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Chapter 156: Soul Devouring Evil

On the Five-sided platform, Kou Zhongqiu looked at Zhou Qingyuan below the stage, and a familiar look flashed across his face.

"Oh? Just one person?"

"That's fine, it's enough to be an appetizer."

Besides, this guy is a new face who appeared in the Demon Hunting Ceremony before? The guy who walked out of the ninth-level demon domain with the famous Feng Cangyuan of the Golden Crow Clan?

No wonder he looks familiar.

The moth that appeared in the Demon Hunting Competition must be related to this person, so... he must not be let go!

"Kou You, the person opposite is a young stubble who has just entered the Ruyi Realm. Go and pick it up, be quick."



The sturdy man with a beard jumped down from the platform, crossed his arms, and looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a slight contempt.

If we make a rough estimate of the progress of blood refining from Ruyi Realm to Wanxiang Realm, Kou You has refined his blood by at least 30%, and the degree of blood refining often means the paper strength of Ruyi Realm.

For Zhou Qingyuan, a kid who has just entered Ruyi Realm, Kou You feels that the elder sent him to fight, which is a bit disrespectful to him.

But it's okay, after all, as long as he wins one game, he will be qualified to withdraw from Ruyi Battle at any time. In other words, this is equivalent to an easily obtained insurance, and Kou You is quite satisfied.

"You are unlucky to meet me."


Zhou Qingyuan pulled out the changed Soul Demon Odachi, looked at the cold light on the blade, and didn't even look at Kou You.

How dare you pretend in front of me?

Kou You was angry at Zhou Qingyuan's nonchalant behavior, and secretly made up his mind that if he won later, he would torture and humiliate this man more before killing him!

However, there is no need to say too much. Such a showy guy often has no ability at hand. When his true form is revealed, he will probably only show an ugly appearance that is uglier than that of ordinary people.


The giant axe made a buzzing sound in the air and collided heavily with the sword. Zhou Qingyuan held the sword with one hand and easily resisted the opponent's attack.

He was thinking.

How many moves should be used to deal with this person so as not to cause too much vigilance.

Before the two Hongwen families turn against each other, we must fight as much as possible and kill as many people as possible.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sword and the giant axe collided dozens of times in just a few seconds. Kou You's body was constantly injured by the sharp blade, and sweat had already seeped out of his forehead.

The weapon in the opponent's hand was very tricky. Even if he blocked the opponent's attack, he still felt the recoil force brought by the huge force from the hand holding the axe handle. What surprised him even more was that this recoil force seemed to shake his brain, and even his soul wanted to shake it together.

The thin long sword was swung in an efficient movement, and the sharp tip of the sword turned into a sword array with the power to shake the soul.

Elegant and precise, there is no way to avoid it!

Countless slashes turned into a rain of swords that enveloped Kou You. The cold blades scratched his skin. Kou You's proud and powerful body was shattered under the attack that could be called art. His skin was cut inch by inch, and his steel-tough muscles were torn. What was even more terrible was that he felt that his body and soul were like a small boat in a rainstorm, swaying.

A drowsy feeling rose from his heart, making Kou You very lazy.

He felt tired from the depths of his soul.

He wanted to rest, but he wanted to be alert in his heart. The two contradictory thoughts entangled in his body, twisting and entangled, like tree roots entangled in the brain, extending to the limbs and bones. Amid the countless splashes of blood, he heard a cold voice, all the fatigue disappeared in an instant, and indescribable terror climbed into his heart.

[Magic Weapon Power: Jiesha]

Nine black shadows appeared around Kou You, turning into sticky and hideous ghost faces. Eighteen scarlet eyes stared at Kou You from all angles while rushing into his body.

A trembling chewing sound rang out in Kou You's body, as if something important was being gnawed.

"Stop eating, stop eating!"

Kou You listened to the chewing sound in his body, and his heart was blocked. His domain was stimulated, and his race power was activated. But at this moment, he felt his body become extremely weak, and there was a severe pain in his heart.

Frightened, he lowered his head, and saw an empty chest and a bright red heart dug out by five claws.


The soul and the body were severely damaged at the same time. At the same time, the powerful domain pressure pressed on Kou You like a mountain, preventing the flow of blood throughout his body.


The big sword appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's hand again, and the rain of swords reappeared, cutting Kou You's body into thousands of pieces in an instant, and then swallowed it with the magic eye at the handle.

Not a trace was left.

The cold blade danced a few knife flowers in the air. Zhou Qingyuan looked leisurely and comfortably, looking at the true form of the Candle Dragon sitting in the center of the sky quietly floating, and the long tail swayed happily.

At this time, on the high platform, everyone was talking about the battle that was decided in such a short time.

"His weapon is a bit tricky and doesn't seem to be a product of this world. It can actually attack spiritual perception?

Kou You was careless. To deal with such an unconventional thing, you have to do your best from the beginning. If you delay for too long, it will be troublesome."

"The Jinwu family actually hid such a good thing, allowing this guy to take advantage of the weapon and take the lead."

"Don't be careless, this person is not weak, otherwise he would not be able to neutralize Kou You's domain."

Kou Zhongqiu listened to the discussion of the crowd, with a hint of displeasure on his face, and said lightly:

"Kou You was too careless. I wanted to give him a chance, but now it seems that my kindness has been wasted."

In previous Ruyi battles, the powerful disciples always went first, and the latter ones would go after they were tired and exhausted.

As for the fact that he saw that Zhou Qingyuan had no strength, which led to the mistake of sending Kou You to kill the opponent, he would never admit it.

In fact, this was one of the reasons why he sent Kou You. Now that he knew the evil of the weapon, the next person to go on the field would not fall.

"Forget it, there is no need to play the game of soldiers against soldiers and generals against generals with them. Kou Fanchou, go and bring me the head of this kid."

"Yes, Great Elder."

The tall figure fell from the sky, and the people present all looked solemn when they saw it.

"Kou Fanchou is one of the veteran strongmen of the Frost Wolf Family. He is considered to be one of the top five in the Ruyi Realm, right?"

"That kid has already won, why doesn't he retreat? What is Feng Risheng thinking?"

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan who was still on the field, everyone forgot about the need to fight in more arenas for a while, and focused their attention on the two people in the field.

After all, for their long lives, those few days of work are not a big deal.

What they want to know at this moment is, what exactly is the Jinwu Family planning?

Could it be that this person under the stage really intends to fight with Kou Fanchou?

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