I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 454 Eight Thousand Life Seeds Return to the Immortal Realm

Han Yi had certainly seen the cruelty of the void battlefield, but the fight unfolding in front of him still frightened him.

Nascent Soul, Transformation God, Semi-immortal, True Immortal, and even Mysterious Immortal. Even though the real body of the Golden Immortal was not seen in the field, Han Yi felt that there was the aura of the Golden Immortal.

In this dimension, monks die every moment. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a Shura field.

However, due to the special scarlet dimension, the ghost-witch clan can rely on the dimension to continuously resurrect, which is very detrimental to the human race. However, these wars between the two realms only look at the results, not the process, so for the monks in the fairy world, it can be described as tragic.

Han Yi has experienced this scene several times. This is the danger of the void battlefield.

After he got close, he stepped into the dimension without hesitation. The scarlet dimension is a semi-open cave. Those with a cultivation level of half-immortal or above can break through the spiritual wall and step into it.

After entering the dimension, the crimson font on his panel flashed faster.

"The life seed was discovered and can be absorbed!"

"Absorb it?"

Han Yi's face was calm, but he was happy inside and responded without thinking: "Absorb."

The dark red font was slightly blurred, and when it reappeared, it had become:

[Life Seed Absorption Progress: 1/100. 】

When Han Yi landed on the scarlet earth below, the immortal aura on his body had already attracted the attention of a scarlet ghost witch.

The aura of this ghost witch is even stronger than that of a nine-ring true immortal. This is a senior true immortal level ghost witch.

Its body was huge, turning into a height of a hundred feet. As it ran, scarlet witch aura wrapped around itself, and the witch sword in its hand was huge, exuding a horrifying and bloody atmosphere.

Han Yi turned to look at the ghost witch with a calm expression. He just gently handed out the Qingping Sword, and the sword light quickly divided into a sword energy ten meters wide. The sword energy flashed past at an astonishing speed. , with a speed that even the senior immortals had no time to react, chopped the witch sword in the hands of the true immortal ghost witch into pieces, then fell on the ghost witch, and blasted his head open under his horrified look.

The giant headless corpse flew back at an even faster speed and flew out like a meteorite, killing hundreds of ghosts, witches and monks within a few to dozens of miles behind.

Han Yi's frightening sword move not only instantly attracted the attention of several true immortals in this level of Yuan, but also the true immortals and mysterious immortals who went deep into the lower levels and outside the dimension and above the Immortal Castle noticed him. .

However, he didn't explain much. Instead, he read the prompts on the panel and felt happy again.

In just a few breaths, the absorption speed of Life Seed has reached 8/100. For him, this speed is far faster than the first time at that time.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Han Yi also made a guess. At that time, he was just a small Nascent Soul, so the speed of absorption was naturally not fast. But now that he has reached the level of a true immortal, the speed of absorption is naturally different.

After the thought fell, Han Yi fell down and fell straight to the entrance of a cave that exuded scarlet energy. After passing through the hole, he appeared on the second floor.

After he left, the giant corpse of the headless ghost witch turned into scarlet ghost energy and dispersed. A moment later, another ghost witch with the same aura condensed on the spot.

The ghost witch noticed Han Yi's aura, but did not fall to the second level. Instead, he killed the other true immortals on the first level.

the other side.

The main body of the monks on the second level is different from the first level. This is the battlefield for gods and semi-immortals. In addition, there are three battlefields for true immortals and one for mysterious immortals.

Han Yi's eyes moved slightly, and then he moved towards a True Immortal battlefield. In that True Immortal battlefield, he saw an acquaintance, that is, when he participated in the Immortal Castle as a monk of Suizhu Immortal Mansion, he was in Yingyue. The leader of Lingying Camp, Fan Qiusheng.

At that time, Fan Qiu Sheng was at the peak of the semi-immortal world, while Han Yi was the first to become a god. More than two hundred years later, Fan Qiu Sheng had also overcome the immortal tribulation and became a true immortal. However, his realm was just that of an ordinary true immortal. Although his opponent was the same He is a ghost witch at the level of an ordinary true immortal, but Fan Qiusheng is still at a disadvantage.

Han Yi passed by, and the fragments of the demon halberd flashed past. In an instant, he killed the ghost witch who was fighting against Fan Qiusheng. The speed was so fast that Fan Qiusheng was extremely frightened.

A normal fight between true immortals, unless there is too great a disparity in strength and you can crush the opponent and kill the opponent with one blow, otherwise, it is all about fighting steadily, relying on the power and magic of the immortal, and killing the opponent will exhaust the opponent's means. Kill it again.

Therefore, Han Yi's killing method really shocked Fan Qiusheng.

Han Yi stopped and nodded towards Fan Qiusheng. His body sank and he had already escaped into the third layer of space, arriving at a space filled with extremely rich scarlet ghost energy.

