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Chapter 286 Too smooth?

Ask, how to overcome the inherent disadvantages in the opponent's favorable territory?

The answer is simple.

Zhou Qingyuan doesn't even need any violent confrontation, he just needs to analyze, transform, and then become the same existence as the other party.

After Zhou Qingyuan decided to do this, powerful spiritual thoughts flowed into the virtual world like streams of water, and his body began to transform from real to virtual, transforming in line with the rules of the virtual world.

But how terrifying would it be for a strong man at the pinnacle of the Creation Realm who has mastered the Time Dao Fruit to transform into an existence like a creature in the virtual world?

There were waves of fluctuations in the space, and then there was a huge movement under the powerful energy conversion. In the silent distortion of the space, a dark shadow emerged, as if a terrifying giant beast was about to wake up.

Zhou Qingyuan's body surface gradually transformed from a clear light with a faint Taoist rhyme to an ominous shadow. Most of the virtual world was trembling while a frenzied will was singing in celebration.

Celebrate the birth of a new challenger who can challenge the King of the Void!

And those surrounding imaginary beasts that once tried to tease and seize the body of the strong will experience his wrath.

But at this moment, a powerful ripple came from the depths of the void. The power of this ripple was transmitted to Zhou Qingyuan's body, bringing a message.

[Please stop, young Taoist Lord. Due to the inconvenience, please forgive me that I can only wait for you in the deepest part of the void]

At the same time, a beacon

Is it because of the inconvenience?

Zhou Qingyuan raised his brows and was noncommittal about this statement. The transformation in his body stopped leisurely and he looked back.

For him who has mastered the path of time, even this irreversible change is still just a trivial matter in the face of the change of time.

Now that the overlord of the virtual world no longer pretends to be dead, Zhou Qingyuan will give him this face, and he will not be prepared to cause trouble.

But looking at the retreating crowd of indescribable creatures, a new idea came to his mind.

If the trip to the virtual world does not go smoothly later, he does not necessarily have to ask for help from the Void Dragon Butterfly. He can transform into a virtual beast on his own, and he may gain something by finding another way.

With a little more hope for the future, Zhou Qingyuan became more confident. After he showed his previous tricks, the other virtual beasts finally became solid and no longer tried to influence him from other dimensions.

After all, this person seems to really intend to educate them by becoming the same kind as them.

Although the virtual world is not a higher dimension, it provides them with extra safety and convenience.

But if Zhou Qingyuan can switch to the same dimension as them, they will have no advantage at all, let alone gain anything.

From then on, nothing unpleasant touched Zhou Qingyuan's brow along the way.

After all, his aura spread very far before, and there was a beacon given by the Void Dragon Butterfly. In the second half of the virtual world, the little brother who had no vision was indeed almost dead.

With the beacon as a guide, Zhou Qingyuan followed the beacon and moved forward quickly. He felt the pressure on him in the void getting stronger and stronger, and his perception was constantly being compressed.

There was a suppressed movement in the void again, as if a giant object was crossing the dark barrier, causing ripples. If someone with a phobia of the deep sea was here, they would probably be unable to breathe.

Zhou Qingyuan felt all this with cold eyes, holding back the power of the Law of Time, and was already ready to take action.

After advancing a little further, the pressure around him became even greater. Zhou Qingyuan suddenly heard a strange roar. The huge golden wings opened and closed up and down. Zhou Qingyuan saw the densely patterned mucosa on it, dotted with countless tiny white bubbles. It looks breathtaking and magnificent.

Each bubble represents a person's past and present lives, clearly displayed in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

Looking down, the huge four-winged dragon butterfly sank to the bottom of the black void. Only the two wings above the huge body were still swinging up and down.

"I can only greet you with this attitude to make fellow Taoists laugh."

Amidst the roar of the dragon, Zhou Qingyuan understood the meaning of Long Die. He had no intention of exploring Long Die's situation. What he cared more about was that the other party seemed to know his purpose.

"Do you know the purpose of my visit this time?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Long Die with a calm expression and expressed doubts.

"It's more or less a feeling. After all, Taoist friends have seen it. I have carried the lives of too many people, and maybe some characteristics have been born in the dark.

Fellow Taoist, you want your own rosary, right? "

The old voice sounded, carrying the weight of history.

There was a look of surprise on Zhou Qingyuan's face. Logically speaking, his fate could not be spied on. The ability of this virtual world creature made him more and more curious.

“So, if I were to take away my own rosary, what would it cost me?”

"Ho ho ho ho, Taoist fellow Taoist, you are so happy," one of Dragon Butterfly's wings suddenly bent, and a large piece of white bubbles fell in front of Zhou Qingyuan's eyes as it moved, among which

The old voice sounded, but it contained endless longing.

"I hope fellow Taoists can take me away from this place and the virtual world one day."

"Are you sure I can take you out after I prove immortality?"

"Hey, I don't know, but it's just an investment. Although I have to pay a lot of money, what does it matter if I'm like this now?"

When Longdie heard what Zhou Qingyuan said, she became even more convinced of him. On the bright golden wings, a small white bubble suddenly swelled and fell, gradually expanding in the air and turning into a glazed jade bead, quietly Floating in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

"I have been integrated into this world for too long and I am too powerful. Now I can't break the connection with this world. I even have a symbiotic relationship with it. If not, my body would not become like this.

I don't even know how to get rid of this situation. Everything depends on you, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Qingyuan's expression moved, and he took the initiative to ask:

"Besides me, has anyone else arrived here before and asked you for the rosary?"

Long Die heard the words, and the color of memories flowed through his big eyes. He said lightly:

"There is such a person, who seems to be from some Xuanhuang world? A guy named Qin Duomo."

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's intention, Long Die also recalled for a while and gave more information.

"That guy cheated me, maybe not? I felt that he did use my rosary, but he did not succeed in advancing to the next realm."

Speaking of this, Long Die suddenly paused, but Zhou Qingyuan had already pointed out the hidden information:

"So, how did you know about his situation? Is there a back-up plan in your rosary?"


Long Die was silent for a moment, and then said embarrassedly: "Daoyou, although I can't move in the virtual world, it doesn't mean that I don't have the means to observe the outside world. Are you a little sensitive?"

Zhou Qingyuan reached out and took off the rosary floating in front of him, and put it in his pocket for the time being.

"If this bead can really help me prove immortality, I will do what you ask for you."

Before leaving, Zhou Qingyuan gave Long Die a meaningful look.

Until he confirmed that Zhou Qingyuan had left, Long Die breathed a sigh of relief, and the two golden compound eyes on his face, which looked like a flying insect, showed a mocking meaning.

'A guy with such a young soul fluctuation and who has not lived for a thousand years is worthy of threatening me? '

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