I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 459 Changes in the four sources, the Tao leads to storms

Jinming Jinxian's eyes were full of surprise, and in the surprise, there was even a hint of disbelief.

He expected that Han Yi was very powerful. Eight years ago, he personally sent a Yuandao Immortal Monument. When he saw Han Yi, he knew that Han Yi was by no means an ordinary true immortal, but had entered a senior level, and he had a sword energy in his body. , condensed but not scattered.

Jinming Jinxian himself was a sword immortal, and he had the clearest sense of sword energy. He could tell at a glance that Han Yi's sword energy had reached the level of second-level immortality.

That's why his eyes lit up at first.

But his eyes lit up because Han Yi's strength exceeded his expectations, rather than predicting that Han Yi would get a high ranking in the battle of Yuandao. After all, he knew that not to mention the top ten, even the top 100 must be the peak true Fairy.

But a year ago, after the battle between Yuandao came to an end, he immediately learned the rankings of the three tracks. When he saw Han Yi ranked eighth among the true immortals, he was instantly shocked.

A newly promoted True Immortal, who broke through to senior level in ninety-three years, can be called a genius. If placed in the Immortal Sect Dojo outside the Immortal Courtyard, it can be said that his talent is unparalleled. It's just at the middle level.

And eight years later, this true immortal who had just been promoted to senior level could break out of the tight encirclement and rank eighth among the 500 senior and peak true immortals. This was something he never expected.

Therefore, at this moment, there was more inquiry in his eyes, but only for a slight flash, this inquiry was put away again. Every immortal has a strange fate. It is his achievement that Han Yi can be where he is today. There is no need to explore.

"Han Yi, your ranking exceeds my expectations."

"It's not in vain that I will give you a Yuandao Immortal Tablet."

"No need to thank me, you deserve this."

"Let's go back."

After saying this, Jinming Jinxian turned his head again and stared at the golden sword handle, as if his 'Tao' existed on the sword handle.

Han Yi bowed, and after taking a deep look at the huge sword handle for the last time, he turned around and exited the hall. Calmness returned to the hall again, and Jinming Jinxian, who was looking at the golden sword handle, reflected in his eyes It's not just a sword handle, but a fairy sword lying across the world. This is a trace of sword intention he extracted from the sword handle.

As Han Yi walked out of the hall, he thought about any ancient jade slips he had seen in Xuanzang Palace, and finally shook his head regretfully. There was no corresponding record for this golden sword handle.

Perhaps, he would not be able to see relevant records until he climbed to the thirtieth floor or above, but that was a floor that could only be climbed to the level of the Golden Immortal. His current state was extremely far away from the Golden Immortal.

After restraining his thoughts, Han Yi set up Immortal Escape and headed towards Tianzhu Palace.

Speaking of which, he had only been to the Tianzhu Palace once, and it was Qingyan Xuanxian who took him there and left his immortal name in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace.

After he became an immortal for more than a hundred years, one-third of his time was spent on the Tomb of the Ancient God of Endless Void, and the rest of his time was spent practicing and in the Tower of Void.

After a while, he arrived at the Tianzhu Palace, stepped inside, and in a flash, he was in the Tianzhu Realm.

A year ago, Immortal Lord Yilong only said that he had entered the Tianzhu Palace and was waiting for the introduction from the Yuandao Realm. There was no other information.

But Han Yi, who stepped into the Tianzhu Palace at this moment, naturally knew what to do. There were world spirits in this small world.

As soon as he stepped into the Tianzhu Palace, he bowed to the void and said: "Disciple Han Yi, who became the eighth true immortal of Yuandao a year ago, responded to the order of Immortal Lord Yilong and came to Tianzhu Palace to wait for the introduction from the Yuandao world. , please provide guidance from the Heavenly Candle."

As soon as Han Yi finished speaking, in front of him, the spirit of the fairy spirit condensed and turned into a portal. He stepped into it, and then appeared in the sky. A few miles in front of him, there was a fairy mountain peak standing in the clouds. , more than thirty immortals have gathered, including not only true immortals, but also golden immortals and mysterious immortals.

Han Yi stepped forward, and after a few breaths, he went to the tribe on the top of the fairy mountain. When he landed on the edge of the cliff, his pupils suddenly shrank slightly and he looked at the center of the fairy mountain. There, there was a young man sitting cross-legged about three meters above the ground.

Han Yi had never seen this young man, but he had seen it in a certain album in Xuanzang Palace, and that album introduced the eight great immortals of Suizhu Immortal Court.

Although this young man looks to be in his early thirties, he is one of the eight immortals in Suizhu Immortal Court.

Xuanhui Immortal Lord.