After he escaped into the space below, doubts arose on Fan Qiusheng's face, because he had only met people for a while and was not deeply impressed by Han Yi.

But it only took him half a breath to connect Han Yi with a certain figure with a faint breath in his impression.

But that figure, more than two hundred years ago, had just become a god. How could it be possible that in more than two hundred years, it could surpass the gods, semi-immortals, and be promoted to true immortals? Moreover, it had just destroyed the true immortals with one blow. Judging from the situation of the ghost witch, the opponent is at least a senior true immortal, and may even have reached the peak level.

This..., how is this possible?

Fan Qiusheng felt a flash of disbelief in his heart, but the reality told him that this was true, so the shock in his heart increased to another level.

He gently spit out a name: "Han Yi."

Then, he shook his head slightly and suppressed the horrifying thoughts in his mind. He was in the scarlet dimension at this moment, and there was no time for him to think too much.

He calmed down the God and headed towards another True Immortal battlefield.

the other side.

Han Yi, who had fallen into the third level of Yuan Space, was shocked when he saw the proficiency panel in front of him. At this moment, the life seed absorption progress indicated on the panel was jumping up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On this level, there are no semi-immortals, only the battlefield between true immortals and mysterious immortals.

Han Yi had seen information about the Scarlet Dimension in Xuanzang Palace. Generally, the Scarlet Dimension has five levels. The fifth level is where the wise species are located, while the fourth level may be the place where the Golden Immortal fights.

The fighting method of the Golden Immortal depends on the growth rate of the intelligent species and the speed at which the monks and immortals on the first three levels consume the scarlet ghost energy.

In the fairy world, there is another way to describe the wisdom species, and that is the origin.

This kind of origin is of great use to Golden Immortals, so many Golden Immortals are happy to deal with the Scarlet Ghost Witch, whether it is a fairy castle mission or a harvest.

Of course, entering the scarlet dimension is equally dangerous for the Golden Immortal. If the intelligence species is gestated and the dimension level is improved, it can expand into the scarlet world sky and nail a beacon on the battlefield outside the territory. The ghost witch with the scarlet intelligence species can Using it to step into the realm of the Immortal Lord, even the Golden Immortal has no choice but to escape.

Therefore, many golden immortals adopt a policy of siege against the Scarlet Dimension, and wait until the source energy is consumed to a certain level before ending the attack in person. In this way, the degree of danger will be reduced.

Han Yi, who fell directly into the third-level Yuan Space, did not go to find the true immortal. Instead, he went to a certain cave leading to the fourth level, sat down cross-legged, and used the Immortal Transformation Technique to transfer his breath. It becomes the same as the scarlet aura. If he is just a true immortal, it is difficult to distinguish him. Even if he is a mysterious immortal, it is difficult to find him if he is too far away.

In fact, this was Han Yi's strategy from the beginning. After this trip, he used "quick" to quickly cross to the third level, then find an area, hide it, quickly absorb the life seeds, and then Escape quickly.

As for his attack on the first level, the main reason was that the ghost witch was targeting him. If he didn't kill it with thunderous means, even if he fell to the second level, the other party would chase him.

And when Han Yi fell to the third level.

In the fifth-level metaspace, a huge ghost witch sitting cross-legged in the center of the space suddenly opened his eyes. First, there was a flash of surprise, then a sudden change, and then he was furious.

"What's going on? Why did Zhizhong's aura suddenly drop so low?"

"It's you?"

Surrounding this giant ghost witch, there are four figures sitting cross-legged in the void. Although these four figures are wearing four-color robes, they all have the same middle-aged face.

When the ghost witch roared like thunder, the four figures with the same faces spoke at the same time, without any difference.


"The original energy has been reduced by 30% in less than three breaths?"

"No, it's still falling."

"This is?"

"This seems to have happened before."

Doubts flashed across the eyes of these four figures, and then they looked at the ghost witch who stood up angrily, with murderous intent rising sharply:

"However, that's fine. The source is reduced. Although the harvest is not much, there is no need to go to so much trouble to kill you."

same moment.

Outside the dimension and the fairy castle, a middle-aged man wearing a golden fairy robe opened his eyes and stepped into the dimension. In a flash, he passed through the third layer of space and reached the fourth layer of space.

When passing through the third layer of space to the fourth layer of space, he glanced at a certain location with doubts in his eyes. In his intuition, at that location, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, mixed in the scarlet aura, Let him think it is an illusion.

But his speed was too fast. He just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. He had already reached the fourth level.

In the fourth level of space.

As soon as the middle-aged man in golden immortal robes appeared, four immortals with the same appearance walked towards him one after another, and then merged into his body one by one.

When the four clones were integrated into the main body, the aura of the middle-aged immortal had reached the peak of golden immortality.

