I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 456 Jiuyi Cave Heaven, Unknown Identity

Xuancheng's face was calm, but his heart was already in turmoil.

Naturally, what he is afraid of is not Han Yi, who has just broken through the original realm. What he is afraid of is the ancient god who was the strongest clan under the great world lord in the ancient world.

The ancient here, in today's Broken Ancient World, most immortals only think it means ancient, but in the extremely ancient era, this 'ancient' means 'extremely ancient', and extremely ancient means The name of the ancient world of chaos.

As for God, it is better to understand that only the existence of divine majesty and infinite mystery can be called God.

The ancient gods are the most powerful clan in the ancient world, the ancient gods.

In the ancient times, there were even rumors that the Great Ancient World Lord did not exist in the ancient world, but was an outsider. This position of Great World Lord should have been born within the Ancient God Clan.

However, those eras were too long, and even his first immortal life was just an ignorance, walking between heaven and earth, and had not yet entered the Tao.


Although the aura of the Taoist Ancient God on Han Yi was weak, for him, who had had countless interactions with the Ancient God, this aura was the most orthodox aura of the Ancient God.

This shows that the inheritance of the ancient gods that Han Yi obtained is the inheritance of the ancient gods from the ancient times or even the extremely ancient times, rather than the visualization and cultivation types that were tampered with after the ancient world was broken and look almost the same as the ancient god system. The inheritance of the physical body.

The purpose of those unorthodox inheritances is naturally impure. Even an immortal, if he has not experienced the ancient or ancient times, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of Han Yi's aura.

"However, according to the information I have learned, in the first ancient era, the way of heaven and earth in this area has been tampered with. The real ancient gods who broke through the tribulation and entered the way should have already died."

"This Han Yi can really achieve Taoism without dying. There is definitely something wrong with it."

"Just take this opportunity to see how it goes?"

the other side.

When Han Yi noticed the glance from True Immortal Xuancheng, his heart was slightly shaken, because under this glance, his whole person seemed to be seen through.

Although this feeling passed by in a flash, he didn't think it was his illusion. This Xuancheng True Immortal definitely hid a deeper secret beneath his simplicity.

However, it is normal to have some hidden secrets when you can reach the true fairyland. Take him as an example, just a few things hidden in the fairy world can cause a sensation if you take out any one of them.

Thoughts flickering, Han Yi withdrew his gaze and looked at the center of the Immortal Palace.

Next to Immortal Lord Yilong in white clothes with vertical pupils, there is an illusory and three-dimensional light and shadow. This light and shadow occupies an area of ​​about ten square meters, but through the light and shadow, it seems that the entire world is condensed into it.

Han Yi's heart trembled slightly.

In the fairy thoughts conveyed by Jinming Jinxian, the form of participation in the Yuandao dispute was not introduced, but it was only said that Han Yi would know it when he saw it.

At this moment, from this light and shadow, Han Yi could roughly guess the form of the next competition.

This piece of illusory light and shadow, as he guessed correctly, was indeed a small world, or more accurately, the entrance to a small world.

Through this entrance, you can enter the small world sky. Presumably, the place of immortal fighting is arranged in the world sky.

Han Yi withdrew his gaze, closed his eyes slightly and meditated. After burning the incense, a gentle and deep sound sounded, and he opened his eyes again and looked at the speaking Immortal Lord Yi Long.

What surprised him was that the words spoken by Immortal Lord Yilong did not have powerful immortal power, but were just ordinary voices with gentle tones that rang in the ears of all the true immortals.

"Today, I will preside over the immortal battle in the True Immortal Realm."

"For those of you who can rely on the Yuandao Immortal Monument to enter the Yilong Heaven, your life span is less than 500, which meets the selection threshold for this Yuandao world."

"Next, you can enter my Jiuyi Cave Heaven and climb Jiuyi Mountain to determine your ranking based on the final height."