Han Yi was startled. He lowered his head slightly to express respect. He raised his head and scanned the fairy mountain again. He saw True Immortal Mingsu but not Xuancheng. Then he looked away and waited quietly like other True Immortals. .

As time went by, more and more immortals appeared, even the True Immortal Xuancheng appeared. He walked with five other immortals. Among the six immortals, the one at the front exuded the power of the Golden Immortal.

Han Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he already guessed that the Golden Immortal at the front should be Zhenxiao Golden Immortal.

The strength and background of this Jinxiao Jinxian are not simple.

Han Yi withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention. The matter of Jinxian Zhenxiao depriving him of his Xuanxian status and resources had ended with Xuancheng Zhenxian losing his sword.

After another half an hour, as the last immortals arrived, Xuanhui Immortal Lord, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, opened his eyes and gently flicked out a finger of spiritual light. The spiritual light divided into sixty-two rays and fell towards the six peaks on the top of the Immortal Mountain. There are twelve immortals, including ten golden immortals, twenty mysterious immortals, and thirty-two true immortals.

Han Yi saw a stream of fairy energy falling towards him. He did not avoid it deliberately, but allowed the fairy energy to fall and integrate into his body.

He looked at Xuanhui Immortal Lord and saw him saying slowly:

"The Yuandao Realm is a mysterious place."

"In it, remember not to leave the Taoist formation set up by Taoist ancestors at will. Within the Taoist formation, you can choose a position at will and understand the laws and principles. When the time is up, the Yuandao world will kick you out and return to this place."

As soon as he finished speaking, before all the immortals present could question or react, Xuanhui Immortal gently waved his hand, and the immortals turned into immortal light and fled higher into the sky.

At this time, upwards from the Immortal Mountain, at an infinite distance, the illusory light and shadow opened up like a mirror, and sixty-two rays of fairy light shuttled up one after another and disappeared into it.

Xuanhui Immortal Lord raised his head and glanced at the illusory mirror-like light and shadow, then quickly looked back. His eyes were deep and showed no trace of emotion.

the other side.

Han Yi only felt that he turned into a ray of fairy light, passing through a thick spiritual wall, and then fell towards a certain position. In a sudden glance, he saw a corner of a primitive world.

The primitiveness of this corner of the world is the primitiveness of the time dimension, not the primitiveness of spiritual creatures.

It's as if this world has existed since infinitely ancient times.

With this startling glance, in less than a hundredth of an instant, Han Yi was already being dragged downwards and passed through a layer of incomparably condensed immortal power. Only then did he feel that his eyes were completely new.

At the same time, the fairy light that fell on him made him realize that the time he could stay here was three years.

Three years later, the immortal light left in his body will once again take him through the condensed layer of immortal power, which is what the Xuanhui Immortal calls the Tao Formation, and then travel up and along the way, passing through Cross the world wall of the Yuandao world and return to the Tianzhu world that is connected to the Yuandao world.

In less than a breath of time, Han Yi had already figured out the principles of space, which was not complicated for a true immortal.

He calmed down, looked around, and found that all the immortals who appeared here at this moment had scattered and found a place to start practicing.

Han Yike can stay for three years. Even if other immortals can stay longer, it will not be too long, that is, between a few years and ten years. In the outside world, this amount of time is of little use to true immortals. , Jin Xian cannot even do the briefest retreat, but in the Yuandao world, every second is precious.

Thinking of this, Han Yi also ran down, towards a certain direction, and found a ridge. After landing, he found a large flat rock and sat down cross-legged.

Whether it was the shocking glimpse just now or what you saw after passing through the Tao formation, it was a primitive mountain forest.

The mountains and rivers are visible, and the woods are ancient and luxuriant, but there are no traces of any spiritual creatures, not even insects.

This world seems to not allow spiritual creatures to exist. Even the towering ancient trees are only active but lack spirituality, let alone grow into creatures such as tree demons.

Doubts flashed through his mind, and he quickly discarded them, and then began to practice the Great Freedom Yuguang Sword Code.

The amazing thing is that when he was not practicing, he only felt the primitive world. But when he indulged in practice, he found that the whole world had completely changed.

Laws, endless laws, pervade the body and are easily accessible.

He touched it gently, and there was a constantly changing light entwining between his fingers. This light was illusory, shrinking and expanding, as if breathing, giving Han Yi a different understanding of the characteristics of space.

Expansion, compression, and even collapse are all characteristics of space.

Han Yi realized something. He turned and grabbed it forward. A bunch of flames jumped at his fingertips. The flames spread rapidly. In an instant, there were hundreds of flames floating around him. These flames were the condensed body of the law of fire. Each flower has different characteristics.

He gently waved his sleeves again, and the flames were extinguished. The sword light was like fire, sometimes gathering like the sea, and sometimes scattering at dawn.

