After a long time, Ye Tian completed his transformation and stabilized his realm.

At this time, Ye Tian was already a true realm legendary lord, although in the realm, there was still some gap with those top realm realm legendary lords, let alone compare with the transcendent realm legendary lord, but he had narrowed the gap with them.

Other than that.

Ye Tian’s true strength is probably comparable to the top realm legendary lord, second only to the transcendent realm legendary lord.

However, even several half-step Legendary Realm Lords were stopped by the Gray Mist Sea of Fire, and it was still very difficult to pass this level.

But if he broke through the sea of gray mist and fire with the cultivation of a realm legendary lord, the reward he would get would be very amazing.

At this time, a half-step Legend Realm leader had broken into the sea of gray mist and fire, and Ye Tian could just observe it.

“One One Seven” This half-step Legendary Realm Lord is a Wumei Lord of the True Holy Land, and his reputation is slightly weaker than that of the Frostless Lord, and now it seems that his strength should be much worse, but he is still a half-step Legend Realm Lord, far beyond Ye Tian’s existence.

But these levels in the gray mist stone statue are sometimes not strong enough to break through, such as Ye Tian’s strength is not as good as the Transcendent Realm Legendary Lord, and he came here, and some Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords have not yet broken through the Gray Mist River

Therefore, strength is only a part, and the foundation is perfect and there are no flaws, which is the key to easily breaking through the level.


Lord Umon stepped into the sea of gray mist and fire, and endless flame power invaded the inside of Lord Umeng’s body, burning his body.

Ye Tian really saw that the flame power was not a real flame, but a special force inside the flame, this power could disintegrate the Eternal Force, if the physical body was not strong enough, the Eternal Force was disintegrated, and the physical body would collapse directly.

Soon, Lord Umon walked to the gray mist and sea of fire, but there were also a slight crack in his body, which were difficult to repair, but the problem was not too big.

After another while, the Lord of Umon finally reached the end of the gray mist and fire sea, but the cracks on his body were already dense.

However, the Lord of Umon eventually walked through the sea of gray mist and fire.

Subsequently, several other half-step Legendary Realm Lords also tried to cross the Gray Mist and Fire Sea, and they all broke through at the cost of serious injuries.

After all, these half-step Legendary Realm lords are only a little short of breaking through, and they have been perfecting their bodies over the years, and if they can’t pass it, it proves that their talent is too hot.

However, if they can become a half-step Legend Realm Lord, they don’t have the talent for spicy chickens, so it is inevitable that they will pass through the sea of gray mist and fire.

As these half-step Legendary Realm Lords passed through the Gray Mist and Fire Sea, the only ones left were the Transcendent Realm Lords present and a few Realm Legend Lords.

The gray mist and fire sea is not like the gray mist river. It was difficult to get out, so Ye Tian was ready to give it a try.

After all, no matter how you observe others breaking into the sea of gray fog and fire, it is not as profound as the understanding of your own experiment.


Ye Tian stepped into the sea of gray mist and fire, endless flames poured into his body, it was useless to let him defend it, even if it was a gray mist armor, it was useless in the face of such a force invasion.

This force is aimed at the body itself, and no defense or treasure can stop it.

Of course, if the strength is strong enough, such as the legendary lord of the legendary realm, it may be able to block these flames.

Soon, Ye Tian withdrew from the sea of gray mist and fire

After this personal test and watching several half-step Legendary Realm Lords cross the Gray Mist and Fire Sea before, Ye Tian generally understood some of the situation of the Gray Mist and Fire Sea.

The gray mist and fire sea test the basic strength of the body, such as the same transcendent realm legendary lord, the body looks the same, the eternal force seems to be the same, but some transcendent realm legendary lords have a stronger body foundation, because the eternal particles formed after the fusion of will, body, and innate eternal rules are different, if the eternal particles in the body of a transcendent realm legendary lord are not strong, it is easy to be disintegrated by the gray mist and fire sea, resulting in the collapse of the body.

At this time, you can be considered strong. It is also of little use.

And just now, Ye Tian felt that his body was about to collapse, and the eternal particles in his body as a whole were not too strong.

Perhaps his cultivation has reached the Transcendent Realm Legendary Lord and can cross the Gray Mist and Fire Sea, but now he is only the Realm Legendary Lord, so he cannot cross the Gray Mist and Fire Sea, but he can hold on to the Gray Mist and Fire Sea for a few breaths 0…

“I want to go from a Realm Legendary Lord to a Transcendent Realm Legendary Lord, I’m afraid it will take a long time. The birth of the gray mist stone statue is not permanent for people to cultivate here. At that time, even if the hundred lives of the gray mist stone statue are forcibly not leaving, they will be forcibly kicked out by the gray mist stone statue, so I can’t wait for the day when I break through the legendary lord of the Transcendent Realm, and I must change my eternal particle structure, only this way works! @Ye Tian thought to himself.

It is difficult to change the structure of its own eternal particles.

Because the legendary lord of the realm, his own body and will, innate eternal rules have completely fused, forming a new eternal body, the eternal force is all over the body, and the eternal particles are completely stable, and it is difficult to change the body structure.

However, it is not impossible to change, otherwise the meaning of this level would not exist.

Most legendary lords can only make local changes, such as changing the arrangement of the internal body of the eternal particles, but when it comes to the realm of the legendary lord realm, the arrangement of the eternal particles in the body is almost perfect, and it is not very helpful to change to the most perfect degree.

This is also the reason why many Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords have been stopped all the time, not knowing what to do.

If you want to completely change this situation, you can only completely change the eternal particle structure of the body, and the consequences of 0.9 doing this are very serious, if you are not careful, the body will completely collapse and fall directly, just like in the gray fog and fire sea.

But once successful, it will directly usher in a real transformation of strength, and the body will become extremely strong, and even the power of the gray mist and sea of fire is difficult to shake.

The others did not dare to take the second step, but Ye Tian dared to go.

“Then test it with other replica bodies!”

Ye Tian decided.

Subsequently, he began to use the replica body to test, changing his particle structure from the root, and combining it into the most perfect particle structure, rather than randomly combining. Otherwise, there is no point in changing the structure.

It can only be changed for the better, not for the worse.

In this way, 300,000 eternal years passed 100 million_

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