"Start now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Immortal Lord Yilong in white robes and erect pupils waved his hand gently, and the illusory light and shadow beside him spread instantly, covering the entire Immortal Palace in an instant. After being recovered, it turned into illusory light and shadow again beside him.

Then, Immortal Lord Yilong sat down and looked at the illusory light and shadow with great interest. He saw that after the illusory light and shadow shook slightly, it divided into more than five hundred overlapping shadows. Each shadow formed its own space. Different true immortals appear in the space.

the other side.

After the illusory light and shadow swept across his body, Han Yi found that he was not in the Immortal Palace, but appeared at the bottom of a huge Immortal Mountain.

Jiuyi Cave Sky, Jiuyi Mountain.

He was slightly stunned, feeling caught off guard in his heart, but with Immortal Lord Yilong's explanation, he already understood what they, the five hundred true immortals, were comparing to.

Climbing Jiuyi Mountain and confirming the ranking based on height contains several pieces of information. One is that it is theoretically impossible for them to climb to the top, otherwise it would be difficult to confirm the ranking. The second is that the process of climbing the Fairy Mountain is definitely not easy. If it is loose, there will be obstacles. As for whether it is blocked by immortal power or something else, it is not yet known.

His heart was awe-inspiring, and he looked around and saw no other true immortals. There were two possibilities. The first possibility was that every true immortal who was pulled into the Nine Yi Cave Heaven faced the same Jiu Yi alone. Mountain, the second possibility is that they are both under Jiuyi Mountain, but Jiuyi Mountain is too huge, so everyone's landing point is different.

Han Yi prefers the first possibility. Only the first possibility is the fairest to them.

"Yi Longtian, Jiuyi Cave Heaven."

"This is not the same realm. Yilongtian should be the realm that evolved from the fairy world of Immortal Lord Yilong. The immortal palace that the Yuandao Immortal Monument took me to is in Yilongtian."

"The Jiuyi Cave Heaven should be a cave opened by Immortal Lord Yilong. He is the Lord of the Cave Heaven, and the rules in the Cave Heaven are naturally formulated by him."

"As expected of the third Immortal Lord in the Immortal Court, a powerful being who can survive under the Immortal Lord."

Immortal Yi Long's words flashed through his mind, and the rumors of Immortal Yi Long emerged in his mind. Han Yi secretly marveled.

He had read records about Immortal Yilong in Xuanzang Palace. According to rumors, Immortal Yilong was not a human race, but half-human and half-demon. He had a weak bloodline of the Wild Demon Feather Dragon, but he dug out the bloodline. After reaching the limit, he walked out of a brand new immortal way, named Yilong. ơɱ

After gathering his composure, Han Yi did not step directly up. Instead, he first took the Qingping Sword off his back, and then prepared to take out the fragments of the Demon Halberd from the fairy world, but as soon as he thought about it, he His brows furrowed.

There was no response. His immortal thoughts could not open the fairy world.

He did not panic in his heart, but used his immortal thoughts to sense the fairy world, and found that there was no problem with the induction. In the fairy world, over the years, he had moved from the outside world into a small land of ten miles in radius.

In the center of the land is a 100-meter-high mountain. On the mountain, Han Yi built a small attic. Elsewhere on the mountain, he also built a sword tower to enshrine the Taiyuan Divine Sword. Outside the mountain, there are There are some first-order immortal plants and other spiritual fruit trees planted.

In terms of area and layout, it can be called simple, but Han Yizhi is not here. He has never had the idea of ​​​​enjoyment, he can practice, and he can practice.

Han Yixian's fairy thought fell in the mountain attic, where he placed the fragments of the Heavenly Demon Halberd. In the past, as long as the fairy thought was turned, he could take it to the outside world. But at this moment, although he could sense it, there seemed to be mysterious rules that allowed the Heavenly Demon to The halberd fragment cannot be removed.