Suddenly thinking of something, Han Yi stretched out his other hand and summoned hundreds of flames. The sword light and flames began to merge.

He was immersed in this fusion, and the mystery of it made him addicted.

When he came back to his senses, there was only one sword light left in front of him, and this sword light was as red as fire. As for the law of fire, it was all integrated into this sword light.

He looked at the sword light with surprise in his eyes.

"The Great Self-Contained Yuguang Sword Code, the third style after Fu Hai and Daybreak."

"Feng Tian."

As soon as Han Yi's thoughts changed, he already knew how to practice this sword style. It had only been three months.

In the Immortal Court, without the help of life seeds, it may take several years or even ten years for Han Yi to understand this sword style through normal practice, but in the Yuandao world, it only took three months. The efficiency of practice shocked him.

He did not continue to practice the Yuguang Sword Canon, but was planning to switch to practicing the Immortal Art of Mind Realm. If he could break through this Immortal Escape Technique, it would definitely increase his combat effectiveness by a small level.

But just as he was about to practice, he stopped again. Suddenly something occurred to him. With a movement of his eyes, he brought up the proficiency panel, landed on a certain line in it, and began to think.

[Four-source Taoism (?)].

This Taoist technique has been showing '? ’, which means that with his current state of cultivation, he cannot allow this Taoist technique to display complete information. Naturally, this Taoist technique cannot be practiced and can only be passively improved as his level improves.

Han Yi had tested more than ten units of life seeds before, and added this technique, but there was no reaction at all. He was worried that the life seeds would be wasted in the end, so he did not dare to try again.

At this moment, in this mysterious world of Yuandao, he suddenly thought of whether he could understand this technique.

With his thoughts turning, he decided to give it a try.

Han Yi stretched out his hand, and a gray light leaped from the palm of his hand and changed into different forms. This gray light was the manifested Four Source Taoist Technique.

He closed his eyes and focused his immortal thoughts on this technique.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths, a full ten breaths, but there was no movement, but Han Yi remained patient. At twenty breaths, a mysterious wave came from far and near to Han Yi. Han Yi opened his eyes suddenly, His eyes were like lightning, looking at the gray light suspended in front of him.

At this moment, the speed at which this light changes shape has slowed down in a way that is visible to the naked eye.

Then, after the change completely stopped, this gray light began to gradually expand, as if it had received some kind of supplement.

When Han Yi saw this, he was slightly happy. The change had occurred, which meant that this Taoist technique could indeed be practiced and even transformed in the Yuandao world. In this way, this body protection that he relied on extremely If Taoism can be further improved, his combat power will be greatly improved.

As for the Immortal Technique of the Mind Realm, once you leave the Yuandao Realm and arrive at the Immortal Court, you can also use the Life Seed to improve your level.

Han Yi tried to withdraw his immortal thoughts and let the gray light transformed by the Four Sources of Taoism exist alone, but found that as soon as he withdrew his immortal thoughts, the light no longer grew larger, but stagnated.

He had no choice but to keep his immortal thoughts on this light.

It was as if his immortal thoughts were the raw material that spurred the light to change.

As time went by, the light in front of him grew larger and larger, changing from the size of a fist to half a meter in diameter, and its shape was like a turtle shell.

This turtle shell, if you look closely, is the mysterious turtle shell that Han Yi got by accident in the void outside the territory, which is the Four Sources of Daoyin.

As time went by, this gray light like a turtle shell began to gradually solidify, which made Han Yi's heart become hot. After all, as expected, this change heralded his mysterious Taoism. It should be advanced.

Three months, half a year, one year, one and a half years...

But two years later, the gray light in front of Han Yi had completely condensed into a turtle shell of about half a meter.

If you look at this turtle shell with the naked eye, you can never tell that it is made of condensed light.

The turtle shell flashed with light, then bumped back and crashed into Han Yi's body.

At the same moment, Han Yi closed his eyes and began to comprehend this advanced Four Source Taoist technique.

What he didn't know was that when he began to understand the advanced Four Sources of Daoyin, a sleeping consciousness began to awaken at the very high level of the Yuandao world.

In other words, this is not consciousness, it is just a rule, a rule unique to the Yuandao world. This rule begins to be triggered and take effect.

When this rule came into effect, a storm began to appear in the center of the Yuandao Realm. In just three breaths, the storm expanded to a size of 10,000 meters.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary storm, but a storm of Taoism. Each storm is condensed by Taoism. This bunch of storms, such as in the Daluo Immortal World, can even destroy a dojo with an ordinary Immortal Lord.

At this moment, the endless storm began to surge towards the Yuandao world in all directions after growing stronger.

It's like a world-ending disaster. (End of chapter)

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