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Chapter 284 Virtual World Dragon Butterfly

“The closer we become to the world and the world we live in, the more we become bound by limitations and eventually become part of the world.”

"How can we attain immortality if we rely on this world all the time?"

Old man Xuanhuang looked serious and explained to Zhou Qingyuan:

"Now it seems that the cosmic level is like a scam, tricking us into continuously strengthening our connection with heaven and earth and constantly stacking up energy.

In fact, if you want to achieve immortality, you must throw away all external connections and completely cut off the connection with this universe. "

While Zhou Qingyuan listened to what the veteran said, he was thinking about the way the other party existed at this time.

He had also had the experience of Hedao, but it was also a reverse Hedao, and the benefits were indeed considerable.

The more this happened, the more he understood the harshness of Hedao.

If you want to maintain yourself in Hedao, you must have the will of heaven and earth not awakened. How did this old man Xuanhuang do it?

Could it be that the other party has become a creature of the Xuanhuang Realm since the birth of the century? Is it possible that such a strong person might have had such an idea because he got into trouble with some kind of being and was framed?

Forget it, no matter what conspiracies and enemies stand in front of him, he will step into the realm of immortality.

This has become a top priority today.

Only by entering the realm of immortality can he be qualified to face all dangers.

He followed the old man's words and asked, "So, how can we cut off all contact?"

Xuanhuang Realm Tiandao showed a look of reminiscence on his face and said sadly:

“If you want to cut off the connection with the world and still maintain your own realm, relying on your own strength alone is not enough.

Legend has it that there is a void creature called a dragon butterfly. It has four horns at its head, a dragon head and an insect body, and four golden wings on its back. Its wings are covered with green beads. Each beads contains the past and present lives of hundreds of millions of people, and their connotations. Countless legal principles. "

“This is just a guess on my part.

After you find the dragon butterfly, keep the rosary that contains your past and present lives, leaving only the last bit of inspiration to sleep and deceive this world. Eventually, the body and soul will disappear, and the last mark will fade away. Only then will you be resurrected through the rosary, disconnecting all connections and proving Tao is immortal. "

"Is there such a creature in this world?"

Zhou Qingyuan's face showed a look of emotion, and he couldn't help but ask: "Where is this dragon butterfly moving? Is the void creature in the void world?"

"Yes, this kind of creature has no entity. It was born in a concept and evolved from countless virtual beasts. It is the absolute king in the void.

In fact, the truth behind the restart of the world is that the virtual world swallows everything, and then the dragon disk restarts the era. "

Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help but said at this time:

"The virtual world is just the intersection between the material world and the real world. Although virtual beasts are powerful, the virtual beasts I have seen have always been very limited in strength. How can I achieve the level you mentioned?

Why have I never seen it on weekdays? "

Old man Xuanhuang shook his head and explained:

"What you have come into contact with is just the corner of a feather. The more powerful the virtual beast is, the more restricted it is by the virtual realm and cannot leave. They can only affect a realm indirectly.

Even so, the impact was devastating. "

Old man Xuanhuang wanted to continue saying something, but suddenly saw the river of time reappearing, and said quickly:

"Time is running out. If you want to find Dragon Butterfly, you must enter the center of the virtual world. Be careful. Although you are already at the peak of creation level, the creatures in the virtual world can see through the past. What you rely on most is the law of time. the power of.

Don't let them pry into your past, don't let your past be affected by them, everything must go on the established track. "

After that, old man Xuanhuang took the initiative to wave Zhou Qingyuan away. When entering the time and space tunnel, Zhou Qingyuan vaguely heard Qi Xiaoxuan's voice again.

"I was deceived by you. Are you plotting against me with your little mouse?"

The voice full of hostility sounded, and even in the time and space tunnel, Zhou Qingyuan felt a lot of pressure.

Qi Xiaoxuan is the first person who can bring him such pressure.

After a year, Zhou Qingyuan returned to the [future] timeline and appeared in front of Luo Sheng's statue again.

Looking at the statue now, Zhou Qingyuan's mood was completely different.

What surprised Zhou Qingyuan was that the three old people were still waiting here, which made him happy.

After knowing the truth about the soul-purifying method, it was absolutely impossible for him to let the three of them practice the soul-purifying method again.

"Young friend Zhou, are you back? You've been away for a year, so you've experienced a lot?"

Faced with the sudden appearance of Zhou Qingyuan, the four old people's faces showed joy. They had been studying the method of killing three corpses for a year, and they had long been itchy. They just waited for Zhou Qingyuan to come back and had nothing else to share, so they started practicing immediately.

Zhou Qingyuan probably guessed what the three of them were thinking, sighed, and shared what he had seen and heard.

Just at the beginning, when Luo Sheng used the medium of crystals and statues to allow him to return to the past, the three of them were already surprised. They repeatedly lamented that Luo Sheng's attainments in the law of time were so high.

If they were in a relatively relaxed mood at this time, what Zhou Qingyuan said afterwards made them unable to laugh, and even made them anxious.

The first person who couldn't accept it was the old man in red who jumped up. He was so excited that his voice trembled, and he couldn't help but confirm to Zhou Qingyuan:

"Is the method of killing three corpses a lie? Is it a method created by a more powerful being to feed us? It can't help us reach the realm of immortality?"

Zhou Qingyuan was not displeased by the questioning, but frowned slightly. He felt that the red-clothed old man was not in a good state.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?" The red-clothed old man's words became more and more excited, and his voice became higher and higher. Finally, he roared at a very high decibel: "You are lying to me! I... I want to kill the three corpses! I want immortality!"

After saying that, he actually wanted to leave this place directly, as if he was going to practice the method of killing the three corpses alone.

Although the other two old men did not take action, their eyes flickered, and the green-clothed old man was even more eager to try, as if he wanted to leave like the red-clothed old man.

However, a barrier firmly appeared at the entrance, blocking everyone's way.

The red-clothed old man tried to break through, but to no avail, and suddenly became furious.

"What's the situation! Daoist Zhou, are you going to stop me from becoming a Taoist?"

Zhou Qingyuan sighed leisurely.

He would not care about the old man's attitude. On the contrary, he was sure that the previous clear light still had an impact on these people, but it might be because he got the book first, so the impact did not seem to be so strong.

But it still took root deep enough, like a poison in the tarsal bones, and the three ancients could not avoid it.

Zhou Qingyuan sighed and made a difficult decision.

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