“Great Sun King Monkey senior, I’m going to try it at the Gate of the Extreme Dao!”

Ye Tian said.

“You’re going to the Gate of the Extreme? As I just said, you are wasting an opportunity to go now! The Great Sun King Monkey said.

“I’ll try, anyway, three chances!”

Ye Tiandao.

“Stupid!” The Great Sun King Monkey was very angry and felt that Ye Tian was too stupid.

However, Ye Tian really wanted to enter the Gate of the Extreme Dao, and he couldn’t dissuade him.


Ye Tianzhen shuttled towards the Gate of the Extreme Dao.

At this moment, many super-level perfect masters of extreme creatures looked at Ye Tian one after another.

However, there are no extreme creatures to make a move on Ye Tian, probably afraid of the Great Sun King Monkey, after all, Ye Tian has just communicated with the Great Sun King Monkey, who knows if he will offend the Great Sun King Monkey because of this?


Ye Tian came to the Gate of the Extreme Path in an instant, and then entered the Gate of the Extreme Dao.



The pressure of the Extreme Dao struck, and Ye Tian instantly released the power of the Extreme Dao to protect his whole body.

At this time, he saw a golden road that spread to the depths of time and space where he didn’t know it.

“This is the Golden Road of the Extreme Dao, with my Extreme Dao attainments, I should be able to step into the thousandth step!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

The time and space in which each Extreme Dao creature came should be different, so Ye Tian did not see any Extreme Dao creatures, so he would not be spied on by other Extreme Dao creatures.


Ye Tian stepped into the first step of the Extreme Path Golden Road, saying that it was a step, but it was actually a huge platform, enough to accommodate any Extreme Dao creature.

Ye Tian protected himself with the extreme path of the sword, and when he reached the sixty-third step, he was a little struggling.

After all, his Sword Extreme Dao has only just come to his senses, and he is very weak, and he can’t go far just by relying on the Sword Extreme Dao.

“It seems that those extreme creatures have almost no hope of breaking into the thousandth step!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

So, he once again cast a kind of polar path-space polar path.

After supporting himself with the Sword Pole Dao and the Space Pole Dao, Ye Tian walked some more steps.

Next, every time he walked up a step, Ye Tian blessed more extreme power.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian gradually stepped into the hundredth step, the second hundredth step, the third hundredth step…

Unconsciously, Ye Tian was very close to the thousandth step.

“In this way, it seems that it is no problem for me to step into the thousandth step, and even the second thousandth step is not a big problem!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Soon, he finally reached the position of the thousandth step.

At this time, a large amount of extreme golden light surged and entered Ye Tian’s body, beginning to temper his will.


Ye Tian’s will was quickly quenched and improved, and the Extreme Golden Light not only improved the quantity, but also improved the quality.

“Oh my God, the effect of the golden light of the Extreme Path is much better than the liquid of Qingzero, who arranged the Gate of the Extreme Dao?” Ye Tian was curious.

He felt that the Lord of Canggu could not arrange such an Extreme Golden Road, because the Lord of Canggu did not have this kind of Extreme Golden Light!

At this moment, Ye Tian really felt that the Extreme Deep Sea behind the Polar Source Sea was not simple.

“The Lord of Canggu should know about the Extreme Deep Sea, but I can’t ask either, after all, with my strength, it is impossible to contact the Extreme Deep Sea, there is no way to explain it!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian’s will gradually improved, and the speed of improvement was too fast.

The will of the Void Sparrow has increased, which means that the will of other replicating bodies has also improved.

This time, there were not many Extreme Dao golden rays, but the effect was too good, and Ye Tian slowly refined these Extreme Dao golden rays.

And outside, many extreme creatures were shocked.

Because there was a special golden light fluctuation in the Gate of the Extreme Dao, which meant that a Polar Path creature had stepped into the thousandth step and obtained the Golden Light of the Extreme Dao.

“Who stepped into the thousandth step of the Extreme Golden Road?”

Many polar creatures wondered.

In their cognition, those extreme creatures who entered the Gate of the Extreme Path should have no hope of stepping into the thousandth step!

The Great Sun King Monkey was also puzzled, it stands to reason that no extreme creature should break into the thousandth step!

Suddenly, he thought of Ye Tian.

“It’s impossible, the other party’s strength is so weak, how can it be possible to step into the thousandth step, could it be that a certain extreme creature has recently had a big opportunity, the extreme realm has risen sharply, deliberately hiding its strength?”

The Great Sun King Monkey guessed.

This is very likely, but it is not clear who it is.

Because if the other party really stepped into the thousandth step, he was not an opponent, where would he dare to offend the other party!

It can be said that no extreme creature doubts Ye Tian, because Ye Tian is too weak.


Time passed slowly, and after a long time, Ye Tian completely refined the Extreme Dao Golden Light, and both the quantity and quality of his will were greatly improved.

However, with these Extreme Golden Rays alone, there was still no way to completely transform his will into Extreme Dao Will.

It is too difficult and difficult to transform the will into the will of the Extreme Dao, and too many of these Extreme Dao treasures are needed.

“Keep going!”

Ye Tian muttered.


Ye Tian continued to move forward, stepping through layer after layer of steps, working towards the two thousand steps.

Gradually, Ye Tian’s body was densely covered with all kinds of polar powers, and the power of the Extreme Dao Golden Road constantly collided with Ye Tian’s polar power, and the polar power continued to annihilate.

It took a while for Ye Tian to finally step into the two thousand steps.

At this time, the Extreme Path Gate in the outside world once again appeared golden light fluctuations.

“Another Extreme Dao creature has stepped into the thousandth step?”

“Of course, it is also possible that some extreme creature stepped into the second thousand steps in one go!”

“It is impossible for an extreme creature to step into two thousand steps, if there really is such a polar creature, it would have been selected to leave the Extreme Source Sea and enter the Extreme Deep Sea last time, and it is impossible to stay here. This is a prison, who wants to stay here? ”

“It’s a bit too much to say that the prison is a bit too much, this is also our birthplace, if it weren’t here, we wouldn’t be born!”

“Hmph, in my opinion, it is a prison, and it restricts us and prevents us from fighting!”

“That’s also to ensure that weak polar creatures can grow safely.”

“Then why not restrict those Super Perfect Master cultivators?”

“It is said that it is an agreement between the perfect masters of the extreme realm, and we are not qualified to care!”

This time, no one doubted Ye Tian, and even the Great Sun King Monkey did not have this thought in his mind, because this was something that could not exist.

However, this time it was still Ye Tian’s movement!

On the two thousand steps, Ye Tian once again received the Extreme Dao Golden Light, and the amount of Extreme Dao Golden Light was several times that of before.

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