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Chapter 283: Disaster caused by a single thought

"Where to start?"

A look of reminiscence flashed across the old man's face.

Zhou Qingyuan and Luo Sheng looked at each other, wondering why a Tiandao had such a strong personal mark?

The old man was keenly aware of the gazes of the two people and said with a smile:

"How about I introduce myself first?

I call myself Xuanhuang and was born from the Xuanhuang Realm, but he was not the agent of the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang Realm from the beginning. "

Facing the slightly surprised looks of the two people, he nodded proudly and said:

"Yes, I have cultivated to the realm of harmony the day after tomorrow. I have truly replaced that world and become the agent of the will of heaven and earth."

Luo Sheng was really surprised now and couldn't help but ask: "Are you in harmony with the world where that freak lives?

Then after you merged with the Tao, could it be that you have reached the realm of immortality? How could he not be able to suppress him? "

Because Zhou Qingyuan had similar experience in Hedao, he probably already guessed the reason.

I'm afraid it's because, while Hedao is an improvement, it will also become some kind of shackles.

This old man Xuanhuang is trying to achieve immortality, so he is in harmony with the way of heaven?

Facing Luo Sheng's question, Old Man Xuanhuang's mouth became even more bitter and he sighed deeply.

"This was my mistake, a mistake caused by a single thought."

He looked up at the universe, his eyes became subtle, and he said bitterly:

“After I became a Taoist, one day I suddenly felt, is it really necessary for human beings to exist?

I was used to fighting and selfishness, and suddenly I felt disgusted with everything from the bottom of my heart.

One day, I suddenly had the idea that I wanted to destroy everything. "

As the old man Xuanhuang spoke, he couldn't help but cover his face with his hands, as if he had no face to see others.

“I couldn’t personally intervene in everything, so I created a monster and I gave him the ability to become stronger just by eating.

As he continued to grow stronger, I gradually developed feelings for him. Unknowingly, I gave him more abilities and attention, and he became stronger in a very short period of time.

But I still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and he had always been very restrained. I thought this was the spokesperson I needed, a scavenger from heaven and earth, to clean up the world on my behalf.

Who would have thought that I thought I was the spokesperson for restraint and reason, but in my heart I harbored a devil that destroyed everything?

At first, he was just slaying demons, but gradually he became dissatisfied with this, and turned his attention to the creatures in all the worlds. In the end, everyone became his plaything, and he could kill and kill as he pleased. "

Luo Sheng frowned, feeling that this matter was too stupid and not something that a strong man could do. However, thinking that the other party had become the Dao of Heaven, and perhaps there were details that he didn't know about, he couldn't help but say: "So, this Did you personally cultivate the monster?"

"After he has completely demonstrated his cruelty, even as the law of heaven, you can no longer stop him?"

Seeing Old Man Xuanhuang nodding, Zhou Qingyuan and Luo Sheng frowned and looked at each other, both feeling something was wrong.

Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help but said: "During this process, did you feel that your thinking was disturbed?

Why, after all, do you have such emotions? "

Old man Xuanhuang couldn't understand what the two people meant for a while. After becoming a Tiandao, his way of thinking has changed a lot. This is why Zhou Qingyuan rejects Hedao. He can't even think about the idea of ​​achieving immortality through Hedao. never thought about.

After such a union, the existence of 'self' has long been confused, how can it still be regarded as a human being?

Today's old man Xuanhuang just retains some traces of the past and has become a big-headed baby who doesn't know what to call him. Zhou Qingyuan and Luo Sheng only feel sad for this person.

Old man Xuanhuang lowered his head and thought for a while, then answered the question:

"Maybe, I feel that my mental state was very wrong during that time. After what you said, maybe it was indeed affected.

Just being able to influence my existence, how powerful it must be, is it necessary to do this hidden thing? "

Facing Old Man Xuanhuang's question, both of them fell into a brief silence, but soon, Luo Sheng, who was already half-dead, said rudely:

"Not necessarily. Who knows what those strong men have in their minds? Just like you."

He crossed his arms, looked at Old Man Xuanhuang, and said in a subtle tone:

"Our so-called golden fingers were given to us by You? Are we the challengers you selected to stop Qi Xiaoxuan's tyrannical behavior?"

Zhou Qingyuan also raised his eyes after hearing this. He was also very concerned about this issue.

Seeing old man Xuanhuang nodding, Luo Sheng couldn't help but said:

"Then why don't you give my brother more abilities? In this way, as long as he steps into the immortal realm, this crisis may be solved?"

Old man Xuanhuang just shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't."

He stretched out two fingers and said slowly: "Even with my power, I can only instill two kinds of abilities to make my wishes come true.

The first ability [to become stronger by eating] has been permanently taken away by Qi Xiaoxuan.

Now, I can only continue to select a living being from the destroyed earth and let him start from scratch and accumulate strength. "

"That is to say, after Qi Xiaoxuan, you can only create one golden finger owner at a time."

Seeing old man Xuanhuang nodding, Luo Sheng was dumbfounded, while Zhou Qingyuan was thinking more.

‘So this golden finger is actually a kind of ability to make your wishes come true with the blessing of heaven?

At the beginning, we are relatively weak and do not need much power, but as we become stronger, this ability also grows with our growth? ’

While the two were thinking, the old man Xuanhuang's face straightened and he said seriously:

"My friend, I keep you here because I have something important to tell you."

"Now Qi Xiaoxuan has the power of all the creatures in the Xuanhuang Realm, and he has also occupied 40% of my authority. In the Xuanhuang Realm and even in all the lower realms where the roots are not strong enough, you can't fight him."

"For now, only if you prove immortality, there is a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise, the creatures in the heavens and the worlds are nothing more than toys for this person to fish. Those who are strong enough to ascend can only be swallowed and eaten by that person and turned into food for strength."

"So, how to prove immortality, do you have an idea?"


Seeing the old man Xuanhuang admit it, Zhou Qingyuan and Luo Sheng were both somewhat moved.

"During the time I spent in the Xuanhuang Realm, my understanding of the immortal realm has been increasing day by day. In fact, I already had many ideas, but there is no way to verify them.

Among them, I think the most promising method is to do subtraction."

Zhou Qingyuan raised his eyebrows. His ideas coincided with the other party's, but he had not figured out how to do it specifically.

It seems that this person can give him some advice?

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