half-immortal Dai Zhe...

After a series of events, not long ago, while riding the teleportation array, he was once again involved in the turbulence of the void. He encountered a void monster, passed out and fell into the broken space. When he woke up again, he was already in the Purple Cold World. .

It is better to meet by chance.

One month later.

Purple cold world.

Han Yi sat cross-legged high in the sky, and beneath him was an endless ocean.

But his face was filled with confusion and helplessness.

This month, he visited the five small worlds in the Gouchen Realm, but apart from the inter-connected cross-border teleportation arrays within the Gouchen Five Realms, there was no cross-border teleportation array that could reach the Beidou Realm.

After turning around in a circle, he returned to the purple cold world where he first woke up, and came to the top of the huge ocean at the beginning of his fall.

However, no matter how much he probed, he even tried to tear open the space and step into the turbulence of space, but he could not find any clues about the original fall.

This was why he was confused and helpless.

For unknown reasons, he returned to the Chaos Demon Zone.

Moreover, by coincidence, he was trapped in the Gouchen Realm and could not leave through safe means.

Of course, if you really want to leave, there is a way, that is to tear apart the space and step into the turbulent flow of space. You just have to find another realm that is very far away in the turbulent flow. Basically, the probability is extremely low. You will die in the turbulent flow. The probability is extremely high.


This is not impossible for him.

"That's all, the only plan now is to practice while waiting for the Two Realms Mountain."

That's right.

The way Han Yi came up with was to pass through the Two Realms Mountains, leave the Gouchen Realm and return to the Beidou Realm.

During his month of exploration, he was not without gains. He learned that there were also Two Realms Mountain and Two Realms Jade in the Zihan Realm.

Every hundred years, the Two Realms Mountain will pass near the Zihan Realm. At that time, holding the Two Realms Jade, you can climb the Two Realms Mountain and then pass to a certain Shattered Immortal Realm.

The method of transferring these two realms was originally a helpless method he came up with after he mistakenly entered the Flucking Light Realm and transferred to the Tianquan Realm.

What he didn't expect was that there were two realms of jade not only in the Beidou realm, but also in the Gouchen realm.

This is not the right way, Han Yi thought.

After exploring for several days on this huge ocean, he gave up looking for clues about his fall, and instead returned directly to the land of the Zihan Realm, found a fairy peak, set up the Guixu Sword Formation, and then started Start practicing.

And he is not afraid of being chased by the half-immortal Dai Zhe. There is no teleportation array across the long void. Even if the opponent can detect it, he still has to survive through the turbulent flow of space to reach the edge of the chaotic demon zone. Even so, he will never be able to step into it. .

According to Han Yi's understanding, only immortals can freely enter and exit the Chaos Demon Zone.


Han Yi returned to the Chaotic Demon Zone. The threat of the half-immortal Dai Zhe had been completely eliminated by accident.

"According to the plan, first practice the ancient god system, condense the spiritual objects, transform them into innate spiritual objects, deduce the artistic conception of life and death, and derive more yin and yang energy,"

"Practice the rotten wood to cast the nerve again, and advance the state of cultivation."

"Finally, practice sword control..."

"No, now that we have returned to the Chaotic Demon Zone, our plan needs to be changed."

"Outside of the ancient god system, the most important thing to practice is sword control, which has the most powerful single-target attack power."

"The former makes the fastest progress through practice, while the latter improves the most once a breakthrough is made."

"After you have a breakthrough in sword control, you can then consider the progress of the Immortal Path and the proficiency of other skills."

As his thoughts turned, the new plan sequence was confirmed in Han Yi's heart.

He turned his hand and took out a black seven-petaled lotus. This seven-petaled lotus is called the Black Lotus of Broken Love. It was found by Han Yi from the secret treasury of the Burning Flame Sect. It is considered a good item. Spiritual things.

The divine power surged out from the arm and covered the Black Lotus. The Black Lotus disappeared in an instant and was sent into a certain divine orifice in the body.

The divine fire burned slightly on Han Yi's body, like an ancient flame god sitting cross-legged, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

Outside the fairy peak where he lived, animals, birds and insects trembled and fled around.

Three months later.

There was a golden elixir monk who broke into the formation and never appeared again.

Three days later, another golden elixir stepped in, and the result was no different.

A year later, a monk who did not follow the Beidou Immortal Palace to the fairy world, but stayed in the Zihan Realm to prepare for arrogance. Hearing that the formation here was strange, he thought that a strange treasure had appeared, so he came here and tried to conquer it. He used a low-grade spiritual sword to attack the formation, but unexpectedly, a cyan sword light emerged from the edge of the formation, flickering and jumping through the space, killing the cultivator before he could react at all.

A flash of green light returned to the formation.

The monks who were watching from dozens of miles away were all silent and horrified.

One sword, slaying the transformed god.

So are the monks in this magic circle half-immortals?

The most powerful sect in the Zihan Realm, named after the world, is also a half-immortal. Doesn’t this mean that if the monks in this formation are willing, they can build another sect to unify the Zihan Realm? Door?


A few days later, a Nascent Soul monk came outside the formation and asked to see the half-immortal inside the formation, but there was no response. The Nascent Soul monk did not dare to force his way in, so he had to leave the matter alone.

After that, people came one after another to pay their respects, either requesting the half-immortal to be accepted as his disciple, or claiming to have strange objects as gifts, only asking the half-immortal to avenge them and kill their enemies with their own hands.

There are many reasons.

But in the magic circle, until now, there was no movement except for deathly silence.

Over time, no one has entered this land.

at the same time.

This place has also become a forbidden area in the Zihan Realm.

The Immortal Cultivation World of the Purple Cold Realm named it: Nine Swords Mountain, because some monks have counted that the monks who broke into this world triggered the sword light from the formation, which was nine colors.

Jiujian Mountain is not only famous in the Zihan Realm, but also in the other four small worlds in the Gouchen Realm. At first, there were monks from other small worlds who were interested in Jiujian Mountain and came here to investigate, but no matter who they were, Many people have died here. Even the brave monks have to think carefully before daring to rush in rashly.

At the beginning, Jiujian Mountain had a terrible reputation. As more and more monks fell there, its reputation grew.

But after it was regarded as the most dangerous and forbidden place in Gouchen Realm, few monks were willing to come here. Over time, this place became dead and silent.

Time passes and mountains and rivers change.

Thirty years later.

A ray of jade-colored light soared into the sky from Jiujian Mountain and went straight into the sky.

Far far away in the sky, a huge moving world rolled towards me.

Two Boundary Mountains.

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