He temporarily put down the fragments of the Demonic Halberd, and used his immortal thoughts to wrap up the Tribulation-Breaking Immortal Sword, trying to take it out from the fairy world, but found that there was also no response.

He tried the other three fairy swords one by one, and tried some of the spirit fruit and spirit wine he placed in the attic, but the result was no difference.

Han Yi withdrew his immortal thoughts and tried to get things from the Qiankun Ring. Although he kept most of his things in the fairy world, he always used to keep one hand and put spare things in the Qiankun Ring in case of special circumstances. .

But what disappointed him was that the things in the Qiankun Ring still couldn't be taken out.

At this point, he took a deep breath.

"It should be the rule of Jiuyi Cave Heaven. After entering the Cave Heaven, nothing can be taken out from the fairy world and the Qiankun Ring."

"It's a hidden condition."

He looked at the Qingping sword in his hand, and with a thought, Qingping swept upwards, broke through the sky, and fell into his hand again in an instant.

Han Yi looked happy.

"It's possible, there's no limit."

"That is to say, when entering Jiuyi Cave Heaven, any fairy weapon you carry with you can be used. Any fairy weapon placed in the fairy world or the Qiankun Ring cannot be taken out."

Immediately, he frowned slightly again, because from this point of view, it was not fair. Of course, he would not dwell on whether it was fair or not, but he needed to analyze and understand the mechanism.


Han Yi's pupils shrank slightly.

"No, there is another possibility, that is, when I activate the Yuan Dao Immortal Monument, it heralds the beginning of the Yuan Dao battle."

"In Yilong Heaven, the battle has actually begun, but all the true immortals dare not act rashly because of the appearance of Immortal Lord Yilong."

The gravity of this cave is not strong, about ten times greater than that of the immortal world. Under normal circumstances, Han Yi can escape and climb the mountain quickly.

But he sensed it, and as he expected, he couldn't fly through Immortal Escape.

This is the second rule of Jiuyi Cave Heaven.

Han Yi tried to use the magic of changing shape and thinking world again, and found that there was nothing abnormal.

Then, he inspired the power of the ancient gods, and the magic could be used as usual.

As for Han Yi, he concluded that apart from being unable to take out things from the fairy world or the Qiankun Ring, and being unable to fly, there was no other impact.

Thinking of this, he looked at the top of the mountain, guessing. No matter what, he was holding Qingping at the moment, and he could only go all the way up the mountain.

He abandoned all distracting thoughts and slowly set foot on Jiuyi Mountain.

Jiuyi Mountain is not steep, but it is so high that it does not reach the top. Whether it is the Immortal Eye or the Divine Eye, one can only see black rugged rocks. Looking to both sides, before the mountainside turns, it is also endless and nothing.

It was as if what he was climbing at the moment was not a mountain, but a tilted world.

Although he didn't use magic with every step he took, he could easily cover several miles with his physical strength.

Han Yi turned into a bolt of lightning and ran towards the top of the fairy mountain. After an hour, he suddenly stopped.

Because in front of him, a river appeared. The river blocked the road, the water surface was calm, and the width was about a hundred miles.

Just like in other places, Han Yi can use his magic to cross the world in one breath.

But the river appears here, but it seems too weird.

According to Immortal Lord Yilong, this place is Jiuyi Mountain. He is on the way up at the moment, and the tilt angle is about thirty degrees, so he can naturally feel it.

As for the river blocking the road, the water surface is also tilted at 30 degrees, with no wind or waves, but it does not follow the characteristics of water flowing downwards, which is quite strange.

"Three ways, the first is to cross directly, the second is to cross the river, and the third is to look for other paths along the river to both sides."

Han Yi stood by the river. With a change of heart, he chose the first of these three methods.

The third one he first ruled out was that since there was a river blocking the road, there would be absolutely no other way to go. Maybe the river would directly circle the entire fairy mountain.

