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Chapter 121 How could I be wrong?

"What, has left?"

Mo Qiuzhen thought of the Golden Crow that appeared and left earlier, and suddenly turned back to look in the direction it left, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

So, were his people taken away by Feng Risheng? Or have they been killed?

It's useless to think too much, you will know when you catch up. If it's the latter, the Shenlong family will go to war with the Golden Crow family at all costs!

But before that, there is still something to be solved.

Mo Qiuzhen looked at Fan Chengping with cold eyes, and said to Fan Konghuang:

"This person humiliated the top bloodline genius of our family, don't let me see him in the outside world.

Unless, he has the confidence to stop the anger of all the young descendants of my Mo family!"

After speaking, his figure has turned into a winding and majestic green dragon again in the rotation, chasing in the direction where Feng Risheng left before.

Only Fan Konghuang, who looked unhappy, was left behind.

"Elder. This."

Fan Chengping showed uneasiness and looked at his own elder.

After finding out the reason, he sighed:

"Since you were rude first and he has top blood, just consider yourself unlucky.

From now on, stay in the family residence peacefully."

After saying that, Fan Konghuang shook his head and left without giving even a drop of earthly blood to Fan Chengping.

Although this disciple has good talent, since he has offended the Shenlong family, he is no longer worth cultivating.

The five major families and all the affiliated families have already made a conclusion on the struggle of the younger generation.

For things below the realm of intention, the younger generation will fight for it themselves.

The Shenlong family has the largest number of disciples and the strongest strength. Fan Chengping is not worth his protection.

What happened today really caused him a lot of stimulation.

The Golden Crow and the Sun Devouring Wolf have been enemies for generations, and the Cloud Demon Tiger and the Shenlong family also dislike each other and have fought many times.

For many years, only their Moose Family has remained neutral and stayed away from the confrontation between the four families.

He thought he had run his family well, but today the two Wanxiang Realm invaded his Moose Family's territory by force, which gave him a loud slap in the face.

Facts have proved that the politeness on weekdays is fake.

When things really happen, no matter which family it is, they don't really take them seriously.

If they were to trespass into the territory of the Sun Devouring Wolf or Cloud Demon Tiger bloodline today, would the two of them still act so loudly? Would they dare to be so presumptuous?

Feng Risheng looked polite in words, but in fact, what he did was no different from Mo Qiuzhen.

Mo Qiuzhen at least compensated with a heavy gift on the spot, and what's the point of Feng Laogui's saying that he would come to apologize later?

His prestige and the reputation of the Moose Family have been completely wiped out.

Seek peace through struggle, and peace will survive.

Seek peace through compromise, and peace will die.

Similar thoughts echoed in Fan Konghuang's mind, and a feeling of humiliation arose from the bottom of his heart.

He deeply realized his naivety and laziness. Tolerating blindly was nothing but a lazy and cowardly approach.

"Maybe we should consider the previous proposal of cooperation from the Sun Devouring Wolf Family."

When the head of a family begins to reconsider a major event, it often means that the event has been put on the agenda.

The five major families are in opposition to each other, and the pattern of a family transcending the world may usher in a great change from now on.

"Child, you have worked hard in the past few years."

The huge black bird soared in the sky and showed a gentle expression to Zhou Qingyuan.

Zhou Qingyuan glanced at Feng Jinyu. For some reason, she suddenly became unusually silent, completely without the previous noise.

He was thinking about Feng Jinyu's attitude and what to do next.

Feng Jinyu knew that his body was born from the body of the ancient god. This person was concerned about the family. Even if he didn't show his hand now, he would probably be exposed.

As a person who awakened the top bloodline after birth, how would the Jinwu family view him?

Is it good or bad?

Wanxiang Realm is more powerful than Zhou Qingyuan imagined. If Feng Risheng has bad intentions towards him, he has no capital to resist at this time.

No. There is another way, blood resonance technique.

If the chat breaks down, just use blood resonance technique to call the tribesmen of another bloodline.

If Zhou Qingyuan guessed correctly, he probably has both Golden Crow and Divine Dragon bloodlines in his body.

He has no idea about the Golden Crow bloodline, and can only guess that it was produced during the practice.

Since it is called Golden Crow bloodline, it may be related to his natal Dan fire that has been mutated and sublimated.

And the Divine Dragon bloodline. Maybe it has something to do with his original origin?

In the vast China, there has always been a saying of descendants of dragons.

Although the body is different, it can be seen from the fact that Feng Jinyu occupied the body of the Lord of Yaksha and finally returned to its original state.

It is said to be the power of bloodline, but in fact, blood is not the core carrier of this bloodline power.

What really affects it is probably some kind of imprint rooted in the soul.

Zhou Qingyuan's thoughts flowed, and he had sorted out all his thoughts in the midst of movement and stillness, and decisively revealed his card:

"I am a native born in the body of the ancient god, not from the Golden Crow lineage. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Oh? There is this thing?"

Feng Risheng sensed it again, and the resonance power transmitted from Zhou Qingyuan's body was definitely not false.

Feng Risheng, who had lived for 600 years, immediately understood what Zhou Qingyuan was thinking and what he was worried about, and said considerately:

"Don't worry, my friend, no matter where you come from, what your background is, or what secrets you have.

As long as you have the Golden Crow bloodline, you are a member of my Golden Crow family.

No one can deny this, and no one can explore this. ”

Zhou Qingyuan saw the human sincerity on the black bird's face, and he was quite satisfied. He was about to communicate with Feng Risheng further, when suddenly his spiritual sense sensed that a strong breath was rushing here.

Zhou Qingyuan was about to expand his spiritual sense to explore, and a tail feather with a red edge suddenly appeared in front of him.

While being blocked, his spiritual sense that was about to spread was also forcibly intercepted, and Feng Risheng's voice came at the right time:

"Your detection method is called spiritual sense, right? You rashly use this thing in the realm of immortality.

Although the exploration range of our blood warriors' spiritual sense is not far enough, it is extremely agile and domineering.

If you rashly explore the strong man in the realm of all things, he can even use the spiritual sense containing the power of blood to directly shatter your spiritual sense. "

While speaking, the figure of the giant dragon had already fallen from the higher sky, and one of its sharp claws had already grabbed the black bird flying at high speed without any hesitation.

"Feng Risheng, hand over my disciples!"


The black bird flapped its single wing and collided heavily with the dragon claw, slowing down its movement speed greatly. However, the green dragon was not affected at all at this time, swooping down from the sky and connecting with it.

When the green dragon saw the man and woman on the back of the golden crow, his mood calmed down a little.

According to the young man of the moose family, there were only these two people in that place from beginning to end, which means that the family members were still alive.

"Mo Qiuzhen, are you crazy? Where are your Mo family members here?"

"Hmph! I won't talk too much with you, just use the resonance technique to find out."

After all, if Zhou Qingyuan was of high-level blood, even if it had not been activated, it would show strange phenomena under their resonance technique, and even if Feng Risheng wanted to cover it up, it would not be able to cover it up.

"Heh! What if it is found out later that everything is your misunderstanding? "

Feng Risheng was also extremely dissatisfied with Mo Qiuzhen's overbearing attitude. He had personally confirmed which clan Zhou Qingyuan was from, so how could he be wrong?

"Then I will personally apologize to you!"

As they spoke, the two of them were already performing the blood resonance technique at the same time in a tense atmosphere!

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