I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 455 Yuandao Immortal Monument, Sword Breakthrough

The place where Han Yi boarded the Da Luo Immortal Realm was not the place he left before, but slightly deviated to the east. It was only separated by three immortal realms from the Donghuang Demon Court, which was not too far.

After he returned to the Immortal Court, another month had passed. Along the way, he felt the seriousness of the situation in the Immortal Realm.

Whether the fairy cities passing by have opened their city defense formations one after another, or from time to time, there will be huge fairy castles, with raging waves that crush the space, sweeping across the sky, it all shows that at this moment, the Daluo Immortal World, at least in the Northeast Region, Tension in one direction.

However, for Han Yi, he is not willing to be taken away from the Immortal Court and sent to the void battlefield for the time being, at least until his strength is further improved. If he can not go, he will naturally try to avoid going there.

After all, more than 8,000 life seeds are enough for him to improve his strength to a big level in a short period of time. When his strength improves, if he is sent again, he will do anything.

After returning to the Immortal Court, he went directly back to the original art dojo. Outside the Immortal Pavilion, he took out four immortal swords and set up a sword world.

Then, he landed on the ninth floor of the Immortal Pavilion. As soon as he thought about it, the proficiency panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: Han Yi]

【Lifespan: 424/129600】

[Immortal Technique: Great Freedom Yuguang Xuan Jing (True Immortal Chapter 38/100)]

[Life type: 8173 units]

[Realm: True Immortal]


Sword Control (First-level Immortal Technique 64/100)

Mind World (First-level Immortal Technique 28/100)

Shapeshifting (first level magic 24/100)

Four Sources of Taoism (?)

Divine Code of Destiny of All Realms (Original Realm 9/100)

Great Freedom Yuguang Sword Code

sword world

It has been 103 years since he became an immortal, and it has been 93 years since he joined the original art dojo.

In a hundred years, an ordinary monk can cross several great realms, but for him, in terms of the realm of immortality alone, he has not yet reached a senior level.


The past hundred years have been a hundred years of rapid improvement in his combat power. The breakthrough of an ancient god to the original state is better than all other skills. Seventeen years ago, when he left Suizhu Immortal Court and went to the endless void to find the tomb of the god , he has the strength to fight against the pinnacle true immortal. At this moment, he has received the ancient god's inheritance and obtained eight thousand life seeds. If he transforms it into strength, his combat power will definitely increase rapidly in a short period of time.

That's why Han Yi set up a sword world outside the Immortal Pavilion to prevent people from spying on him and causing accidents while he was absorbing the life seed.

In the Immortal Pavilion, Han Yi set up the Immortal Gathering Formation again, and then took out the Immortal Stone that he had exchanged with all the Immortal Marks seventeen years ago and placed it in the Immortal Formation. Then he took a deep breath and turned his gaze to the [Fate Seed]. column.

When he first obtained his life-seed, he was influenced by evil thoughts. Finally, in order to deal with the Gu clan's mother nest, he burned all his life-seed. It was not a waste, it could even be said to have saved his life, but he still felt in his heart. Pity.

At this moment, I can finally make up for this regret.

As soon as he thought about it, the life seed column was reduced by 1 unit, from 8173 to 8172. Then, he placed this unit of life seed on the Great Freedom Yuguang Xuan Sutra.

The mysterious enlightenment of the immortal way suddenly emerged from the depths of his heart, as if in an instant, he had practiced for seven or eight years, and the gains of these seven or eight years of practice were compressed into a moment. He understood this kind of understanding, which was not hard. Not blocked, but orderly, as if he understood it personally.

The pores in his body opened, and the immortal stones in the immortal formation shattered into pieces, turning into rich immortal energy, which he swallowed and absorbed.

However, Han Yineng felt that the effect of this unit of life seed was extremely limited for him now. After all, after seven or eight years of practice, it is difficult for a true immortal to make a qualitative change. His inner thoughts are still unfinished, which is obvious.

"Come again."

As soon as he thought about it, the number of units in the life column began to beat down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

8171, 8165, 8160…

The rich power of the fairy spirit was extracted from the fairy veins underground in the fairy pavilion, and Han Yi set up a fairy formation to enhance the local fairy energy, which was enough for him to absorb.

As he was immersed in practice, he forgot about time and what was happening in the outside world.

One year, two years, three years...

Seven years later.

Han Yi, who was practicing, opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with fairy spirits, as if there was a world of fairy spirits rising and falling.

He gently waved his hand and first collected the broken fairy stone fragments around him, then put away the Immortal Gathering Formation. Then, he slowly stood up, opened the door to the ninth floor of the Immortal Pavilion, and walked out.

The reason why he woke up was not because he had completely absorbed the life seed, nor because he felt that his spiritual energy was not enough, but because someone was calling him outside the Immortal Pavilion. The person calling him had a much higher level than him. Able to wake him up across the sword world and the immortal formation without affecting his practice.


