Time passed, and Ye Tian searched many places in the Extreme Dao Source Sea with the body of the Void Sparrow.

I have to say that the Extreme Dao Source Sea is really huge, and there are many resources here, Ye Tian kept searching, and indeed found some good resources, all of which were resources that the Extreme Dao creatures missed or couldn’t look at or didn’t know, and he took them away one by one.

It is a pity that the extreme treasure that can transform the will has still not been found.

“How big is the Polar Dao Source Sea? Why don’t you keep shuttling! ”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

So, he kept shuttling, wanting to shuttle to the end of the Polar Source Sea.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian suddenly found that from the deepest area of the Extreme Dao Source Sea, the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, as if there was a force in the underworld that prevented him from continuing to advance.

However, Ye Tian’s strength was not weak, so he could still continue to move forward.

Finally, on this day, Ye Tian sensed a large number of extreme creatures.

“A lot of extreme creatures!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Before, many of the extreme creatures he saw were alone, although there were also polar creature groups, but the number was also very small.

This time, he sensed a large number of extreme creatures.

“Little one, this is not where you can come!”

A voice came into Ye Tian’s ears.

The next moment, an extreme creature appeared in front of Ye Tian.

“What a terrifying breath, it feels even more terrifying than the Lord of Time!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

The Void Sparrow’s replicating body also carries the mark of the Replication Talent, so the talent of this extreme creature can be observed.

This polar creature is called the Great Sun King Monkey, and its appearance is a fiery red monkey, which is not too large among the polar creatures, but its body has four perfection-level ancestral endowments.

Of course, this Great Sun King Monkey does not have an Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment, and in terms of potential, it is definitely not as good as the Void Sparrow, but the people have grown up, and the strength is terrifying.

Moreover, the other party did not hide the extreme power in his body in the slightest.

The Pole of Fire!

The ultimate in power!

Golden Pole Road!

Dark Extreme!

He has mastered a total of four polar powers.

“Among the super-perfect masters, there are very few existences who have mastered the four polar paths.”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Moreover, the four polar paths of this Great Sun King Monkey have not just been realized, and the realm is much higher than his polar paths.

“Why can’t I come here?”

Ye Tian asked in a milky voice.

After all, his current identity is a Void Sparrow, and it is a Void Sparrow that has just been bred for a short time, naturally he can’t show his stuffing, and it’s right to keep looking like he doesn’t understand anything.

“Little fellow, you were not long ago conceived in the Extreme Dao Source Sea, and there is no ethnic group, you don’t even know here. This is the entrance to the Extreme Deep Sea, and without the strength of the perfect controller of the three realms, you can’t enter the Extreme Deep Sea! Although every billion eternal years, some places will be opened here, but you are too weak to give you a place. Also, this is not a safe zone. There are rules in the Polar Source Sea, and Extreme Dao creatures are not allowed to do anything with each other, so you can grow safely. But there are no rules here, and anyone can do anything to you. You little guy has no backers, be careful of being swallowed by other polar creatures! The Great Sun King Monkey reminded.

“Polar creatures in the Polar Dao Source Sea can’t do anything to each other?”

Ye Tian then understood that it was not that the polar creatures were very kind to each other, but there was a rule, and other extreme creatures did not dare to violate it.

However, when you come here, you don’t need to follow that rule.

But what is the extreme deep sea, he has heard of it for the first time.

“What are the benefits of entering the Extreme Deep Sea?”

Ye Tian asked ignorantly.

The Great Sun King Monkey seemed to have stayed here for a long time, a little bored, and his temperament was also good, but he did not dislike Ye Tian’s annoyance, so he explained: “King Ben will tell you, the Extreme Deep Sea is a sacred place for our Extreme Dao creatures.” As for the Polar Dao Source Sea, it is just a special space-time area built by the great figures of the Extreme Deep Sea to cultivate their juniors. The deep sea contains countless precious treasures, and only when we enter there can we continue to grow. Moreover, in the Extreme Dao Source Sea, the rules here are not perfect, and there is no way to be promoted to the perfect controller of the three realms. ”

Extreme Dao creatures, like cultivators, have reached the level of super-perfect masters, and most of them also have to practice, and they also have to master the power of Extreme Dao and feel the power of Extreme Dao.

The extreme creatures that can truly rely on the bloodline to step into the perfect controller of the void realm are almost legendary, too rare.

“What’s that?”

Ye Tian looked at the incomparably huge portal.

“That is the Gate of the Extreme Dao, and it is also an opportunity, if you pass directly through the Gate of the Extreme Dao, even if your cultivation is very low, you can directly enter the Extreme Path Deep Sea. Otherwise, we must honestly stay around here and attack the perfect controller of the void realm. Only in this vicinity can the rules of the pole be perfected and there is hope for a breakthrough. After the breakthrough, you can go to the extreme deep sea. If you can’t break through, wait for the opportunity, after all, every billion eternal years, a place will be born, and all extreme creatures are waiting for that place, so everyone is in competition. The Great Sun King Monkey explained.

“The Gate of the Extreme Dao, can I enter?”

Ye Tian asked.

“What are you doing when you enter the Gate of the Extreme Dao?” The Great Sun King Monkey admonished: “Your cultivation is too low, and the Gate of Extreme Dao can only enter a total of three times, don’t waste the opportunity.” ”

“What is the benefit of the Gate of Extreme Dao?”

Ye Tian asked.

Subsequently, the Great Sun King Monkey also said.

It turns out that the Gate of the Extreme Path is a test, and at the same time, it is also a Extreme Dao treasure.

After entering the gate of the extreme path, you must protect yourself with the power of the extreme path, otherwise you will not be able to walk the golden road of the extreme path at all.

The Polar Golden Road is divided into steps, and if you walk up a thousand steps, you can enjoy the golden light of the Polar Road.

Extreme Golden Light is one of the most coveted opportunities for these Extreme Dao creatures, if they accept Extreme Golden Light, they can temper their will, let their will transform, and increase the chance of breaking through to the perfect master of the Void Realm.

However, it is too difficult to climb the thousandth step!

And each extreme creature can only go up three times, if you enter when you are weak, wouldn’t it be a waste of opportunity.

Even the Great Sun King Monkey has only been there twice so far, and the third chance has not been used.

“Extreme Dao Golden Light can quench will, if I accept Extreme Dao Golden Light, is there any hope of raising the half-step Perfect Will of the Extreme Realm to the level of Extreme Dao Will?”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

This possibility is there, so this is also an opportunity for him.

So, he prepared to enter the Gate of the Extreme Dao.

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