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Chapter 122: Emotional? It doesn’t matter at all


Zhou Qingyuan's body surface glowed red, which was a sign that his blood was trembling.

Under the close resonance of the two powerful men in the Vientiane Realm, the resonance phenomenon on his body reached its maximum at this moment.

Mo Qiuzhen and Feng Risheng's eyes showed excitement at the same time, but soon, they both seemed to realize something, and the smiles on their faces faded slightly.

When their eyes met, Feng Risheng decisively stopped using the blood resonance technique.

But just as the two powerful men in the Vientiane Realm guessed, the resonance in Zhou Qingyuan did not stop.

He was still responding to the call, even if Feng Risheng stopped the resonance technique.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Qiuzhen stopped using the blood resonance technique. After confirming that the resonance in Zhou Qingyuan's body was over, Feng Risheng tacitly started to use the resonance technique again.

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan's body lit up with red light again.

At this time, not only the two great elders, but also the little transparent Feng Jinyu on the side could see clearly.

Double bloodline! Or the dual bloodline of the Golden Crow and Shenlong families!

She subconsciously wanted to scream because of the shocking scene in front of her, but she immediately covered her mouth with her hands under the squinting glances of the two powerful men in the Vientiane Realm.

The atmosphere completely solidified for a moment.

The first person to break the silence was Mo Qiuzhen, whose blood and spiritual energy began to spread throughout his body.

"I really didn't expect it. I thought I was just going to pick up a tribesman with better talent, but I ended up meeting such an interesting young man."

Feng Risheng looked serious and said in an inexplicable tone:

"I didn't expect that there would be a genius with two bloodlines at the same time."

After speaking, he looked at Zhou Qingyuan and asked:

"Junior, it's up to you to choose. Do you want to become a member of my Golden Crow family or join the Shenlong family?"

Compared to Feng Risheng's kind-hearted approach, Mo Qiuzhen's approach was much more domineering. He directly made the decision for Zhou Qingyuan.

"Boy, our family is the most powerful, resourceful, and rich among the five major families. You can get the best growth by joining us."

After saying that, he glanced at Feng Jinyu with disdain and continued:

"Are you with this girl?"

"I advise you not to be emotional because of a woman with no future, and to make a decision decisively with a more promising future.

Otherwise, even if you are a top bloodline, it will be difficult to achieve any great achievements. "

Mo Qiuzhen's words were straightforward and mean. Feng Jinyu's face suddenly fell, but he couldn't show his unhappiness openly.

She knows what kind of role she is. Being able to enter the Ruyi realm in her whole life is considered a blessing from her family.

The height of Mo Qiuzhen is an unreachable goal in her life.

What can you do if you are attacked in the face by such a strong man?

Even the elder of her family, Feng Risheng, faced Mo Qiuzhen's harsh words and only said humbly:

"He is right. If we just talk about resources, it is true that the Shenlong family can give you more."

Look, even my elders said this. What can I, a junior with fifth-level bloodline who has not yet understood bloodline skills, say?

Do you expect the elders to help you? If the great elder had come to pick her up earlier instead of Zhou Qingyuan, maybe she would still have some confidence.

What Feng Jinyu didn't know was that Feng Risheng said this on purpose.

He just wanted to see how Zhou Qingyuan would make a choice if he contacted their Jinwu family first.

The lifespan of creatures in the immortal world is generally too long. During their long life, they have actually lost their sensitivity and respect for life.

As for Zhou Qingyuan, they had previously thought that a disciple with top talent could be brought back to the family for training.

In fact, they were not prepared to interfere much.

As long as the struggle of the younger generation is under Ruyi, they will not interfere, even if Zhou Qingyuan is of the top bloodline.

Simply because it takes too much time and resources for a genius to grow up.

During this long period of time, countless shitty things happened around those talented disciples, and it would take a day and a night to tell them all.

Their five major families have long passed the time to be excited about talented disciples.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the room, and what he said made Mo Qiuzhen slightly raise his eyebrows.

“You have to walk your own path, not rely on your family.

And in my opinion, emotions are the energy that drives people upward, and being emotional occasionally is not necessarily a bad thing.

I don't agree with what you said earlier. "

Is this a rejection?

Mo Qiuzhen shook his head, his face showing neither the anger of Zhou Qingyuan for rejecting him nor the embarrassment of being rebutted.

When he looked at Zhou Qingyuan again, there was no warmth in his eyes, and he just said coldly:

"I hope you won't regret your choice today a hundred years from now."

After saying that, he was leaving here.

But at this moment, Mo Qiuzhen glanced at Feng Jinyu from the corner of his eye, and there was a hint of trance in his expression.

The girl's slender eyelashes were trembling slightly at this moment, and they were already stained with a layer of moist dew, but she quickly wiped them away with her hand, and the corners of her mouth showed a depressed arc as she wanted to smile but did not dare to.

Mo Qiuzhen, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped and turned his back to Zhou Qingyuan and said something he would never have said:

"After all, you have the blood of my Shenlong family. If the Golden Crow family doesn't treat you well, you can use the blood resonance technique to call me, and I will come to take you home."

Mo Qiuzhen revealed his true form again and turned into a green dragon and soared into the air.

"Okay, let's go home too."

Feng Risheng, who had been observing Zhou Qingyuan's performance throughout, showed a gentle look on his face. It was obviously a similar smile, but it was much more sincere than before.

Feng Jinyu quietly wiped away her tears, followed Zhou Qingyuan and boarded the Golden Crow transformed by the elder, and quietly pulled the tail of the former's clothes.

This resolute girl who snatched the Holy Heart Blood from a group of people in the Kaimai Realm and escaped into the body of the Ancient God under pursuit, seemed to have taken off her hard shell in front of Zhou Qingyuan at this moment, revealing her fragile side.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the young man stood on the divine bird and overlooked the continent with a calm expression.

The girl stood aside and looked at him timidly, thinking that it was beautiful for the two of them to stand like this without talking.

"We're here."

Feng Jinyu came back to his senses, and finally his eyes were willing to move away from Zhou Qingyuan's face and shifted to the familiar scene in front of him.

In the dim twilight, the surging and magnificent volcanic landforms appeared in front of everyone.

The core base of the Golden Crow Family has arrived.

The first thing Zhou Qingyuan had to do when he moved into the Jinwu Family was to enter the family ancestral temple, use the blood pool to awaken his blood, and officially enter the realm of [Fetal Breathing].

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the landform that was completely different from Wanzhi Peak, and a smile appeared on his lips.

I hope it can bring me more fun.

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