At this time, Ye Tian was inscribed with the thirty-sixth black text.

Once the inscription was completed, he could continue to condense the layers of the Will Pagoda.


Black text inscription complete.

At this time, the thirty-six-layer Will Pagoda released a black light, and the aura began to transform, as if the entire Will Pagoda was about to transform.


An incomparably pure energy merged into the entire Extreme Dao Will from the void inside the Will Pagoda.

“Will feed!”

Ye Tianming realized.

Obviously, after all the thirty-six layers of the Will Pagoda were inscribed with the Extreme Extreme Dao, a metamorphosis occurred, resulting in an energy deriving from within the Will Pagoda, so that his overall Extreme Dao Will began to improve, and the extent of improvement was not low.

This is equivalent to getting a part of the will of the Extreme Dao, and the will of the Extreme Dao is more condensed and powerful, which is also a benefit.

Soon, the will feeding is over, the overall amount is not much, but the quality has improved, this is the key!

“Okay, you can continue to condense the will pagoda!”

Ye Tian began to condense the will pagoda step by step.

Thirty-seven floors!

Thirty-eight floors!

Thirty-nine floors!


When Ye Tian condensed to the seventy-second layer, he could no longer continue to condense the Will Pagoda.

“The seventy-two layers are also a bottleneck, and the seventy-two layers of the will pagoda must be condensed to the extreme extreme.”

Ye Tian muttered.

And he has only now comprehended the thirty-six extreme polar paths, and it will take a long time before he can comprehend the remaining thirty-six extreme polar paths one by one.

“It is a waste of time to comprehend the Extreme Extreme Dao, and it is too time-consuming to copy a treasure that contains the power of the Extreme Extreme Dao, and slowly comprehend it. Last time, I obtained a lot of treasures containing the Extreme Extreme Dao from the Void God Domain, use them directly, and then use the treasures of the Voidless Heavenly Gate that are specially helpful for comprehending the Extreme Extreme Dao, which can save a lot of time! Ye Tian said darkly.


Ye Tian began to frantically refine those treasures that contained the Extreme Extreme Dao, and his Extreme Dao Ancestor had many endowments, so the absorption effect was better.

According to his current comprehension at any cost, every ten Origin Domain Epochs, he could probably comprehend an extreme path.

This kind of speed is unimaginable to many people!

Those threefold primordial ancestors, even if they have one or two extreme path ancestral endowments, it is easy to comprehend the extreme extreme path corresponding to the extreme path of the ancestor of the extreme path, but it is difficult to comprehend the extreme extreme path, and the more the limit pole path of comprehension, and then comprehend a limit extreme path, it is as difficult as ascending to the sky!

The few Triple Origin Ancestors who had comprehended the seventy-two Extreme Extreme Dao that Ye Tian had seen in the Void God Domain before, they didn’t know how many Origin Domain Epochs they had cultivated, and they had paid an unknown price to achieve such an achievement.

Therefore, Ye Tian’s speed of comprehension was enough to make the five Ancestors envious and jealous.

The years go by.

Ye Tian comprehended one extreme path after another, and the black words on the Will Pagoda also became more and more.

Of course, Ye Tian’s resource consumption was very serious, and those resources taken from the Void God Domain were consumed too quickly.

Finally, on this day, Ye Tian’s resources were almost consumed.

“Cultivate to the peak of the Triple Origin Ancestor, comprehend the sixty-nine extreme paths, and the will pagoda is inscribed with sixty-nine black characters!”

Ye Tian’s current strength is much stronger than in the past!

For example, the Triple Origin Ancestor Blood Shadow Ancestor who shot arrows, Ye Tian’s current strength is not necessarily weaker than the other party, and it may even be more powerful.

“It’s a pity that the resources are exhausted, otherwise I would soon be able to comprehend the seventy-two extreme extremes!” Ye Tian muttered.

Of course, with his understanding and talent, it only takes a few hundred Origin Era at most to comprehend the remaining three extreme polar paths and gather the seventy-two extreme polar paths.

After comprehending so many extreme poles, Ye Tian was ready to create more and more powerful Primordial Control Poles, so that he could truly exert his strength and be comparable to those top triple primordial ancestors who were truly incomparable.

“Let’s first create an Primordial Control Technique involving thirty-six extreme extremes!”

Ye Tian planned.

Such a primordial control technique, if really created, must far exceed the ordinary primordial control technique.

Of course, it will also take a long time.

But he had to create, otherwise he would not be able to truly rank among the top three ancestors.


This day.

The entire end of the realm and the deep sea of the extreme path suddenly trembled.

At this time, all the pseudo-primordial ancestors and proto-ancestors became nervous.

“What’s going on?”

Ye Tian frowned slightly.

Soon, a perfect controller of the extreme realm began to exchange and inquire about the situation, after all, the entire realm suddenly trembled, as if it had been hit by something.

At this time, the Lord of the Boundless Boundary sent a message to Ye Tian.

“Endless Lord, something is wrong!”

The Unbounded Lord said.


Ye Tian soon met with the Unbounded Lord.

At this time, the Lord of Boundless took Ye Tian into the Primordial Black Sea.

“What happened?”

Ye Tian asked.

“Endless Lord, you perceive the end of the entire realm!” The Unbounded Lord said.

Ye Tian sensed it in the Primordial Black Sea and suddenly found something different.

Next to the end of the realm and the deep sea of the extreme road, there was an unknown original domain.

“No, it’s not the original domain, it’s the river basin!”

Ye Tian exclaimed.

“The Lord of Infinity seems to know a lot, and he actually knows the river basin.” The Unbounded Lord said solemnly: “Yes, this is indeed a river basin, a special domain that is constantly flowing. The original domain was hit by the river basin, this possibility is too low, but I didn’t expect that our realm ended to meet. The river basin has a natural cause, but most of it is a crisis! The river basin is often the lair of the primordial black beast, and how powerful the primordial black beast is, the weakest primordial black beast has the combat power of a heavy primordial ancestor, the stronger primordial black beast has the combat power of the double primordial ancestor, and the primordial black beast of the triple primordial ancestor also has a lot. At present, the boundary has no formal border with this basin. I have a suggestion, that is, just give up the end of the world and run away. We can take some top practitioners and abandon the rest. ”

“Abandon them all?”

Ye Tian was stunned, the Lord of Boundless was too ruthless.

“If we don’t give up, if we don’t escape, the end of the realm will be gone, if we take away a group of cultivators, if we find a weak original domain in the future, we can also invade each other and develop our cultivation civilization again!” The Unbounded Lord said.

“No, I don’t agree!”

Ye Tian rejected this suggestion.

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