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Chapter 155 Ruyi's Battle

The Ruyi War initiated by the Sun-eating Wolf and Moose families and responded by the Cloud Demon Tiger and Shenlong families must participate regardless of whether the Golden Crow family agrees or not.

In the sturdy basement, Zhou Qingyuan and Feng Risheng looked at each other.

Since he decided to let Zhou Qingyuan participate in the Ruyi Battle, Feng Risheng had to have a rough estimate of his strength.

If he thought Zhou Qingyuan couldn't achieve what he wanted, even if the other party wanted to go and risk offending the other party, he would not let Zhou Qingyuan take the risk.

"Whenever you're ready, you can start."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at one of the five most powerful people in this world and showed a slightly excited smile.

A sparring partner who doesn't have to be afraid of being beaten to death and can put pressure on him doesn't have everything.

The golden fire that burned the soul and the purple thunder that destroyed the body appeared in the air, turning into embroidered spring knives.

But at the same time, on the opposite side of Zhou Qingyuan, countless vivid firebirds gathered beside him, and they all collided with the "Embroidery Spring Knife" that flew away.

The invisible aura turned into substantial ripples, sweeping across the entire basement. In the middle of the two people, two air walls collided together out of thin air, and the strong wind blew their black hair like lions.

"Yes, you are no worse than me in the application of domain power. That's amazing!"

Feng Risheng folded his arms, looked at Zhou Qingyuan, who was on par with him, and nodded, his words a bit arrogant.

After all, he is one of the strongest people in the world. No matter how amazing Zhou Qingyuan's talent is, it is still not enough to face him at this time.

Zhou Qingyuan sensed Feng Risheng's attitude, raised his eyebrows, and the Soul Demonic Sword appeared in his hand.

After digestion and re-refining by Zhou Qingyuan, the blade of this magic knife became more slender and sharper, and it faintly broke away from the appearance of Xiuchun knife and turned into the appearance of a too big knife.

The edge of the knife was gently touched between the sleeves of his left arm. Zhou Qingyuan held the knife in both hands, and the momentum around him continued to grow. His whole body began to heat up with white steam, and his blood boiled at this moment.


The true form of the candle dragon turned into substance and wrapped around Zhou Qingyuan's body. The red human face just nestled on his right shoulder, revealing the snake message.

The unparalleled aura turned into a substantial murderous aura that filled the field, and the wall of air in the middle area was pushed forward violently by the addition of this aura.

Facing the defeat in the domain struggle, although Feng Risheng noticed it, he no longer had the intention to care about it.

At this moment, he had lost his leisurely mood and was staring intently at the flow of breath in Zhou Qingyuan's body.


There was a huge noise in the basement, and the others finally saw Feng Risheng with a relieved expression and Zhou Qingyuan with a calm expression.

As soon as the day came out, Feng Risheng announced that Zhou Qingyuan would participate in the Ruyi battle three days later.

As for what happened inside, only the two of them knew.

Seven days later, at Tianding Mountain, the battle of Ruyi officially began in front of the elders of the five major families who had their own thoughts.

Tianding Mountain, the place where the Battle of Ruyi was fought in the past, was said to be a mountain, but now it is just a bare flat surface, with traces of the battle left everywhere.

For example, under normal circumstances, Yi Jing can highly contract his power to one point, but once he loses his normal state of mind or falls into a crisis, this control ability will be slightly weakened. These traces look full of vicissitudes of life, but in fact they are all left by previous losers.

The five elders gathered in the center of the plane. Mo Qiuzhen and Feng Risheng looked cold. Wang Chenlu of the Yunmohu clan also had a gloomy look. It seemed that the result of the previous confrontation with the Shenlong family was not ideal.

Among the people present, only Kou Zhongqiu was in a happy mood and said with a smile:

"It seems that everyone is very angry. How about we use an arena competition this time?"

As he said that, he looked at Feng Risheng, wanting to see the other party's anxious refusal.

But his hope was dashed. Instead of showing any expression he wanted to see on Feng Risheng's face, he said very calmly:

"What's the point of the ring competition? There's one person from each family, the winner stands, the loser falls down, until everyone falls down."

"Kou Zhongqiu, do you dare?"

Um? Kou Zhongqiu looked at the less than twenty Ruyijing clan members behind Feng Risheng, and then at the fifty-three Ruyijing clan members behind him. He didn't know what the other party was planning.

Is Feng Risheng losing his mind and going crazy? Want to drag me into the water before you die? Just what I wanted!

"It's rare that you have such a good interest, so why wouldn't I be willing? I just don't know what other people think?"

Kou Zhongqiu responded with a smile and glanced in Fan Konghuang's direction from the corner of his eye.

The battle in the arena is said to involve people from any two clans fighting against each other. In the past, it was the Shenlong clan versus the Cloud Demon Tiger clan, and the Golden Crow clan versus the Sun Devourer clan. The Moose clan rarely participated, and those who did did so only at the last minute.

But this time the situation is very different from the past. The Moose Clan has been completely tied to their chariot. The Ruyijing of the Golden Crow Clan has to face not one family, but two families!

This time, all their wishful thinking will be wiped out!

"I have no opinion."

"Then let's start, it's still the same as before."

As Mo Qiuzhen spoke, the dragon and snake rose from the land, ten-meter-high pillars rose up where the five major families were, and the central area was divided into a huge ten-square arena.

Obviously, this is the battle ground prepared for the Ruyijing of all races.

"Feng Risheng, let's start first? How about five people each?"

Unless the gap in strength is too big, the battles in Ruyi Realm will take several hours at any time, so multiple battles are carried out at the same time.

Under the joint supervision of the five Wanxiang Realm masters, no factor can interfere with the battle between the two people in the field. The battle will not stop until one side falls.

This extremely cold and bloody rule has given birth to countless strong people, which is the biggest event in this world.

And this time, because of the participation of someone, it is obvious that there will be some changes.

"Kou Zhongqiu, no matter how many people you bring, I only need one person to fight in this Ruyi battle."

Feng Risheng turned his head to look at Zhou Qingyuan beside him, bowed his head and saluted: "Everything is left to you."

"Don't worry, none of their people will survive, you should be prepared for them to turn against you in the middle of the battle."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the people with different expressions, jumped off the platform lightly, and waved his hand frivolously at the location of the Sun Devouring Wolf Family.

He was not naive enough to think that the other party would really abide by the rules. Perhaps after killing 30% or 50% of the Ruyi Realm, the other party would turn hostile, right?

During this time, Zhou Qingyuan had to stimulate his blood through continuous battles and understand the power of his true nature.

Entering the Wanxiang Realm, now!

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