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Chapter 285: Deep in the Void

"Sorry, my three Taoist friends."

After the words fell, the time law that became more powerful after the time travel came out of his body and turned into a golden light circle to circle this place.

Except for this light gate, the three old men could not go anywhere, and they could not kill San San Nian by practicing in vain.

Although this was suspected of restricting their freedom, the three old men had been sitting in the center of the universe for many years. Although this restriction was uncomfortable, it was not unbearable.

In any case, Zhou Qingyuan could not watch the three old men become food for Qi Xiaoxuan.

It was unknown what principle the clear light left by Qi Xiaoxuan was based on. He could not see any flaws in the souls of the three people, so he could only take this last resort.

"This golden circle will last for five hundred years. If I can't come back, I will have no time to care about your fate.

If I come back, don't worry, my three Taoist friends, no matter how much it costs, I will ensure that you will survive this era."

After saying that, Zhou Qingyuan left resolutely without looking at the expressions of the three old men.

Before heading to the virtual world, Zhou Qingyuan remembered that he had overlooked a place before.

In Tianshu Empire, Zhou Qingyuan's figure appeared out of thin air, and with another flash, he had appeared on the top of the tower, in front of the ten small black boxes.


Seeing Zhou Qingyuan suddenly appear in the room, the temporary duty No. 4 showed a shocked expression on his face, and immediately recalled who Zhou Qingyuan was.

It was nothing else. This person's talent and talent had left a deep impression on the ten of them, not to mention that the other party pointed out the limitations of their connected thoughts. Every time they thought of the other party escaping, the ten people felt that they had missed a great opportunity.

Now seeing Zhou Qingyuan suddenly appear, No. 4 was shocked and awakened everyone, and the reaction was roughly similar.

It seems that after hundreds of years, their thoughts have become more and more assimilated.

Zhou Qingyuan followed the anchor point in his memory and came here in two steps. In an instant, the surging divine thoughts broke through all the obstacles of the suppression laws and roamed here.

None of the people he left behind had any problems. Compared with before he left, the size of the Zhou clan has expanded more than ten times in hundreds of years.

"It seems that you still listened to what I said before I left. In that case, I won't hold you accountable for what you did to me before."

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan's figure disappeared, and the consciousness in the ten black boxes did not dare to make a sound. Only after confirming that the terrifying existence had left did they communicate cautiously, with fear in their hearts.

"Was that Zhou Qingyuan just now? It's only been a few hundred years, and he has become such a terrifying existence?!"

"I felt a strong law power, far above you and me. What did he get?"

"Damn it! We really shouldn't have let him escape at the beginning. Maybe we should have invested in this person decisively. Maybe there is a solution for you and me in this ghostly state now."

The regret flashed through everyone's mind, and they became more and more convinced of Zhou Qingyuan's judgment on them hundreds of years ago, and began to despair of their own path.

After all, if immortality is hopeless, what is the point of their sacrifice? Now they are no longer strictly speaking, they can no longer maintain their self.

Their desires and thoughts were all influenced by the other nine people. If they could not achieve immortality, what was the difference between living and dying as individuals?

Although everyone felt that Zhou Qingyuan's words made some sense, they could still deny it in their hearts. Now that the other party has become such a strong man in less than 800 years, doesn't it further prove the error of everyone's path?

Even if they want to deceive themselves, they can't do it.

Of course, Zhou Qingyuan doesn't care about their thoughts at all.

Before setting out to the center of the virtual world to find the Void Dragon Butterfly, he realized that he cared too much about the dead and ignored those who were still alive.

Returning to the realms he had stayed in, even if he was no longer in those places, legends about him were still circulating everywhere.

This made Zhou Qingyuan feel a little relieved, but also a little headache.

He was so closely connected with these realms, could he really do the reduction and seek emptiness?

After meeting with some of the remaining close people in private, Zhou Qingyuan settled everything and went to the Great Zhou Dynasty to take a look. He strengthened the time power on it to ensure that even if he had an accident, it could still operate safely.

If the warriors of the Great Zhou Dynasty wanted to go out to explore one day, he had already made instructions to the people in the Xiuxian and Changsheng worlds. Before those people knew that he was completely dead, they would not dare to act rashly.

After settling everything, Zhou Qingyuan's face became solemn and he came to Yunhaitian.

This place was once threatened by the invasion of virtual beasts. Later, under his cleansing, most of the areas had been swept away, leaving only a small part as a training place for Yunhaitian Nianists.

Zhou Qingyuan decided to enter the virtual world from this place and explore this world bit by bit.

Previously, time was urgent, and the old man Xuanhuang had no time to tell him too much. Now he can only rely on himself to explore.

As for asking other people's experience, it is actually meaningless. If they want to go deep into the virtual world, they are not capable enough, so naturally they can't understand it.

In the deep and solemn sea of ​​clouds, Zhou Qingyuan walked alone.

Although he didn't know whether there was a concept of kinship between virtual beasts, he treated himself as a guest who disturbed him rashly this time, and never killed the virtual beasts again.

At the beginning, Zhou Qingyuan encountered virtual beasts with specific shapes, which were easy to deal with.

As time went on, something seemed to be wrong.

In the virtual world, the rules have changed a little. Without a fixed anchor point, he can't shrink the ground into an inch, and can only walk step by step towards the strong band sensed by his soul.

The most important thing is that from the second half of his deep into the virtual world, there were constant strange whispers in the darkness, accompanied by strange snickers.

Although Zhou Qingyuan's soul was open, he felt a sense of nothingness inside.

'Hidden in another world?'

He felt as if there was a barrier between him and those virtual beasts, like a thick barrier, and he couldn't really feel the environment they were in.

This has nothing to do with the level of realm, it's purely because they have lived in this world for a long time, and this environment is beneficial to their own specialties, so this effect has occurred.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't have no means of counterattack, but he thought that he would ask the King of the Void for help later, so his attitude was a little softened.

However, he was more or less impatient.

The dragon butterfly in the void must have noticed his existence a long time ago.

Now, are you testing me?

Listening to the constant sounds of ghosts and monsters around him, as well as the vague touch of virtual creatures, Zhou Qingyuan's eyes showed a scarlet color, and he said lightly:

"Do you really think that I have no means to deal with you?"

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