In front of him, Wan Zhan Guiwu stood up. Looking at this scene, the violence in his eyes made the entire space unbearable.

"You should be damned if you stand in my way!"

The middle-aged Jinxian suddenly sneered, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes widened. A sword that was three times larger than him appeared in his hand.

The color of the broadsword was strange, it was pure white, and after the broadsword appeared, it vibrated endlessly, as if it was about to break free. At the same time, an excited voice came from the pure white broadsword.

"Kill, kill, kill!!"

"If we don't take action, I will soon become rusty."

"Let go of so and so, and let so and so kill enough."

The middle-aged immortal ignored the noise, held a long knife in his hand, and slashed out with a sharp knife. When the light of the knife just came out, the entire space froze. Then, the light of the knife differentiated, turning the entire space into a sword. The world and space were slowly shattered under the knife's will, and the broken space pressed towards the ten thousand-foot-long ghost witch.

The ghost witch's pupils shrank, he roared angrily, and stepped hard with his feet. The space below the fourth floor was shattered. Under the broken space, a huge scarlet heart could be vaguely seen.

The moment the scarlet heart appeared, it quickly withered, and the ten thousand-foot-tall ghost witch absorbed the energy of the intelligent species in advance, and its body began to expand.

At the same moment, the sword light drowned the ghost witch.


At a certain location on the third floor, Han Yi became nervous when he noticed that the progress on the panel had stagnated. Sure enough, in the next moment, two terrifying auras that made his heart palpitate erupted from below, and the scarlet earth beneath his feet began to Huge earthquake.

He knew that this robbery of life was over, and if he didn't run away now, he would wait until later.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, he started to use the Immortal Technique to escape upwards, to the second level, the first level, and beyond the dimension. It was not until he had escaped thousands of miles away that he slowed down. Behind him, there was a blur. It can be seen that the dimension began to collapse, and the fairy castle that confronted the dimension broke free and began to join the monks and immortals, plundering and killing the ghost witches who escaped from the collapsed dimension. Without the dimension, the ghost witches no longer had immortality, and were quickly surrounded and suppressed.

Han Yi looked away, sensed the vague coordinates of the Xuan Dan Sect's immortal puppet, and fled towards the immortal world.

Naturally, he was worried that his secret would be discovered if he did not join the Immortal Castle. After all, the Immortal Castle and the Scarlet Dimension were fighting each other. As soon as he joined, the original energy in the Immortal Castle decreased rapidly. Even a normal monk knew that there was something wrong with him.

And there are not only true immortals in the Immortal Castle, there are more than a dozen mysterious immortals that he sensed in the third-dimensional space. In the final burst of the fourth-dimensional space, the aura of a golden immortal appeared.

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Han Yi naturally understands this.

Therefore, after he killed two true immortal-level ghost witches and absorbed 52/100 progress of life seeds, he quickly evacuated.

The next thing is left to the monks in the fairy castle, which is absolutely enough. Without the dimensional space, the ghost witch can no longer resist the killings of the monks in the fairy castle.


In this short period of ten breaths, he also saw clearly that this fairy castle should belong to the Suizhu Immortal Court, and the Fan Qiusheng he met was the Suizhu Immortal.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Han Yi looked at the information displayed on the panel while rushing to Xianting.

[Life type: 8173 units].

After seeing the number of life types clearly, surprise appeared on Han Yi's face.

The life seed, or in other words, the origin, its function, to the immortal, is a much more powerful energy than the immortal energy.

Moreover, the origin plays an extremely important role for the Golden Immortal, the Immortal Lord and even the Immortal Lord, especially the Golden Immortal. When the Golden Immortal is promoted to the Immortal Lord, he needs to have enough Origin to complete the advancement.

Among them, it involves 'creation'. He had seen it in Xuanzang Palace. After reaching the perfect law of the immortal spirit world of Jinxian, he needs to have the power of 'creation' in order to transform into an immortal king-level immortal who is no weaker than Jie Tian. Spirit world.

Of course, this is still too far away for Han Yi.

But leaving aside 'good fortune', the more than 8,000 life types on the panel at the moment are definitely an astonishing wealth for him.

Back then, he only used 1 unit of Life Seed to greatly improve a skill, and the effect shocked him.

Now he has more than 8,000 life types. If he uses them all, his cultivation and skills will definitely be upgraded to a more powerful level in a short period of time.

He now knows that absorbing life seeds with a progress of 52/100 is equivalent to absorbing half a wisdom seed, which is the origin of half a dimension. This kind of energy is huge for him.

"With these life seeds, you can save a long time of practice."

"This trip has been very rewarding."

Han Yi put away his thoughts and concentrated on his journey. Three months later, in front of him, an endless landmass stood out of nothingness.

The Great Luo Immortal Realm has arrived. (End of chapter)

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