Outside the Immortal Pavilion, in mid-air, a middle-aged man with a tough face looked at Han Yi who was walking out of the Immortal Pavilion. His sword-like eyebrows were raised slightly, and the sword energy in his eyes was like stars, but after just a turn, he fell silent again. Go down.

"good very good."

"Han Yi, when I recruited you to join the original arts, I failed to fulfill my promise in the end. Now, I'll give you a chance."

As the middle-aged man waved his hand, a purple jade token shot towards Han Yi from a distance and was caught by him.

At the same time, an immortal thought poured into Han Yi's heart, letting him know what the jade token in his hand was.

Han Yi's face suddenly changed.

"Yuan Dao Immortal Monument."

The middle-aged man nodded: "I've given you the opportunity. You can make your own decision whether to go or not."

With these words, the middle-aged man turned and left, leaving Han Yi slightly stunned.

After a while, he put away the purple jade token, straightened his face, and bowed forward: "Thank you, Jinming Jinxian."

Yes, the middle-aged man was the Jinming Jinxian who originally recruited Han Yi to join the original art dojo. However, after recruiting Han Yi, Jinming Jinxian backed down due to the intervention of Maya Jinxian, and even Han Yigang had not used it yet. His Xuanxian status and resources were all taken away.

This matter actually ended when True Immortal Xuancheng compensated the Tribulation-breaking Immortal Sword to Han Yi. Unexpectedly, something happened again at this moment.

The purple jade tablet given by Jinming Jinxian is called the "Yuan Dao Immortal Stele". With this tablet, one can participate in the Yuandao battle.

However, he can only participate in his own capacity.

The rules of the battle between Yuandao are actually not complicated. In the Immortal Court, each dojo is composed of a team of one golden immortal, two mysterious immortals and three true immortals. They participate in the competition and are ranked first. , more time to enter the Yuandao world.

The Great Realm of Yuandao is a relatively special realm in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard. This realm has the ability to realize Taoism, and has a significant improvement effect on the cultivation of immortals. Especially Jinxian, if you can enter it, there will be There is a higher probability that you can perfect your laws and be promoted to Immortal Lord as long as you are blessed.


Among the immortals who participated in the Yuandao War, in addition to the dojo team, there were actually very few individuals participating.

These individuals need to participate in the same level of competition, and only the top ten will have the opportunity to enter the Yuandao world.

For example, Han Yi, with the Yuandao Immortal Monument, can participate in the True Immortal Competition. The contestants include three True Immortals sent by each dojo, including other individual participating True Immortals, a total of about 500 True Immortals.

However, this Yuandao Immortal Monument is only an opportunity.

One can imagine how difficult it is to stand out among these five hundred true immortals and rank in the top ten. You must know that these are not just any five hundred true immortals, but the true immortals carefully selected from various great temples. Although immortals have a lifespan of five hundred years, most of them are already senior true immortals, or even peak true immortals.


In this test of true immortals, the most important thing is potential, not strength. Those true immortals who can be ranked in the top 100 in the Tower of Void are basically over 500 years old, and only a few are under 500 years old. A true immortal under the age of 18 has the strength to be on the list.

in addition.

Before this, Han Yi did not know that he could compete individually. Qingyan Xuanxian did not inform him of this at the beginning. Even in the Xuanzang Palace, there were only a few words about the battle between Yuandao and not in detail.

Only just now, from the immortal thoughts transmitted from Jinming Jinxian, Han Yi learned about the opportunity to participate in the battle of Yuandao as an individual.


The importance of this 'Yuan Dao Immortal Stele' can be imagined. After all, there are only one hundred and eleven in the entire Immortal Court. If divided equally, there will be less than one in each dojo.

Jinming Jinxian got this Yuandao Immortal Stele and gave it to Han Yi. Han Yi owed him a favor, which he could still understand.

With thoughts surging, Han Yi turned around and returned to the Immortal Pavilion. This time he did not set up the sword world, but sat down cross-legged and looked at the translucent panel that appeared in front of him.

Although it was only a short seven years, the changes in the panel were really not small, especially the realm and Han Yi's main sword-controlling magic.

[Immortal Technique: Great Self-Contained Yuguang Xuan Jing (True Immortal Chapter 78/100)]

[Life type: 4376 units]

[Sword Control (First-Level Immortal Technique 98/100)]

Based on Han Yi's general measure of strength, when the progress reaches 70/100 or above, it is the senior level, and when it reaches 90/100 or above, it is the peak level.

At this moment, his realm is set at 78/100, and he has completely entered the level of senior true immortal, and has since broken away from the category of ordinary true immortal. This cost him a full two thousand units of life, which is terrifying.

As for the other more than 1,800 unit life types, Han Yi put them into the sword-controlling magic, raising his magic to 98/100, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the second-level magic.

As for other immortal arts and ancient divine scriptures, before he could practice them, Jinming Jinxian came to visit him.

Seven years, to a true immortal, may be just a simple practice, not even a retreat.

