I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 458 The Eighth Yuan Dao, the Divine Art of Knowing Fate

Han Yi stopped and looked at Immortal Lord Yilong, who was standing a few miles ahead of him at a higher position on Jiuyi Mountain.

At this moment, Immortal Lord Yilong's face was no longer indifferent, and his pair of vertical pupils were as deep as an abyss, making it difficult to fathom.

Han Yi's face straightened. He bowed and saluted first. After raising his head, his body disappeared from the same place. When he reappeared, he had already crossed several miles and arrived in front of Immortal Lord Yilong. The one who was faster than him was Qingping Sword. , At this moment, the Qingping Sword is already touching the eyebrows of Immortal Lord Yilong.

But in an instant, time and space seemed to freeze.

The Qingping Sword could no longer move forward an inch because Immortal Yi Long had already gently pinched the tip of the sword with two fingers.

But in this frozen time and space, the Qingping Sword at this moment began to vibrate uncharacteristically. Although the vibration frequency was not high, it made him, who originally only focused on Han Yi, lower his eyes and look at the pinched sword. Qing Ping Sword, for the first time, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he looked ten meters in front of him. He had just emerged, and the power of the ancient god in his body was about to explode, but he was imprisoned in mid-air, as if he had pressed the pause button. Han Yi, who could only change his eyes, showed a sudden look. color.

"This sword's current level is only second level, but its essence is extremely high. If I read correctly, it definitely exceeds the ninth level immortal weapon. It should be differentiated from a certain Taoist weapon,"

"To be able to drive this fairy sword, Han Yiji may have been assimilated."

"Being able to assimilate him at least proves that the person behind it is at least the Immortal Lord, and maybe even the Dao Ancestor."

"In this way, we can explain that he has the combat power of a seventh-level ancient god."

"As for whether he suddenly regained the memory of his previous life, received the inheritance from a certain immortal, or awakened his heaven-defying enlightenment, he has such cultivation and combat power. It's just a routine arranged for the Tao body."

"The entities involved behind Han Yi may even be those in the Immortal Court. This matter is beyond my control."

"That's all."

Thinking of this, Immortal Lord Yilong pinched Qingpingjian's hand and waved it gently. Qingpingjian, together with the imprisoned Han Yi himself, disappeared in a flash.

Immortal Lord Yilong followed closely behind and disappeared. Under his feet, the entire Jiuyi Mountain began to turn into nothingness, and its symbol was taken back to the real Jiuyi Mountain.

the other side.

Han Yi used the sword-controlling magic and prepared to activate the power of the ancient gods to unleash a powerful blow. However, he was imprisoned by the Immortal Lord Yi Long in mid-air. In addition to his normal consciousness, his physical body, immortal power, and immortality were all gone. Consciousness cannot explode.

He saw Immortal Yi Long holding the Qing Ping Sword and felt the vibration of the Qing Ping Sword. However, after just one breath, inexplicable emotions flashed through Immortal Yi Long's vertical pupils. With another wave of his hand, he was already aware of the changes in the space. He left Jiuyi Cave Heaven and returned to the Immortal Palace.

After he appeared, the surrounding True Immortals all looked at him. Some of them had their pupils shrinking and their breaths suffocating because they had met Han Yi on Jiuyi Mountain, and it was Han Yi who eliminated them. .

Whether it was the sword energy that destroyed them together or the power of the ancient gods, they all felt like facing death. Of course, the rules of Jiuyi Cave are special. When death comes, time and space are suspended, and the true immortals will be eliminated and considered eliminated. .

Han Yi felt these gazes, and his face remained calm. He looked at the center of the Immortal Palace, Immortal Lord Yilong and the illusory three-dimensional light and shadow.

At this moment, Immortal Lord Yilong's eyes fell on the light and shadow, and there were overlapping phantoms in his vertical pupils. In each phantom, there was one. He stood on the black fairy mountain, facing an incoming true immortal, and easily defeated its attack, measuring its combat power.

After three breaths, the illusory three-dimensional light and shadow suddenly faded away. One of the overlapping light and shadows shattered and turned into a virtual shadow, which was absorbed by the vertical pupils of Immortal Yilong.

At the same moment, a true immortal suddenly appeared in the immortal palace and stood in front of the futon. After a moment of pause, the true immortal sat down.

Han Yi, who was sitting on a certain futon, looked at the true immortal who appeared, and his eyes flashed, because this true immortal happened to be the true immortal Xuancheng.

True Immortal Xuancheng glanced at Han Yi. Their eyes were calm. They nodded slightly to each other first, and then took it back.

At this moment, True Immortal Xuancheng felt quite regretful in his heart. The six clone True Immortals he met did not include Han Yi, which made his idea of ​​exploring Han Yi's footsteps come to nothing.

Next, six true immortals appeared one after another in the Immortal Palace, and when the third one arrived, Han Yi looked at the sudden appearance of the true immortal and shrank his eyes. This true immortal was the one he fought against twice on Jiuyi Mountain. The middle-aged true immortal.