Although the second one is more reliable and can be regarded as a sure thing, if the guess is correct, this is only the first level. If you have to be so entangled in the first level, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

In addition, he had just broken through the realm with his life seed, and his sword-handling skills had reached the second level. He was carrying the Qingping Sword, and he was naturally confident in his heart.

He took a step forward gently. Although he looked calm and calm, the rocks under his feet suddenly sunk.


With the help of the ancient god's power, this kick made his initial speed even reach ten times that of his mental power.

In an instant, Han Yi had crossed ten miles and reached the river.

Suddenly, a terrifying suction force appeared from the river below. Between the lightning and flint, Han Yi glanced down and saw the river water spinning, and a terrifying giant mouth emerged from the water and bit him.

Han Yi's face was calm, and he stepped lightly again. The terrifying force directly crushed the space, and the compressed space exploded downwards, directly tearing the giant mouth apart, and screams suddenly broke out.

However, Han Yi turned into lightning under the reaction force of this kick, and he had already crossed to the other side of the river without even taking a breath.

He turned around and looked at the raging river and the giant beast that had just fallen back into the water and was writhing in pain, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"Desolate beast, green horned crocodile, and judging from its size, it should be at the level of a senior true immortal."

"In other words, this level has blocked the true immortals below the senior level."

Han Yi turned around and continued to go up. At this level, he didn't even use the Qingping Sword. He only relied on the power of the ancient gods to step through the air and crack the mouth of the desolate beast.

As he continued to climb the mountain, outside the cave, Immortal Lord Yilong looked at a line belonging to Han Yi in the overlapping illusory light and shadow, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"What a powerful physical body. This kind of physical body is already comparable to that of a mysterious immortal."

"Ancient God?"

"No, the fifth-level ancient god definitely does not have such power, so it should be the sixth-level ancient god."

"It's a pity, I don't know whose Taoist body it is."

Thinking of this, Immortal Yilong's face turned slightly cold. It was obvious that Han Yi possessed the power of an ancient god, far exceeding that of a fifth-level ancient god, which reminded him of certain things that had happened.

He looked away from Han Yi and focused on other true immortals.

On the other side, after crossing the river, Han Yi began to speed up. After another hour, he stopped again. Ten miles in front of him on the mountainside, with rugged rocks and rocks, a dark space appeared, as if there was a dark The world came in horizontally, cutting off the fairy mountain in half, and the dark space lay across Han Yi.

Han Yi tightened his Qingping Sword, patted it on his body, activated the Four Sources Taoist Technique, and stepped into the darkness.

After three breaths, he walked out of the darkness and looked up. His expression changed from calm to slightly awe-inspiring, because he knew that the next step was a tough battle.

In the dark space behind him, there was a mountain ghost ten thousand feet tall. The center of his eyebrow was pierced, and the ferocious look on his face was still there. It was obvious that he died too quickly and did not react.

This mountain ghost is a branch of the ghost clan. Its strength is not considered powerful, it can only be regarded as reaching the threshold of the peak true immortal.

The first two levels, one water and one mountain, can already eliminate the immortals below the peak true immortal. The ones that continue to go up are all powerful true immortals who can compete with the peak.

After gathering his composure, Han Yi continued upward.

After another hour, he stopped again, his eyes shrinking wildly, because in front of him, there were actually three true immortals standing side by side.

Although he was not familiar with these three true immortals, he could not be said to be completely unfamiliar, because among the five hundred true immortals who had appeared in the Immortal Palace before, these three true immortals were impressive.

"No, it's impossible for these three true immortals to be here in their true form."

"Then, it's not difficult to guess that the three people in front of you are just copies of Dongtian."

"This is the third rule of Jiuyi Cave Heaven. Copy the true immortal and then use it to deal with the true immortal."

When the thought flashed, Han Yi had already made a guess. Thinking of this, the light in his eyes surged, and he slowly stepped forward with his sword in hand.

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