However, with the help of the powerful and heaven-defying effect of the destiny seed, Han Yi upgraded his cultivation level to a senior true immortal, and also improved his sword-controlling immortal skills. In terms of strength, it can be said that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

However, time is still not enough. If she is given another twenty years, he can digest all the life seeds and build his own new tactical system under the new realm and magical skills.

His original plan was to use up eight thousand life seeds to upgrade his cultivation level to a senior true immortal, upgrade his sword-controlling magic to a second-level magic, and upgrade his mind world and shape-changing magic to a first-level magic. In the middle stage, all the remaining life types are put into the Divine Code of Destiny of All Realms, and they can be improved as much as they can.

In this way, with a senior level of true immortal, possessing the second-level sword control, the first-level mind realm and shape-changing, and the original realm of ancient gods, he is confident that he can climb to the 300th floor of the Tower of Void. At this level, he can already enter the top five thousand on the Tower of Void True Immortal List. He can also be called a strong person in the True Immortal Realm.

However, time waits for no one. With the Yuandao Immortal Monument in hand, according to the information conveyed by Jinming Jinxian's thoughts, the battle between Yuandao is only half a month away.

In half a month, he needs to make a decision, whether to concentrate on his practice, or to put aside his practice temporarily and join in this battle for immortality.

Han Yi decided to participate in the battle of Yuan Dao almost without thinking. After all, immortal fate is rare, and he must grasp it every time and not give up at will.

Half a month would pass by in the blink of an eye for an ordinary true immortal, but for Han Yi, it gave him hope of a breakthrough in sword-controlling immortal skills.

His thoughts turned, and he devoted his life to the sword-controlling magic regardless of the cost...

Half a month later.

In the Immortal Pavilion, Han Yi opened his eyes, his eyes flashing like swords in a dazzling way.

He stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. The proficiency panel in front of him, the Sword Control column, finally had changes that made him excited.

[Sword Control (Second Level Immortal Technique 1/100)].

He suppressed his excitement, his face turned calm, he walked out of the Immortal Pavilion with the Qingping Sword on his back, and took out the purple jade tablet. It was said to be a jade tablet, but in shape, it looked like a shrunken stone tablet.

Yuandao Immortal Monument.

Then, the immortal thought spread out and landed on the immortal monument. A purple light enveloped Han Yi and disappeared.

Purple light rises and fills the sky. In the purple light, a world sky is looming.

Han Yi hung in mid-air, staring at the endless purple light in front of him. He frowned and thought in his heart that these purple lights were different from the purple fairy lights he had seen before, as if they contained some more magical charm.

Before he realized anything, he only felt a pulling force falling on himself, pulling him down.

Han Yi did not resist and sank down. The next moment, he found that he had left the world of purple light. The place he was standing at this moment was a huge fairy palace.

In the Immortal Palace, hundreds of futons are scattered around. In the center surrounded by many futons, an illusory and three-dimensional light and shadow appears.

Han Yi looked away from the light and shadow and looked at the figure closest to the light and shadow. This figure was wearing white robes and looked like a young man, but his eyes had strange vertical pupils, purple and gold. Seeing this With a face and eyes that Han Yi did not dare to look at, he unconsciously lowered his head to show respect.

"Immortal Lord Yi Long."

"It's actually Immortal Lord Yi Long."

This young man turned out to be the third-ranked master of Yilong Dojo in Suizhu Xianting Taiyi Dojo, Immortal Lord Yilong.

Han Yi had dealt with Yilong Pavilion at first, and later in Xuanzang Palace, he had a general understanding of all the immortals, immortals, immortals, and even famous immortals in Suizhu Immortal Court and even the entire immortal world, so he could naturally recognize them. Immortal Lord Yilong.

He was shocked in his heart. After calming down, he sat on the futon behind him and glanced at the other true immortals who appeared one after another.

After these true immortals appeared, their eyes trembled when they saw Immortal Yi Long. They were obviously as shocked as Han Yi.

Han Yi suddenly felt something. He looked at a futon diagonally opposite him. In front of the futon, a young man with an ordinary face appeared. The young man sensed Han Yi's gaze, followed it, and saw Han Yi clearly. Afterwards, his pupils shrank slightly.

Han Yi nodded to him.

This young man turned out to be the True Immortal of the Original Art Dojo and the True Immortal Xuancheng who had lost his sword in the first place.

True Immortal Xuancheng nodded gently in greeting, but his eyes did not leave Han Yi, and his heart was already filled with shock.

"How can it be?"

"Less than a hundred years, less than a hundred years."

"This Han Yi has actually broken through to a senior true immortal."

"No, more than that, definitely more than that."

"I actually sensed an aura on him that made me feel familiar and trembling."

"This breath, this breath..."

Some incomplete pictures flashed through Xuancheng's heart, which were ancient wars he experienced before he fell into reincarnation countless thousands of years ago.

Those pictures made him feel scared now.

"The ancient god is the ancient god."

"The ancient god who entered the Tao." (End of this chapter)

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