Whether it was the spirit mist jade bottle, the gold and silver scissors, or the weird fairy mirror, they all left a deep impression on Han Yi.

After these six true immortals appeared one after another, the illusory three-dimensional light and shadow in the center of the Immortal Palace were all captured by Immortal Yi Long into his vertical pupils.

Seeing this scene, Han Yi also knew that his guess when he first entered the Immortal Palace was not completely wrong.

He had previously guessed that this illusory light and shadow was the entrance to a cave. Looking at it now, it was indeed the case. However, this cave, also known as the Jiuyi Cave, could be absorbed into the body by Immortal Yi Long, and the cave space in which everyone appeared was It is independent. He has not yet understood the reason for this, but it must be a method that only a powerful immortal king can use.

In the center of the Immortal Palace, after Immortal Lord Yi Long put away all the illusory lights and shadows, all the illusions in his eyes merged into one and sank into the depths.

Then, he turned around and scanned the five hundred true immortals around him. Although his vertical pupils did not have the power of an immortal king, wherever he looked, all the true immortals bowed their heads slightly to show respect.

"I set up two realms and three battles on Mount Jiuyi. The two realms are the water realm and the dark realm. The third battle is the battle between you and other true immortals. These five levels are ranked based on the height of the climb."

"As for the true immortals who have passed the two realms and three battles, I will personally test their combat prowess.

"The final rankings are as follows."

Immortal Lord Yilong waved his hand gently, and the immortal energy gathered. In mid-air, a list appeared. The list exuded golden light, and the names on it were purple in gold, full of fairy charm.

Han Yi scanned and saw his name.

[Eighth place, Han Yi].

Seeing this, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had the power of the ancient gods, but he was only ranked eighth. In other words, the seven people in front of him were all more powerful than him in the eyes of Immortal Lord Yi Long.

Han Yi raised his eyes and looked up, and saw the person in front of him.

[Seventh place, Yuanju Dojo, Xuancheng].

Keep looking up.

Five of the top six are Yuan Sui, Yuan Shu, and the True Immortal of Yilong Dojo. Only the third one is special.

[Third place, Ming Su]

Han Yi frowned.

From the information on this list, it can also be inferred that if you belong to a dojo, you will add the name of the dojo before your name or name, such as Xuancheng, and if you are like him, you are participating as an individual, The dojo ownership will not be displayed.

In other words, this Mingsu True Immortal actually competed as an individual, and his opponent actually ranked third, which shocked Han Yi.

He suddenly looked towards the middle-aged true immortal who appeared third from the bottom just now, and found that his eyes were calm.

Han Yi was not sure whether this middle-aged true immortal was Mingsu True Immortal. After all, Immortal Yi Long did not say to confirm the ranking in the order of being kicked out of Jiuyi Mountain.

The golden list only appeared for a few breaths, and then Immortal Yi Long waved his hand gently, and the golden list disappeared.

"Among the top ten on this list and competing under their own names, only Ming Su and Han Yi can enter the Yuandao world."

"As for the other true immortals, they still need to wait for the rankings in the other two arenas, and then combine the rankings to get the dojo rankings."

"The sixty immortals ranked in the top ten dojos can enter the Yuandao world."

"As for the opening time of Yuandao Realm, there is still one year."

"After one year, you can go to the Tianzhu Palace and wait for the introduction from the Yuandao Realm."

"Okay, let's go back first."

As soon as Immortal Lord Yilong finished speaking, his immortal body disappeared into the hall. Then, the five hundred true immortals in the immortal hall were teleported away one by one.

Before leaving, Han Yi glanced at the middle-aged monk who was also about to teleport away. He found that the middle-aged monk also turned to look at him, and the two parties looked at each other and nodded in tacit agreement.

Just now, when Immortal Yilong was talking about the top ten true immortals in his personal ranking, his eyes swept between him and the middle-aged true immortal. From this point of view, Han Yi knew that this middle-aged monk should be the true immortal Mingsu.


Judging from the exchange of glances just now, Mingsu Zhenxian must also know Han Yi's name.

Before the space changed, Han Yi noticed many eyes falling on him, and his expression remained unchanged.

In this competition for spots in the Yuandao world, although the two true immortals did not compete directly with each other, they all fought through clones. However, in the confrontation, the strength of the opponent can be seen through the clones.

Before this, although the scene of Han Yi crossing the immortal tribulation was shocking, to most of the true immortals who were addicted to going further, it only represented huge potential, so naturally they didn't pay much attention to it.

And through this time, the name Han Yi spread among the powerful true immortal circles for the first time.

After the space stabilized again, Han Yi was already outside the Immortal Pavilion. The Yuandao Immortal Stele in his hand turned into wisps of purple light and dissipated between heaven and earth.

He stepped into the nine-story Immortal Pavilion. With a thought, he took out the four fairy swords from the Immortal Spirit Realm. After setting up the sword world, he sat cross-legged in the Immortal Pavilion.

