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Chapter 120 So heartwarming, this is her family!

"Why is the Wanxiang Realm of the Shenlong Family coming to the territory of the Moose Family? Are they crazy? We have to leave here quickly!"

Hearing the explosion in the sky above his head, Feng Jinyu, who had been thousands of miles away from Zhou Qingyuan, looked panicked, and his face turned pale.

"Get out!"

Hearing the roar of the dragon that resounded through the sky, Feng Jinyu's voice began to tremble.

"The Shenlong Family is the most powerful among the five bloodlines, and they act the most domineeringly.

If the Wanxiang Realm strongman really makes trouble here, we can't bear the aftermath alone!"

Looking at Feng Jinyu with a trembling voice, Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help but say: "You are running too slowly, I will take you to run."

As he said, he stretched out a hand to pick up Feng Jinyu by the waist, and spiritual light exploded on his body.

[Magic Power: Escape]

As the spiritual energy surged, the spiritual light surrounded the two people, and the color in front of Feng Jinyu changed, and all the scenery seemed to become a flowing scroll, retreating like a tide in front of her.

Seeing this magical scene, her dissatisfaction with Zhou Qingyuan's rough clamping of her waist instantly stopped.

In the next breath, the two appeared thousands of miles away.

At this moment, the sound of the Golden Crow's cry was heard not far away, and Feng Jinyu's face also showed joy.

Before she could sigh that the cultivator's methods were quite clever, Feng Jinyu excitedly said: "My people came to pick me up!"

But after seeing the huge black bird covering the sky and the sun, she quickly fell into great confusion.

"Original True Body. Why. Why did the Great Elder come?"

Feng Jinyu was completely confused. She thought that the tribe would send a powerful person with the ninth level of opening meridians or the Ruyi realm, but it turned out that the strongest Great Elder came in person.

It's really not that she belittled herself, but she was just a fifth-level bloodline. Even if the Hui tribe absorbed the Holy Heart Blood, she had no confidence in how much her foundation could be improved.

Was she worthy of the Great Elder of the Wanxiang Realm to come and pick her up in person at the risk of offending the Moose Family?

Feng Jinyu was so excited that her eyes were covered with mist while she was in awe.

Heartwarming, so heartwarming!

This is her family!

In the cold and indifferent world of immortals, only the family can bring her a little warmth!

She, Feng Jinyu, is willing to dedicate everything to her family from now on!

Listening to the conversation between the great elder and the Wanxiang Realm strongman in the sky, Feng Jinyu's blood began to boil, and she tried her best to operate the blood resonance technique.

"Elder! I'm here, elder!"

Although the golden crow above her head might not be able to hear it, Feng Jinyu still actively waved her arms towards the sky with extraordinary enthusiasm.

Looking at Feng Jinyu like this, Zhou Qingyuan smiled and thought about it in his heart.

The green dragon with a terrifying breath and the golden crow that covered the sky and the sun were most likely coming for him.

Next, it might be time to choose.

He was very clear about his origins. Even if he had five major bloodlines, it could never be inherited from his parents. It could only be affected by acquired factors.

The Shenlong family is so overbearing. If something unexpected happens in the future, he is not sure what will happen.

If he has to choose, he is more inclined to join the Jinwu family at present. At least there is Feng Jinyu who can be a channel of information, so he will not be isolated and helpless.

The huge black bird flying in the sky sensed the call of blood and hesitated slightly.

The resonance is a bit weak. It is obviously caused by the fifth-level clan member.

He came here for the ninth-level bloodline this time. The fifth-level clan girl is just a by-product.

Looking at the huge dragon head that has already explored the forest, he also has some doubts in his heart.

What is the madness of this old guy Mo Qiuzhen?

From what he said, he also has clan members stranded here? To make this old thing go out, it must be a high-level bloodline.

Feng Risheng suddenly thought about it. Is there a trick in this?

Seeing that Mo Qiuzhen seemed to have no gains, he flapped his wings slightly, and his figure was already thousands of miles away.

When he saw his own junior and the man beside her, Mo Qiuzhen's eyes were filled with surprise.

Bloodline warriors sublimate their spirit and strength through the power of their bloodline, and rely on their spiritual sense to perceive threats.

Although this kind of spiritual sense has an advantage in sensitivity, it is much less powerful than the spiritual sense of a cultivator.

Therefore, before seeing it with his own eyes, even Feng Risheng, who was in the Wanxiang Realm, could not find Zhou Qingyuan, who was hiding his aura.

The black bird, which had shrunk countless times, fell down and landed on Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder in Feng Jinyu's joyful and moved eyes.


Feng Jinyu's face showed extreme confusion again.

The black bird standing on Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder had not made any moves yet. Just when its three legs touched Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder, the resonance of the two high-level bloodlines from the same lineage reached its peak at this moment.

Seeing that the red wave was about to spread out, the black bird only stretched out one wing, and all the movements stopped with its movement.

Not only that, the mysterious power surrounded the two people and the bird, and directly concealed their breath completely.

The reason why he did this was because Mo Qiuzhen, who was thousands of miles away and was furious because he couldn't find his tribe members, was about to fight with Fan Konghuang who was asking for an explanation.

Although there were still some doubts in his heart, since the purpose of this trip had been achieved, Feng Risheng would naturally not be overly entangled.

"This place is not suitable for conversation, let's go back to the tribe and talk."

The black bird fell from Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder and shook out its feathers. In a blink of an eye, it had enlarged twenty times.

"Come up, I'll take you back."

That being said, the black bird's eyes were on Zhou Qingyuan the whole time. It didn't start flapping its wings until it confirmed that he had climbed onto its back, and it barely glanced at Feng Jinyu who was standing next to it.

Feng Jinyu, who had lost his soul, didn't know how he got on the bird's back, and all kinds of dark thoughts were already forming in his mind.

Haha, this world, let's destroy it!

The black bird spread its huge wings and quickly took the two of them away from the moose family's territory.

On the other side, Mo Qiuzhen looked at Fan Chengping who was trembling on the spot, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he returned to his human form.

"Young man, has anyone been here before?"

"Mo Qiuzhen, what are you going to do!"

The huge moose suddenly appeared beside Mo Qiuzhen, and had already knocked him out a hundred miles away.

"Fan Konghuang, I have a question for this young man to answer. Regarding what happened today, my Shenlong family will apologize to you.

As for now, don't stop me!"

Fan Konghuang's face showed a sarcasm. Just when he was about to say something, he saw a ball of condensed khaki solution in Mo Qiuzhen's hand.

"Take this whole portion of earth elemental blood first. If I achieve the purpose of this trip, I will give you another portion afterwards."

Fan Chengping looked at the blood in Mo Qiuzhen's hand with a look of desire.

There are at least hundreds of drops of this ball of earth elemental blood. This is a big deal!

Even the expression on Fan Konghuang's face suddenly became much better, and he secretly felt that the people of the Shenlong family were generous.

But he still said stubbornly:

"Even so, you shouldn't be so domineering, right? If you want to do something, can't you just say it?"

As he said, he stopped stopping Mo Qiuzhen and stood aside.

He signaled Fan Chengping with his eyes to say whatever he wanted, and the elders would support him.

Fan Chengping had already guessed something based on Mo Qiuzhen's previous question, and a bad thought arose in his mind.


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