It’s just a river basin, Ye Tian is not unable to deal with it, how can he abandon the end of the realm!

Of course, he also knew the Boundless Lord’s worries, because the Unbounded Lord was just an ordinary triple ancestor, and the watershed was too dangerous for him.

Moreover, the Lord of the Boundless is an entity and does not dare to take risks.

If he dared to take risks, he would not have dared to enter the treasure land that gave birth to the Nine Extremities Golden Lotus.

“Lord of Infinity, the river basin is not a joke, the danger of the river basin is strong and weak, but it is not something we can deal with!” The Lord of the Unbounded tried to persuade.

Ye Tian shook his head, “Unbounded Lord, I have a way to deal with a river basin, and the river basin also has a chance, I will not give up.” I know your worries, you think the watershed is terrible, but I’m not afraid, my strength has reached a level you can’t imagine! ”

“Your strength?”

The Lord of Boundless is confused, didn’t you just break through to the Triple Origin Ancestor not long ago, what strength do you have.

At this moment, Ye Tian no longer covered his breath.


The aura of the peak of the Triple Origin Ancestor was exposed, making the Boundless Lord tremble.

“The cultivation of the peak of the Triple Origin Ancestor!”

The Lord of Boundless knows very well how many resources he has to consume if he wants to raise his cultivation to the limit of the Triple Origin Ancestor, he has practiced for countless years, he doesn’t know how many resources he has refined, and he has only reached the peak of the middle stage of the Triple Origin Ancestor, and he has not yet stepped into the late stage of the Triple Origin Ancestor realm!

As a result, Ye Tian had now stepped into the peak of the Triple Origin Ancestor.

“Endless Lord, even if it is the peak of the Triple Origin Ancestor, there is still no way to help the river basin!” The Unbounded Lord said.

At this time, Ye Tian’s body was filled with an aura of extreme extremes.

Of course, Ye Tian only displayed seventy-two extreme auras.

At the same time, Ye Tian’s Will Pagoda emerged, and the aura of sixty-nine Extreme Extreme Daos permeated from the Will Pagoda, which meant that Ye Tian had already inscribed sixty-nine Extreme Extreme Dao.

“What, Endless Lord, you have comprehended seventy-two extreme extremes and inscribed sixty-nine extreme extremes on the will pagoda? How did you do it, and sixty-nine extreme extremes, there must be sixty-nine inscriptions, and the value of each inscription is unimaginable! No, you joined the forces of the Shangling Origin Domain and obtained the inscription technique of the system!!!! The Lord of the Unbounded reacted.

Ye Tian nodded and said, “Not bad, I have already joined the Fourth Heavenly Gate without Empty Heavenly Gate, and when the next time the Fifth Sacred Gate Void Tooth Holy Gate recruits members, I can directly enter the Void Tooth Holy Gate.” Moreover, I have also created the Primordial Control Technique, and my strength is already in the ranks of the top three Primal Ancestors of the Spirit Origin Ancestor in the High Grade Origin Domain! ”

“Endless Lord, I didn’t expect you to have grown to such a level, this is a demon!

The Lord of Boundless was shocked and envious at the same time.

At this moment, his strength was simply not at the same level as Ye Tian!

He originally went to a medium origin domain, mixed for countless years, and barely reached the realm of the triple original ancestor, and then went to the Shangling Origin Ancestor, mixed for countless years, and only grew to this extent, and the forces he joined can only be said to be small forces, and the big forces do not want him at all.

And the small forces did not have systematic inscription at all, which did not help him much.

Now, as soon as Ye Tian entered the Shangling Origin Domain, he joined the Fourth Heavenly Gate as a foreigner, and even entered the Fifth Sacred Gate, which really made him jealous.

“Unbounded Lord, I’ll go and take out the watershed to explore the situation first, if I can handle it, I don’t need to withdraw!”

Ye Tian said.


The Lord of the Unbounded answered.

Immediately, he returned to the end of the realm and informed the Lord of the Golden Body, the Lord of the White Night, and the Lord of Destruction.


Extreme true river.

“Boundless Lord, Endless Lord is even more powerful than you now?”