But he didn't immediately go into retreat. Instead, he pictured the competition for Yuandao spots because he always felt that he had overlooked something.

The scenes flowed and finally settled on the scene where Immortal Lord Yilong made his final move on Jiuyi Mountain.

Han Yi's face became more confused, because after Immortal Lord Yilong took action on Jiuyi Mountain, he had no chance to take action, so it was not considered that he had gone all out.

And it would be one-sided and inaccurate to use the ancient god's power he exerted against Ming Su Zhenxian to define Han Yi's ability to completely explode the ancient god's power. After all, he only punched at that time. Seeing the true form of Mingsu Immortal, Han Yi would naturally have more than one punch.

To put it simply, on the surface, Immortal Lord Yi Long's combat power is somewhat overgeneralized.

This is where Han Yi suddenly felt something was wrong at this moment.

But these thoughts were suppressed by him after just a thought. No matter what Immortal Lord Yilong thought about, it was not important now. He would not go to an Immortal Lord to confront or investigate.

Moreover, this is also my unilateral idea. Perhaps, at the level of the Immortal Lord, there may be more comprehensive and detailed considerations. After all, the realms of the two parties are too different.

After the thought fell, Han Yi suddenly revised his original practice plan. Originally, he was planning to upgrade the other two immortal arts to the first-level intermediate level and then practice the ancient god's technique. But after this battle, he understood that the ancient god His combat power increased even more.

So, after some thought, he decided to put all the remaining life seeds into the Ancient God's Tome.

In the Immortal Pavilion, he set up an Immortal Gathering Formation, took out the Immortal Stones, and when he was ready, he began to put his life seeds into the Divine Code of Destiny of All Realms.

What surprised Han Yi was that after investing a hundred units of life seeds in a row, the understanding of this divine code became more obvious. This shows that the level of this divine code is much higher than all his magical skills.

This divine code has four levels: fate, luck, harmony, and Tao.

Know destiny, cultivate luck, unite worlds, and all paths.

Han Yi is now at the level of 'Knowing Fate', and he can only come into contact with luck cultivation when he reaches the peak of the Ancient God of Tai Zhen Realm.

Ancient Shen Yang only deduced this divine scripture to the level of cultivation. In his imagination, the level of cultivation spans the three realms of Taizhen, Xuji, and Creation.

As for the combined world, it corresponds to the ancient god of the immeasurable realm, who unites the immeasurable realm and survives immeasurable tribulations.

The last ten thousand ways correspond to the ancient gods in the ancestral realm, which are the supreme beings who have reached the pinnacle of the ancient god clan.

The last three levels are still too far away for Han Yi, and he is just new to knowing fate.

At this moment, Han Yi began to understand the divine code, and because of the relationship between life seeds and panels, his understanding was more thorough, deeper, and more complete than the ancient god Yang who created this divine code.

A year later, he reluctantly stopped practicing and looked at the display on the panel.

[The Divine Code of Destiny of All Realms (Original Realm 11/100)].

One year was indeed a short period of time. He only consumed 300 units of life seeds and increased the divine code by two percentage points.

In ancient Shen Yang's imagination, there were thirty-six divine arts in this divine code. Before his death, he had already deduced thirteen divine arts.

Among them, Han Yi's inheritance, the ancient god who knows the fate level, can master nine arts, and he has only gained some understanding of one magical technique in this year.

Although he really wanted to continue practicing, according to what Immortal Yi Long said, one year later, it is the time for the Yuandao world to open up, and he has already won the eighth place, so he naturally does not want to miss it.

After cleaning up, Han Yi left the Immortal Pavilion, but he did not go directly to the Tianzhu Palace. Instead, he fled towards a certain location in the Yuanju Dojo. After a while, he stood in front of an Immortal Palace and said loudly :

"Junior Han Yi asks to see Jinming Jinxian."

The Immortal Palace in front of him is the place where Qingyan Xuanxian brought him to visit Jinming Jinxian. He has obtained the eighth place and is qualified to enter the Yuandao world. He should come to visit Jinming Jinxian to express his gratitude. After all, he is A Yuandao Immortal Stele was given by Jinming Jinxian.

"Come in."

A deep voice came from the Immortal Palace, and the door slowly opened, revealing the passage leading to the depths of the hall.

Han Yi stepped in, and after a while, he arrived at the main hall where he met Jinming Jinxian.

The first thing I saw was the handle of the huge sword. The sword grid was pressed against the floor of the hall, and the sword head extended to the top of the hall.

However, this time, Han Yi had no doubts about whether the sword head had broken through the hall, because he had just looked at the top of the fairy palace before landing and did not see anything like the sword head.

The huge sword is golden and exudes a dazzling sword light.

And next to this giant sword is the Jinming Jinxian who has had a relationship with him on both sides.

At this moment, Immortal Jin Ming was looking at Han Yi, and the emotions revealed in his eyes were different from the previous two times.

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