Ye Tian came out of the long river of gray mist, and those legendary lords were dumbfounded when they saw that Ye Tian’s replicating body had not fallen.

“Oh my God, the doppelganger of the Endless Lord actually stayed in the long river of gray mist and did not fall, how did he do it?”

“The Gray Mist River will continue to attack us, if there is a defect in the will, or the will is not strong enough, it will not be able to stay long, once the injury is too heavy, it will not be able to break free from the Gray Mist River, and the strength of the Endless Lord is the Legendary Lord. How could he have stayed for such a long time? ”

“I guess the Endless Lord should have a treasure that will allow him to avoid the invasion of the Gray Mist River, right? ~”

“Since the Endless Lord is not afraid of the Gray Mist River, then why did he stay in the Gray Mist River for so long before coming out? -”

The legendary lords present were not stupid, and soon – guessed the reason.


The Gray Mist Long River can assist cultivation, quench the will, and even make up for the defects, which is the real reason why Ye Tian stays in the Gray Mist Long River.

Many legendary lords have guessed the reason. But they didn’t dare to go down, without him, just because they couldn’t stay in the gray mist for a long time, and they couldn’t have the effect of cultivation at all.

However, some Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords flew into the Gray Mist River, and they were sure to stay for a long time. As long as you can’t hold on any longer, there is no problem in breaking out of the gray mist.

More importantly, their willpower has long been enough, but there are flaws.

And it is too difficult to make up for the defects, now knowing that this long river of gray mist may help them temper their will to make up for the defects, even if the price is great, they have to try, as long as they make up for the defects, they can pass through the long river of gray mist, and they can also obtain another amazing treasure or chance.


Soon, Ye Tian passed through the long river of gray mist.

At this time, a treasure fell into Ye Tian’s hands.

Here is a picture.

Ye Tian took a brief look, and his consciousness quickly immersed in.

In this picture, Ye Tian saw the fusion of all things, saw the fusion of will and innate eternal rules, and the fusion of will and innate eternal rules into the field of will rules. And the field of rules of will continues to grow, turning into a world of rules of will…

“This is…”

Ye Tian was shocked, and a small picture perfectly displayed the cultivation between the Legendary Lord of the Perfection Realm to the Legendary Lord of the Realm Realm, and even to the Legendary Lord of the Transcendent Realm.

What a realm of things that can be done!

It can be said that such a map is simply too high, even if it is really unholy, it is impossible to take such a treasure map

“Could it be that everyone has such a treasure?”

Ye Tian said suspiciously.

In fact, other people’s treasures were not as precious as his picture at all, and the blade had such an amazing reward because he had broken through the gray mist with the cultivation of the legendary lord of the Perfection Realm.

Ye Tian was very excited.

With this diagram, it would not be difficult for him to step into the Realm Legendary Lord, and even the cultivation of the Realm Legendary Lord Realm would be smooth all the way.

This picture alone is too valuable

In order to prevent his replica body from falling in the next level, Ye Tian condensed another replica body to carry this picture and did not go to the next level, while this replica body continued to move forward.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the position of the next level.

Here, he saw several Realm Legendary Lords, some Transcendent Realm Lords, and several Half-Step Legendary Realm Lords, but the Frostless Lord was not here, and it was obvious that the Frostless Lord had passed this level.

This level is a sea of fire, a gray sea of fire.

After questioning, Ye Tian knew the situation of this level.

Here is called the gray fog fire sea, must pass through the gray fog fire sea can be counted as passing, and the gray fog fire sea is aimed at the body, the body is not strong enough, once into the gray mist fire sea, the body will be burned to ashes, almost instantaneous.

Before, the bodies of the three Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords had been burned to ashes, and they couldn’t heal, even if they fell here, even if they were doppelgangers, the loss was not small.

Even the body of the Transcendent Realm Legendary Lord could not carry the gray mist and fire sea, and the Realm Legendary Lord was even more hopeful.

“I’m afraid it’s sad at this level!”

Ye Tian frowned.

Of course, he will not give up.

On the other side, Ye Tian’s replicating body was fully engaged in cultivation with the help of that diagram, striving to raise his cultivation to the level of a realm legendary lord as soon as possible.

Two ordinary Eternal Dao Dao, coupled with the Gray Mist Eternal Dao of entry, the will has also reached the fifth order, and Ye Tian is actually qualified to impact the realm of the legendary lord of the realm realm, provided that he can condense the realm of the rules of will.

And from the Legendary Lord of the Perfection Realm to the Realm of Condensing Will Rules, this process is very long.

Without the assistance of that diagram, Ye Tian would need at least tens of millions of eternal years, or even longer, to condense the realm of the rules of will.

But now that treasure map, Ye Tian was sure that within a hundred thousand eternal years, he would condense the field of will rules.

“Don’t break through this third level first, focus on cultivation, impact the domain realm legendary lord, only by breaking through to the domain realm legendary lord, my body will usher in another qualitative change, and only then can I hope to break through the gray mist and fire sea.” Ye Tian said darkly.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, 100,000 eternal years passed.


In such a long time, none of the legendary lords who were stopped before broke through, and they were still entangled here.

At this time, Ye Tian had already fused the will and the innate eternal rules to a certain extent in vitro, about to condense the field of will rules.

This day.


A terrifying force of will rules spread from Ye Tian’s body, spreading to the surrounding endless realm, and gradually forming a realm.

In this realm of will rules, Ye Tian could make the rules dissipate with one thought, and let heaven and earth be reborn with one thought.

In the realm of rules of will, a lack of heaven and earth began to be born, and some uninhabited heavens and earth turned into ashes under Ye Tian’s thoughts.

Time and space have stopped, and the source sea has stopped running

This is the power of the field of rules of will!

Not only that, Ye Tian’s body also began to transform, and endless Origin Sea Origin Energy poured into his body, helping him to promote his body to truly complete its transformation.

At this time, Ye Tian’s body was transforming, and the other five replicating bodies were also breaking through the transformation.

Gray mist before the sea of fire.

Those Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords and several half-step Legendary Realm Legendary Lords all looked at Ye Tian with some surprise.

“I remember that it didn’t take long for the Endless Lord to join the True Holy Land, he was just a Initial Realm Legendary Lord at the beginning, and he was promoted to the Realm Legendary Lord in such a short time?”

Such a cultivation speed is too enchanting, and it completely breaks their cognition nine. _

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