The Lord of the White Night was shocked.

It was really that Ye Tian was too low-key, and after becoming the perfect master of the extreme realm, he retreated and practiced penance.

According to the words of the Unbounded Lord, even if Ye Tianyi broke through and comprehended the Extreme Extreme Dao, he was only a Primordial Ancestor, they were also a Primordial Ancestor, and they were also a Primordial Ancestor Peak Realm.

Even if Ye Tian comprehended the Extreme Space-Time Extreme Dao, as long as he had the resources, he would soon be able to become a double ancestor.

However, the gap between the double ancestor and the triple ancestor is too big ah, and the difficulty is also very large.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tian not only became a triple ancestor, but also hoped to solve the watershed that even the Unbounded Lord could not solve.

Listening to the meaning of the Lord of the Boundless, the Lord of the Endless is already the first ancestor of the End of the Realm!

“How is he better than me!” The Lord of Boundless sighed, “He can crush me with one finger now!” ”

One finger crushes the Unbounded Lord?

The Lord of the White Night, they couldn’t believe it!

The Unbounded Lord said again, “You have to be prepared with both hands, if the Endless Lord really can’t solve the danger of the river basin, I will take you away as soon as possible.” ”

“Are watersheds really that dangerous?”

The Lord of the White Night asked.

He really doesn’t want to leave, this is his home, and he really wants to go, there is absolutely no way to take away all the cultivators, countless cultivators have to fall!

“It’s really dangerous, even if it’s me, I will be killed in an instant!” The Lord of the Unbounded sighed, “I once saw an image of a lower origin domain encountering a river basin, and that lower origin domain was even more powerful than us. As a result, the moment it communicated with the river basin, a dense primordial black beast emerged, comparable to thousands of primordial black beasts like me, and it destroyed that low-grade primordial domain in an instant. All the cultivators didn’t even have any hope of escaping, and even the original ancestors didn’t have time to escape, so they were killed directly. Therefore, if the danger of the river basin cannot be solved, it is necessary to leave in advance, otherwise when the day of interconnection really comes, you will not be able to escape. “The Unbounded Lord.

“I hope the Lord of Infinity can solve the danger of the watershed!”

The Lord of the Golden Body said expectantly.


“Watershed, I didn’t expect such good luck!”

Ye Tian was very happy.

He had just inquired about the watershed in the Voidless Heavenly Gate, and the watershed that made the Boundless Lord fearful, in the eyes of the real strong, it was a great opportunity!

Basically, there are many treasures containing extreme ways in every river basin, and the resources are extremely abundant.

Moreover, the basin also talks about the practice of a holy art, the glazed holy cover, which is one of the many holy arts found in the fourfold heavenly gate or the five-fold holy gate.

The glazed holy hood belongs to one of the holy arts, and involves thirty-three extreme polar paths, if you comprehend the corresponding thirty-three extreme polar paths, and then obtain the watershed, and incorporate the entire watershed into the body, you can cultivate into the glazed holy cover.

Once the Glazed Saint Hood is trained, its defensive ability is enough to withstand a blow from the top four primordial ancestors, and its life-saving ability skyrockets.

Any holy art in the Shangling Holy Domain, the cultivation conditions are extremely harsh, even many fourfold primordial ancestors cannot practice a holy art, only that very powerful fourfold primordial ancestor has the hope of practicing a holy art.

Among the three primordial ancestors, the existence of practicing holy arts is even rarer.

To a certain extent, the Holy Art is much more powerful than the original control technique, but the Holy Art cannot be maintained for a long time, and it has nothing to do with cultivation, and his power is fixed.

In other words, when the strength reaches a certain level, the holy art is useless, but the original control technique is useful.

To put it simply, holy art is a side door secret art, which temporarily makes the strength very strong, not the orthodox path.

But even so, for the Triple Origin Ancestor or the ordinary Quadruple Ancestor, the power of the Holy Art is too powerful!

For example, if a triple ancestor masters the glazed holy hood, before the power of the holy art is exhausted, the four primordial ancestors cannot kill the triple original ancestor, and can only wait until the other party’s holy art power is exhausted.

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